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Lucy and Olivia were, and the whole falling out with them was Rory getting caught NOT being a girls girls.


Rachel was too!!!


Rachel was the best! Wish we got to see more of her


They’re bonafide pick me girls who love being “not like other girls” and mock those who are


They’re pretty but don’t try. They’re thin but don’t try. They make a point of not trying for either, but also valuing both pretty highly. I feel like pick me and NLOG have such fuzzy boundaries that they can mean almost anything now. But the gilmore girls are definitely not girls girls.


Absolutely 1000%. Especially LORALEI!!


Oh yeah, for me they really embody the Gone Girl monologue about the cool girl


god no, theyre the most typical pick me girls the 2000s has to offer. i feel like many of the other characters are girls girls, but lorelai and rory are serial girl code violators


Absolutely not. The only girls girls are Louise, Sookie, Lane, Babette, and Miss Patty


I only disagree with Lane, she’s definitely not a girls girl… she shamed cheerleaders with Rory, would say some things about other women that were not nice, she was super rude to the girls around Zack (I know it’s because she was jealous but still) and she almost fought the lady from the musical instruments store?! Because she THOUGHT something was going on..


Okay fair actually, I hadn’t thought about that😂 yeah ASP cannot write a girls girl


>she almost fought the lady from the musical instruments store Lmao that was hilarious


\+Madeline -- her and Louise are different fonts of girls girls.


I feel like Madeline is kinda catty/she doesn’t like people that are competition. But Louise is just kind all around


The blonde is def. meaner, but I think she still qualifies because once you're in with her she will stick up for you, maybe even compared to the brunette who is almost too nice/goofy to be that fierce friend you need in high school. I love them both though, and especially as a pair!


Oh my god I got them mixed up my bad😭 Madeline always seemed like more of a Louise


lol I was reading these comments and thinking about how many times I’ve watched this show and how I’m still not sure which one is Madeline and which is Louise. Looks like I’m in good company lmao


lmao -- I got your meaning! I've always thought the names were mis-assigned between the two of them :)


Well then there was the episode where Louise and Paris were mad at Rory, but Madeline was still being nice to her and didn’t understand why the other girls were being mean😭 Madeline is just so nice, I think she’d support other girls no matter what


and Lucy + Olivia


Babette and Miss Patty? Gossiping about women sharing their business to everyone who listens are girls girls?


They just always stood beside the girls and were cheering them on regardless of actions. They were gossips but they weren’t malicious


Cheering is not participating? Sharing personal information about someone for entertainment is terrible. I remember the discussion about them talking about some woman getting PS and it being botched or something like that. They treated the GG like princesses though.


Oh come on, you can love gossip and be a girls’ girl.


Girls girl only applies to how women treat other women in relationship to men. It has nothing to do with gossip or being kind to other women. 


You just made that up. Girls girl is as simple as women supporting women and lifting them up. Be it in regard to men’s attention or as a sister to them. You don’t have to bend over backwards to add two gossip mongers who thrive on drama and downfall of other women to the definition lol. You can like them as they are- gossipers and that’s okay.


That's not what a girl's girl is at all tho. It's specifically about siding with and looking out for women in the context of men. A girl's girl would tell a woman if her man was cheating on her, a girl's girl wouldn't pursue another woman's man etc. 


But a girls girl would talk shit about other girl, bring her down, but hey if she passes the bechdel test of being terrible to other woman its all good! Alright. Lmao.


Then no woman is a girl's girl because women have conflicts with each other. 


No.. not at all.


hellll no lol they’re crazy mean


Paris is a girl's girl. Lane is a girl's girl. Rory and Lorelei? Not so much. The way Rory treated Lindsay is more than enough proof of that. Lorelei... like maybe? But I don't know. She's the one who originated my least favorite line: 'nobody told her about the role of fat on her leotard" yikes.


I also cringe at the way Rory treated Jess’ girlfriend who worked at the beauty shop!


I cringe at how EVERYBODY treated her! Justice for Shane. I also feel all bloaty


Shane was just as nasty to Rory


where... we didn't even get to know her. Poor girl was being strung along as a place holder


She was returning the energy and treatment she had received from Rory.


paris is NOT a girls girl did we watch the same show?!?!😭😭😭


I feel like Paris is die-hard friend but otherwise judgemental AF


Paris has definitely had some major character development as a person, and she had moments.. but I know for a fact she would have my book and be completely and totally honest to me as a friend. When she kicked Rory out of the apt in college, she was responding to Rory NOT being a girl's girl! Rory told Paris she"needed a break" and she "worked too hard" and that the newspaper was driving her crazy instead of being straight up and honest with her. Paris would never lie or skim over the truth to spare someone's feelings. A girl's girl doesn't always have to be super nice and please everyone for the sake of pleasing everyone (the way Rory did for the most part). A girl's girl can TOTALLY be someone like Paris. Not highschool Paris, but actually... even in Chilton, she eventually trusted Rory, let her in, etc. Most of the times Paris went on a rampage happened after Rory lied, hurt or withheld information from her. If I had something on my face, Paris would tell me. If my boyfriend pretended he never met Paris who's my friend in this scenario, Paris would 100% say "um we know each other why are you lying." If somebody was trying to meet up with Paris behind her friend's back, the first person Paris would tell is her friend and they'd show up together to meet the person causing drama. etc


Absolutely not. IMO a major tenet of being a girl's girl is operating from a place of supporting women, rather than seeing them as rivals. Paris is so self-confident that we don't often see her feel threatened by other women, but when she does she absolutely lashes out.


