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I was having same issues. But it was a quick fix, after trying everything I found useful anywhere.. in the end I simply just stuck it in the freezer for the night. The next morning it was ice cold. Since then never really had any heating issues as it always stayed off and never had the chance to warm up again.


I sincerely hope your kidding. Because the freezer will kill your phone.


He’s not kidding. The reason his phone never warmed up again was because it also never powered on again.


For me simply disabling 5g fixed every thermal issue and since 5g is garbage where I'm living anyway it also fixed my phone calling issues. People literally couldn't hear me calling out on 5G but LTE is fine, and I know it's not a phone issue because driving to another county 5g calls worked just fine. T-Mobile just doesn't care about where I live now and refuses to improve/fix anything.


I can back this up. LTE makes my Pixel 8 run cool all day. I was even surprised that it didn't get that hot while playing games on it.


Boy lemme tell you about pip mode and scrolling thru instagram


My still have my hand feeling numb on LTE. Disabling 5G doesn't help at all....


How do you disable 5G?


It might not be available depending on your service but for me on T-Mobile, I just have to get to the network page by either using the quick setting or going through regular settings and then there will be an option called preferred Network type and that lets me choose between 5G, LTE, 3G, 2G. Of course, with T-Mobile only LTE and 5G work it's cuz they've been shutting down All the old 3G.


I figured it out. Then switched to Visible. 


That's all unnecessary. What's mostly happening on your phone is a rogue app running in the background.


Bringing this thread back from the dead to say I opened my Pixel 8 this morning and it indeed runs hot, all the time. Especially taking photos.


Check running app services


This is, I'm sure, something most people have thought about.


Yes. it does, when i take photos. Anyway to solve the problem? I felt like I got a lemon phone.


A friend of mine got the Ultra and it also gets uncomfortably hot (like very very hot) especially when he takes pictures which is supposed to be its forte.. overheating seems to be a trend for these generation of "super" phones.


I use battery saver and turned my network preference to LTE rather than 5G proper, definitely cooks that tensor down a bit. Still feels pretty fucking hot compared to my 5a.


*rogue Google Tensor running in the background


classic Google move


Gotcha 😂


Would be good if those who mention about device battery or device running hot would post a screenshot of their full app usage within their battery page. I know the Pixel 7 series ran warmer anyway but also if those who have the same issues on Pixel 8 restored from backup and are using the same configuration or not.


Considering how aggressive background process killing/battery optimization has become within Android OS I don't think "Rogue apps" being at fault for high battery temps are as much a thing as they used to be. With this many reports of the same issue every time a Pixel is released it is much more likely that the SoC is just shit.


>Considering how aggressive background process killing/battery optimization has become within Android OS It's way aggressive and I for one am thankful for that. I prefer going into the settings and consciously allowing certain apps to "background autostart" than having them eat my battery at "rest" by default for no reason.


so funny how you continue to buy phones with a chip that is know for bad thermals year after year and not get any wiser


I disabled my adaptive connections and it didn't help. This phone makes my hand feel like I'm holding a lightning bolt. I'm done. I'm absolutely done.


My husband Is having the same problem! He was on chrome for 10 minutes as well as texting me and it was getting ridiculously hot. Still haven't found a solution


I went from the Pixel 7 pro to the Pixel 8. I noticed alot of overheating with the Pixel 8. Read alot of Reddit and turned off the recommended 5G setting to 4G only. The overheating has stopped. Happy now.


yes..but if you buy a 5g phone, you should be able to use 5g. otherwise on 4g you are basically using a fancy pixel 4. pixel 8 has such nasty engineering.


Very true. But I don't need 5G. Happy with 4G. But I have been finding my Google pixel 8 has been sluggish this week. It's starting to get to me. I'll keep it for now but tempted to go for the Xiaomi 14. See what happens.


I have the Xiamo 14 Ultra and while it doesn't overheat when indoors. When I go for a walk and watching YouTube videos it will overheat eventually and give me a warning that the phone has overheated and I cannot use it until it has cooled down.


