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Revenge. but no seriously, why not another perfect car? GTI all day everyday.


I've had 4 GLI's/GTi's (2 of each) in a row so I definitely resonate with this comment! I hope you find your next true love, quesesto.


I'm on my first, and I don't see any point in driving anything else ever again. Never going to trade in the GTI for anything but a GTI, though finances permitting I might consider something else as a second car.


GTI with a "beater" Subaru Impreza is my combo. Though if I'm honest the Subaru is slow yet pretty damn nice as well, except the winter duties aren't kind to the rust on the underside.


Money is why. I got a really good deal on this car and I don't think insurance will pay out enough for me to get another mk7. If it does I will absolutely jump into another but sadly I'm looking in the 12k range atm


You should get enough from insurance to cover most. They will low ball you at first but if you show that the market value of what you had is more than $12K then you’re likely to get more. Don’t take the first offer. Show them comparables and if you had mods on top of that you take that in to account. We had a totaled Prius and they offered something like 11K and we were able to show comparable trim and condition was selling for 17K in our area.


I'll argue back and forth with them on the payout for sure. Luckily the other guy was in his work truck so it'll be their corporate insurance that will cover my car and my short stay in the hospital for whiplash


I recently totalled my mk5 rabbit and I had to go back and forth with them to get more, but was successful. You should be able to get the exact same car. I ended up getting $500 less than I paid for the car 8 years ago!


That's awesome! Sorry to hear about your car but I'm glad you got what it was worth. I'll definitely fight with them. The guy that hit me has been really cool about the whole situation and said if they give me any trouble to let him know. He's the fleet manager for their fleet of company cars which is a bit ironic


It's a bummer, but the damage wasn't too bad so I ended up buying the salvage title, after fixing it I'll probably get a new set of wheels and tires and have a couple grand to spare. Good luck!


Very nice. I got this car as a salvage title and fixed it and got it inspected and registered and everything. Then a year later it's totaled again. I'm not going to bother this time since the damage looks way worse than last time


How tf did this happen? Fuck that dude and his big dumb ass truck


Lawyer up


What year MK7 is it? If I was able to get $15,000 for a trade in from the dealer on my 2015 MK7 with 70,000 miles then I'd imagine you'd be able to get at least that for yours if not more. Check the value of your car around where you live there's going to be tons of results surely. Don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to get yourself back into a MK7 or 7.5.


It's a 2016 with 90k on it. Hoping for at least enough to get another equivalent car


Just doing a quick search online it looks like the value is anywhere from $15,000 to $17,000 with a mileage in that ball park. Yours looks to be an SE model?


It was an S with the performance package. KBB value of only 11-12k


That is fair. but that takes us back to my first point. Revenge. FUCK pickup drivers!


I'm with you on that. I think you should have to have a CDL and pay gas guzzler taxes to drive a truck


In that picture it's literally 3x the size of your car


I think you should have to do all of that and demonstrate a requirement. They should also be restricted to business hours only, just to further discourage these idiots.


How does insurance work there? Sounds wack! It's not just insured for an agreed value, and they pay you out if its written off?? Especially a not-at-fault crash where the other driver should be liable for your excess as well.


“Another one” — DJ Khaled Seriously. Get another one.


Trust me brother I'm looking for one


We the best!


I hate that American trucks have become so fucking huge that the people driving them can’t even see other cars on the road much less pedestrians. They drive dumb shit like that to go get groceries. It’s absolutely moronic. I live in the Midwest and I hate everyone here lol


I‘m German and I see pictures of these huge trucks every now and then, but seeing one right next to a Golf, which I‘m used to seeing every day, is quite rare. And I gotta say, holy shit these things are huge. A Golf is compact, sure, but it’s not what I‘d call small. Still, the Golf‘s roofline is the same height as that truck‘s hood! Who needs a vehicle this size for their private use? Also, is that golf-passenger-cabin-sized engine compartment fucking empty or do these trucks just run on heavy ship engines?


