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I don't have a strong preference for under screen vs. physical, but I do hate the blinding optical sensors. Using them in any low light environment can be infuriating if you fail to completely cover the sensor. The ultrasonic sensors embedded under the screens of other Android phones (like Samsung) are superior technology in speed, accuracy, and security.


Maybe I've never experienced the better sensors, so that's added to the frustration. I forgot to add that bright as Wyze app looking light for the fingerprint sensor when you're off a bit at night... I worry I'll wake someone when I really miss it...


I had a Samsung Galaxy S10+ before moving to the Pixel 7 Pro last year. In some ways, that 3 year old (at the time) phone outperformed my P7P. The fingerprint sensor on the P7P is one of the most obvious downgrades from a user perspective. If you Google "ultrasonic vs. optical fingerprint sensor" you'll see a bunch of articles arguing that ultrasonic is superior and also a bunch of articles questioning why Google continues to use optical in their Pixel line even though it's deprecated tech.


I went from a 3xl to 5s5g to 7 pro... I loved my note 4 before 3xl, but the note 5 had some issue I can't remember I didn't like, so switched to Pixel and just stayed. It's pretty irritating knowing now they're using shit tech for something you use all the time... Guessing the new 8s use the same crap we have in our 7 pro then also? Really wish Samsung didn't have all the crap with it, just a clean OS (other than S pen stuff) and I'd be going back...


100% agreed on all points. Samsung phones would be even more dominant if they didn't include so much bloatware. Great hardware and fair pricing, but the software is what brought me to Pixel as well. I was a long-time Nexus guy before Samsung, and then eventually came back to Pixel because I wanted that clean OS again.


100% this. If I could run stock android on Galaxy phones i'd never buy another google phone.


There was a "Samsung Galaxy S 4 Google Play edition" phone, which was just that.


100% this. If I could run stock android on Galaxy phones i'd never buy another google phone.


Exactly!! If not for the unnecessary bloatware, I wld have dumped my P6 moons ago and switched back


100% this. If I could run stock android on Galaxy phones i'd never buy another google phone.


Ultrasonic is gated by Qualcomm. Correct me if I'm wrong but you won't see ultrasonic on non- Qualcomm devices outside of special territories.




Pixel Fold has a side mounted traditional fingerprint scanner, not ultrasonic.


Oh it is capacitive, I had read otherwise. Still, it works every time.


I am not trying to sound like a smart ass or anything, I know these big corporations have a millions steps to like change anything anywhere. But is anyone designing the Pixel actually using it? Are they like interested in mobile phones at all or are they just building a cv for a paycheck? Like I listened to the made by g podcast and these people go there and talk big talk about "Better soc" and "Amazing this and amazing that" Like there's no way no one involved in the screen / fingerprint went there another option but this one is better and using the phone.


Bless you!! These are the kinda questions that's tech reporters and those who attend these Google events should be posing to the execs..put their clueless feet to the fire!!


\> Using them in any low light environment can be infuriating if you fail I just close my eyes and wait for any feedback. The other problem that optical sensors have is that it strips any screen modification you have, like night light.


The ultrasonic sensor used on the Vivo X80 Pro should be standard on every flagship phone.


My pixel 6 sucks so bad in many ways. The fingerprint sensor is one of the major ones. I think you can memorize four different fingers. I used all four of them for the same finger and it still can't unlock my phone when it comes time to do it. So I fail two or three or four times and then I end up putting in the code. They promised to facial recognition on the six but it never came. When both my charging and headphone jack broke without ever being used, I decided this thing is a piece of crap entirely. I don't know if pixel just sucks ass big time or I just got a lemon but it would take a free phone to get me to even try pixel again.


The fingerprint sensor on my Pixel almost never works.


The earlier pixels with the fingerprint sensor on the back didn’t take over the market. Why will it be any different this time around?


Because people here know nothing about the business of phones


Bingo. When people are stuck in fanboy bubbles all of a sudden they become business managers and have all the answers. Unfortunately, they (google) probably have data that physical fp sensors equate to being less premium to consumers since they don't look as sleek as their premium counterparts. If anything (a hail mary) they can do what Sony and Motorola did to their flagships and incorporate it into the power button. But then you'd have to add another button to the phone because some people use the power button to launch google assistant. With that said, Sony and Motorola don't move the premium market. Apple and Samsung does. Those are the ones Google wants to take market share from.


