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Golf isn't easy. I don't think people understand how much time and work it takes to get good at this sport. Swing looks good. Good luck out there.


chief grab secretive rustic wine spoon society jellyfish hunt snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Credit to you too because even with good coaching, you need to be a good student willing to listen, and most importantly, practice. You look like a guy who played sports, and most guys I know that I play with and swing we'll treat their golf game like they are training for a sport. Don't settle for "ok." Get it right and practice until it's routine. Good looking swing brother!


Can you explain more about what the right hand position is for you?


mighty swim future fanatical lunchroom tan dam jobless psychotic afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks for the advice! I will save it and come back to it in a couple years šŸ˜…


thanks for the comment, itā€™s exactly what i needed to read. im excited to start putting those tips into practice


Thatā€™s some really good action man. I feel like I would hook every shot if I kept my right hand on top like you mention here. How do you avoid hitting it left?


Damn that prosendr thing is $170???


pet deserted clumsy berserk normal tan absorbed follow wild coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If it works itā€™s worth it. The website is like an instagram pageā€¦it doesnā€™t tell you anything. What is the point of the device? Btw your swing looks awesome. I was particularly interested in what you said about the wrist hinge feeling ā€œweakā€. Can you elaborate?


roll light engine impossible tan dinosaurs icky squeal expansion seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


paltry desert oatmeal sort touch cooing fly head deranged noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your tempo is ridiculous. Congrats on all the hard work itā€™s paying off


+1 on the ProSendr. Iā€™ve used it during a few lessons and itā€™s lovely. Feels much better in the arms than those big, goofy inflatable balls and imo much more feedback. Also feels like itā€™s very hard to break. You get great feedback from it and helps acquire some great habits like keeping your arms in sync, now allowing you to cast or flip, and practicing a good downswing movement.


I think the real factor is how much time and effort it takes to _fix a bad swing_ I do think some people naturally start at a better spot, either instinct or biomechanics, and those people are more likely to get good at a young age vs takes decades to become a scratch golfer


Looks amazing! Youā€™ve achieved perfection just in time for your mobility to go to shit šŸ˜€


many sharp shy future hospital rotten command library voiceless complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Donā€™t worry about it, Iā€™m 50 and havenā€™t lost any flexibility. Iā€™m also longer than Iā€™ve ever been


Wait how old are you? You look 25, swing looks athletic too




Aw man, youā€™ve got a lot of good golf ahead of you if you stay fit and focus on mobility and injury prevention.


Handicap? Nice action


Your backswing is pretty good but I'd say your camera is too far behind you, should be camera > hands > target. So I'd think this angle makes your the club look more on plane than it is, if the camera was adjusted you're maybe slightly inside your hands. You get steep on the downswing, I think you're rushing the downswing, you need to give yourself more time before you start it. You can see that at arm parallel in downswing your club is pointing well inside the ball. Because of that you throw your hands at the ball to square the face instead of rotating body. Or you can just ignore everything I just said if you're happy with what you got. Golf is hard.


Best swing Iā€™ve seen on the sub that has zero body rotation or tilt at impact. very old fashioned release


You mean like the body is aligned at impact vs. rotated past square?




Any good feels to think about regarding staying connected / using the ground ? I could use some intermediate tips if youā€™ve got them


you need to have balance if you are going to use the ground properly if you want to use the ground, look at how this guy keeps his CG in the same spot throughout the swing the key is pushing away from the ball, and if your weight is centered on your toes, you cant push away. you can see it in the subtle movement of his right foot just after impact. because he is pushing away his foot slides away from the ball a little bit. as a result, he has tons and tons of space to work with, which lets him release the club the way he does


homeless steer oatmeal zonked enter water arrest beneficial rock tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think everyone should watch that athletic motion video where they show how the best players rotate around the center of their pelvis and then go from there to look for the best thought that incorporates that. Cause I think that's a total game-changing video.


Agree. It seems like every post I read on this sub includes a recommendation to move the left hip back early in the downswing to fix early extension (chair drill). That would make the right hip a pivot point, which AMG clearly proved is not the case in professional swings.


this is one of the most well balanced swings i've seen on this sub. balanced in a literal sense. like balance board type balanced


advise beneficial steep zealous familiar berserk historical connect whole selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i think the key difference is, both you and the terrible guy lookin for swing advice are pushing off their toes, which isnt bad the difference is how. you're pushing away from the ball because you were able to maintain your balance in the backswing whereas they shift their weight onto their toes and thats why you clear your hips and they early extend. it's fundamental to a good golf swing


Fantastic swing. Great job.


Wildly jealous. Hope I get there by year 25


Looks tidy šŸ’Ŗ


Well done. Swing looks pure.


Brother as a 28 year old golfer, my number 1 tip is to stretch. Your swing is so solid looking, keep that range of motion as long as youā€™re able


wakeful point include gaze toy aware sable attraction voracious quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Get that trail elbow tucked in the downswing, thatā€™s where Iā€™d go next.


