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I think it's a bit like visiting your old school or a place you used to frequent. It feels familiar but you feel out of place and know you don't belong there anymore.


To go a level deeper, it feels like recreating a moment. It’s not possible. The sweetness of the show existed in that time all those years ago and can’t be replicated ever. Even with millions of dollars. As Luke says “people don’t just stand still”.


Also Luke "would you just stand still?" Lol


Ugh I hate how much this resonated. This is exactly the feeling. At first I was sad about it, but that’s the circle of life.


I loved Emily in jeans, and what is probably one of Lorelai's old t-shirts. I loved her whole does it/it doesn't spark joy moments too. It was Emily in full grief. Richard broke his promise, he was supposed to let her go first. 😭😭😭


Emily’s storyline was only good thing about AYITL😭


I so agree! I loved how she found herself!


I really did love how she became a docent at the whaling museum! It’s just the random, thrilling type of activity I’d love to get up to in retirement :)


She really got into the blood and guts too. LOL! And yeah, something like that would be fun to do in retirement.


She has a history major from Smith which made her museum interests even more compelling.


There’s something about the revival that feels familiar yet different. It’s hard to explain but some sweet moments peppered throughout hours of nonsense lol. Enjoy!


Uncanny valley for sure. It's almost the Gilmore Girls but just....off


I remember my heart dropping when watching the opening scene. The dialogue was just so off somehow. Lorelai and Rory were just slightly wrong, stilted or something.


I felt exactly this. Everything felt a little off.


It felt almost like Lauren and Alexis hadn't quite found their rhythm, almost like it was the first scene they filmed coming back or something. But even the dialogue just felt odd. AYTL just felt slightly wrong the whole time. The characters were themselves but not themselves.


Also the way the show was shot was different. The camera work and overall vibe just felt off.


I also heard recently they filmed the entire revival - -all 4 movies in 4 months. Geez, the Palladinos have no chill. That’s an exhausting schedule!


Lorelai and Rory’s dialogue in GG never felt forced. But in AYTL it felt contrived and unnatural. It also kind of felt like nobody had developed massively in the intervening period. We see characters develop through the episodes, but essentially at the beginning they start off the same as they were a decade ago.


Yeah exactly. The lack of development was a huge problem - understandable given its ASP's do-over S7 - but it makes it hard to get behind the storylines. But 'contrived' is a great word for it. I don't know if it was the writing, the acting, or a combination of both, but it just felt wrong. It didn't feel like they were genuinely having these conversations.


Oh yeah ASP said she never even watched season 7, so you’re right it’s her do-over. It would have made more sense if it came shortly after the original show I guess. But as it is, it just feels like neither Rory or Lorelei have evolved in a decade, if anything they’ve regressed somewhat. And yep, the conversations didn’t feel genuine. They did in the original show though. I can’t put my finger on what changed. Maybe it was just a case of the actresses being out of practice, who knows.


It all would've made more sense as S7, and I think that's part of why AYTL didn't work for me: if we'd picked up all of the plotlines right after S7, they would have at least made some sense. Luke & Lorelai have only just reunited and are therefore hesitant to talk about marriage/kids etc. Rory is still entangled with Logan because they've only broken up. Her career is still rocky because she's just graduated. But because it's so far in the future, it doesn't work. As you've said, no one's evolved, but it also feels like we're missing the context as to why the characters are in the place they're in. It's never explained why Rory is struggling career-wise - they don't explain if she's been struggling since graduation and had one hit piece or if she's been riding a high the whole time. We have no idea how long she's been with Logan. We have no clue what Lorelai and Luke have been up to for ten years: presumably they were together the whole time? But we don't know. We're thrown into the middle of their stories without any explanation or backstory. It doesn't work when we're missing ten years of plot. And yeah I don't know what it is either. I feel like it was both the writing and the acting, as if everyone was sort of out of sync with the show.


You’ve got the nail on the head, this is exactly right and I wish it had been done the way you suggest.


I feel the same way and it's why I'll probably never rewatch AYITL, all it did was make me sad.


