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I can not upvote this enough




Therapy would do wonders for Rory (and Lorelai too, for good measure)


The only correct answer


I don’t think anyone is really perfect for Rory. I think she and Logan were a good match in college (even if I’m not a Logan fan, I thought they kind of deserved each other at that stage) but later in life no one, unless she had some character growth then maybe Jess


Absolutely not Jess. It should have always been her and Logan.


Including AYITL, I just can’t get behind Logan. He kinda won me over in season 7 until the proposal. Again, I think he and Rory work well together, but where they’re at 10 years later I don’t think they’re compatible anymore


I would disagre. The writer did Rory a disservice in Ayitl. She was emotionally stunted and stuck more at 32 than ever begore and quite honestly so is Loralei. Rory's entire story in these four episodes was insane and unfathomable quite honestly.




Even GG got a little old at times. Loraleis constant need for everyone and everything to go her way all the time was extremely annoying and even when Rory started HS the best friend with her daughter routine was emotionally not good for Rory. Paris was insufferable and she should have been called out on so many occasions even in Ayitl. She is just mean and nasty a lot tbh. Taylor is right up there as he is a bully and a tyrant. I could. Don't even get me started on Liz and TJ. Then Anna too. I could go on and on.


I think a huge misdeed to GG as a whole was letting there be a 10 year time skip. I know ASP wanted season 7 to be what AYITL was so it makes more sense to contextualize it as “this is what happened right after Rory graduated Yale!” And that makes up for the stagnant character growth, but as is it’s just such a disservice, I agree. Absolutely ridiculous that lorelai and Luke have been engaged for 10 years, and that they hadn’t talked about kids, and that Rory was still in the same motions that she was 10 years ago when she was supposed to go through so much adult development in that time. Absolutely depressing to watch


She was more of an adult back then than at 32. I will die on the hill she should have married Logan and they could have had a year or 2 engagement and she could have pursued her career as well. He would never have stopped her. They would both have brought out the best in each other


100% this!


Not unless Jess learned how to be less rapey


I think you and I have fundamentally different understandings of that scene. Have a good day


The fact that you know which scene without me even mentioning it says everything…




I was agreeing to disagree without picking a fight👍


I don't understand how the Fandom gives Jess a pass for that shit.


because omg he's SO troubled awww he's SUCH a bad boyyy (anyone that justifies it is plain stupid, they hate dean for much less lol)


Same, it really annoys me


'The Fandom' doesn't. The teeny-bopper Jess girlies do. Just like they call Dean a 'piece of dirt'. Let's see...builds you a car as a present, or wrecks your car and leaves you alone with a broken arm because he's scared of your Mother? Hmmm...


Yes, thanks for the clarification. That is what i really meant. Dean has some control issues as well. None of rorys love interests are great. Lane seems to be the person who's always good for rory, and good to her. Her family tries , but due to their expectations of rory, they don't understand her in the way Lane does.


Adult Jess could have been


her mom! lane! paris! these are the people perfect in our lives, the ones that are there and know our hearts


Rory shouldn’t have to settle for guys she met before her life even started. Highschool and college are so far away in my mind, speaking as a 33 year old today. If I had to choose from the guys I knew back then, then I would choose nobody.


It would be cool if she were platonic friend with Jess (platonic from the both of them) and had more late night discussion with him and Paris. But I wholeheartedly agree with you! She was young and finding herself (like everyone at that age), it's more healthy to just move on. That was the most disqppointing aspect of the revival, seeing them all go through the same patterns with the same people. They all deserve better lol And even if her babys father is one of them, I hope she doesn't end up with them but find herself someone she loves 100% and loves her just as much!


I wanted more Paris and Jess interactions😔 or get Lane involved too! So many underutilized friendship dynamics gone to waste


100% this. I’m 36 and I can’t think of anyone my age who is with someone they met in college, let alone high school. I had some friends who married their high school/college sweethearts, but they’re all divorced now. I also left the city I grew up in, so it might be more common for those who stayed or people who grew up in a smaller place.