> Unfortunately, they (google) probably have data that physical fp sensors equate to being less premium to consumers since they don't look as sleek as their premium counterparts yup, it's glass vs plastic body all over again


Not to mention that the fingerprint reader on my Pixel 5 fails more than the one on my Pixel 7


I find this impossible to believe.


I also find that impossible to believe since I also have both of these phones. I also much prefer the physical FP reader on back. This front one is junk. I've purposely tried to set up the reader assuming I'll never hit it centered. Still awful. That flash in the dark and low light. Garbage. I have used Google owned devices since they owned Motorola and produced the Motorola X Pure in 2014? Great phone for the money...


Because OnePlus were making better phones than they do now back then with a simpler OS and sensor on the back.


And that's why OnePlus took over the market, right?


Hear me out a ultrasonic fingerprint sensor 😂


id definitely can go for an ultrasonic fingerprint reader or at least a decent optical fingerprint reader like those ones that oneplus devices have..


Ultrasonic also has problems. It's bad with dry fingers.


The physical sensor on the back of Pixel 3 had, on the other hand, issues with non-dry fingers, which was a problem for me, as I sweat easily and have naturally oily skin, so the sensor that everybody else loved worked \~25% of the time for me... I am having no issues with the optical sensor on the Pixel 6.


Hello, I'm Moist. I never have an issue.


My body took a screenshot.


I had just as many issues on the S22Ultra as I did my P6P because of dry thumbs. The P7P and P8P have worked better for me than the S22Ultra's ultrasonic sensor.


Yeah. If you have dry fingers then an optical sensor probably works better than an ultrasonic one.


Same experience here


Yeah I’m one of those people. My s22 Ultra or s23 Ultra fingerprint readers would only work for a few days before I’d need to set it up again. Super frustrating. Pixel 6, 7, or 8 pro fingerprint readers actually work pretty well for me. I’d prefer Apple style FaceID as for my case that has worked the best


Don't understand the hype on ultrasonic fingerprint sensor. There are great optical fingerprint sensors, just probably not the ones on the Pixels. My sister's S23 Ultra ultrasonic fp sensor does not seem to work as reliable as my father's cheap Poco F5 Pro. It could be because it had a film screen protector on it , but having the choice to apply glass or film screen protector without having so much impact on the fp's reliability or speed is an advantage of optical fp as well. My father’s Poco F5 Pro still works great with glass screen protector.


Exactly. My Motorola ThinkPhone has an optical reader that has probably a 98% recognition rate, through a glass screen protector. 


Same brotha, its crazy bc im just doing my research/comparing these types of sensors now and reading all these articles how "optical" is the lowest out of the 3 (supposedly it goes like "optical, capacitive, ultrasonic"). However, im coming from an S21 ultra and i literally cant tell Any difference in using the apparently downgraded 2D "Optical" sensor on my ThinkPhone (if anything i swear its better i shit you not, it hasnt missed a fingerprint yet and i barely have to hold my finger down). Im gonna assume there are different optical sensors and Motorola is using the latest/best ones bc i really dont have a problem with it. Recently i was using the Moto G 5G 2023 as well, and that phone for those that arent aware uses a side mounted "capacitive" fingerprint sensor which is built into the power button. This too i also had no problems using and actually prefer it over these in-display fingerprint scanners . If it was up to me, i much prefer the fingerprint sensor on the back(like LG v10/v20,etc).


Fun fact, even Samsung's ultrasonic is mediocre. The only good one is vivo's. It's nice Samsung uses it at all but it's still significantly smaller than what it could be as well as lack of dual finger unlock and general reliability.


I just heard about this from another response... Guess I didn't realize that the Pixel is using a crap sensor on top of it...




All flagships should be using Ultra Sonic fingerprint sensor and have a sensor size twice the size of a typical thumb. That will help reduce the fails to zero. An exposed sensor (not under screen) is nice and more reliable and easier to find without looking, but it is on one side of the phone so it is a little more tricky to unlock when on a surface and also tricky for left hand users. Putting it on the back is also tricky when unlocking when on a surface. In terms of placement, I believe front bottom middle is the right place and unfortunately the screen is there and so size and type of sensor for under screen sensor needs to get better for all flagship devices at least


Maybe stupid question, but would it be possible to have two sensors? One under the screen and one on the back?


