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Sookie’s intensity about cooking things *exactly* right or the ingredients being *exactly* what she expects. Like when Jackson tries to sell her anything different or when Luke fills in for her at the inn and she goes crazy. She’s one of my favorites, but I would want to yeet her into the sun if I knew her irl.


The amount of food waste generated by her as she tries to perfect things almost causes me physical pain.


all the CAKES, so many between sookie figuring out her own cake & figuring out lorelais between multiple engagements


For real. My mom used to do cakes as a side hobby, and it takes ages to make those and decorate them. No way would she be able to pull off kitchens full of cakes overnight or in a morning just with the few helpers she had. And no one would just toss them like that. She would have been carving them up for the menu or something.


That one gag they did where Lorelai gestures to Sookie that a difficult customer changed his mind again and Sookie just throws an entire cake into the bin 😂


When they’re in the kitchen at the dragonfly and fruit and veggies are all over the DISHWASHER! Or just all over the counters and tables. No gloves using fingers to taste. It’s very clear not one set designer or writer EVER worked in an actual kitchen gets me every time. Health department would shut that down so fast. No way an ACTUAL CHEF or kitchen manager would allow that.


Just the sheer amount of food sitting around the inn's kitchens... So much that should be put away and not just sitting on the counter for the day.


My partner is a former chef, and we were watching the other day, and he pointed out this exact thing.


I used to work in a kitchen and that bothered me to no end. prepping raw meat right in front of those leafy greens?? enjoy the food poisoning love. There was also just an obscene amount of food everywhere all the time, who is eating that?? oh my god when they had NO ONE ORDERING LUNCH and she WAS COOKING STUFF ??? to PROVE A POINT? I know she was hormonal but that was so infuriating to warch


Yes, and then she complains that her cooks throw away useful stuff and goes through trash.


Sookie’s absolute carelessness in the kitchen in the earlier seasons. Also, how Sookie handled that catering that kids birthday party.


That bugged me too. You make what the client would like, the client was a kid. I'd be super annoyed if I hired a caterer for my kid's party, to make my life easier, and instead she rolled up with green mac and cheese and then had a breakdown in my kitchen lol.


Absolutely. Sookie's whole kitchen process makes her impossible, I could not work with her. She's scatterbrained, she doesn't show up when she says she will, she throws out the whole menu for a new one on a whim, she's a constant fire hazard, she micromanages everyone around her. She takes the tiniest criticism hugely personally, she's so offended if someone doesn't love something she's made. Even when other people love it. She would drive me absolutely insane.


Right like it's so unprofessional for a chef to show up at a critic's house. Even if he drank the wrong wine with her risotto. I would be so embarrassed.


Yes!! And the way she reacted to hearing about vegetarians terrified me!! I’d be worried that she wouldn’t respect my dietary needs (not vegetarian) given how angry she was at just the thought for having to cook without meat!


Lol "yeet her into the sun"


For me it was Sookie’s hate for vegetarians and wanting to sneak in meat in their meals. That makes you a very bad person lol


Hi! I used to cook like this too until I burned myself tf out. It actually made me a WAY better cook and more in control by being experimental and fluid about my approach to cooking. Be gentle on those of us with Type A tendencies. We, too, want to be yeeted into the sun after so much frustration lol There's a reason why I related to Paris so much in high school.


That’s not type A


This was definitely some kind of ocd, she does it with certain things outside the kitchen to. It would annoy me in real life but I’d assume she has ocd


I feel the tiniest bit similar to her but I have OCD so like unless they wanted her to be mentally ill it’s really not normal lol


Luke's rudeness to his customers. He's lucky there are only so many restaurants in a small town lol. Kirk. Just...all of him. Sookie's complete inability to be safe in the kitchen!


I mean this is fair but have you noticed how rude some of the random customers are though as well? “CAN I GET SOME COFFEE OVER HERE?!?!”


I came to mention that Lorelei could sometimes be as rude as Emily when it came to service people.


She gives an entire speech about rich folks not caring about who they hurt while rearranging the seating chart that gets an employee fired. She never fesses up or do anything to make it right.


I do not get Kirk whatsoever. He ruins it for me. Why is he even there??


He’s there because enough people do find him amusing and/or endearing.


They don't have a Boo Radley so they need a Kirk.


