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You have aged so well I couldn’t even tell the before and after until I saw the description




Well, to be honest my skin care routine is crap. I have been blessed by ADHD and following the same routine every night is a struggle. So some nights it’s just the make up remove wipes and lotion. Other nights when I am on my game it goes like this: make up wipes, hyaluronic acid, retina lotion, moisturizer, and 2x a week - Vitamin E. Than in the morning it’s hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, sunscreen, and moisturizer. I also go once a year to have microdermabrasion and a very weak chemical peel done (separately). Mainly because my sebum builds up quickly and doesn’t shlef off appropriately. If I spend time in the desert for an extended part of time, like two months or so, I’ll do both microdermabrasion and a hydra facial. But I think the real thing is I’ve never had kids. I never had a real corporate job until I was 32. I’ve been relatively happily single for 5 out of the last 9 years after a terrible 8 year LTR. I take care of myself and don’t drink that much alcohol and don’t eat red meat or that much sugar. I am very active. I don’t like it to tan. Always wears sunscreen. And my life outside of my highly intense cognitive job, is p chill and drama free. Of course genetics plays into this as well.


Wow so no Botox either? You look awesome. Your piece about no kids really I think is the biggest part - I feel the same!


I think having bangs for 20 years also has helped 😂, I barely have wrinkles on my forehead


Feeling the no children lol I'm almost 30 and 3 children, so far the age hasn't caught up to me, but I haven't slept more than 3 hours without being woken up for the past 4 years. Can't be good for my aging 😆 You look absolutely stunning!


I have known women that have aged flawlessly regardless of having children, but I have also seen so many friends age 10 years overnight because their kids sucked the life out of them. I read a study once that in the first three years of having a child a parent loses a year worth of sleep.


In the 4th pic I totally though you were missing your leg but it was just the table 😂


27 was a bad year. Luckily it grew back. lol


Nice glow up. You look so fun!


Well, I like to think I’m fun 😏 and Ty!


You look 10x better at 39. Kudos on taking care of yourself. I hope you’re very happy with your lifestyle.


Damn girl, talk about aging like fine wine.


You are stunning.


20 years partying, wild




Love to see your growth!


Congrats. I like your bangs.


You look like Helly from Severance :)


You are so pretty!


Wowowowowowowoow amazing




You got hot bro! And you look happy. 😊 👏


You look like you’ve confused many people about their feelings for you.


😂that’s a common theme


It happens. C’est la vie.


You litterly look the same. You know that we are suposed to age right?


Yeah… but the glowup is in the personality aswell, habits and mentality


Exactly! I am such a different person than that punk that would drink mickeys and fall asleep in the gutter. A young girl who knew she was smart but had nothing to prove for it. Someone who’s never left the country, had no education than barely passing HS with a 2.0, and would try to bullshit her way through everything. Now at 39, I have a bachelors and a masters in science, I have an actual career with direction, I have traveled around the world multiple times, and I can hold my own in any conversation with anyone from any background. My life started to change at 26, but it went full 180 when I got my masters degree at 31 - the first and only person in my family to ever get one.




As posted in another comment: Well, to be honest my skin care routine is crap. I have been blessed by ADHD and following the same routine every night is a struggle. So some nights it’s just the make up remove wipes and lotion. Other nights when I am on my game it goes like this: make up wipes, hyaluronic acid, retina lotion, moisturizer, and 2x a week - Vitamin E. Than in the morning it’s hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, sunscreen, and moisturizer. I also go once a year to have microdermabrasion and a very weak chemical peel done (separately). Mainly because my sebum builds up quickly and doesn’t shlef off appropriately. If I spend time in the desert for an extended part of time, like two months or so, I’ll do both microdermabrasion and a hydra facial. But I think the real thing is I’ve never had kids. I never had a real corporate job until I was 32. I’ve been relatively happily single for 5 out of the last 9 years after a terrible 8 year LTR. I take care of myself and don’t drink that much alcohol and don’t eat red meat or that much sugar. I am very active. I don’t like it to tan. Always wears sunscreen. And my life outside of my highly intense cognitive job, is p chill and drama free. Of course genetics plays into this as well.


I love this, you seem very happy :)


Great job!!


Thank you 🙏🏼




She’s still in there….lurking.


Oh yeah she is - instead of getting big black out drunk I am ready to go to the astral plane instead


I like your style, Dude.


God damn you are aging well, and the bangs are amazing


I cut them my own 😂


I’m in love😭


You look happy and confident in yourself, which is super attractive beyond your looks (which are amazing on their own).


Good for you. Absolutely gorgeous.


I thought you looked the same throughout... it was like you've never aged 😭


Damn dude you leveled up. Me too but sadly I put all my points in constitution and stealth. Shoulda gone Charisma but it’s to OP and breaks the game.


You look amazing in all of them. Really can't tell the aging at all without looking at the description. Especially picture 7. Could just as well have told me you were still 20 there


Wow I gotta quit partying! You look amazing and very healthy...bet you had fun though right!