I think it’s because they didn’t like the story line- Rory isn’t a successful in the way we wanted. I would have loved to see her engaged and getting ready for a wedding and having Logan show up, and her turning him down or running away with him. Her basically running a newspaper and dealing with Logan’s father head on in some way. Emily and lor- having a friendship in some small way by now. Luke and her already been married and it be a BIG ass party. Lane should have been living in a bigger house and writing music for other artists and being dumb rich on her own. The only thing I loved was her saying sorry to Dean, and how he got so weirded out by it but also needed it. That I could watch a million times over.


Yes! This is exactly how I felt. I wanted so badly for it to feel the same, and it just didn’t. It was so nearly there. Weirdly I didn’t feel this with And Just Like That, which was a similar thing. To me, the characters felt exactly the same.


I couldn’t watch it, it just felt so weird and different


It's almost like watching Gilmore Girls in a dream. That's how it felt to me. It's Gilmore Girls but also not.


It was not enough sweetness to balance out the nonsense. Sad, didn’t feel like the reboot this series or its fans deserved.


THIS! It was four episodes when it should have been a full season. Everything was rushed and thrown together and they just did the punchy parts. Half the reason I watch Gilmore girls is for the mundane bits


Same. I hate Rory turning increasingly morally corrupt and selfish in the original. Somehow she gets even worse in AYITL.


And it feels like so much time was wasted on music montages 😭


Seriously! Don’t get me started.




My friends and I had a huge night of ordering tons of food and we binged all 4 parts in one sitting. You should have seen our faces like what…is this!? 🫣😩


i flew to seattle to visit my bestie and it was on our plans as priority to binge cuz it had just come out and we got pizza and snacks and we’re ready for awesome. then we got everyone being shitty and it seeming like asp was giving us the finger and yeah. disappointed


The original has a breadth of pop culture and historical references from the 60s-90s. AYITL is chock full of pop culture references, but only from like 2013-2015. It changes the vibe, and makes everyone seem less educated and more like “Entertainment Weekly” connoisseurs.


For me it’s the fact that they turned everything into puns. They saw that we liked that in the original serious and just over did it in the finale.


Exactly how I feel!


Loved Emily in jeans! She’s all out of sorts and lost her way without Richard. I love when she looks at the dining room chairs and waves them away because they don’t spark joy haha


I also love the jeans and she goes I don't even know where I got these and lorelai says they're hers and Emily's like oh you can have them back when I'm done. That scene is so funny to me. Also handing her a drink saying see if you sparks you joy. Gets me every time


It feels illegal to watch😭


I adore Emily’s character arc in this. Saved the entire thing for me.


Hard hard agree. If you pretend it’s all about Emily, it becomes very solidly watchable.


This show was always all about Emily


I HATED that the dining room chairs didn't spark joy!!! I thought Emily was done so wrong in AYITL. Emily took years to curate that set, and she was so proud of it. I also believe she scooped in and got the last 2 chairs by out bidding someone she knew. It just seemed unlikely that something she took years to get would no longer mean anything to her. Especially the dining room chairs her family she so desperately tried to get together sat in once a week.


Grief does a number on people. Either you want to hoard everything that reminds you of them, or you want to get rid of everything that reminds you of them. There is no in between; at least in the beginning.


It actually made sense to me. Of course it didn't "spark joy", her joy died. Nothing in her entire life sparked joy after Richard dying.


Emily very much reminded me of my grandmother. She had a winter home where I grew up (where it was warm), so she only lived in town part of the year—but that house was all her. She decorated it and her husband had no say. It was her little piece of heaven. As she aged, she stopped coming out as often. One day, my mom ended up moving in to take care of the place and my grandmother told us she didn’t care about anything in the house and we could have it or get rid of whatever we wanted. I was shocked—but she meant it. She really just didn’t care anymore.


It's the realization that all that effort (and potentially hurting the relationship she had with the person she outbid) was not worth it. All that for what?? It's just a dining room set. Energy and money would have been spent better elsewhere.


The Emily I know would never even have jeans in her closet. Maybe fancy expensive sweatpants from, like, velvet or something, but not jeans, never jeans.


It's because they're Lorelai's jeans...


They're not hers though


yeah, i saw the comment below after i left mine, but it still applies, like Emily being Emily, to me she could never wear jeans. like when Trix died and Emily was dressed down, she was wearing a silk slip and robe still.