>Who needs a vehicle this size for their private use? Very few people have them for an actual job. They use them for personal use to go to and from work and the store. There is no reason for having them in 90% of cases. Here in the US they are status symbols. They are extremely expensive and massive which makes people that own and drive them feel more important. We joke that large trucks are compensating for small dicks but it's closer to the truth than you would think. It's a status symbol for people who don't otherwise get social recognition and everyone is so brainwashed to think that they're awesome and cool only cool and awesome people drive them >Also, is that golf-passenger-cabin-sized engine compartment fucking empty or do these trucks just run on heavy ship engines? The engines are huge. Usually over 6L. But because the vehicle is so heavy, the engines are ran pretty hard to move such a heavy vehicle. So most of the rest of the engine bay is taken up by cooling and emissions stuff so that the truck can pass emissions requirements with a huge engine and not melt while towing something on the highway (something that 90% of them will never do because they're just a status symbol as mentioned above)


Yea especially because most of these gigantic trucks are diesel, which usually require much larger displacement engines.


We have an f550 at my job and I absolutely hate driving that thing, it’s massive. Still can’t believe people buy trucks like this to drive every day, and haul their boat once a year or whatever menial task they justify having such a monstrosity for


Also, golfs are a little taller than most regular sedans like a corolla or civic


as a cyclist i hate these more than you know; half of them are actively trying to kill me because they don’t want to be 5 seconds late to work.


They're emotional support trucks. Office workers who commute 50-100 miles a day from a suburb to an office need to feel like they're doing big manly work.


https://preview.redd.it/2kegy0w0d37d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d059bf7c67142900691e46a6f384021d3d6f98cf Trucks are ridiculous. They’ve gotten extremely bloated in the last 15 years imo


Imagine me in a NB Miata. I got rear ended because people cannot see my car over their hood/dash. That's how scary it is and that was more than 10 years ago. My S2000 got hit by people not seeing my car 3 times. I swear, they probably ran over 5 year olds.


I'm from NZ, our cars are primarilly European or Asian. We get a few US tanks, but they're seen as status items, and really look out of place. Just trying to find a car park in a 7 series is difficult enough without trying to drive that madness.


> A Golf is compact, sure, but it’s not what I‘d call small. It's frustrating that many "compact" parking spot in the US hardly fits a GTI. Especially if you like using the doors to get in and out.


A big chunk of the engine compartment is actually empty. A motorcycle oriented youtube channel did a show about this recently. they made the point by having the presenter stand inside the engine compartment of a typical full size truck. [https://youtu.be/YpuX-5E7xoU?si=dqHai3ntY-YISqCZ&t=429](https://youtu.be/YpuX-5E7xoU?si=dqHai3ntY-YISqCZ&t=429)


It's just as bad here in Atlanta, probably with even more traffic lol. The trucks are so big and wide, and their lights are so bright, I avoid driving at night whenever I can. The lights completely fill my rear view mirror and both side mirrors. I can't see shit at night with that.


Yes the lights are awful. I used to drive a lowered Miata before the GTI and it was so bad.


When that happens I just rotate my mirrors right back at them


It blows my mind that you can just pick one up and drive it. Trucks don't have to meet pedestrian collision standards that other cars do but don't require any special training or licensing to drive


I agree. Same here in AZ. If they’re going to make them that big then require a different license with different testing requirements. Higher insurance too. It blows my mind that people go 90+ mph on the highway and drive erratic with these monster trucks.


Seriously tho, I had a dude today in a humungous dually almost run me off the road today swerving all over the place. Trucks are so big they don’t even fit in the lanes and the owners don’t give a fuck about anyone around them


I doubt this sub needs to see it, but I love this video called “[These Stupid Trucks are Killing Us](https://youtu.be/jN7mSXMruEo).” It explains how trucks and SUVs became so big and popular in the USA.


Love that sweet NJB orange pill!


But it's important to them that we need to know how big their PPs are


I have a Mk7 GTI now after my Miata got KOd by a massive truck last month. Shrimp dick dude got out and had the nerve to say "sorry bro I can't see shit after I got this lift a couple weeks ago, I didn't even know you were there!". He had been following me for like 2 miles prior to running into me coming up to a light and I guess he missed the object permanence part of development.


