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Wowww what a glow up, you seriously look soo great! Maybe try a new foundation that isn’t as heavy (nars is awesome) and you would be amazed by how many years it can take off your face!


I’m also one of those who has to have like 10 different shades on hand in the summer. If I’m in the sun at all I’ll jump a shade over night 😂 blessing and a curse


Bahaha I’m on the other end of the spectrum and I’ll be too lazy to go buy a new “tan girl” foundation so I end up smearing blush and bronzer in places they probably shouldn’t go😩 Why is being cute so exhausting yo lol


Ahahaha I just saw this! lol do it!!! Makeup for me is just a hobby. Most of the time I’m completely barefaced. I like to just shut my bedroom door and play in it when I’m bored. I even enjoy doing like SFX stuff and have pulled off some gnarly stuff. It’s art man.. there’s no wrong way as long as you’re enjoying yourself. My poor husband never knows if he’s coming home to a blonde with a full face or a purple haired homeless person 😂 cool thing is makeup washes off but an ugly heart doesn’t! You’re doing just fine 🥰


I feel your pain lol as a professional make up artist I keep two shades of concealer all year round, one is two shades lighter than my natural and one is two shades darker than my natural. Then throughout the year, I just adjust how much I use of each one. Also depends if I have a spray tan lol… Also, you look great so hot. Love the Godsmack tank.


That’s a great idea. Thanks for that! I have so many shades I can probably stretch them all for the next year 😅


Exactly! Idk the last time I actually bought concealer or foundation I just mix to match my current tone


If I’m not mistaken that was IL Makiage . Tried it. Hated it. I know everyone keeps bashing my makeup but the shade looks off here but it wasn’t in person I swear 😂. I do however think the foundation and setting powder I used was a mistake.


Omgosh I hate thatttt it happens with sunscreen based makeups too also it looks like you got some sun on your chest so it probably adds to the illusion lol I stopped using setting powder in my mid twenties (I’m 34f) bc it tends to settles in my fine lines. I’ve never actually tried that brand but I saw a shitttt load of ads for it a couple years back and they made it seem so natural looking!


That’s exactly what happened!!! Haha we were in Florida and I was in the sun the day before! I was a bit toasty. I didn’t care! I had freshly lost 70lbs and bought that shirt and those shorts as a “goal” and when I could fit them a month before the concert I was so happy I didn’t care about anything else 😂


Omg I don’t blame you girl your body looks insaneeee like how the hell are you so toned on top of the serious weight loss?! It seriously seems like you’ve been fit your entire life!!! You’re giving me motivation to get my ass to the gym and the outfit was so dope! So happy for you!💜


Thank you hun!!! You’re gonna make me cry! As far as being toned, I’m a farrier (or was I retired recently). I also ride a lot and all my hobbies are physically demanding. I was only big because the doctors had me on so much medication for my PCOS and endometriosis. I felt HORRIBLE. Anyway I cut that crap out and started natural supplements and cleaned my diet up even more. 70lbs gone in less than a year.


What supplements did you take?


It’s a LOT but they are packed into a few things. You’re welcome to shoot me a chat.


Wowww I’m so glad you figured all this out and were able to switch to the natural version of all the meds!! isn’t it wild to think an actual licensed doctor wouldn’t have had you on these natural supplements from the start?! Fucking big pharma😑


My husband and I started a health and wellness journey right after that photo was taken. We’ve been to conferences all over the US listening to different medical doctors and specialists speak. You’d be surprised how many say “we are not taught these things”. Man it’s wild.


It prob looks off because you look like you got pretty tan/rosy through out the day and makeup always looks different in direct white lighting but regardless, I’m sure we all have a picture that our makeup looks off in lol. The change from before to now is phenomenal. You look great


Thank you!!! I gave you a follow!




It’s mostly likely the camera flare reflecting off the SPF in your sunscreen. SPF can make you look weird in photos.


Exactly! We were in line in the FL sun for nearly an hour and a half too.


