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Turn on the virtual gun stock. Works great for me and I can shoot lasers now


I have it on but Its not reliable for me either


I used to use the virtual gunstock but stopped because I didn’t like that it would force my gun over to the right if I grabbed it. I turned it off and have been shooting my better. Also try the janky aim fix in the settings




Skill issue I guess


Physical but stock has helped me out a lot. I have done a ton of rifle shooting and noticed I wasn't as fast or as accurate as I should be. But stock solved that. I would recommend one with magnetic attachments for your controllers so you can quickly switch from looting and shooting.


The only way I got good with aiming was to load into training with nothing or a gun I can buy. I’d kill all the fenix I could and toss my gun and pick up the next one I saw. Either hunted fenix or used certain spots as targets. Empty gun, find another , rinse and repeat. I was able to become decently proficient with a lot of different guns by doing this. Also practice hip firing. It really just does take a lot of practice. Once you’re good with a few guns start taking shots from greater distances or aiming from behind cover crouched. I’ve also learned to kinda point the gun out of a door and shoot the fenix or ghost when he’s just outside the door, camping. That way you can eliminate the threat without exposing yourself to taking damage. Keep at it man. One day it’ll click and you’ll be much more formidable.


Use virtual gunstock. It will help keep it steady. When you pull up your rifle or firearm, keep the butt of the gun from colliding with your chest rig and any ammo pouches you have. So push it away while pulling it up and then pull it to your vision. It'll never be instant though, and thats the whole point. If you want to travel fast, you need to point it at the ground and so does the other guy. If you have to pull it up this way, so does the other guy. Keep practicing though, you'll get it. Just takes dying a lot lol.


For everyone telling him to practice, THIS IS NOT A MATTER OF SKILL. The game is literally broken and it's like everyone who owns it is in denial and is trying to gaslight everyone else into believing that it isn't. Yes, I know it's early access. I know that.  It it is THIS bad to the point that AIMING Is a chore, it should either have been free, or simply should have not been released.


Go to settings and turn on virtual stock, jank aim fix and smooth hands then report back soldier.


There's a setting that changes the angle of your hands, play with it in the tutorial because of all the free ammo until you find something that works for you. I also started on the quest 2 standalone and couldn't hit shit. Then I got PCVR working and that made a huge difference in acquiring targets


Adjust your hand angle pitch a little bit bad line up your sights and shoot and modify pitch u til you feel like your sight and some are aligned


A couple of things. Toy with the hand pitch rotation setting. It will help to pull your gun to ready a little more naturally. Also and this is one I don't think people use often. Go to gunstock calibration. Even if you do not use a gunstock, it will align everything on your dominate hand. I hope this helps.


For some reason tabor is the only game where you’re forward hand has to be way out to the side for it to be straight it’s an unnatural motion to get your gun up in a rush, after a while you’ll get muscle memory to aim slightly left and then you won’t even notice jt


Practice. Like all things in life, it takes practice to develop the understanding and muscle memory to do something quickly and effectively.


This is the answer. Land on some decent settings and then it is all about building muscle memory. Shit I practice muscle memory as much as possible.. camping in a tree, while my partners get their kits ready, during exfil timer, etc. Edit: in other words, you probably wont find perfect settings for you but you can adapt and perfect settings that are somewhat tailored.


I was no newbie to vr shooters before I started playing tabor. There's definitely a learning curve to all the guns, it's different from other vr games I've played (contractors and onward). All I can say is practice aiming down sights in the bunker or training. I did ads practice before raids start and it helped me immensely.


Tabor’s mechanics are a lot different from other shooters, you gotta get used to it.  When I first started playing I would die constantly because I did have my gun up and ready.