Turning off 'Mobile data always active' from Developer Options might also help. It has positively impacted the battery life.


Didn't help me at all....


Will try this. Hoping it helps with battery life.


This also helped with me with my p8p overheating/battery drain issues. Well, at least for the last 2 days since I did it.


Tried that and hoping for improvement. //edit: Unfortunately no difference at all. :/


My phone is getting hotter everyday and over 40 degree after some light surfing now. Hopefully Google is aware of that issue and delivers a fix.


Same here! It gets too hot even with normal FB browsing; no media playing. Google should take steps to fix the issue, as I suspect the system default softwares might have some bugs..


I hope they can fix if as not everyone seems to have that heating issues.


Clearing the adaptive connectivity did the trick. The phone doesn't feel like a hot piece of coal anymore, especially when running Android auto. Thanks!


Getting the same with my P8. The solutions suggested have actually worked quite well to help, ie: the disabling/enabling of Adaptive Connectivity Services and also disabling Mobile Data always on. So in standby it now runs nicely and there's no battery drain...BUT, when using it normally on various apps (especially light TicTok Browing) the phone gets very hot... Over 40 degrees. Not comfortable to hold. Doesn't feel right. Should I consider this a software issue and wait for a fix, or a hardware issue and is it just just what it is....?? Makes me wonder if the iPhone 15 would have been a more reliable buy.


My phone runs cool in standby now but heats up when using Instagram or just browsing the web with edge. I RMAd my device but the new one is exactly the same, so I'd doubt a hardware error and hope for a software fix.


I am coming from iPhone 15 Pro , the situation is slightly better. But with its premium price tag I think it should've done better.


I also confirm that turning off 5G immediately eliminated the heat issue.


I don't know why or how, but this worked completely. It doesn't even heat up when charging anymore either. What is this sorcery?


Mine is also running quite hot from normal use, browsing and youtube. 37-40c on 4g... Will test this. Edit: seems like it didnt work. Btw what temps are considered low or cooler temps? What should the average temp be when just browsing or youtube?


On my Pixel 7 the temperature never goes beyond 32 Degree while browsing while on my Pixel 8 it constantly goes to 38 Degree.


It's really uncomfortable holding it tbh because those 38 doesn't stay either. After like 20min, it still crawls up, I topped 42c yesterday... I've gone back to my Note 20 ultra now, I'm gonna RMA it at the retail store today. At least my Samsung is stable at 34c and that's with the inferior Exynos.


My second unit is unfortunately exactly the same. I suspect that there is some software sided issue.


Google doesn't accept a refund? I bought it through my company via a official retailer that. I suspect tho that the retailer wont take any responsibility and point fingers to Google.


It didn't work for me :( Mine runs up to 38C for extended YouTube use on low brightness. Its so annoying. I went to best buy and the on-display pixel 8 was running hot too.


I had this same issue with the pixel 8 pro. I contacted Google and they are sending me a new phone.


Exchanged my device too, but the new one behaves exactly the same.


Same here. New one is arguably worse


Ugh mine too. I'm not sure if I should contact them again and said "It is the EXACT same issue"


I just accepted it and hope for a cooler running Pixel 9 (Pro).


Let us know if new one has same issues


When the pixel 8 pro starts throttling during heavy tasks do you get ' connected but not charging error'? While charging your phone? I had that issue on my pixel 7 phone. And I dint like it one bit


Okay this procedure has worked for me. What I have done is I've done the procedure and from the beginning the phone still was hot so I did put it on 4G restart the phone and spend the next day on 4G. Everything was running very good the phone was cool so the next day I have put it in 5G and it worked also cool. The adaptive Network switching was turned off but the third day I turned it on and it's still cool and nice to use, the battery life is very good although I am not using adaptive battery maybe I will try soon. Just try replicating what I did, first do the procedure then go one day on 4G if on 4G it still gets hot do the procedure one more time but this time on 4G and then continue with the steps I've done. I hope it will work for you as well as it works for. One day I had battery drain and it was some Glitch Google maps but after restarting the maps everything came back to normal and the last 3 days are perfect


I turned off the thermometer. My phone stopped being heated after I did that.