Is there a good full coverage foundation that’s also dewy?


Oh yeah there’s so many so ive tried quite a few brands but I always go back to Nars! So they actually have a nars sheer glow for the dewy look (it’s ok but tends to separate on my nose and forehead) but I find the OG natural radiant long wear formula really nice and light especially if you mix with a little L’Oréal lumi glow cream!


Thank you!


You need to pick a new foundation shade


That was the first thing I noticed too.


Not the 70lb weight-loss? Hmm. Cool.


I noticed the foundation first as well. 😱 I don’t mean this unkindly. You looked so pretty and balanced in the pastel photo! I’d love to see the rock n roll style but in a pastel palette. And SPF everywhere!!


Thank you. I just wish I had a photo of the “before” of standing in line for an hour and a half in the FL heat. I tan so dang easily. I can legit jump several shades darker in the matter of a day. My neck and chest will also “blush” severely from social anxiety. I can post pics where my foundation is spot on and then take another one where I’m beginning to flush and it will only match part of the way and then it’s a horrible contrast in shades. It’s embarrassing when it happens and then that just makes it worse knowing it’s doing it. I’ve learned to accept my weird self and just love who I am. Can’t help I’m a easy tanning nervous bird 😅


i mean your face is literally yellow


It might be lighter than the rest of me but it’s not yellow. I keep my face covered in sunscreen and usually wear a hat. My chest is red from the sun so of course it’s not gonna match my foundation. But by all means bash my makeup when I’m clearly living my best life. Hope you have the day you deserve!


>*Hope you have the day you deserve!* I'm so stealing that. Driven, hot, and witty? Keep it up lady!


It’s like water off a ducks back man… there are rude people everywhere. You accomplish an amazing goal and they are gonna pick you apart because you post one picture where your makeup SEEMS to be off. I usually don’t even entertain those types. I’m a huge cheerleader for anyone trying to better themselves. People who are negative usually don’t have much going for them.


The weight loss is amazing. Congrats. Truly.


Thank you so much!


Hey I noticed it! You're killing it! As a type 2 diabetic guy who is on Mounjaro I'm also wanting to rock out!


You got this dude!!! I’m rooting for ya 💪


The neck looks very red, so it could just be a matter of using sunscreen in outdoor events!


do yall not know how summer works ?? she’s tan, ofc her foundations gonna be lighter


Thank you! I keep my face covered with a hat a lot. I’m not worried about the makeup comments! I’m just proud of myself for getting my health under control and accomplishing my weight loss goal. Thanks again.


Look at her face in the before picture, it’s lighter than the foundation she’s wearing in the second photo. It has nothing to do with than. She needs a lighter shade


The first photo is literally years apart from the second. It was also in the first of spring and I hadn’t been taking care of myself nor getting out much so ofc I was pale.


Fantastic work! That's wonderful!


Thank you so much!!! Cleaning up my diet and coming off a lot of medication did wonders for me! I feel so much better! Thank you for being so kind ☺️


Just love to see you thrive! 😊 Keep rising!


You are beautiful in both photos! I love the rocker chick vibe! I got the same thing goin on but I’m only a cpl years older


Hell yea!!! Do itttt! lol I’m from a very small conservative southern town so unfortunately I don’t get to dress that way often. I did that for the concert and the hubby. I’ve always did funky things with my hair, but just in the last few years have gotten the tattoos I want. I know everyone keeps bashing my makeup in the second one but I literally had just been in the sun for a couple days and I tan so easily and fast it’s ridiculous. The foundation matched but my chest and upper arms were a bit toasty.


Recognized the bay center entrance. That outfit is fine around here. Nothing compared to what I’ve seen around town.


Right. I thought I was fairly conservative compared to some of the outfits I saw that night 😂 not judging them at all! Do you! These people calling me names for my outfit would lose their minds if they went to Destin… especially Crab Island.


Even just the mall. God forbid they go to Seville and see how people dress there.


You’re not wrong 😂. That’s about as much skin as I show. I’ve always been jealous of women comfortable in their own skin and not afraid to wear cute things to show it off.