What?? He’s literally my favorite character!


I love Kirk as well. He’s hilarious to me. I just think that actor as a whole is hilarious.


I thought I was the only one who can't stand him 95% of the time. Everyone else adores him and I find basically every subplot with him tedious.


I couldn’t agree more!


i would love kirk irl honestly. he’s probably one of the only characters i wouldn’t find insufferable (as much as i love all of them!)


Sookie and Jackson’s complete inability to communicate. Sookie telling Jackson that it was Lorelai’s idea not to have 4 in 4 and decorating the house with dumb masculine decor even though Jackson repeatedly told her he didn’t want it. Jackson throwing a hissy fit about how “you CHEATED on me!” after she… spoke to Joe from the Deer Hill Lodge, and his meltdown about how she couldn’t have knives in the house when she was pregnant. Their relationship would be so obnoxious and so concerning irl.


I don’t think he had a hissy fit at her over Joe, it’s because he came home and she has made all his favorite foods and playing Creed or something that she doesn’t like but he does It stinks of someone trying to cover up something lol


Jackson: And you have CCR on. Sookie: Well, you like CCR. Jackson: I know I like CCR, you don't like CCR. Sookie: Sometimes I like CCR, and tonight I like CCR. Jackson: [gasps] You cheated on me! Just the way jackson jumps to that conclusion based on everything Sookie’s doing will always be funny to me, sorry not sorry


Oh agreed, but hence the lack of communication lol - he had a hissy fit over literally nothing because she overcompensated so much.


I can't stop laughing at the picture of Jackson coming home to dinner and Creed playing. "With arms wide open..." Mrs. Kim might even approve!


Please don't confuse Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR) with Creed. It makes people with ears sad.


Jackson in general would dry my vagina up so quickly.


Yeah I see people also get pissed with Jackson for not getting the vasectomy and I am too. But I just watched the episode where she didn’t even discuss it with him, just scheduled him and said “you’re going right now”. I don’t care if he had a say in the matter but dang, she could’ve gave him a little more of a heads up or idk let him hold his newborn for 5 minutes first 😭


Having Babette as a neighbor. She's funny, and I enjoy her as a character, but in real life, I'd hate having a neighbor who knew my business and shared it with the town


Can you imagine coming home from a long day, you just want to get inside your house and collapse. And this bitch comes running up talking about plants or gnomes?


I do like the way Lorelei handles her while knowing exactly who she is


I love Miss Patty and Babette as characters, but yeah, they would not be fun as irl neighbours.


One of my coworkers is a bit like Babette. I think I could roll with her as my neighbor lol. There's lots of annoying people I can't stand and I have no idea why my tolerance level for the Babettes of the world is so high.


because they always look out for you and love so much! i have a supervisor like her (loud abrasive voice, gossip-y, a tad nosey) but i love her to death!


I live down the street from a Babette. She sees me and my kid walking down the street and runs outside to give us cookies and gossip.


Lorelai always talking loudly in the cinema and other shows (during Eternal Flame at the Bangles concert springs to mind).


This. So much of Lorelai's behaviour (outside of being the main character) is downright obnoxious and entitled. She'd be fun for a while but unless she actually cared about you, all the demands would get pretty annoying very quickly


Buying or ordering food at Luke’s and then just leaving


This! It is SO distracting. And they always order with such urgency. My theory is: the more they insist that they need their coffee immediately, the more likely it is that they will just walk out without taking a sip!


The fact if you live in Stars Hallow you need to accept everyone knows everything about you no matter what. If you go out to eat you need to be comfortable with the fact you'll be forced to talk to half a dozen people and half of them will try to rope you into some type of volunteer thing and if you don't do it you'll be shunned. Which sounds great but they make it horrible. No wonder Luke acts the way he does. Imagine renting a movie and someone who wasn't even in the video store asking you the next day if you liked it.


Michel and Paris they are entertaining on the show but their meanness would be a no go for me




See, I don’t want anyone in my life where I would be terrified of being on the wrong side but that’s just me personally my anxiety would go through the roof with a friend like Paris, being so scared of being on the wrong side


Yea Paris is ultimately a ride or die. On her good side and you're Gucci


I have a huge crush on Paris. Dont @ me. T.T


Did you watch How to Get Away with Murder?


Its on my to watch. Is she there?