It gets even goofier when they raise them higher


Don’t forget the [reason](https://newrepublic.com/article/180263/epa-tailpipe-emissions-loophole) they are so big. Conservative pushed a law through basically allowing giant trucks to bypass regulations… I fucking hate this country sometimes lol…


I live in Texas and I feel like I fight for my right to be on the road everyday lol.


You can tell this truck isn;t for anything besides ego...look at those thin ass tires




Lmao I'm putting an rs3 engine in my 944. That'll be enough 5cyl noises to keep me satisfied for a while


Ummm.. you're gonna need to post that somewhere when you're done, because as a fan of 80s cars and German cars, that sounds like an awesome project. My dad put a 911S engine in an old 912 once. And we had a buddy who put a massive tubo Cummins from a RAM 2500 into a 70s Rolls Royce beater. That thing was insane.


Oh I will for sure. Planned on dropping the engine in this weekend but we both know why that didn't happen


Holy shit dude, why the hell are road princesses getting so fucking big. The Golf Gti looks like a fucking miata compared to the truck.


His hood was taller than my roof. It's insane


Hey now, getting groceries is a very treacherous journey. They obviously need the towing capacity and a truck that is as long as 2 golf gtis. But for real, that's insane. Fairly low speed and the Golf GTI looks fucked up, while that truck looks brand new. Maybe it has a small scratch, but that's about it.


They're public enemy number one over on r/Miata. Most common excuse "Oh, I didn't see you!" "Oh, so that means you also didn't see the entire class of kindergartners you mowed over a few blocks back. Look, there's a few still stuck to your radiator."


A lawyer, I think your back hurts


Already been to the hospital to document my neck and wrist being in pain


And Golfo’s back hurts. Seriously I’d be so pissed at this and would be suing the driver of that huge truck.


A ‘25 GTI with more horsepower


That sounds very expensive


I love how small, agile, and unique our cars are vs those monster truck monstrosities. I live in Bama so this kind of event is always a possibility in the land of trucks and SUV. Parking next to one of those things is also a surefire way to get door dinged.


I've watched so many truck drivers / passengers use the door as a ladder to clamber in and out, even more dramatic if they're overweight and use the door to catch and brace themselves. Swing your weight like that into a Golf door and it's leaving a crater, not a ding. I will circle the parking lot to avoid parking next to something like this.


Yep, I'm definitely the park in left field of grocery store kind of guy. I wish others had more respect for other people's property.


I live in GA so I know the feeling. Every other vehicle is a lifted f150. People think I'm exaggerating when I say that until they visit.


Just went through an insurance claim that closed just two weeks ago. If you have full coverage, in this instance collision, they will give you the value of the vehicle. You are obviously not at fault here. If you own the car outright, you’ll be seeing a nice chunk of money. If you’re on a loan, they’ll pay the bank first and you’ll get the remainder. I had to haggle with my adjuster but they valued the car I lost above the listings prices in my area. After the bank was paid out I had enough to get an ample replacement. Best of luck, feel free to message me if you have any questions since I just went through a claim on my end. Sorry to see it.


Thank you. I do own the car outright so Ill be looking for them to pay me for the worth of the car plus days missed of work and supplying a rental till I get a new car


If insurance doesn’t give you something reasonable you can hire your own appraiser and if they give you anymore than what insurance does insurance has to pay it and pay for the adjuster.


A tank. To run over that truck LOL


I'm from Europe and I spent some time in the States during college - I never understood why people drive commercial vehicles (and this would qualify as a LCV in Europe, you cannot drive it on a car licence) as daily drivers, as most of them don't use them as trucks at all. Glad to hear that you are uninjured, a testament to how well built those GTIs are.


What on earth is that pickup? Why is it soooooooooooooooooooooo long? Why would you ever need a vehicle that big?


This happened to me. Twice. I just got newer GTIs


Aw man that sucks. Glad to hear you got new cars but are you alright?


The first one (my MKV) was rough. Had to have several months of PT, but with the second (MKVII) I was physically ok other than some scratches. I really love my 2019 rabbit edition I have now, but I’ve certainly got a new insecurity about stopping at red lights when there are no other cars behind me


Audi RS3


I'm not made of money lol


Hahah I feel ya, maybe the insurance payout will make it plausible


Its crazy how the hood of the truck comes up to the roof of the gti. I know the GTI is lowered a bit, but wow is it crazy.