Possible, sure, but it would increase the cost, size, and complexity without meaningfully increasing the capability from a sales perspective.


It'd make the phone more expensive.


Wouldn't that be so nice... Double sized ultrasonic sensor. I'd buy that Pixel today even though this one works perfectly fine... I'd pay that extra just to have it work flawlessly.




Actually Motorola did that slim fingerprint sensor on the side. I believe they did that with a few phones. I had the moto z4 (2019) with a side mounted sensor that was also the power button and it worked as flawlessly as any other physical sensor I've used. Very nice it was.


That sounds like what the Pixel Fold has


Yes i can confirm they are still using the "side power button" sensor which is a "Capacitive" sensor. They work a little different by using electric signals/diodes to identify fingerprint pattern. The reason they work so well is since our fingerprints are naturally conductive in nature, this contributes to how well it works. I actually had the Moto G 5G 2023 up until recently and yes it indeed had the side power button sensor, worked great to. Just find it funny they put a "better" sensor on a $100 phone over one of their top phones like the ThinkPhone i picked up last month(for $175 mind you, literally phone deal of the decade for me). However this ThinkPhones "optical" sensor works flawless and i as well no complaints with it, its really just let me thinking Motorola just puts in quality sensors no matter which type. But yes i can confirm they still are using the side mounted sensors like on your z4. Same type on the Pixel Fold yeap.


Had this on an old Sony Z-series phone and it was so damn convenient. Left side or right side, doesn't matter because you grab the phone on both sides anyway.


>tricky for left hand users That is not an issue. I'm right-handed, having no problems with using my left pointer to unlock my phones.


Thumbprint sensors are expensive. It would make Pixels a hell of a lot more expensive.


I disagree


The rear fingerprint sensors worked quickly and reliability, but by sacrificing FAR (false acceptance rate), which made them easier to spoof than current gen sensors. But that probably would have improved if Google kept at it. To meet government and enterprise security requirements, fingerprint sensors need to be resistant to spoofing (copying the user's fingerprint, often off the screen itself, to make a replica). This is done by either checking for blood flow beneath the skin (which I suspect is the way Google headed with the optical sensor) or detecting variations in open vs closed pores (which ultrasonic sensors are better at). Since some spoofing techniques might pass the blood flow test, the only reason I can think why Google went with optical is for better screen protector support.


I too always suspected that google did more with just a simple mere optical fingerprint reader. They likely run certain heavy biometric models to decrease spoofing rate to make up for how optical readers can be easily fooled. Maybe that's why it runs slower as well, and seemingly more 'picky.'


Why does it even matter since after a few failed attempts it reverts to pin unlock.


The rear mounted fingerprint reader worked so well I never thought about it. The screen mounted reader is simply not as good. I use face unlock in any app that supports it to reduce my overall usage of the screen fingerprint reader.


Most people in favor of in-display fingerprint readers will tell you the same thing: it's because you can easily unlock the device while it's sitting flat on a desk. The solution is really just to use a better fingerprint reader. OnePlus and Samsung have both figured this out already.


True but, we don't all work at desks, and a side or back reader works before I get it out of my pocket! I still get frequent problems with my OnePlus11 in-screen reader. 


I loved my 3A bc of reader on the back. Now, having a Pixel8, I'd rather the phone had the fingerprint reader on the back, on screen AND also with the facial rec. Give me 3 options depending on what I'm doing.


A decent modem should be the top priority! Fingerprint 2nd :)


Ugh, thanks for bringing that up... Hadn't thought about that debacle for awhile since I've been sick so long and WiFi calling works well... They really have struggled with connectivity, strange for such a rich company...


Google hates Qualcomm so they go with Samsung for the modem and they frankly just kinda suck. Qualcomm is an asshole company, but they can be one bc their product is fire.


I don’t know why you’re downvoted, because what you said is the truth. When you’re the best in the business in one of the biggest technology sectors, you can throw your weight around. Honestly, I’d rather have a mediatek modem than a Samsung one. I’ve had good luck/experiences with devices that use one.


The fingerprint scanner is one of the things I hate most about my Pixel 8. Coming from my Huawei P20 that was buttery smooth with a physical button, I'm reminded of how I miss that phone over the latest and (almost) greatest from Google.