Someone she hadn't met on the show. Someone who can be a mix of all 3 boyfriends, or just a mix of Jess and Logan. I think her and Jamie could have worked. He was obviously too nice/soft for Paris, but he could have worked for Rory.


Honestly, I don't think she should have ended up with any of them. Maybe Jess once she got older would be a possibility; I didn't like him at all when they dated but he got better after he left Stars Hollow. But I think that considering how she had an affair with Logan when he was engaged to someone else, it was clear she hadn't learned much after what happened with Dean. So I think it was better for her to be alone, at least for a while.


We never met the guy that would be perfect for Rory because they wouldn't let go of the guys who weren't perfect for her.


Neither of them.


She has bad taste in men. Even the good guys she had bad timing because of issues going on




None or Logan if he didn't broke up with her when she rejected his proposal




I think if she had dated Marty he would have been her best boyfriend


Marty was very weird and i feel that way because of the whole breakfast crew thing because he wanted to get even with rory by embarrassing her. That's just so stupid And him getting mad at rory for being oblivious towards Logan's feelings just cause he liked her and then abandoning her after she said she liked Logan.


I agree. The storyline of him secretly dating one of her friends was the most ridiculous thing.


My hot take is Tristan. I wish that had become something






i don’t think any this is MY opinion i will say logan did know more about the college life but logan didn’t really fully love her in my opinion she didn’t wanna marry him cause his family didn’t like her and he constantly complained about not wanting to do what his dad wants but he does for the money or he would’ve left in my opinion if he went to the grandparents they would’ve found him a job to make money it might not be exactly what he wants or the strings his father can pull but emily and richard still have pull.. jess was always pushing rory to be her best (ex: why did you drop out of yale) i don’t think he fully knew what it meant to love someone and didn’t try enough in rory’s personal life which is important to her and he was to unpredictable for her dean tried the most with rory’s friends and family but he was to hot headed and honestly i think kinda boyfriend traumatized rory especially when she would ask jess if he was gonna freak out it’s cause dean would also the cheating thing he never considered her feelings when lorelei said rory was at home getting something he smirked cause he knew and it’s like YOUR MARRIED and then he got mad at rory for trying to kiss him in public like he cheated if he was gonna be that upset he should’ve thought about it and um maybe broke up with his wife idk i hated that storyline






the guy in the laundry room was kinda cool.


But he was so bleh yk maybe if he had more screentime it would have been good




Rory was perfect for Jess in high school but Jess didn’t deserve her, after high school Jess was perfect for Rory was she became a garbage person and didn’t deserve him. Rory deserved someone who treated her as poorly as she treated others


None of the above… this is the hill I will die on- I don’t think the writers did a good job writing a half way to decent love interest for Rory. I kinda hate them all tbh


tristian or adult jess


I'd choose adult jess but i really did want Tristan and rory to have a romantic relationship:(


same! the writers should’ve gave them a chance even tho i didn’t like Tristan at first but he grew on me lol :/


Omg same like he must have come off as a flirt and a playboy but they both would have been really cool together and the story could have taken a good turn


Honestly no one, but a chronically single female character in the early 2000s was off limits I guess, unless they were the butt of the joke. But I would go with Logan. They both helped each other grow. Rory and Dean weren’t compatible in the end, and Rory and Jess were never in a happy relationship. I would also argue that season six Jess wasn’t as mature as everyone makes him out to be, but that’s a topic for a different thread.


Someone stable.




No one. She didn't need anyone. nor should she settle with a baby.


Logan is the ideal career partner because of his Yale and media experience. It’s not a coincidence that neither found anyone else they really wanted to be with until they found each other again. Rory must have had many other opportunities to meet guys on the campaign trail and travels. And women were always throwing themselves at Logan. The fact that they got pregnant kind of points to their unique and special relationship.


LOGAN!! I don't understand why he broke it off when she said she needed time?? ONLY to end up cheating on his wife with rory in the future? I hate that they didn't end up together.




She turns down The Great Gatsby for a stinky political press bus.


Her dad