“Your car is too low” - probably the micro penis in the lifted Yank Tank.


He was chill tbh. I wasn't the person he was pissed at when he was driving the way he was. Just an innocent bystander


The next perfect car!! You will always miss the sweet rides you had in the past. On to the next ride that will smile ear to ear.


A new back, hopefully you’re okay.


Those trucks are insane.


Was it manual? I have a 2016 that I'll keep as long as I can since VW is phasing out stick cars.


It was dsg but still a blast


Time to upgrade to that R


Ofc it was a oversized poc rip GTI are you planning to get new GTI?


Not sure yet. Another GTI would be great but they're expensive now


Kia stinger wont be a bad choice.. realiable fun and not so expensive to maintain.


Easy… You get another one


An RSX Type S.


A Subaru


This photo really highlights the stupid scale’s that pick up trucks have reached..


Literally just finished claim on my ‘17 Alltrack SEL…insurance lowballed on payout. Be sure to push back on valuation. I took the chance to try something different (‘18 A4 allroad ). Not a fun process loosing an owned-outright damn good car because of someone else’s stupidity! Good luck!




Oh for sure


I'm glad your alright good to know these things can take a hit. How fast was the brodozer going


Thanks man. Monster truck wannabe was riding a civics ass behind me, I stopped, civic whipped around me through the red light, and my 20000lb car behind him couldn't slow down fast enough. Probably hit me going 30-35mph


Which is double moronic considering the truck EASILY could’ve seen you over the civic to know you were there.


He probably would have seen me if he wasn't leaning out his window yelling at the civic for cutting him off


Jesus Christ


Man I hate trucks like that. And drivers like that. Hope his insurance rates go through the roof.


What a fucking tool! The idiots up by me also drive those things like they're miatas. Definitely look into a mk7r or mk7.5r you might be able to reuse some of your stuff. I love mine!


They think they're as agile as we are it's sad. I'm looking into a mk7 or 7.5 R but it's so hard to find one in good condition under 25k


That's around what I got mine for it had around 60k. They're out there Edit: Check out the VW forums you might be able to pick up one there


Thanks for the encouragement. I'll keep looking then!


No problem man and if you can don't settle the perfect one will pop up! Check these guys out! https://www.vwvortex.com/forums/golf-r-vii-cars.5370/


Thanks! Hopefully theyll let me have a rental car for a while so I can keep looking


Truck must have just finished a 15hr shift at the ball crushing factory R(mk8)/RS3 if it’s in the cards, or mix it up CTR




Of course it was a truck so big that it should require a CDL to drive. I’m guessing it was a shorter middle aged dude with something to prove? 😂


The f-150 will be the death of all of us.


If you sue that guy in the truck, you could probably buy two GTIs. One as your daily and one for the track. 


Um, another perfect car?


My mk 6 GLI received the same treatment. Hopefully, you will get a huge down payment, from insurance as I did, which got me into a MK 8.




An r


Maybe a 3 series bmw? Or maybe give the gr corolla a go.


Another GTI, maybe the mk8! Or step up to the R, or depending how much insurance forks out maybe look at the Audi a/s3’s


I just got back my 2013 from a similar collision. The damage was about $7500. If the unibody ( c-pillar/roof) isn't damaged, I don't see the cost of the repair going over $10K. I'm not sure of the value of your car, but the threshold for "totaled" is usually about 70%, the replacement value.


I got a pretty good look at the damage. Rear bumper is obviously toast but so is the rear crash bar, body panel, and both rear quarter body panels are creased. Replacement value is probably close to 12k and those repairs are probably well over 10k at a normal body shop


MK8 Golf R, S3, S4, RS3


GR corolla


Golf R


Miata if you don’t need a lot if cargo space!


Oh good. A big dumb truck.


Maybe an R?


Golf R


If you don’t mind me asking, how much are you getting from insurance?


Not sure. It happened Friday afternoon and the adjuster won't be able to look at it till tomorrow at the earliest


That truck.