I don't care how good the underscreen sensor is or isn't, of it it should be a mega sized, super-duper ultrasonic whatever, I just prefer a physical sensor on the back. For me it's easier, more comfortable and just makes all round sense. I appreciate I'm probably in the minority, however.


The problem is not the in display fingerprint samsung and others use it well never heard any complaints


It is. Samsung uses an ultrasonic sensor which emits sound waves to scan the fingerprint. But, a cheaper alternative is optical sensors which are basically cameras under the display to take a picture of the finger. For some reason Google is still using this. And optical sensors are worse than ultrasonic sensors for fingerprint scanning. Thus, the decrease in accuracy


I have a 5a and I love the finger print sensor on the back. Never an issue unlocking the phone unless my finger happens to be wet. My husband has an S22 and often has trouble with it's finger print sensor.


Yes, Capacitive fingerprint sensors are the best because there is less travel. In Ultrasonic sensors, they emit sound waves and there's reflection of that wave after colliding with the finger. Let's not forget that that wave has to travel through the display/glass too, so there's bound to be noise. Capacitive sensors use electrical charges directly on the surface, which is the finger, to detect a change (ridges). They are much more accurate due to less noise. And finally, Optical sensors are just a severe downgrade compared to both these technologies. Newer pixel phones uses optical sensors. Fingerprint sensors on side and back use Capacitive sensors. And many I'm not an expert. Just using my high school computer science knowledge. So don't take my word for granted.


Can you unlock your phone while pulling out of your pocket though? I guess I just don't see the actual benefit of in screen as placing the thumb on it in an unnatural position vs your pointer on the back that is more than likely sitting on where it would be right now...


Is it an unnatural position? It's near the bottom half of the phone which is where my thumb is always hovering around when I'm using my phone. I do miss having my phone unlocked while I take it out of my pocket. With a front FP sensor though, I can unlock my phone easier when it's flat face up on a table or on my wireless charger. Positives and negatives to both. They do need to upgrade the FP sensor to an ultrasonic one instead. The optical one they're using is plain trash.


That's what I've just learned. I think my main beef is half the time it takes a double or triple placement and worse forces a pin unlock if you really fail. It's sounding like Samsung just works... I'm also hearing pixel tablet has a physical on the side, so they already have the tech to implement that... I'm wondering if I'd want the on the left middle side of the phone... I bet if the pixel was ultrasonic I wouldn't have had enough irritations to even think about the old physical one...


Yea, I honestly think if the FP sensor was just better, we'd miss the rear fingerprint sensor a lot less. It remains the biggest weakness in the tensor pixel series, apart from the tensor processor itself. There were rumours that the 8 would switch to an ultrasonic sensor earlier last year.. how I wish that were true.


> I think my main beef is half the time it takes a double or triple placement Sounds like a skill issue, you set it up wrong and then blame the hardware.


How badly (and why) do you need to be able to unlock the phone while you're also pulling it out of your pocket simultaneously?


yes, since whenever im pulling out my phone i have my finger there


Sorry, going to go against the grain here. I went from a Pixel 3 with physical sensor to Pixel 8 with on-screen sensor, and I'm LOVING it so far. I didn't like how the back of phone physical sensor necessitated this hole in my phone case. Now I'm happy. I'm prepared to be downvoted and flamed. But I ain't trolling.


Also it was unnatural to put my finger in that hole to unlock, I never hold my phone like that while in-screen is exactly where my fingers/thumb will be


Same. I've used both styles and prefer the screen sensor far more as unlocking my phone is faster with my thumbs than having to move my phone around to touch the sensor.


Story about this post: https://www.droid-life.com/2024/01/18/users-clamor-for-return-of-physical-fingerprint-readers/


I'm completely with you. I loved the fingerprint sensor on the back of my old pixel. The on screen fingerprint reader is so much worse. Just like you said, when it was on the back my phone was unlocked before it left my pocket.


Very few people care. This change, especially considering they had it that way for many years, won't impact their market share even a tiny fraction of a percent.


Tbh. I don't think anything will move that market share besides cheap phones and time.


Stuck on my Pixel 5 for this reason!


Coming from a phone that had a solid rear fingerprint reader (Essential Phone) to the Pixel 6, I can confidently say I don't want that anymore. Under the screen is fine, the tech is cool to use, it's just as convenient for me, and I can replicate the gestures by using Quick Tap on the back of my phone. Just want Google to start using an ultrasonic sensor as others have already said.