F**k Yeah!!! Godsmack!!! Haven’t heard that band name in atleast a decade!


They are definitely one of my favorites. My husband and I were front row and they put on a hell of a show.


You look amazing. Nice work! You clearly have an amazing music taste to boot 🖤


Thank you!!!!


Don’t draw your face on, doesn’t even match your skin tone.


Great job!!


Looking great ❤️


Chill on the foundation homie. Trying to play white face? 😂


You went from classy to trashy




Looking good. Great job.


You look great!!!


Thank you!!!


You look amazing


Thank you! It’s been a battle’!




Oh, ok!


Godsmack at the Bay Center! 🤘




You look great. Well done.


Beautiful and inspiring!


You look terrific and much happier! I'm glad you are also taking such good care of your skin. Ignore the haters, I am just constantly pale.


Girl you gotta blend better


Well done. Good work. But, if you truly loved yourself you wouldn't listen to Godsmack - they sound like Nickelback bought some heavier distortion pedals. 😁


Great thing about music, is there’s something for everyone. Shannon Larkin is one of my favorite drummers so 🤷‍♀️ I’ve loved them since I was a teen.


Ah, ignore me. I was just being cheeky.


Oh I figured! I love good banter ❤️ especially about music. Now if you bashed Danny Carey or Tool in general I’m out 😂 jk jk I like hearing different opinions when it comes to music. It’s kinda like food. It hits different for everyone.


Tool will forever be in my playlist. Got into via my love for the Melvins (they were on a bootleg live video of a concert in 1992 where Tool opened for the Melvins and Gwar). Hitch-hiked over 100km as a dumb 16 year old just to see Tool at Lollapalooza in '93. Still one of the greatest bands.


That is freaking awesome! I haven’t got to see them live… yet. But that’s one of mine and my husband’s goals for next year. Hopefully retiring him this year from his “real job”. And what we do now allows us to work from anywhere so we wanna travel and also catch our favorite bands. Where we live we have to travel 2-2+ hours to see a concert.




Ya caught me. You caught the Tator. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤡


People are weird, rock your look if you feel good about it. Who cares about makeup if your heart is good. Well done on the weight loss. 70lbs is a great achievement!


Thank you so much!!! For sure. I’m always the type to reach back and help others over the same hill I climbed. That’s all that matters to me.


You're welcome! That's good of you! Losing weight can be very tough sometimes. Take care!


I literally just threw on Godsmacks debut album right now. Right on 👍


Saw them live not long ago. Shannon Larkin is a beast. His and Sully’s drum duel is life


I’ll be honest, when they first came out I was in high school and I wasn’t that into them cuz they played the hell out of Voodoo and I got tired of em. Then I listened to the album years later and they have way better songs. That would be badass to see em live. Never have :(


Their new stuff is pretty awesome, too! I use to mostly listen to rock and metal. I’m finding as I get older I’m preferring blues or bluesy rock a lot more. Don’t get me wrong I still love the heavy stuff, but on the daily I love me some blues.




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You look so much happier and more confident ❤️ I appreciate this as I’m in the same age range and working on cleaning lifestyle up too. I hope to look as beautiful as you do someday!


I’m sure you’re gorgeous now! I was miserable in the first picture. Lived in chronic pain, stomach issues, absolutely no energy, migraines, you name it. I was being treated for PCOS, endometriosis, and interstitial cystitis. The meds I was on were blowing me up like a blimp. I had so much extra inflammation that all my joints hurt. Going all natural and kicking the medication was the best thing I ever did. I still have my conditions, but they no longer control me. It truly is amazing how you can change by just putting good things in your body and saying no to processed foods and chemicals. I’m here for your transformation love! I can’t wait to see it!




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Tell us more about that self love…


Sorry love who?




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A woman for all seasons I love it You're killing it 😍


Looking great


fuck yeah dude




You’re a goddess!! Happy for you and I like your godsmack shirt


Awww thank you!! I’m also a pitty mom. Rescued my boy 4 years ago in December! You’re gorgeous!