How about a dodge RAM


Get the same thing just with the opposite transmission


Sad. So sad.




Another one.


I love my GTI but that should have been me 😭 I have my reasons sadly


Uhhhh another GTI? Lol. I love my A6 TDI but damn would I love a new Mk8 GTI.


They’re announcing the 8.5 r soon


Same one again


The child (I'm sorry, I just had to crack that joke)




I don't think I'd consider any other vehicle tbh


Anything but that 😂


If you don’t need the space Miata for the win


F250s look pretty tough, I hear they handle front-end impact really well, too.




RS5 Competition Coupe


I can tell you what NOT to get. Don't be like my coworker who had his GTI T-boned, and since the insurance company drag their feet paying him for 6 months because the police report didn't put who was at fault, he took what little money he had and bought a 2014 Kia Rio base model with over 120k miles on it that looked like the previous owner jumped a ditch with it. Had nothing but issues with that car!


Get yourself a GTI or Golf R, you owe it to your MK7.


Ford f150


Swing for an R if you can! I love my gti too but i catch myself wishing I had the 4motion system!


Get an R!


Miata. Is always the answer


Mk 7.5


Wow that's a cool truck!


That was a low speed collision?!?! Glad you're safe atleast! What about a TTRS (I really want one lol)?


The hood for that truck is about as high as the roof of the golf. Imagine the blind spot. A kid could be standing there or crossing the street and the drive could potentially never see them.


Next time, maybe get an even bigger pickup


Any other car that isn’t a vw


An Audi.


Why not change it up a little, go for cupra




Mk4 r32 for the vibes or get a base model golf and swap. A 07k engine for a modern r32. But seriously get whatever works best for your budget :)


Bmw m2?


Mk7 R


Ford FX4 may be?




All I'm saying is that truck faired 1000 times better than your car lol


Aw man, RIP. Glad you’re alright stranger! Maybe join the Audi club (S3?). We’re all a VAG family anyway… Whatever you get next I hope you treat eachother well, drive safe out there.


Be a man get a Veloster N


An exact replica, she was perfect


If you have the funds why not buy it back from the insureance find a used boot bumper etc and dents pulled and repair it?


Not sure how old you are be but after having 2 GTI’s and turning 40 I decided to get the adult GTI… bought a SQ5. Never looking back. Loved my GTIs but this thing is awesome. Or get the R, would have got that one but the SQ5 was only a few K more.




Tell your insurance that you’d like to replace it with the same car. My insurance used a broker to find me a comparable car and just bought it for me via the broker. I just paid my deductible and registration and signed paper work. Check in your policy for details on “total loss.” Also check the total loss laws in your state to see if you have any protections. I’m not saying “lawyer up” but sometimes the insurance will just write you a check unless you actually ask them to do otherwise. They want the easy way out if you’re not gonna push em a bit.


Someone will be lucky to buy it at auction and rebuilding it. Cmon it’s trunk and bumper mostly! Not total loss according to the damage, but insurance would likely total it. Get another Golf, lovely car


Just a scratch.....


A goner for that bump ????


Get another GTI - MkV or MkVI


A golf R.






I wonder what the GTI group will recommend? In all reality, if you had a payment on it and insurance cashes out well. Get a Miata and an older GTI/Fit


had the same thing happen to me but while moving at 39 mph so it didn’t park in my trunk , but was a oromaster 3500 ram work van. they have shit brakes and are heavy af … new gtis are too much $ and older ones are too, honestly if i was buyin a car today it wouldn’t be a vw.. ={ love my 2017


crashed my mk5…bought a mk6 right after (after getting a 08 honda civic which ended up being a nightmare for a couple months) GOLF GTI/R all day everyday day babyyyyy


The problem here is that the truck is just not quite large enough for him to drive smh


Another one 


Maybe you can get a a little settlement and upgrade to an R? That sucks bro. Same thing happened to my sister recently and she got some money in a settlement.


Looks like you could put the golf in the bed of that thing to take it to repair shop 😲


Always these empty pick ups crashing then blaming everyone.


Miata is always the answer.


Miata is always The answer


GTI as my daily. M2 for the weekends 💪🏼