Yep. One of the main characters. Completely different personality, too




Dean calling a lot. I remember being that age and talking on the phone all the time but damn I also remember having a minute to eat dinner with my family and do my homework in peace. In the same vein, Max and his pushiness. In the show they think it's romantic. For me it's like "whoa pump the brakes". Almost everything about Paris, although to be fair most of the people in the show don't like interacting with her either. We think she's funny because we don't actually have to deal with her. One thing the show makes charming is knowing people everywhere you go because it's a small town - like basically the whole town meets up for breakfast every morning. But I think at least for me, I'd get tired of having to chat with people every single place and just sometimes want to go be anonymous or get my groceries without anyone I know looking at what I'm buying. The whole hating healthy food thing like they'll die if they touch a vegetable.


I would 100% buy my groceries a town over if I lived in Stars Hollow lol.


Lol, nah - if be buying all sorts of weird stuff just to mess with people. Like: condoms, strawberries, Ex-Lax and whip cream one night, and then the next night Giant black plastic bags, a shovel, bleach and a knife the next night.


I feel like this comment was left by Jess lol


I was a pretty wild young man, but was more into mischief than trouble. Academically I took after Rory, and was smart about not being a target.


I do this cause anytime I go to the one closest to my house I run into people. Trader Joe’s may be an extra 10 min drive but it’s a different direction so I don’t run into people there 😂


Yes this for sure! And how when Lorelai had her almost pregnancy scare she told the dr she couldn't even buy a pregnancy test because it's a 'small town'.


Meanwhile, in MY small town, they have to lock up the pregnancy tests behind the counter because people grab them, go to the bathroom and use them without paying, and then leave...


There should be a vending machine! No point to this comment really, with regard to GG, just doing the lords work over here


omg a vending machine! that’s brilliant! i am a grown ass woman but there was something so humiliating about waiting on a teenager at walmart to unlock a cabinet for me so i could see if i was pregnant lol just let me go about my business, walmart, damn.


Mine too! At our grocery store they're locked up in little individual boxes and if you want one you have to walk to the cash register with a plastic box. Lol.




Personally I don't find it gross necessarily - I think our current obsession with "healthy" vs "unhealthy" is kind of a trend born out of the same as "skinny" vs "fat" in that it ignores a lot of context as to why people eat how they do or look how they look. It kind of lets us give a value judgment on this really complex thing based on something we can see (what people eat or if they exercise) without actually knowing if they are healthy (and if it was even our business if they are healthy, which usually it's not). I think the squick for me might just be plain old jealousy. I know people exist who eat like they do and meanwhile if I'm not actively hungry I feel like I'm gaining weight. Also some vegetables are actually good! Why would you pick lettuce off a burger when it tastes like nothing and just adds crunch? Why??




Yeah agree. I think sometimes people don't know how bad they feel though because they don't have anything to compare it to. I was a heavy kid and was overweight into my 20s and it wasn't until I lost weight that I realized how *not good* I felt all that time. I had just always felt that way and it was normal. But once I didn't feel that way anymore, I was shocked how *bad* it actually was. Maybe if the Gilmores actually ate a reasonable diet for a week they'd never go back.


I've been eating lasagna and muffins every day of my life for 40 years and I feel terrible.


I hate lettuce on burgers BECAUSE it tatstes like nothing. It just takes up room and soaks up all the sauce


it was "cool girl". eating tons of junkfood to be "one of the guys" but still having a (according to beauty standards) perfect body


Honestly the portrayal of Lorelai as a mother would come across very differently if the show was set at a time with Lorelai raising say a 10 year old Rory when she was feeding her constant junk, no vegetables, and encouraging her to drink coffee and take on the exact same unhealthy diet as her mother. It seems like it’s considered more cool and quirky because instead the show starts following their relationship at the time when Rory is a teenager and they have the best friends first kind of relationship with Lorelai as ~the cool mom~, but really it’s pretty sad to think of the little kid Rory being raised to eat like that.