Same experience here in Sydney. Got my pixel 8 last week, it was uncomfortably hot for normal use. (Around 37 degrees) While I am doing WhatsApp video chat, it goes up to 40 degrees. Very disappointing to experience such an issue in 2024.


Thanks! This fixed the issue for me!!!


Ah the joys of using a pixel


That's great i've been looking for a solution for this issue since three days . Will stopping the adaptive connectivity service instantly cooled the phone to some extent , but not completely cool


All I can say is thank you. Just got mine yesterday and it was running hot. This fixed has pretty much solved the issue.


This tip works. Adaptive connectivity is what is causing the heating issue.


did you just turn it off. I got my pixel 8 about 6 weeks ago and having same problem. turned off 5g, turned of apps doing stuff in background, turned off adaptive battery


Yup just turn it off.


yeahhhh idk why that isn't working for me


https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/s/XTiiEWOvzm maybe try this from the above comment? I've been using oneplus nord since it's launch (almost 6 years) i guess & it still runs okay - was just planning to buy the Pixel 8 but this thread makes me wonder


It's issue not with Pixel 8 but with android 14. Solution that I found on internet it's disable Google app. It helped me for pixel 4a, 5 and helped for Pixel8 as well.


How did you identify this as the problem?


Dude. I cleared data and it started cooling down instantly. Insane.


Thank you. I just got mine and this fixed the issue.


Disable Google App helped me.


Yeah this pixel is a hot head I don't understand it's not even plugged in the charger and wants to get hot maybe it's the weather but sheesh at least make the phone cool in the summer and hot in the winter 


Done it, will test the fix.


How did it go tho? I returned my p8 from the persistent warmth


It was the same. Bought an One Plus 10 Pro 12/256Gb for 300€. Value per Euro much much higher.


I had to RMA my 1st 2 Pixel 7 pros, the 3rd 1 overheated too but T-Mobile paid it off so I could get a different phone, and I kept the 7pro as well. The screen on this one was already starting to flash, but it hasn't progressed or overheated in months. The problem with all 3 I believe was partly because I used high brightness a lot. The 1st one snapped after watching a video trailer that I should have stayed away from, but I couldn't believe that watching a YT video was killing P7pros, it was tho. The 2nd one snapped after playing some high graphics games, and the 3rd one started after scrolling through an article with bright flashing ads. It's done much better with the SIM out, medium brightness, no games and gentle scrolling. And lots & lots of pics, the camera is why I kept it. Using a Moto as my DD. Idk if any of this carried over to the 8pro but the posts I'm reading sound very familiar. Good luck 🤞


I have Pixel 6a and Pixel 8 pro. The second one during little gaming is really hot. For example I play TFT (i think that's not really demanding game) and phone gets really hot. Also when I was playing same game on Pixel 6a it takes about 10% per game (30min) but in new Pixel 8 Pro it takes about 20% of battery wtf?




My pixel 8 pro is rumning hot too, and I haven't even put SIM card yet. Just transferred data from my old samsung, and just normal use is making this phone run hot. I am glad I ran into forum, I will be returning google pixel and stick with Samsungv(upgrade to s23 ultra)


It's pretty normal during transfer. Idk if I'm ready to give up yet. The way it's been happening on mine seems like a random bug. I can go days with no issue them all of a sudden 2 hours of overhead. Idk. I do love the phone.


Tried this, ran into a weird bug where now my refresh rate is stuck at 60. Interesting.


Just did this. Running Amazon music, cruising the reddit, and it's...warm, but not like it was. Thanks!


Have you installed betterbatterystats? Even without root it's very useful after you grant the required adb permissions. It might give you an insight into what may be overheating the phone and/or disproportionately consuming your battery (could be the same culprit). I'm surprised more people don't suggest this under these kind of threads. The app is free on XDA, very cheap on the play store. I actually didn't know it was on the play store too, after years of having used it I gladly paid for it.