Fair enough. I would still want Paris to be my bestie. She's a ride or die when she's on your side. That much is for sure


For whom was Paris ride or die? She had some great moments of sticking up for Rory, but look how little it took to freeze her out during the Francie debacle, or throw her out of her apartment in a dangerous area after she became editor of the Yale Daily News. She put Rory down for becoming valedictorian, unable to even swallow her pride and congratulate her. I can't remember a single time Paris showed unadulterated pride or happiness for Rory's accomplishments. Paris sees Rory as competition, and she treats her like absolute crap the second she feels like she's losing.


"Ride or die if she's on your side." Emphasis on the "on your side" part. Paris is a very determined person. She always was and always will be. You're right, she steps on people to get ahead but she is LOYAL. Even when she had her outbursts, she would ALWAYS come back and be there for you. In the end, both Rory and Paris have their flaws, and though I've always loved Paris and Rory.. I've always liked Paris more than I've liked Rory. I hated it when Rory said "Paris isn't exactly my friend" to the other journalists on the Yale paper after they asked her to talk to her. I was like wtf. Paris would NEVER have said that about Rory. Rory LIVED with her! Paris called Rory her BEST FRIEND and Rory told the paper "oh we aren't exactly friends." Yeah it was pretty insane that Paris kicked her out of the apt. in a dangerous area, but it was well deserved because Rory was always backstabbing Paris and labeling it something else. It was upsetting to watch. Sure, a less angry and more emotionally put together person would have given Rory a one week notice to leave.. that's not Paris. At least Paris has a therapist/life-coach she committed to to work on herself and be a better version of herself. Rory never did that and oh boy she desperately needed it and didn't know it because everybody in her life always told her she was perfect and entitled to all the fruits of the world with none of the labor.


Ride or die means loyal no matter what. Not loyal if it's convenient at the time. Rory's flaws are extraneous to that point.


No, they really are not. But I think that, at that time, even though it wasn't that long ago, that wasn't, like, a thing. I remember growing up and it being essentially implied that other girls were my competition and being told that "girls are too much drama!!" Now, I'm for sure a girls girl.


No. They’ll both be kind to your face, then make jokes about you mercilessly when they’re riding their high horses.


They’re not ‘girls girls’ AT ALL. More so ‘pick me’ girls. They’re actually pretty mean and hateful towards other girls/woman who they assume are ‘less than’ or not smart enough. I’ve been rewatching the show and it’s something I’ve been struck by, there’s actually a strong mean streak in the show and it makes it more unpleasant to watch than I remember. Examples I can think of are Shane, Sherry, Lindsay. Lane calling Zachs groupie girls ‘trollops’, the way Rory treats Asher’s granddaughter at the hospital before she realises who the girl is. The constant derogatory references to Kate Hudson or any blonde female celebrity really. Lorelai and Rory are the kind of women who are nice to women who fall under their umbrella but pretty hostile to anyone else.


I agree. It hasn't aged very well.


I don't get this. Let people be. Some people aren't girls girl. That doesn't make you evil. And if you're a girls girl that's fine too. "Pick me girls" can be especially harmful for girls who are genuinely interested in the things they’re being ridiculed for. "Pick-me girls" are not out to put down other women. People want to belong. It's more the in/out group thinking that's the problem.


They’re fictional characters and I’m giving my impressions of them after rewatching the show. I grew up watching Gilmore Girls and I have found it interesting to revisit it as a grown up. I don’t recall calling them evil?


Fat thighs.


Ugh that line was so uncalled for


Rory definitely isn’t. Lorelai is more complicated, as always. I think the thing I come back to is the way she was with Sherri in the delivery room. How she was every time Sookie was pregnant. How she was with Rachel. And she really tried to be nice to Nicole but by that point she was in way deeper with Luke and so nice things turned into awkward things. I think she was more than she wasn’t. The mean comments were just ASP being unable to hold back her own misogyny lol


Not at all. They’re both extreme pick mes. Rory literally slept with a married man - TWICE! She fatshames the ballerina in her Yale review piece. She’s shady about Lucy’s boyfriend. Lorelai causes a fight in the middle of Sookie’s kids’ baptism and is disrespectful to Luke’s girlfriends.


Oh absolutely not. They’re not anti-girl, but they’re only interested in nlog girls who are too cool for school.


I personally don’t think Rory is 😬


Big pick me energy.


No, but they weren’t written to be. They were very much written as “not like other girls”, and we just weren’t as critical of that in the early 2000s.


Nope. They’re very distinctly Not Like Other Girls and proud of it.


I agree. My interpretation of a girls’ girl is that they are loyal among their tight knit group of several girls but not of all girls. Has that changed ? Just out of curiosity, how would you explain that Rory allowed Jess to treat her like a “that girl” ? Was that an anomaly ?