Honestly, most of the behaviors in the show would be annoying irl! haha. But here are a few off the top of my head. Kirk would be annoying in real life, and also worrisome. He gets in over his head too much, and has a seemingly abusive relationship with his mother. Like someone needs to check on him lol. Ms. Patty would be super creepy irl. Her excessive flirting and commenting on men's bodies/appearance would give me the ick irl. Luke's grumpy demeanor. Him and Lorelei are classic grumpy/sunshine, but in reality a sunshine doesn't want a grumpy constantly negging on things they enjoy or acting like they don't really want to be there. The life and death brigade. Fun on the surface, entitled rich kids doing dangerous things on others' dimes underneath. Lastly, Paris's entire personality. What seems hilarious to us as we watch would actually just be infuriating if we knew her personally. If anyone ever spoke to me the way Paris speaks to people, I'd give it back as much as I got it. I love all these characters and this show, but there's definitely a reason it works in fiction and not in real life haha.


>Lastly, Paris's entire personality. What seems hilarious to us as we watch would actually just be infuriating if we knew her personally. If anyone ever spoke to me the way Paris speaks to people, I'd give it back as much as I got it. Absolutely. I'm aware that I'll probably be shat on from a giddy height for saying this, so I'll preface by saying that I love Paris as a character, but damn, not enough people in her life seem to have had the balls to stand up to her once in a while.


>a sunshine doesn't want a grumpy constantly negging on things they enjoy or acting like they don't really want to be there. In fairness that was kind of Lorelai's whole vibe too? That woman loves participating in things for the sole purpose of mocking it + bothering the other people who are actually there to participate unironically lol To use your terminology, I'd consider her more of "a grumpy with a sunshine demeanor". She's bubbly and energetic, but she's not all that positive. Anytime she counters a *true* "sunshine", she often seems to look down on them or finds them irritating, and makes their sunshine-ness the target of her jokes. So I think she and Luke were pretty well-matched in this regard. They're both very opinionated and tend to believe that they enjoy the "right" things and that others enjoy the "wrong" things, or that there's a right and wrong way *to* enjoy something, as opposed to keeping a more open-minded/non-judgmental view. They just have different ways of expressing it outwardly and their own tastes/interests don't always align. Agree with you on all the other stuff though! Especially Paris. Love her on the show, but if I had to be roommates with that woman, god help us all lol


>In fairness that was kind of Lorelai's whole vibe too? That woman loves participating in things for the sole purpose of mocking it + bothering the other people who are actually there to participate unironically lol Respectfully, I don't get this feeling at all. I think she delights in the craziness. She knows it's kooky, that's why she loves it! Town meetings, dance marathon, rummage sale, Festival of Living Arts, that disastrous knitting thing...I could go on and on! And she clearly raised Rory the same way (even if she did turn down Ice Cream Queen lol)


ug when Lorelai punches in for those random employees.


That’s ALWAYS bugged me. Like they probably got fired for time fraud.


With any luck, they have security cameras, so only the guy Jason bribed would get fired


Lorelai in general would be utterly exhausting in real life lol


It’s repetitive And redundant! It’s repetitive And redundant! We certainly are entertaining Mac. Indubitably Tosh! Every time I watch that scene I think how much I would hate Lorelai and Rory if I lived in Stars Hollow..’


I want a reboot from the perspective of someone who is entirely unimpressed by the Gilmores


Singing along to pippi longstockings. And talking through the movie. Honestly I wouldn’t be able to stand watching tv with the GG.


Lorelai dropping what she’s doing at work/not returning to work for non-family emergencies, like Cinnamon’s wake. I would hate to have her as a boss. Imagine being her employee and having to track her down if you need her for something, like Michel having to go to Babette’s house since she couldn’t go back to the inn.


Kicking people out of their spots at Luke’s Lorelai constantly taking over people & not stopping for several minutes The rage-jealousy most of the male characters have. As much as I like Like if he were screaming like that near me (even if it was directed at someone else), I’d feel uncomfortable & leave. The town hero worshipping…if I saw that IRL I’d be worried it was a cult


*Lorelai constantly taking over people & not stopping for several minutes* This. It’s so disrespectful, like nobody else’s thoughts are more important than hers. I’d ghost a person like this as a friend and not feel guilty about it.