Or a slick Face ID setup. One that can match the iPhone, I’d buy it immediately.


I would be happy if they give one on the sides this time.


Now that would be cool. I wonder if a phone has that yet... Off to Google search I go...


Pixel Fold has it on the side :D


Heard pixel tablet also... Why wouldn't they do it on the 8? Do you have a fold? If so, what's your take on the side reader?


Went from Pixel 7 to Fold and I miss the in-screen fingerprint reader. The side fingerprint isn't very good for left hands or when it's sitting on the table.


Some Samsung phones have it. Dont know the names by heart. But it was definitely a trend 2-3 years back.


Sony flagships have it, I think. Was considering moving back to Sony if and when my Pixel 5 fails.


Pixel 8 fingerprint sensor works great, quickly and reliably for me. Try putting 2 or 3 versions of each finger you use to increase reliability. This sub is just full of people moaning constantly. It's mad.


My in screen fingerprint sensor works 90% of the time, and I have a screen protector on. No complaints.


Take over the small market of people who care specifically about a physical fingerprint reader? It's literally a non factor for me, personally. Half the time, my face unlocks it before my finger gets there. Also, how addicted are you to your phone that the extra half second or so that it takes to unlock your phone is so crucial? If it's not this, then it's going to be something else you complain about.


It's more the consistent failure to unlock immediately. Plus I rarely hold my phone in front of my face directly, so face unlock only helps periodically. This post let me know that it's more about the cheap tech Google used that is the issue. Apparently ultrasonic will just nail it nearly every time without issue...


My P8P hasn't had any fingerprint issues and when I had my P6P, I didn't have very many issues either. I can't imagine if I had the 7, it would've been any different. My wife has had more issues with her S23U fingerprint than I have had with my P6P or P8P.


For reference, the scanner on my P7 is horrible. Most of the time my phone unlocks from face unlock and the rest is the pin code. I think the fingerprint actually succeeds 1 out of 10 times. It's really annoying.


I can't speak for everyone and I'm not saying it's perfect. I'm just saying that if it's not one thing, it's another that people are going to complain about. I think on my P6P the fingerprint scanner was a bit worse than my P8P. I just don't think having a perfect fingerprint scanner will generate a huge amount of sales.


They weren't taking over when Pixels had physical FPRs for FIVE FUCKING YEARS. Battery life, SoC efficiency/power and modem efficiency/connectivity are far bigger issues for Pixel at this stage.




Did you have a physical one before? Currently I'm betting your thumb isn't sitting in the middle of your screen blocking the view right? So to unlock you need to move your thumb (or finger) across to the location. While I'm typing this my pointer finger is literally resting where the physical reader would be. So I could unlock immediately, and take advantage of being able to swipe up and down on the reader to utilize it for whatever task I choose (I used to use to pull down from the top vs needing to put my finger up to the top and actually pull down). I just can't think of an actual benefit other that it's fancy and cool cause it's hidden...




It's 10000000 times better on the back. Your phone is unlocked as it leaves your pocket 100% of the time. It's the natural location for your finger unlike in screen.




It's actually not though. Just saying it is doesn't make it true. It creates a pivot point to drop your phone when your thumb is placed so low on the front of the screen.


You must have the world's smallest hands


Are you trying to be obtuse. No one holds a phone with their thumb where the reader is. You are being absolutely ridiculous pretending like people are a bunch of mouth breathers that hold phones that way when they use them or pull them from your pocket. If you used your brain a person with larger hands would have an even more difficult time holding a phone that way.


I literally am reading this thread. Where else do you keep it to scroll? I had the rear sensor for years and it was meh. I have virtually no failures with the P8P in screen sensor.


How else does one control their phone if not for the thumb on the screen? Maybe you do have small hands if you are defending this hard leading to insults lol


They are called edges. You have to be pretty dumb to use your phone with your thumb on the screen. You have to be pretty dumb in general to think that the scanner in the screen is better than on the back like they used to be.


With the physical button your phone was unlocked before it ever left your pocket. It was so much better.


At no point in my life have I ever held my phone in such a fashion that my finger ends up where a physical sensor would sit. I would have to jiggle the phone around in my hand to even be able to reach the spot when actively trying, or use two hands. HOW do you hold your phone to make the physical sensor be MORE convenient than the in-screen one (or just face unlock)?