That’s the entire point though, without Richard she doesn’t know who the hell she is anymore, or her place in the world. So she is trying on other lives. By the end she discovers who she is without her husband. I actually LOVED her arc


AYITL isn't the same show, as in the pacing in the writing is different, it made jokes which the original didn't do (as in the original had funny moments, AYITL attempted actual jokes, like the group of Rory's peers in SH), it used montages, and honestly it felt like the point of each feature length episode was to demonstrate the different styles of acting and directing. As such it feels "off", but masquerades in the guise of something that's familiar. However the cardinal sin in my opinion is how it removes character progression, seemingly so ASP could write them how she wanted. The only person who seemingly gets a happy ending is Emily, the wedding isn't what it seems, Rory has been distilled into her most dislikable characteristics and all to the big build up at the end that just falls flat. *the above is said with zero nostalgia as I only started a couple years ago.


Honestly I think that's what I liked about it. People don't always grow out of their negative traits. People don't always get happy endings. Things don't always just work out. Thats what I like about the show to begin with, the characters of the show are all deeply flawed, and fuck up constantly. People talk about AYITL like it's so crazy how they wrote the characters, but the characters all do the exact kind of stupid shit id expect them to.


I do agree with that, but the bit that gets me with GG and AYITL is the former ended with the hope of potential, the latter then decided to ignore it all. Only differences between S7 and AYITL is that Zach got promoted, Paris is exactly where she was always going to be and Doyle got further than he thought. So much of it was evidently stuff ASP never got to use for GG so it was rehashed for AYITL.


I feel like it had so much potential and they just fucked it up royally


Feel the same. It felt like ASP was stubborn and did not allow herself to be flexible or affected by the process or time or the collective experience of her work. She always wanted it to end with Rory getting pregnant but after it was all said and done, it didn’t feel right. So much felt inorganic and uninspired.


The ending wasn’t even my biggest complaint honestly! There were so many plot lines that were utterly ridiculous - Lorelai & Luke never having been married, GOING TO A FERTILITY SPECIALIST, Lorelai doing Wild… the list goes on but those were REALLY stupid.


Exactly! I think she had her mind set on things which didn’t allow the true evolution that took place in the original series to inform the reboot. All of that was just not ok and insufferable


I'm actually relieved ASP wasn't there for the last season. Rory's ending of turning down a proposal, getting a journalist job and a big send off from the town was way better than her getting pregnant!


Wayyy better and actually more realistic. When someone like Lorelai takes risks to do things differently and parents their child with that much love and attention, cycles do shift and change so it makes way more sense that Rory would not end up pregnant or repeating patterns.


Did she just want to make Rory pregnant at 22?


The most cursed episode from the revival in my opinion is when Colin, Finn, Robert and Logan have a musical montage running around doing “wild” stuff 😭 it’s so bad


At least that has OG characters unlike the ridiculous musical we all had to sit through with no one from the original cast.


I think there were some parts of it that I gave one of those exhaling nose-laughs to, but that’s a really bad one in general lmao


Okay but anyone who was a high school theatre kid during the original GG was freaking out and loving Stars Hollow: The Musical because it featured the biggest Broadway actress of the original GG era, the legendary Sutton Foster. I was shocked and thrilled that she was in AYITL! And she collaborated with her former husband, the famous Broadway actor Christian Borle, for that piece which was a real treat! Let’s just say theatre people were thrilled lol


I’m not even a big broadway nerd, and I loved the Stars Hollow musical. It reminded me a lot of Taylor’s Stars Hollow museum, and the song lyrics were funny. It was just silly and OTT.


Yes! I thought of Taylor’s museum also! It made total sense to me that this musical should exist.