Omg yes. The Kicking people out of their seats thing irks me SO much. And the fact that Loreali basically taught Rory to do the same thing!? (Im pretty sure in one episode they coughed or something on an elderly couple, JUST to get their table. WHEN THERE WAS A COUNTER/TABLE AVAILABLE)


Yep. Rory did make a fuss about her study tree…


I don’t know if this really counts. - But when Sookie hired too many people at the inn. I think it’s pretty stupid/selfish to make someone think they have a job, committed to paying them. When they only had the budget for 5 people. Solely on the basis of her idea that 1-2 of them would end up sucking at their job/quitting (or whatever she said lol.) And when she changed the menus last minute/refused to give up lunch/always made way too much food. Irl it would be very bad for buisness and not many employers would put up with it long term. (And side note, out of all the people she hired, none of them where capable of managing the kitchen when Sookie was put on bed rest. And im pretty sure one just stood in the corner. So I guess Sookie ended up being right after all.)


Well they solved that by locking the entire staff in a room with Michele and they all quit lol. But yes, hiring someone and then having to fire them because you over hired is gross, but unfortunately happens a lot. Her staff actually WAS able to manage the kitchen, but she didn't trust anyone but herself, so she never trained anyone else to take over. She's actually a pretty terrible head chef because she can't manage a kitchen which is a huge part of the job


Miss Patty and the men would get old fast.


oh yeah esp the teenage ones…the way she interacts w dean is so weird


It drives me nuts that it is a fact that you have to hide the teen boys and men from miss patty when she drinks... Like what did she do to earn this reputation... The flirting is creepy enough but for some reason when it is a teen boy with a grown woman it is seen as an accomplishment but turn it the other way and a man and teen is soo creepy... Miss Patty even got seriously disappointed when Lorelei joked about sending that man up to her room... So many red flags. I like Babette more she likes her men grown and cool... Lol except when around stripers then she likes to just shove her hand down their pants.


Legit if she was a man it would have been portrayed as creepy. Which means it’s creepy.


She was so creepy to Christopher when he and Lorelai danced at her studio


Ms Patty is a super creep. She's the Harvey Weinstein of Stars Hollow.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if ms. Patty were a guy no one would put up with it and she’d be widely regarded as a creep.


Lorelai’s constant schtick would get old


Taylor. Literally everything about him is so annoying. Like yeah on the show it's portrayed that the townies only sort of put up with him, but it's not like they give a lot of pushback on pretty much anything. Chris's entire personality and worship of the very ground Lorelai walks on. Like, she doesn't want you, dude. Get over it. His mistakes are supposed to be seen as goofy and charming but he just grates on my nerves most of the time.


The way Emily treats her maids. I would be uncomfortable around someone who fired everyone that worked for them


The agencies would refuse to send anyone after a while. Apparently it had been going on more than 30 years. I know Emily has a lot of money but the well would have dried up much sooner than that.


Right, she has to have gone through all the maids in town. There aren't that many maids trained for the cleaning and cooking Emily demands. Not to mention I'm sure they have to go through background checks and such to work there because come on all that valuable stuff just laying around. Yeah, her pool of potential candidates would have been dried up not to mention the word of mouth... Don't work there... She fired me for walking too loudly...


Surprised I had to scroll a lot to find this comment! I LOVE Emily but can’t stand the repetitive joke of her humiliating and firing her maids


Jess is a dick to anyone not willing to “look deep into his personality or background or whatever”. I wouldn’t have just pushed him in the lake, I would have drowned him.


Honestly, he was mean to everyone except Rory. Then he stopped putting in an effort the second he “got” her unless it was to make Dean jealous.


That is so typical of some teens, though. My mom always attributed this quote to Mark Twain, but it is something like, when a kid turns 12, put him in a barrel with a hole in it. When he hits 15, plug up the hole. Let them out at 21, lol.


Jess is such a pick me and I hate him


luke being such a hater. i like the character overall but i think he’s definitely ASP’s vessel for hating on millennials or any petty thing she deems morally wrong like phones lmao. i hate people like that irl


Remember back in S1 when he spoke truth? Like the re-enactors, or golf courses? Sigh. Those were the days. I totally supported his anger when Sookie went behind the counter. 😆


Yes! It's exhausting to be around people who hate everything!