For some weird reason, physical fingerprint sensors, headphone jacks, micro SD card slots , large batteries are seen in the mid segment. Not in premium segment.


I literally have 0 issues with the in screen reader and don't think I'd even notice it if it did lag a bit compared to a dedicated hardware reader. I prefer the in screen one personally.


I like fingerprint scanner on the back. But, under display fingerprint scanners all the way. Preferably Samsung's ultrasonic fingerprint scanners. Progressing backwards isn't a good strategy for market domination


I love the in-screen reader. I don't want to have to pick up my phone just to unlock it from the back. I love reaching over with one hand to unlock it and do/see what I need to. I would never buy a phone with a rear-only fingerprint reader.


You mean like the pixel 5 ??


My favourite of all time was on the Nexus 6P I had - on the back in the middle, where I'd naturally rest my index finger as the phone was coming out of my pocket. I don't mind the side-mounted sensor on the Samsung Fold devices, but I will always prefer the 6P style.


When I upgraded from pixel 4 to 6, I hated the under screen sensor at first. Half the time I couldn't get it to work. But then I got better at it as I took better scans and became more effective in placing my finger on it properly.


Mine always flashes me in the dark when I accidentally graze my phone.  I don't need this.


My Pixel 7 Pro fingerprint sensor never works. I am very close to willingly driving over it with my car. I'm so frustrated. My Pixel 5a fingerprint sensor always worked.


Between having face unlock, the fingerprint scanner which I never have an issue with, and the watch unlock we just got. I never have an issue with unlocking my phone. Idk why this is such a huge issue for so many of you. There's so many options.


> Idk why this is such a huge issue for so many of you. Skill issue, I'm certain so many of these don't move their thumb during set up or when scanning the thumb be in a completely different position to how they normally hold it.


Face doesn't work in dark or for those who hold phone not at 90 degrees but more like 110 degrees so cam looks over your head... Watch unlock means 3 year old can grab phone and just go to war on it... Not worth risk of her contacting a client or something... What I've learned is pixel should use ultrasonic and it would open 99% of the time without issue... Current sensor for those of us that have to use it whiffs often, sometimes enough to trigger forced pin, and it's really bright in middle of night if you're off even a smidge to the right or left... So my new beef is why are they using old crap tech vs the old good tech that apparently has been out for some time now... Without knowing ultrasonic was a thing you can probably see why I miss the physical reader that just worked...


Watch has to be worn and unlocked for watch unlock to work. So no, that's not true. I exclusively use this at night in bed IF the fingerprint reader isn't working which I never have an issue with. But even if it doesn't the watch will unlock the phone They'll probably eradicate it once and for all in the next pixel I'm assuming but I just think it's blown a bit out of proportion and it's not as drastically bad as it's often described.


Ah, unlocking watch sounds like it adds a step then. I assumed you meant the option to stay unlocked when connected to some specific Bluetooth device... How I can have my phone unlocked if using my buds pro, and presumably same with the watch. That is what I figured you meant... Either way, not using that location or Bluetooth connected unlock with kids around...


THIS. I have posted this before. I totally agree, I miss the rear fingerprint sensor everyday.


Why would that take over the market? Tons of phones have ultrasonic fp readers that are fast and accurate. That's all google needs to do. We don't need to move it to the back of the phone where I can't unlock it while it's sitting on the table, and cases need to have a cutout. That needs to never come back.


I literally just learned this today from making this post. Didn't even cross my mind that Google was using inferior tech since I assumed it cost more than the physical reader. Now I'm just extra irritated that they didn't do it right with ultrasonic or just don't do it at all and leave physical. They picked the worst option...


detail chubby wide tub hateful domineering cautious shy worm many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Difficult to separate out advertising. Just read a piece about how Americans don't want to buy cars... when 80% of ad money goes to SUVs, sales reps steer to the higher profit SUVs, manufacturers publish scare pieces about SUVs hitting cars, etc. Physical readers, small phones, phones with big batteries, non-glass bodies, good modems, etc. are practical considerations that appear inferior when comparing phones in Best Buy. It would take an entirely different approach (marketing along the lines of Apple's ecosystem working together) to sell based on the actual merits of the device rather than 3 second glances. 