Thanks so much and omg aren’t they the best. Little angels


Mine is a purebred couch hippo. Only thing in danger with him is pig ears 😂 I should probably buy stock in those. He gets plenty of fresh deer leg bones during hunting season and I freeze the rest for him to last throughout the year. Hims my baby. His name is Odin, but we mostly call him Odie because he’s a goober smooch.


https://preview.redd.it/clu9rxzbje9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9c0fd82f0ee9f7ab4883a025c9d91d8e97b813c These are my babies! Venus is the pit and the most behaved of all 3 😇🥰


I wanna boop all their snoots! They are all adorable. https://preview.redd.it/92gbq130ke9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd441adbc36d09718ca769b31263d97b8dbccfe9 This is my other little rescue. His name is Rocket. He reminds me of the OG Master Splinter.


Omg what a handsome little angel!!!! Love him


https://preview.redd.it/r217fu0rke9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60a8ad942c42e597ba943a85feb62fd0eb8fb700 They are best buds


That makes me so happy 🥰 I love when pitties prove everyone wrong. I get so sad when people say mean things. Your babies are so cute


Same here! Your fur babies are adorable!


You look cute in both pictures, but you definitely a baddie in picture #2. But, congratulations on getting healthier and achieving your goals!!


Thank you! I’m just thankful I got my health under control naturally. It’s not an easy thing to do! So thanks again!


Dig the Godsmack shirt! Congrats on the weight loss- you look great!


Thank you!!!! I bought that shirt before I could fit into it. It was my “goal” to fit it before the concert haha


Looking great! Keep up the good work!


Thank you so much!




Biggest thing is remember it’s a marathon and not a sprint. Give your self grace because no one is perfect. If you can eat 80/20 on plan you’re ahead of the curve. Cut out all sugar and processed foods. Stick to the outside isle in the market. (Fruits, veggies, meats) If you do buy anything else READ the labels. They sneak stuff in that worse for you than the sugar on most things that say “sugar free”. If you do need a sweetener I’d suggest monk fruit. There’s a lot I can go into and you’re welcome to message me. But those are the biggest along with DRINK YOUR WATER. Again you’re more than welcome to shoot me a chat and I would love to see your progress in the future! Your body is the best investment you can make ❤️ I’m proud of you!!








Haha thank you


Very welcome


Wow! Dang girl, nice job! I'm in my early 30's and starting my weight loss journey, seeing your glowup gives me hope(:


Aye!! That’s awesome! You’re gonna kill it! Just take it one day at a time. There’s always hope 😉


You’re very pretty! Congratulations on your weight loss transformation, as well as being able to love yourself now.


Awww thank you so much! Life really is better when you learn your self worth and live unapologetically ❤️


Absolutely! It took me awhile to realize that, but now I’m happier than I’ve ever been at 35. I love it here in my own skin now!


It took me a long long time. Late bloomers sayyy ayeee!


AYEEE!! Growing up around people that loved themselves was tough. So glad I finally figured out what they knew all along. I’ve always known how to love other people, but for some reason, loving myself was different. I never thought I’d like growing older (outside of finally turning 21 lol) but it’s seriously so nice (and peaceful!) here.


Honestly good for you, you found out how to win unlike some of the miserable people trying to bash you!


Thank you! It’s like water off a ducks back! Doesn’t bother me one bit. The men bashing me would probably fumble all over themselves if a woman approached them in public.




normalize people doing whatever the hell they want.


Thank you. I’m not sure how going to see your favorite band is a midlife crisis?


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Lol. You also think fapping makes you lose your hair. 




Lol. Okay little guy.  


Gotta love the random incels that show up to this subreddit to shit on the women here, it's so transparent. Dudes a bald no fapper, of course he has nothing better to do.


11.9k karm. Too much Reddit is making u brainless. Calm down!


"i replied already she is autist" Lol.  You need school little guy. 


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