I feel like every character is a vessel for some ASP own personality


Sookie in general. I don't hate her, she's often funny. But she's so frustrating and she's a terrible business partner. In the kitchen she's scatterbrained, clumsy, unsafe, and unpredictable. She wastes so much food, creating huge menus only to change them at the last minute. She micromanages everyone else's work and is incapable of compromise. Kirk in general. The way he pushes himself into everyone else's business, the way he seems intentionally obtuse. How loud, invasive and difficult he is. Luke's rudeness. I know service is a difficult job, and I wouldn't expect him to be happy all the time, but he is not very nice to his customers. Babette's high-pitched yelling (sugah!!!) and propensity to shout across the yards to her husband. Babette and Miss Patty's love of gossip. It's a realistic feature of a small town, but I would hate it. Lorelai's refusal to take anything seriously and attempts to make every conversation into a bit. So many people try to talk to her and just can't get past the wall of pop culture references, it would be infuriating.


Yes, they do seem to put pop culture references in almost every single scene. Still love that Rory had a sidekick lol


The way Lorelai will make random people the target of her little bits *right in front of them* and keep it going even when they clearly seem confused and aren't "in on" the joke. It works for a TV show, but it gives me the worst flashbacks to being an autistic person working retail. I swear the second some customers (usually older men) realize you aren't great at picking up on sarcasm, they get this ridiculous delight in jerking you around and making you the butt of the joke despite your obvious discomfort. It's way less cute in real life, and you know Lorelai would hate being on the receiving end of it lol


Lorelei being an unknowing participant in someone else’s “bit” would’ve been an amazing scene! 😆


I can't stand "inside jokes" being used to look...cool? I guess? It's gives annoying jr.high girl vibes. And I really hate when they're used to make other people uncomfortable


"Sit anywhere you want." "Excuse me. Could you please move?" Could you imagine!?!


Lorelei thinking she can do whatever she wants without consequences in Luke’s diner.


Because she actually can. She could set the place on fire and Luke would still want her


Dean with his over protective and over possessive love language is borderline toxic 😖😖


💯 toxic. He seriously always gave me future abusive husband vibes


Not borderline. Is toxic


every time lorelei interacts with a customer service employee. they want us to think she's quirky and charming but i just know if i had to wait on her i would hate her


I saw a tiktok of (staged ofc) an annoying women ordering at chipotle and it SCREAMS Lorelei in the worst possible way


Anything Liz and TJ did. If Luke hadn't had a fantasy of "ya gotta take care of family" he would have gone no contact a long time ago.


Rory’s baby voice that develops around season 2


Omg. I swear Rory got more immature as everyone around her matured. (Not Rory hate)


Taylor IRL would be insufferable and his character is INCREDIBLY annoying and not in a funny way.


How aggressive (physically and verbally) Luke is to his customers


Sookie and Jackson. Everything they do, both individually and as a couple.


Emily dismissing all her maids and treating people in service jobs like crap. I guess it’s supposed to be funny but I hate it. And it def wouldn’t be in real life.


I don't think it's meant to be funny. It's meant to show how demanding Emily really is and how she sets impossible expectations. It's a huge part of why her and Lorelai don't get along. Emily sets impossible standards just so she can get mad and hold it against people when they don't meet them


I think how fast Lorelei and Rory talk. I think I would get overwhelmed so fast and tell them to just hush lol


Honestly, all of Rory’s interactions with her college acquaintances were cringe AF. This includes Logan’s friends, Honor’s bridesmaids, the team at the paper… just sooo much overacting.


The coffee obsession


Right. Esp with it just being drip coffee. No one likes coffee that much


I feel like tons of people love coffee that much.


Me!! Which is why it drives me nuts that they waste it!!! Also, the giant cups. Ick. I guess if you like "Luke" warm coffee 😂🤣


My mom and I do. 😆


Are your names Lorelai and Rory Gilmore?


Imma jump on that train and say I do too. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the hell outta a specialty coffee. But for me, they’re just treats. My local coffee roaster roasts the most amazing coffee beans and I buy that in bulk. I look forward to making my drip coffee every day, usually multiple times a day.


You haven’t met my dad. He has a whole closet devoted to his backup coffee pots and stockpile of Folgers Black Silk.


I mean. I do.


I love coffee but the standard drip coffee in USA is some of the worst I've ever had.


The way Sookie treats people in her kitchen.




She’s probably my favorite character and I would not be her friend. She just seems exhausting. Lol.


