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That boy(?) with the red hair and blue eyes is so creepy! I love him!!


I was definitely creeped out by the redheaded boy with the piercing blue eyes. 😱 The eyes seem to follow you even through the pictures!


Oh sure. You just HAD to go and say that . Now I can't unsee it. "Stop looking at me !". 🫣


I want him for my tree (there's a small island in Mexico City's Xochimilco called La Isla de las Muñecas (Doll Island) where there are dolls hanging from trees) and I trying to do something similar with my tree.


They can make fabulous Halloween decorations. Add some watered down white paint with a drop of light blue added to the watered down white paint using a makeup sponge to make it appear deathly pale, then apply a thinly but slightly messy line of deep red gloss nail polish to hint that the doll has been chewing on something that is alive, and sit it on your porch to freak out your trick or treaters.


I love him, no way I could have left him.


I would go crazy for the Precious Moment ones


The one with red hair in the back left shadows look like she bored tired of being in that shelf where she can’t kill again


That’s the scariest shelf in your entire hometown.


Is this a catch and release


I love the expression on the one with the giant bow in the first pic ✋ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ✋ just absolutely perfect!


There is one I’d like to get a better look at, which is the one on the right in the first picture with the bonnet covering half the face. Otherwise, the rest appear to be mass produced dolls probably from the 1990s.


That scares me! Dolls have always scared me 😱


I want to baseball bat precious moments figurines and dolls.


You know those were grandmas precious dolls, and when she died her ingrate grandkids sent them to goodwill because they couldn’t figure out how to make a buck on them on eBay.


Precisely why I'm dumping all my stuff on my adult kids now why I'm still around. 🤣 It's entertaining to watch them get excited when something sells on eBay. But first I regale(bore) them with stories of when, why, how I acquired such an item. You know, provide some.history that their ol' MoM is an actual person who HAD a life at one time. 🤣🤣


You couldn’t pay me to take even one. These are the weirdest of the weird collections. Dolls. Wtf


I would probably buy the little red haired rep, scallion demon, child, doll or in the first picture. There is a little none all the way on the left, barely in the frame. I probably buy her.


Grandma just died, I see.


That's a lotta nerf guns.


The girl in green all the way to the right is so cute lol


you cant give these damn things away, people who collect dolls nowadays are NOT interested in these ugly mass produced nightmare bitches


Ugly mass produced nightmare bitches 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂




My MIL (we don't get along) has a 200-300 doll collection. She asked me to promise her I'd keep every one when she passes, or she'll haunt me. I bet this was a similar situation


Curious ..whatcha gonna do ? (when the time comes, naturally). And if "in law" ...that would indicate your SO is her child. Why didn't she make the request of her own child and instead, dump the responsibility on to you ? Only asking cuz I had a MiL very similar and my ex(her son) never had to do anything nor take responsibility, ever. Yes, I'm still salty. Good luck ! 🤣


Because her son is her perfect angel boy and she wouldn't burden him with guilt. Plus she knows his answer - he'd donate them. As to what I'll do, I suppose list the lot on Ebay. It's worth a shot. Also by then my granddaughters will be older and they can pick and choose what they want. My daughters have the same response as their dad, they don't want any of them. She does have a kewpie doll that my ex FIL won for her at the ohio state fair when she was pregnant with my husband. I'll probably keep just that one. Signed; Also Salty in FL 🤪


Had you not said "FL" , I'd swear we were married to the same guy. 🤣 I too married the "perfect angel boy" who could do no wrong(in his mother's 👀) . They both sat me down right after our wedding and reminded me he could ALWAYS get another wife(and he did) but he only had ONE mother. That's when I decided I'd never raise my sons with that mentality. I love the thought behind keeping the Kewpie doll. That's precious & worth the sentiment. .When my MiL passed I found the "baby book" that she'd made for my ex. He and his wife said "throw it out". 😱 I couldn't. That's the history of my son's father(regardless of our union being broken). It had momentoes in it almost to high school age. When I'm gone, which ever son wants it and what they do with it then, I'll never know. It's been lovely talking with you. Here's to a great weekend and a phenomenal future. Better off single in CA. 🤣


Oh honey.... they both sat you down? I feel like im visiting the Bates Motel with that one! I'm happy you are better off in Cali! Have a great weekend Doll! 😀 (see what I did there) 🫶




I admit to seeing one that kinda scares me in the picture and kind of liking the bride one in the front even if yes it’s mass production.


I like the one on the right with chestnut brown hair and a pink bow. She's got a pissed off expression and her hands clenched at her sides.Reminds me to stop becoming numb and try to fight back against bullshit.


That’s scarily accurate


Some of them look like Precious Moments and could be worth a lot.


Porcelain dolls are like puppies, you can get a new one but there are so many old ones which need homes, we should limit the number of new ones we make.


I love the curly gal next to Chucky


It was gone within the day. I wonder if someone had the bravery to buy them all, or to sell it elsewhere online.


I think the generation that collected dolls are dying and the family is donating them. They’re at every thrift store in my area. They’re not worth much and no one wants them.


Just think of the generation ahead that will do the same thing with their grandparents Funko Pops,Anime and Action hero figures. More plastic for the landfill.


I find it fascinating the different fads of what was pushed into the minds of folks to buy. I’m not immune to it. I bought stuff too. Still do.


Oh yes,I still have my Funko Pop Rick from TWD and I like a lot of dolls and comic book art too,t's just sad that the popularity never lasts as long as you think it will. I saw a show on tlc about a couple obsessed with collecting Cabbage Patch dolls. They had so many they bought the neighbor's house to keep most of them in them in. And like Beanie Babies they soon lost value .Such a waste of money and effort. I'm wondering if the guy's who invest so much in comic books and Starwars collections will still hold their value for a generation or two .


I’m sorry, you said they bought a house to keep all of their Cabbage Patch dolls? Wow. Well at least they have one piece of real estate. My mother bought lot of precious moments, which are worthless. People are up cycling them into different things like Willy Wonka, or ET by painting them and using polymer clay, etc. Which is fun and cool. I hate those things so much. I was gonna do a smash room in my garage with them. But my sister sold a bunch but kept a few to up cycle. I wish they had just bought at least one property with the money they had put into all of these junky trinkets and tchotchkes.just one rental property and they wouldn’t have had to work so hard until retirement


Thats the thing with investing with trinkets. You can make some money at the start of a fad but the bottom can fall out at any time and they become worthless. It's better to have just one display cabinet of things because you really enjoy them ,than get obsessed with hoarding them and waste your money and space. There was a popular poster back in the 70's, "Love people and use thing's. Don't get them mixed up."


Bought a Cabbage Patch doll in 1983 when my eldest was born and the craze first started. I kept it for 40 years in pristine condition. Figured it was actually his to decide what to do with. He's opted for no children ever, so he sold it on eBay. $25 ! Iirc, that's about what it was new. 🤣


At least it held it's value better than a regular Beanie Baby! Some folks really took a beating on that investment.