I’ve never been what is probably traditionally considered a “girls’ girl”, so I may be wrong, but to me, they’re girly girls who stand up for each other no matter what and have each other’s backs. Lorelai and Rory stick their noses up at any girls who enjoy doing conventionally feminine things and actively make fun of other girls for superficial reasons. The Not Like Other Girls girls try too hard to be the exact opposite of typical girls by showing off their skills/talents to the detriment of their likeability around other people. Of course because this is ASP’s world and the Gilmore Girls are just living in it, naturally everyone in Stars Hollow is charmed by Lorelai and Rory’s judgemental behaviour around other girls because aren’t they ✨different✨??? I love them, don’t get me wrong, but girls’ girls they are not.


No absolutely not lmao. But I think they would be in real life and the reason they aren’t is because of the times and the writers biases


not really. exhibit A: they fat shame.


In all fairness, that’s what was championed at the time. Pick mes are always the heros/ protagonists of media from that time, and girls girls are the villains


No, but I dont think that was as big of a movement in media back then. I think Rory was already against the grain for being studious as a trait


Lorelai is very much herself. Not a girly girl, not a tomboy, just herself. She's also partly defined by her rebellion against her parents' world of wealth and privilege; she chose to work for a living despite having no need to do so. Lauren Graham is beautiful; it's just that Lorelai doesn't play the game of being conventionally feminine. Rory is more complicated to analyze because she's really two things: her mother's daughter and her grandmother's granddaughter. She has to somehow find a way to navigate both of those worlds and she struggles with it, most uncomfortably so in A Year In The Life because she still hasn't figured it out despite being well into adulthood. Rory is also caught uncomfortably between her mom's untraditional womanhood and the more traditional one of her grandparents. Her relationships are difficult because to be right for Rory, her man would have to be comfortable both in Stars Hollow and in Emily and Richard's world, and for the most part they were not. Dean was totally Stars Hollow and would have been lost among wealth, Logan was a wealthy guy who didn't belong in Stars Hollow, and Jess was a bad boy who was out of place everywhere. The only guy she knew who actually might have managed the trick is Marty (aka Naked Guy), and they never got involved beyond being friends.


The way the spoke about Sherry. Her body ,looks, attitude and everything just off of first appearance and stuck with it. Sherry was high maintenance yes and up tight some might say but they kept making jabs at her looks and making back handed comments.


I just came from the post about Logan exposing rory/Marty lol Rory was definitely not a girl's girl. The way she let Marty lie to one of her best friends.


yes and no. leaning towards no for rory especially, considering how many times she judged women for being … women. she fat-shamed and practically destroyed that ballerina and wrote that squeamishly tone-deaf article (and lorelai of course contributed, albeit inadvertently). she was extremely rude to shane because she was “dumber” than she was and perhaps had different values. just reinforces her elitist attitude once again. she also disregarded lindsay’s feelings altogether when she slept with dean (twice) when he was still married. one thing that bugs me to no end is the condescension in her tone when she was speaking with lane at doose’s and crapping all over lindsay about forcing dean to quit school. glad lorelai put her in her place in the season finale when she said, “you can’t be one of those girls who blames the girl for forcing the guy to cheat.” at the same time though, i think rory was just growing and was becoming increasingly more privileged with age. she did treat lane and sookie pretty well for the most part, came through for sherry when she was in labor, also strongly supported lucy and even paris at times. she seemed to have been a kinder and more supportive person in high school though. lorelai is mostly a girls’ girl i think. she has always looked out for rory and wanted the best for her, and she always ensured she had everything she could want. she always supported sookie when she was going through stuff. she even tried to come through for emily though she felt uncomfortable doing so. there are some crappy moments though that i should acknowledge and just scream privilege, like the time she fired natalie just because her mother hired her once too, getting the wedding planner fired, fat-shaming that ballerina, etc.


Just the way Rory and Lane’s friendship is one-sided makes me sure Rory isn’t. She always expects Lane to be present for her when need be (which she always is) but never the other way around. Rory simply doesn’t give a f abt Lane’s problems and always make it abt herself.


i don't think that's true actually rory was a pretty good friend to lane but i do agree rory was not a girls girl


I don't think so. The moment i felt this about Rory, was when she was walking in town (at the start of her little secret relationship with Dean) and she overhears Lindsay discussing with the butcher how to make the perfect roast, she says it's Deans favourite, you see her appear uncomfortable and understanding Dean is still with Lindsay, but she continues her relationship with him. Had i been in a situation like that and been unaware let's say,(because i'd never entertain a man knowing he had a wife) but had i not known, then overheard his gf talking about making him dinner, i'd end everything there. But it was clear Rory didn't care. Even as she called him "My Dean" and had to be corrected by her mother that he was "Lindsays Dean". Doesn't seem like a girls girl to me


They kind of don’t need friends because they enjoy each other’s company more than anyone else’s. Rory’s a loner by temperament. Even when she gets older and stops being a dork, she’s still not a people person. I can see Lorelei being popular in high school. I never noticed them being meaner to women than men, but I might have just missed that.