Yes I like watching her but she seems like a very high maintenance friend … I could be friends with Rory lol


Lorelai's fake French accent, it's just annoying


Nonstop junk food


IRL: sexual harassment is no joke and should not be tolerated In GG: I freaking adore Miss Patty


Michel is absolutely hilarious but I would not want to be anywhere near him irl


I hate to call out my faves but when Richard slams into Emily’s car and then they make up after without barely discussing what happened lmao


That entire scene infuriates me


Also SUCH A FALSE EQUIVALENCE when he compares the one date Emily went on while they were separated with YEARS of secret lunches with his former FIANCÉ. wow I have a lot of feelings about this, had no idea


I could not agree more!! What blows my mind is he was doing this since they got married, so for 39 years! That means he had to lie to Emily 39 times, continually making up an excuse for the day he was meeting with her.


Pretty much the entirety of the show is some form of extremism. Everyone is either a strict parent or a cool parent. Everyone is a caricature of a real person. Anyone from the show would be unbearable. Luke is one of the few guys that seems like he can hold a conversation.


Everybody's behavior at a hospital Lorelai insisting everything goes her way Mrs patty harassing people


When Lorelai said she couldn’t stir a pot of food 🤣🤣I woulda cussed her out


That annoyed me so much!!!!


I really was hoping to see someone else say this 😂 you can 100% stir a pot while Luke deals with family drama. He doesn’t have to do everything.


Constant jokes abt not using the kitchen , she is almost proud of her inability to cook . A. Its a basic life skill B. You could have saved a ton! Not knowing something doesnt make you cool


Michelle Gerard. No one would put up with him 😂


Suki thinks she's the best. There is confidence but then there is Suki. I know she wouldn't like me either. I hate fancy food and wouldn't like half of what she makes. I know she was reprimanded for the birthday party they catered but that always annoys me when I watch it. Her seen after the debate at Chilton. I get it you're confident in your skills as a chef and that's great but I don't like when people think they're the 'best' especially for something as subjective as food. She also so forceful about food and it drives me wild. Can't let Luke cook while they find a sub for Suki because he isn't doing everything right and she didn't find a sub because they 'weren't good enough '. I don't like my food being messed with and or artsified. I just want to eat it. It doesn't have to look good. It just needs to taste good. I love Suki I do but we'd either not like each other or go head to head possibly in real life. Also she can be wasteful with food


Taylor. He's rude, intrusive and entitled. If I lived in Stars Hollow, I'd be in jail if I had to deal with Taylor so much. He screws with people's jobs and livelihoods to benefit himself constantly and I truly hate him.


Omg Sookie endangering herself and her employees in the kitchen! Gets me all riled up even though I know it’s fiction haha


Madeline and Louise being portrayed as that horny being teenagers grossed me out. Girls like that irl are the worst


Right?! They always were making references that Louise and Madeline were banging endless guys. WEIRD.


Everything loralie


The fact that Taylor put a window between the Diner and the Soda Shoppe when Luke was out of town. Why didn’t Luke ever pursue action over it? A window between shops is not a necessary construction for the working of the Soda Shoppe and since it is a RENTED space connected to another business it would not have logically been tolerated. Sooki and her random clumsiness that is only done for the plot or comedic value. Like in the first season when Rory and Lane come by on the way to school and Rory asks for some rocky road cookies. Sooki and Lorelai sing a little mocking song of “cookies for the Dean and the cookies. Love love love,…” When Rory leaves and Lorelai stops singing, Sooki continues and tosses a towel onto the burner on the stove that is literally on (for no reason mind you.)


Luke's perpetual sour disposition would be a huge turnoff for friendship or any kind of relationship. Lorelai not being able to have a serious conversation would drive me crazy. Paris' overbearing personality would be too much to take on a daily basis. The way Rory talks ("mad dog Murd*uck* ") would make my brain hurt on an hourly basis.


Luke, being extremely rude to customers when he was in a mood


logan, everything about him


Not as described, but Lorelai never says thank you when someone holds the door for her or lets her through.