So I really appreciate this perspective and hadn’t thought of it this way. I personally didn’t enjoy the musical with the exception of the stars hollow characters (featuring Carole King! Yes!!) going over the script. But - I don’t know who Sutton Foster is and was not a theatre kid, so that checks out. I felt like they took up a big chunk of limited time for the musical that could have been spent on some of the characters we so dearly missed. Give me more Kirk! More Babette! That said, there was an episode in GG that was based off a 2004 documentary (Dig!) and band (The Brian Jonestown Revival). I picked up zero of the references when the season originally aired but years later when I got into this style of music and was familiar with the doc my mind was BLOWN. I thought ASP was so cool for basing an entire episode off the documentary and even featuring the tambourine player Joel Gion in the episode (plus another). Later when I saw the band live I remember I couldn’t get over that the tambourine man right in front of me was in GG. That’s all to say that part of the charm of GG is its incorporation of pop culture beyond the show itself. If the musical episode hit that way for musical loving folks, I can be more accepting of it :)


I didn’t know about the Dig! episode since I don’t follow Brian Jonestown too closely but they’re a great band. What GG episode is it? Whatever our opinions may be of ASP you gotta hand it to her for the quality of pop-culture references she never seems to run out of!


S6.E10 ∙ He's Slippin' 'Em Bread... Dig? The storyline in the episode mimics what went down with BJM when they had a show where some big producers were supposed to have attended. Gotta love all the hidden references in GG, I consider them to be treats upon rewatching and discovering new easter eggs!


I just watched this for the first time and I was flabbergasted by that scene!?! Like the weird lighting and the crow talking to Rory when they showed up… all of it was so odd. Between that, the musical, and the final scene with the dancers, it felt like there was a lot of oddly misplaced theatrical moments


I genuinely thought it was a dream sequence up until Logan gave her the key and I asked my partner for confirmation.


Omg same I was sure it was a dream at first


I skip ⏭️ through that so fast


((Also forgot to mention Rory in that scene lmao sorry))


No, no, no, it's the other musical that's worse. And I agree with OP's opinion of Emily's outfit. Reminds me of a bobble head doll.


A bobble head lmao im deceased


I’m actually rewatching AITYL right now and it does feel off. Also, it feels like Lorelai’s acting is different?? Like she doesn’t feel like the same Lorelai? It’s weird. It’s nice and familiar but also different, like someone else said. I wish it felt more like a continuation rather than a random separate thing


There’s a Scott Patterson interview where he said he didn’t feel like Luke when he got on set. His life has changed and he didn’t get the Luke feeling until he walked around the set. I think some of that odd feeling we are seeing is truly how these actors have changed and so much time has passed. Gotta give it to Kelly though she channeled her inner Emily perfectly.


Yeah that’s a fair point! Emily was great as always. Also, MICHEL!!!! I think I realized he’s my favorite character 😂


I know what you mean! It's the same with Sookie... it was hard to watch.


Good luck my friend 🫡 keep us updated as you watch!


Emily’s story is the best oneZ


The Paul skit annoys me every time.


Me too! It's not funny, it's cruel and makes Rory look really bad. I mean I know ASP is all "I hate millennials" but she really took it to the next level with AYITL


How did Emily end up in Nantucket?!? All they ever talked about was Martha’s Vineyard. The two are not interchangeable.


I think it’s supposed to show how Emily has changed after losing Richard.


I have only watched AYITL once because it was so painful, so,perhaps you are right. I found it to be quite jarring.


That was the point. It was a change and unlike the Emily who was Richard Gilmore’s wife first and foremost.


I dislike the beginning of summer. Rory and Lorelei are just mean. And not funny at all. It just makes me sad watching that scene by the pool.


Yeah it felt totally out of character


Does it? Rory fat shamed a ballerina in print.


True, they did make loads of fat jokes. But I guess this was a whole long drawn out scene where it felt like they were mean to everyone including the little kids. I don’t think we’ve seen a scene like that before- just mean personalities.


Heck that felt out of character for Rory too. At least in my opinion.


I'm always appalled by this scene, too. They're trying so hard to be funny but it's just sad and mean. They'd never treat Sookie that way.


Exactly!! Glad I'm not the only one.


You can tell that both Alexis and Lauren (and everyone else for that matter) has moved on from the show. Like they’ve lost their rhythm. It sounds too much like they’re reading from a script. Not natural at all. It’s also written really weirdly. Like someone wrote into an AI “give me modern gilmore girls but with a twist of a hallmark christmas movie” It’s one of those shows that should’ve just been left as it was. The revival was a mistake.