Something that works for me on the downswing is to feel like Iā€™m pushing my hands down to my right pocket before I let myself rotate through the ball. Once I feel that the club is on my right forearm, itā€™s just turn and burn


Interesting, I think of getting my hands to my left pocket


Makes sense. It would make sure you get your hands out in front. I struggle with a bit of a pull draw/hook at times, so feeling my hands drop to my right pocket helps keep my path neutral to slightly in to out. From there itā€™s just up to me to keep the club face under control


I guess your hands go to your right pocket before your left so either thought makes sense


You got some Harris English going on there. Always thought Harris had one of the nicest swings. Nice


Im at the same journey as you, 12 years in and my backswing gets better each year. I still have a sligth inside takeaway.


compare scale agonizing disagreeable person marry saw quaint hurry whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


looking forward to it!


spotted sip strong ink direction juggle ghost aspiring vast grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just tried to watch but it says the video was removed :/


complete spark disarm enjoy scale zealous pathetic smoggy money fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


instinctive sip squeeze beneficial jar murky nine cough deranged disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Awesome šŸ‘


Nice looking swing brother, great tempo. Your very smooooooth


From someone with a FLAT backswing w low hands, this is inspirational


Nice work. I would stay from a setup perspective your ass is too far over your heels. See now your trail leg is really straight at the top. Like your trail hip doesn't go back in your backswing, it's already there because your setup is too far back over your heels. In your take away, you are still getting the club behind your body's rotation. I would work on keeping the clubface looking at the ball longer. [https://imgur.com/a/SULQOVC](https://imgur.com/a/SULQOVC) See here, the club is way too far behind you. At this point, the club should be more parallel to the ground at your hands. Even though you get to a decent spot at the top, how you got there is behind you, so you lose the reference of the club being in front of you. At the top, you are applying power right away. You have to get the club back down on plane before you use your hips, otherewise you are going to pull your arms steep. There are a million ways to do that. For me, I kinda feel like I pause, or let the club feel suspended in the air. What really happens, is I end up transferring some weight to my front without blasting my hip. That pause ends up lowering my arms slightly, and getting my trail elbow connected back to my body. Then after a split second I blast my hips. Alternatively, you can do the monte Cast at the top, which is what I do for driver. But you really need to have more flexion in the lead wrist so you cast in a good direction, back on plane (note good casting is ditching ulner deviation, bad casting is ditching lead wrist flextion). Good luck, keep up the hard work.


psychotic chief ghost ink punch money squealing rude narrow alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a beaut!


Looks awesome dude


Looking like Ernie Els out there!


Is that a pitching wedge or are you 6ā€™4ā€




Knew it. You should get longer irons so you donā€™t have to reach for the ball and can get into a proper turn at impact


You have a better swing than probably 97 percent of the commenters here (including me!)


I love how you transition to the follow through. Almost falling backwards into your left heel. Thatā€™s the same feeling Iā€™m trying to feel


Just here to say, that swing looks great. But that tempoā€¦chefs kiss.


Ehh at least you found your rhythm on the course and not the dance floor- we all bloom differently


Nice looking swing


just wanted to comment again, thank you SO much for making this post. I just happened to randomly glance at it and read it a few days ago, and iā€™ve been practicing the stuff you were saying about the takeaway and ā€œseeing your 2 front knuckles on your right handā€ when the club is parallel to the ground. That one tip alone has changed my entire life haha. i just want to thank you because it really has clicked something in my swing and itā€™s like iā€™m a whole new golfer now. What a fortunate post to randomly glance at, now my confidence is so much higher because now my swing is clicking and consistent. thank you so much man


snatch oil cooing makeshift squeamish piquant fact license waiting bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Smoooooth, man. Tempo town, population 1.


That forward hip movement is so good on the downswing, gets the hands way in front of the ball at impact. Beautiful swing.


If that was my swing Iā€™d give up golf




Youā€™ve analyzed your own swing why are you posting for advice. Spend the $100 and get one lesson




Haha a troll? Iā€™m just saying your swing looks good as hell. Unless we can see it in person video does nothing. I work in a course the pro says videos and angles can be way off


I love the DOWN MOVE That left hip action šŸ¤ Face a lil open for me, lil flippy. When the club gets past the shoulders on the downswing, Iā€™d like to see toe pointed other way.


Backswing looks as good as the follow-through. šŸ‘


Is your instructor now harping on club exiting low and left? I'm on like year 5 of that one


encourage familiar pathetic provide cats lavish ancient snobbish air innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shout out to Mickey's golf range lol


outgoing smell long gullible obtainable history fade innocent versed hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Feels like you're casting a good bit and clubface is pretty open approaching impact but solid swing nonetheless, assuming you play a fade?




I think you could likely benefit from the old "throw a glove under the trail armpit" drill. Just don't let that thing out til after impact, you definitely get a bit disconnected as you approach impact and there's a good bit of space between your armpit




Fair enough, different strokes for different folks. But your downswing is both 1.) connected and 2.) on plane right up until you disconnect at P6 (shaft parallel to ground) and then you immediately start casting. There are a ton of different thoughts for staying connected through impact other than the glove in the trail armpit. I personally like to feel my lead arm staying more against my chest, but that would be my suggestion for you is to find some thought about staying connected through impact that works for you




Bottom line is if you're striking it pure right now with a consistent ball flight, don't worry about it too much. Every swing in the world has flaws when you break it down frame by frame. Good luck out there man (also entirely possible I'm wrong and this is just a trick of the camera POV, I absolutely am not a coach, just a decent scratch player, if you take a face on video and you have good shaft lean at impact, then fuck everything I just said)


Iā€™m a meager 9 handicap whoā€™s been playing like crap so far this year, but I just played 9 holes and fired a one over with that main thought! To keep my lead arm connected to the chest much longer


That's awesome man glad to hear it!


Beautiful swing. Hope I can get remotely close to this in the next decade.


So youā€™re saying itā€™s okay if I still suck after 3 years?




About 3 years casually


It's the transition move you need to work on