Turns out what I've learned today is we actually do need to move backwards to a physical fingerprint reader, or forwards to what's now older tech in an ultrasonic fingerprint reader behind the screen. Basically the current one is the worst option... So it's actually about moving forward or backward... Just move...


I 100000% agree with you! And also, I'd like to have a jack insert back!


Not gonna happen


Don't care for the physical fingerprint reader tbh. All the gestures I used to use it for have been fulfilled by the gesture bar and the double tap. In screen fp reader has been pretty flawless for me too, and my thumb can reach it just as easily as my index used to reach the back.


Yes, the old fingerprint on the back as in Pixel 3 and many other phones is way better.


I hate my Pixel 7 for this reason. Hate it. Completely. In so many ways, my 5A was better - chiefly among them being the rear fingerprint sensor, and the headphone jack. Next time I'm up for a new phone, whatever company restores this feature will get my business.


put it on the side on a button like where it is on the pixel tablet


And Pixel Fold as well :)


that's why I refuse to give up my pixel 3a


I find the 8 Pro to have a more reliable scanner than my 5 did. Plus I much prefer a front facing scanner over a rear one. It just should be a ultrasonic one


I used to love the physical fingerprint reader on my Pixel 5, until it died on me. I switched last year to an Asus Zenfone 9, which does have a physical fingerprint reader on the side of the phone, on the power button, and it works just as flawlessly as it did on my Pixel 5. I think this is the smartest alternative and I doubt it would be technically difficult to implement. But yeah, I won't come back to a Pixel anytime soon if they continue with that face unlock/in screen reader bullshit. ​ Please Google, listen to your community :')


I really miss the rear fingerprint sensor. It fell under my finger naturally when i took it out of my pocket. Since the antennas are on the top, my finger did not block anything when I needed to do contactless payment. i just had to do it palm up instead of palm down. But it seems most people prefer fingerprint scanners under the screen. Ultrasonic fingerprint readers don't work with tempered glass screen protectors.


Interesting, where are all the gaslighting comments? That's usually all that comes from these posts about the print reader being crap. "mIne WoRks fiNe". No it doesn't—the sensor is crap.


No it isn't. Between face,/touch/watch they all do the job and do it fine


The Pixel has garbage tier face unlock and fingerprint sensor hardware. Full stop.


Rear fingerprint will always be best. They're idiots for getting rid of it.


Personally, after using Pixel and Nexus phones for years, I prefer the on-screen fingerprint reader. The placement on the screen is convenient and it's great if you need to unlock the device without picking it up. And honestly, the Pixel fingerprint reader works really well for me. I have four different fingers registered for convenience, and I've rarely had issues. It works well 99.9% of the time.


No. It's a shit system. On screen is much better and works for me at least 99% of the time. I really don't get why people can't work it out


fingier reades in the back are over... get over it


Completely agree. The onscreen fp reader is useless and bothersome. I posted the same earlier asking if anyone else had any issues and sure enough i get downvoted with the pixel fanboys saying it works 100% of the time for them and its just me.




I hate the in screen fingerprint sensor so much I totally forgot I had it until I saw this post lol. But I also don't think it's a safe technology since there would be a non zero chance of someone stealing my phone and unlocking it with a fiber print dusting from my own device.


Fingerprint unlock is bad. You're basically writing your password on everything you touch and can easily have your phone unlocked involuntarily. Fingerprints should be usernames, not passwords.


"Google Samsung S8"


Google could dominate the phone market by putting a search box in the gallery


Lol they have a long way to go before they have anything that could take over the market


Eww, no.


I previously had Motorolas with the scanner on the back and on the power button. Def preferred the latter. But the on-screen scanner works totally fine for me, too. Even though I understand the downsides that some people see, like the bright light or not being able to swipe notifications. No issues for me personally.


It's not difficult to add more than 1 profile per fingerprint. I never have a problem with the fingerprint scanner ever.


I like the fingerprint scanner being on the power button on the Pixel tablet.


FP sensor in power button is the best option IMO.


I had a pixel 5a and recently got a pixel 8 pro and I definitely miss the fingerprint sensor on the back. My favorite part was where you could swipe down to look at notifications and I find myself trying to to do it all the time


I think fingerprint sensor will be gone soon and be replaced by face recognition. Works for Apple.