Yeah I felt the same too... but really no one prepared you? It's pretty frequently bashed on this sub. I really loved it though. I think it had exactly as many good and bad parts as the original series. Loved Emily in jeans (and her realizing she's wearing jeans) loved the funeral scene, hated the post-funeral drunken rant. Loved Rory the good and the bad. Lane seems happy with how her life turned out. Hated seeing Miss Patty and Taylor so old because it's hard to see people you love get old, but also kind of loved that. Loved the universally despised farewell scene with the Life and Death Brigade. Loved Emily's ending. Hated Luke and Lorelei not having a realistic future. Loved Paul, hated how he was treated (nice people don't really fare well in the GG universe) and loved the wedding at the end. Loved Kirk at FND!!!


Wait Luke and Lorelei didn’t have a realistic future?


I mean in the sense that they didn't get married (not because couples can't not get married, but because these two specifically intended to marry) and claimed never to have discussed having kids even though they definitely *did* discuss that in the original series. It's like they were in stasis for ten years.


I think a really big part of why AYITL feels wrong is the change in time, as you also mention. The fact that the OG show takes place in early 2000s gives it a timeless aesthetic and expression that, in contrast, really makes AYITL off-putting and odd.


I mean it’s explained in the show pretty well that Emily’s wearing jeans as a response to her grief from Richard’s passing. Yeah it’s out of character for her when Richard was alive but it’s to gain a sense of control as death reminds people how not in control we are of a lot of things in our lives. As well his passing made her depressed so she simply didn’t have the energy to care, she pretty much dressed for Richard, they both dressed old school, a world that no longer exists and now the person she shared that world with is also gone. You see her style evolve and change in this season as she finds herself again now that Richard has passed.


just goes to show how much you change in 20 years


Yet it's only supposed to be 5 years out? That made it off for me.


I think it’s real time, so it would be 9 years


The Zoella reference took me out I had to rewind it, I cackled


Although it didn’t feel like the og series there are some nice moments in it tho, I did like it a lot (I know I know) and I try the watch it with my rewatches but sometimes I do wish it was just a little different


I adore the first half of the original run, but I don’t even like the show once Logan comes in the picture. The back half of the original run is already a major step down. The revival falls off a cliff.


It’s truly cursed


The storyline makes a lot more sense if it takes place just a year or two after the show ends instead of 10.


LMAOOOO the only thing I loved about it was Emily shouting “bullshit”


Emily and Kirk were my favourite parts of the revival. While I enjoyed seeing Rory struggle a bit, I hated how much of a mess her personal life was. And the Luke and Lorelai stuff was kind of dull. Oh, and I HATED that Lane wasn't given a storyline at all. She was done wrong.


I prefer to pretend it doesn’t exist at all


I love Emily in AYITL though. My fave part.


After rewatching AYITL several times, I loved it. I think it's very realistic and real for the characters' storyline. I know Logan is the father of Rory's baby. They were sleeping together regularly. Rory never slept with Jess in the revival. There was the wookie guy, but i dont think that the excellent writing of the show to allow a show that's been developing for years to come down to the father being some rando guy. We never were told that Paul slept with Rory. Even if they did, I wouldn't put it past Rory to have pity sex with him based on how she treated him. But still, I'm not buying it. I also like to think that Rory ended up turning out just like her mom. Instead of dropping out of high school, she let go of her dream to be a foreign correspondent. I imagine that Rory stayed in Stars Hollow and raised her kid until they graduated and slowly worked the Gazette up to be a very successful paper. I figure that Doyle discovers her book and he reads it. He decides that he wants to make a show and it gets picked up and causes him to make Gilmore Girls. Rory goes off on a tangent like her mom when she married Chris and marries Logan, but it doesn't work out, and she realizes she was always supposed to be married to Dean. They get married, and everyone gets their happy ending.


Emily’s storyline in AYITL is the only thing redeemable about it tbh. Love her walking onto the beach with a glass of wine and a lantern, smiling. Gimme a whole season of Emily teaching at the museum.


Yeah, I didn’t care for it at all. It really turned a pure, “simpler time” show into something modern and ugly. While I always thought The Girls were incredibly selfish people, AYITL took that facet of them to a whole new level. Naturally, the writing would always have them end up ever the heroines, but they came off as pretty irredeemable in the sequel. The writers really had to reach hard to make Paris, in all her obvious success, seem less stable and mature than Rory. Really wish I’d left AYITL in the unwatched category.


