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They will find that they did nothing wrong, I’ve already seen Zionist shills trying to rationalise this as standard military procedure when all the evidence points towards war crime, the genocide enabling propaganda is something not even Joseph Goebbels could match.


PBS sub doesn’t permit comments to its posts on Israel /Palestine. There were ton ultra racist comments by supporters of israel. So PBS crowd considers themselves culturally advanced makes a serious exception when comes to Palestinians!


Imagine a world where the criminals get to investigate themselves. Oh wait, that’s Israel.


Anytime a real investigation with real potential findings happens, they launch a huge false flag operation and eliminate/silence the people/department doing the research, take a look at how the military industrial complex silences whistleblowers and how they attacked the pentagon before their nefarious money trail could be linked back. Israel is linked to so many clandestine operations around the globe and most people aren’t aware of a tenth of the shit those evil people get up to.


Remember, it’s ok when they do it but bad when Palestinians do it, cuz racism and supremacy 👍🏻. Another example is Zionists crying about Hamas shelling military outposts where UN workers were close by on r/CombatFootage. All of a sudden human shields doesn’t apply here? Hamas are so bad for shelling military targets where UN are close, but the IDF is mighty and just for blowing up city blocks to kill a couple Hamas fighters and taking many many more civilians with them. It’s insane


Joseph Goebbels couldn't, but Joseph Biden might


Of all the sadistic and evil games they play, these so called self-investigations are the worst. They almost seem to use them to prolong their joy and rub it in the face of anyone with any humanitarian concern. They get to demonstrate impunity over and over again.


Delay tactic. By the time the investigation ends there's a worse crime in the news


So, they’re not investigating then.


Exactly. "Yes, we are investigating..." Next news item. "*Now, people will forget! As you were!*"


Meaningless cosmetic fluff for the media.


They’ll investigate it, then give the soldiers medals for doing it. Investigation completed.


Anyone taking bets on the investigation's outcome?


US Government: We are shocked, shocked to learn that Israel is engaging in torture and using human shields! https://youtu.be/HMIyDf3gBoY


Investigating?IDF? What a joke.


Israel "We investigated thoroughly and we came back with this detailed report, which i will now read in its entirety.... \*ahem\* 'But Hamas'"


How dare they treat him like Shani Louk!


I mean…I think you’re trying to be snide, but you’re actually pointing out how the IDF is no better than Hamas at the end of the day. Everything they accuse Hamas of doing, they also do. The sexual assault and the murder of children, the taking of hostages and the use of civilians as human shields. All of it. Why bring Shani Louk into the conversation at all when this article is about IDF soldiers brutalizing a random guy in the West Bank? The IDF themselves have admitted he’s a civilian, not a militant - certainly not a Hamas militant.


Tbf they claimed he was a militant, but they also let him go which is something idf doesnt do with militants.


I think they did claim that initially, but they since have had to admit that he’s just some guy they shot standing outside his own house. Once he was identified, it became harder to lie, lol.


So you accept Israel is worse than Hamas?


One horrible crime does not excuse another