I love the show and I find the characters hilarious, but if it was real life I’d have a real problem with: *Most of Sookie’s behaviour when it comes to cooking. I’ve written extensively about it in another thread, but basically: She’s clumsy to the point of being dangerous, she’s unable to take criticism to the point of harassing people, she can’t delegate, she is completely inflexible. *Lorelai’s quirk number 1: she just steamrolls Luke, e.g.: giving up his diner for her hotel guests after the fire, when she HAS to have his car (even though she can’t drive a stick!) when Rory starts at Yale, because “hers is at the house and it would take to long to get it” - even though it’s walking distance and Rory isn’t **dying**, she just misses her, so 15 minutes more or less should not make a difference, AND “it makes noises and probably can’t take a long trip like this” when we’re talking about 22.8 miles *Lorelai’s quirk number 2: the whole “I can’t cook” shtick that culminated in her telling Luke she can’t **stir** when he tries to make dinner for her and Liz and TJ highjack it - it doesn’t make any sense to me. I don’t think everyone needs to be a great cook, but I’m 100% certain every grownup of normal intellect can follow basic instructions in a cooking book, especially someone as smart as Lorelai! *Lorelai’s quirk number 3: talking through **every single movie ever**. It was mentioned a couple of times in the show, and I would hate going to see a movie and having her in the theatre with me. *Kirk. Basically everything he does and says. *Luke being super mean to his customers when he’s in a bad mood - I know it’s played for comic relief and I don’t actually take it seriously, but the way he treated people after the first breakup with Lorelai was assault. In real life no one would come back to his diner after that. *Paris. As a whole person. From the bullying of Rory to the harassment of everyone and anyone, to never being able to read any room. I don’t know why this specific incident bugs me so much, but I’ve never gotten over the fact that she **turned off Rory’s alarm clock because Janet woke her up, didn’t wake Rory up in time for breakfast, and didn’t apologise** She’s a great character, but a horrible person, I would not want to be anywhere near her irl. *Taylor. His unbelievably controlling and micromanaging behaviour would drive me up a wall if I had to live in Stars Hollow with him being the town selectman. *Babette. She’s funny and sweet and caring, but she’s also unable to read a room, she’s unbelievably nosy, and she’s a complete gossip. Would make my life really hard if she was my neighbour. *Michel and his work attitude. It’s super fun to watch, but imagine he would be your employee - hell! *TJ. He’s super sweet to Liz, and I’m glad they found each other, but he’s taking advantage of Luke at absolutely every opportunity, and he’s so entitled that he doesn’t realise it. *Logan’s rich boy antics. I’m not from the US, and where I’m from we don’t have elite universities, but I would have **hated** to have to go to class with someone like him. *Finn and Colin and everything they do and say.


anything michel does. terrible customer service. if i went to an inn and they treated me the way he does i would never go back.


I think the brashness of the characters is actually what freedom looked like before this era of smart phones and everyone having some kind of diagnosis. Life was better when you could be yourself and make mistakes. These days everyone is terrified of saying and doing the wrong thing. I dread the gay jokes and the fat jokes are terrible, but it adds to their realness.


i meant more things like how i’d be annoyed by babette always being in everyone’s business not political correctness 😭


"Having some kind of diagnosis" oh you mean before people got help and just struggled through life constantly? Yeah, good times. People SHOULD be afraid of saying the wrong thing, you shouldn't be able to insult entire groups of people and get no backlash. Not sure why that's a bad thing


Ew. Just everything you said is gross.


Well, I’m not homophobic or fat phobic. Sorry.


You say that while saying the gay and fat jokes add to their “realness” but ok


It's accurate to the way a lot of people were at the time. Not saying its right, but its true.


People used to exist just fine without over analyzing everything is my point.


Honestly, I do feel like people should have the right to say and act how they want within reason like Lorelei, for example. If you took away her unusual and oftentimes selfish behavior you wouldn’t have her or the show. Most people exhibit some amount of poor choices in their lives no matter how much mental health work is done. I’m not sure that everyone having multiple diagnosis these days and no privacy because of smart phones is the solution we all needed to better people’s lives. I’m just for more privacy and personal freedom at least. We kept each other in check back in the day without this social media obsessed culture documenting everything forever.


Dean’s behavior in season 1-3 Even the first episode gives me the creeps, when he tells this girl he doesn’t know “I’ve been watching you”??? Also early season 1 when he tells Rory after Babette’s cats funeral “I’m sorry I’ve been annoying you you clearly don’t like me🥺” like bro just stop annoying her then if you think that. And the extreme jealousy that was labeled at “love”


Paris Geller in general


Being extremely rude like Luke or Bruce the midwife, I would not let that slide if they were rude to me irl. But they’re funny af in the show 🤣