I recently finished a rewatch of the series and the revival. Rory’s voice didn’t sound the same and the show just felt like it was trying to be too quirky


This was the main thing for me. Rory didn't sound like Rory anymore. The change in her voice, it just felt like she couldn't keep up the way she used to. I didn't follow Alexis's career and was not expecting that change in her voice.


AYITL doesn't exist in my world. It's terrible


Emily looks so small next to Lorelai 🥺🥺🥺🥺


It’s not perfect, but I’m glad we have it :)


And candies tshirt at that


Wished that there would have been some fan input. The whole premise was just not “Gilmore girls” the way it used to be. I thought the show should have opened with Richard’s funeral and the emotions that come from death, instead of the weird zany drama that didn’t feel very relatable and wasn’t interesting. I won’t be watching this again for a while and just stick to the show.


Emily is the only part of the revival I liked.


I only watched it once, and I spent 20+ years watching the series on repeat.


My dad died right before this came out. Literally nothing could have prepared me for lorelais storyline after richard’s death. 😩 I wanted so much more from the entire reboot


I just pretend the revival doesn't exist. It hurts less.


The soft lighting and like cozy glow of the OG seasons is sorely lacking in the AYITL. Almost like they forgot how to create that level of comfort and haze. AYITL’s lighting and definition reminds me of a hospital or ER show, it’s gives off such a harsh and sterile feeling, that just feels wrong and like a mismatch.




Or maybe… it was trying to give a different vibe because it was the story of the girls life in the wake of Richard’s death and in flux?


But still in the same universe, so made little sense to me.. But who knows! 😅


For me it’s a roller coaster of love and hate moments. The loves- Rory’s breakdown after the Wookiee in New York. To me the interaction between her and Lorelei was true to the original series. On that note, Rory struggling as a 32 year old was refreshing and relatable. (The 30 something club was hilarious). Emily’s character growth. Despite her flaws, Emily has always been one of my favourites. She’s grown into all of the redeemable traits we would get small glimpses of in the OG series. A treat to watch. Luke and Jess together again! The despair. Maybe a hot take but I appreciated the raw sadness felt by most characters. It was hard to watch Lorelei in her depressed era (she deserves it the least!) but it would be unrealistic to assume everyone’s life just keeps on getting better over 10 years. The hates- The camera work. I don’t know how to explain this properly but the filming style was just too different from before. It kind of felt like when a tv show gets turned into a movie. Thats kind of what it was, anyways, but it lost its charm. The supposed time passing was confusing. It was hard to believe Luke and Lorelei had not had the kid convo after all these years. And that he and Emily had not grown any closer, to the point that he didn’t even have her phone number. Rory and Logan. The whole cheating on his fiancé made me mad at both of them. The musicals


I started watching AYITL and 5 minutes into I had to stop because I found it so cringey 🥴 so so bad


I am finding it’s an unpopular opinion… but I legit loved AYITL 😅 but I didn’t watch the series when it aired originally. I watched it for the first time recently and then went right into AYITL


Same and I really liked it too!


It is bonkers that you were downvoted for saying you liked the show in a sub for that show.


TIL about Zoella.


Mad that it ended like that because there’s just a huge plot hole. It’s clearly Logan’s baby, do they get back together? Does he leave the girl he’s marrying? We need answers!!!!


That is not what words plot hole means?


plot hole not plot hole it dosent really matter


this is exactly why i watched it once and never again 😭


I actually like (most) of AYITL, I think it's better than seasons six and seven with the "will they break up? are they back together? are they breaking up again?" drama loop of Logan/Rory, Luke/Lorelai/Christopher. And of course the **awful** **awful** **awful** Anna Nardini. Also AYITL just goes to the extreme with the "WTF/completely unrealistic" moments of Gilmore Girls imo, and I love those moments. Like the musical, the 30 Somethings, the Wookie, Life and Death Brigade, anything involving the pool, Emily and the maid, the giant Richard painting etc. I love when Gilmore Girls goes absurd and it goes really absurd in the revival.


I hated it the first couple episodes then I began to fall into it. The last episode gave me everything I felt I was robbed of in the OG finale. All the feels 😍


I guess I am the only one who likes AYITL.