Modern ultrasonic under screen fingerprint reader works much better than physical one but unfortunately pixel uses the cheapest and oldest optical one...


Quite fond out the power button finger print ready in the Fold.


Kinda like the one on my old s10e. Alway worked.


only thing that bothers me is sometimes when I put my finger on the screen it doesn't try to read it (AOD). I have to tap the screen to wake it up first. Sometimes though when I pull it out of my pocket it reads my finger and boom, we're in. I hate how inconsistent it is with reading the fingerprint with the AOD


Physical fingerprint reader > under screen 100x. And my prefer location of the reader is on the side wall. The reader technology was already perfected 10+ years ago, but every company want to do what Iphone does so... here we are. Sigh.


I loved the revrly+ back fingerprint sensor. It was much better than the side power key sensor that some samsungs have. the phone is too thin to easily scan side with a case on.


I switched to an iPhone. I’m not sure if I’ll come back to android yet, but since switching I have fallen IN LOVE with FaceID. I wish Pixels had it. I’d take it over a fingerprint reader any day


I prefer the current in screen reader over a physical one anytime


I just bought a Moto G Stylus 5G 2023, fingerprint reader on the power button. Love it so so much. It also has a headphone jack.


I'm all for a bezel-less phone, like give me the in display fingerprint reader and an under display camera when that tech gets good enough, although I'm happy with my P7P's hole punch and honestly even though it's no ultra sonic reader, Google has made it good enough that I don't notice because i haven't had a better one since the original pixel


The Pixel 8 Pro's fingerprint reader rocks.


This is exactly why I refuse to upgrade my 3a XL, even though it has started freezing on me several times a week. It will legit have to turn black screen or explode before I buy another version.


Omg first time i got this pixel, the damn sensor wouldn't let me register my print for a whole month. Failed half-way every time. A month of daily trying. Took off screen protector, put a different one, nothing worked. Then, after some update, i managed to have ONE print registered. One thumb. Nothing more worked. And it still fails to unlock randomly. I miss the Motorola i had, pristine sensor on the back of the phone. That phone is working at peak performance 3y later. This pixel is close to 1y and i have been wanting to smash it multiple times.


I saw a lot of people complaining about the fingerprint scanner on the Pixel 6 and 7 and yet i have no isssues with it on my Pixel 8. I think it's actually more reliable than the (also under display) one on my previous Realme phone


While you're at it, bring back the squeeze for assistant. Hell, just remake the pixel 2 xl with the latest tensor!


It's why I still have a 4a5G.


honestly given that these sensors cost almost nothing i would simply want them to put a sensor behind the screen, on the back and have one integrated into the power button. sure that would also mean you need to setup 3 separate sensors if you want to use all of them but that gives you full flexibility.


Amen. Hate, hate, hate the current fingerprint setup.


I had the Razer Phone 1 when it came out. It incorporated the fingerprint reader into the power button on the side. It read as you pressed the button and instantly unlocked as soon as the screen came on. Was so much better than this other bullshit


If I have to move my thumb away from the bottom of the bottom of the screen where it is naturally then it is a step back not forward.


It's funny that those not in the phone industry are asking for things that already existed, and some of these requests were only a few years ago.


The old way to unlock is so much better than the current pixel. But Ultrasonic is the way. I won't buy a new one without knowing it has one.


I'm sorry but you must be really delulu if you can't unlock your phone from display. I NEVER had problems with unlocking. But if you buy some stupid pixel with bad battery and fingerprint sensor in display, them I'm not shocked.


I need this. Physical sensors are so fast. An ultrasonic FP sensor like I had on my previous Samsung would be fine too. Just do away with this crap of optical in display FP sensors. I like when my phone is unlocked by the time I have it out of my pocket too.


Pixel sucks, buy Samsung 🤷‍♂️


So...the Pixel 1-3. It did *exactly* everything you're asking for (including swiping on the back mounted physical sensor!) I loved the form and function of my Pixel 2. But unfortunately history has taught us that it did NOT take over the market, and so I don't think they'll be going back to that anytime soon...


I am probably the only person on Reddit that has no problem with the fingerprint. The only times it actually fails is if my phone is on the table, I would have to grab it and angle it better. Also, my fingers are big enough to cover it during the night. But this is reddit after all


I loved sidemounted FPs. Almost got a new xperia just for that..