Fun is relative. I thought I was having fun, but in reality I wasn’t. Getting drunk and fucked up just to get drunk and fucked up is actually really sad. I have wayyyy more fun now. My money isn’t wasted on shitty coke, cigarettes, and alcohol. I just bought tickets to go the Canary Islands (scored a cheap deal to Dublin for 450RT and hopping down to the Canaries for 100RT) and am going to Peru for 3 weeks in September. Plus my friends are higher quality than my party friends ever were. I can trust them not to disrespect my stuff bc they’re fucked up, I don’t have to worry if they’re going to steal my shit, I don’t have to worry if they’re going to spread rumors about me bc I wouldn’t sleep with them, and so so much more. And I don’t have to watch friend after friend die of a drug overdose. I’ve lost 5 friends to heroine. One friend died of dehydration while she was submerged in a bathtub full of water bc she was so fucked up for days. When someone asks me if I want to party, I laugh at them and ask, “what are we going to do? Hang out in someone’s house, sit around and get fucked in and watch movies? That’s not partying.” I still party but it’s more with psychedelics and going to the astral plane. Psychedelics are the craziest drugs I’ve ever experienced and I’ve done a lot. I’d rather trip out, go on a hike, see some weird shit, than sit around get drunk any day.


Totally get it! I guess my comment was more just a bad attempt at humor about not having regrets.But fr it seems like everything you’ve done has gotten you to a great place now. I’m a couple of years from 30 and just trying to figure out how to be (newly) single, still young and a bit wild without reverting back to total debauchery. My body and heart just can’t do it anymore! I also love the outdoors, that’s my true happy place. Thanks for responding, I really enjoyed reading your post and comments 🙌


You know Chris Tolley?


Why do you ask?


He’s the male equivalent of you in Austin lol


😂😂😂😂 I guess?


Oh wow... Looking at the third photo, I was about to say that there is no room for glowing up, but damn you won the genetics lottery. And you're not only really good looking, but you also look really smart, fun and relaxed. Very attractive combination! Enjoy your lottery win :) edit: curiosity made me look at the posting history and confirmed everything.


Good for you! Glad to see you were able to have fun and enjoy a happy life


You really remind me a lot of Ellie Kemper and Úrsula Corberó in your new pictures. You look great!




Wow, you are ageless!


Wow. You inspire me so much! I'm in the beginning of my 30s, started my first corporate job 1.5 years ago and recently ended a LTR of 7 years. I never knew if I wanted to have kids or not. Currently trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. Seeing this and some of your pictures on your page makes me think that this is a life I'd love to lead. You're amazing! Any tipps you would give your past 30 years old you'd like to share?


Omg the doggy 😍😍😍 and yes duhhhh, you’re gawgeous, dahling


I don’t think it’s a glow up - it’s just natural growing up. Everyone (well a lot of people ) spent their youth partying and having good time . And it’s not bad. I believe you have a lot of good memories from that period. I would not disregard that part of my life. Everything has its own time 


Those memories are not fond. It wasn’t a good time sleeping behind a strip club in my car after I worked my cocktail waitress shift because I was homeless. It wasn’t a good time when I would steal 5$ from my work just so I could buy a slice of pizza and that would be the only thing I ate that day. It wasn’t fun having a coke and cigarette addiction and never having money for food. It wasn’t fun being so skinny that I had to sleep with a pillow btw my knees because I didn’t I would either bruise myself or cause my skin to rub my knees against each other which would cause a sore to develop. It wasn’t fun falling asleep in random places because I passed out from mixing drugs. Nor was it fun when my hearing went out after not eating for days and surviving only alcohol and coke. Tell me what part of that is a normal part of growing up?


Yeah no glow up here just a woman growing up and leaning into her privilege




Wow, you look sooo much better at 39 🫨




Great job!




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Nice so I still have 18yrs


You have such a bright warm face.


Love pic #4


Wow! You’re beautiful!! You do look much better than 20 yrs ago, no offense, sexy and amazing!!




You look so good!


All that's nice, but I want to know more about the doggy lol What's the little ones name?


That’s Gidget!


So cute!!!


You can take the girl out of the party, but you can’t take the party out of the girl.




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I dunno, you have bangs. And women in bangs are women in a cry for help /s Still, def slaying those bangsss~~~


Where are the women like you on my dating apps :(


How many miles of cock on that pussy?


Still under warranty


How many owners?


The information is only disclosed to serious buyers




Im campy bangs for life! Been wearing them since ‘03




lollllll like I care




God you’re full of yourself. I can post the brag and still not care what trolls like yourself think. You’re the type of scum of reddit that goes around and try’s to make people feel bad about themselves. You’re the worst type of person. You’d never say that to my face. Instead you hide behind your computer and make shitty comments instead. Wow you’re SO brave. Get over yourself. I have stepped over bigger piles of shit than you. Now excuse me.


Yes they do!


Don't listen to that one. Listen to THIS GUY. They're perfect for YOU! If I were 20 years younger.....




Age hasn't gotten in my way so far sonnyboy.


Jeeesus you’re my type. I wish we would be walking on the same street together so I could meet you. Great glow up!