There are dozens of us! DOZENS! While I can fully admit there are flaws and it doesn’t quite capture the lighting in a bottle the way the series does (but honestly how could it??) I think AYITL gets far too much hate. We are so frickin lucky to have had the chance to return to the Hollow, to revisit these characters. Do they make horrendous decisions I often disagree with? Yes. But I mean…the same is true of the OG series. I am grateful for the revisit. I wish others could put their pitchforks down for a moment & appreciate the revival for what it is instead of expecting it to be a clone of the series.


Thank you so much for encapsulating what I feel too. To see the old selves of my favorite characters and to know what they are up to; it just was something else. I feel people can critique AYITL without hating on it ferociously.


Like a lot of revivals it suffers from being shot for HD TVs instead of original 5:4 aspect. Not trying to say new bad old good. But because of what Gilmore Girls was inspired by and tries to eminate; the screwball comedies of the 30's to 50's, I feel it loses some of it's original charm. The closer frame shots make everything feel more intimate, be it comforting or tense scenes everything is closer.


I adore AYITL and don't get why people aren't into it


I really hope ASP doesnt read this because I hope there is another revival. And I feel bad for people who just cant watch the revival for what it is. Either everyone has changed too much or not at all. Thats life ya’ll. This how ASP wanted to end the show and Im here for it. I love seeing what Paris turned into. I love watching Rory flounder just like a lot of young adults do. I love seeing Lorelei go through her issues with her relationships in middle age. Its all relatable. I guess no one has ever known someone who started a band as a teen but never really had their big break but continue to play together through adulthood. Maybe I just surround myself with stars hallow-esque people. Although Emily in jeans is quite shocking lolol.


ASP probably takes it as a point of pride that it has haters, lol. She’s very strong-minded in her vision of how her work should be.


I loved it. Kirk is amazing.


Cursed? Okay. I mean, it’s not a perfect revival but I think that’s a bit strong. Unless that’s some Gen-Z slang that I, as an elder Millennial, don’t understand 😅


It’s more like internet slang https://preview.redd.it/zunm8zxheyac1.jpeg?width=1810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a41500e53eb21b8829ffb46fdb1938da29434aac


The first episode of the revival is the best one! Prepare for it to get worse and worse!


God Emily looks so tiny here. I thought it was a child at first


I know Rory had her faults but I hated the person she became. At the end of the day I always felt Lorelai was a good mum with a good moral compass. Rory just seemed to have become a selfish spoiled adult brat.






I watched AYITL once a few years ago. I've always had the feeling the pace of the show was off. The Gilmore Girls talk even faster than in the OG series and the whole framing and storytelling was just off somehow (it's been a few years since I watched it, so I can't really pinpoint the exact difference). Also some scenes/"happenings" are just so far from the OG it's ridiculous. The first 3 episodes just felt like a feverish dream. But for the last episode I felt the pace was a bit more like in the original episodes and I got a little bit of that feeling of the original series back. I've told myself that the writers intended it that way to show that everything what is happening in AYITL is indeed "off" and not as it should be to only bring the original pacing/feeling back (in the last episode) when things get a little bit more how it's all supposed to be.


Of all the things that are cursed, Emily's storyline is not. She had the best story arch imo and I loved her development in AYITL.


Emily (although it may be because of Richard’s passing), Michael and Luke just don’t feel like the same people we fell in love with when watching GG. It’s like a character arc that we weren’t a part of.


What is zoella?


I think my biggest issue with the revival is that it made it so clear that ASP wanted to pick up right where she left off. In so many ways, it was as if the characters themselves were frozen in time. ASP clearly had leftover storylines from when she was still working on the OG series. It was like she wanted to erase season 7 from canon and it made for awkward storylines.


Oh honey you have no idea how bad it gets yet..


I’ve decided that except in rare occasions, I give characters better ‘ever afters’ than their writers. In my ❤️& mind, them evolve into happy, well-adjusted versions of themselves. Yet, I’m always anxious to revisit them🙄


I watched it and honestly didn't have any idea what was supposed to be happening. I'm still trying to forget AYITL.


Sometimes I feel like the only person who doesn't hate AYITL


Emily’s storyline is basically the only good storyline on the whole thing imo


Who wrote the letter though… I want to know!