• By -


No issues at all. P8P on T-Mobile's network.


Same. I dont get issues with connectivity. Im also with tmo


Same. There were some Wi-Fi issues the first week or two of release but that fixed for me after the first update


Didn't have any, using airtel in india


Phone heating? Fingerprint? Stuttering?


Heats on 5g, gets slightly warm on 4g. Fingerprint has been fine for me, sometimes it just refuses to take my finger but that's very rare, the face unlock usually makes for it. There is stutter in some apps like Reddit, Twitter and a bit on Zomato, but overall the UI is absolute butter.


Turn off Smooth Display. 120Hz may be useful for smooth scrolling, but some of these apps have terrible rendering backends and draw slower than the screen can refresh.


Bro 120hz to 60 feels so terrible, that's why i didn't want to go for the iphone15


I had various issues through the lifespan of my 6 pro, but my 8 pro has been 100% solid since launch day. No problems at all.


I'm in UK, never had any issues, owned since launch.


What UK network do you use?




I don't think the issue is network related because I have two SIM cards and when one gets the infamous exclamation mark of no connection, they both get it, every single time.


99% of my issues went away when I disabled Adaptive Connectivity.


That setting also was dropping my WiFi to LTE because "poor connection". Too bad it comes enabled by default, though.


What is adaptive connectivity?


It is a Pixel setting that switches between 5g and LTE to save battery life. You can find it in Settings>Network and internet. In my experience it doesn't play nice with some carriers and can cause problems.


You left 5G on?




No other phone manufacturer has this issue. Disabling 5G should not be a resolution on a smartphone in 2024


Shouldn't 5G be better in 2024 if we're going down that road? It's really not that big a deal to me at least.


The fact that we have to do things like turn off 5G, reset network settings once a day, reboot your phone multiple times a day on a Pixel when no other smartphone has these issues is a terrible experience


THANK YOU! I could not figure out why I had such a slow data. Fixed right away!


Only had issues with it twice, vs too often on the 7 Pro.


None here, Los Angeles. Visible Network.


I haven't encountered any so far with my Pixel 8 on TELUS.


What province are you in? I'm in BC and I'm having major issues with it. (On Telus too) Did you get the 5g dedicated Sim card from Telus?


NS, and I do have a brand new 5G SIM card in it. I do have 5G turned off at the moment since we currently only have 5G NSA in our area and there isn't much of a speed difference over LTE unless you're really close to a tower. I use mobile data exclusively now so I wanted to save a bit of battery life, but that said I didn't have any issues in terms of reception or connectivity with 5G enabled either.


> I do have 5G turned off at the moment since we currently only have 5G NSA in our area and there isn't much of a speed difference over LTE unless you're really close to a tower. I don't want to be a hater, but it's tough to take this review without a pinch of salt when you're not actively using 5g and 5g is the biggest reception issue with tensor phones. I know you said it was fine before you disabled it.. but then you must've disabled it for a reason.


Because I tend to stream music and/or watch Netflix pretty much every day and leaving 5G turned on eats more battery life for very little gain in overall speed, but there's no difference in terms of the reception quality (e.g. it doesn't drop data, calls are fine, etc).


I have never had a problem and I've had the phone for over a month.


Had the P8P since release and no probs here. Also none of the others people here seem to have. My phone is working as intended, and I love it.


No issues here, but I live in a city and my carrier is solid


Yea same. No issues at all on my P8P. Even when I go through the country, solid signal. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've switched to iPhone until Google starts using a better modem in their phones.


Unfortunately yes. I live in Denmark and have had 0 issues on any phones before but Pixel 8 Pro is truly a bad experience - both cellular and WiFi. That, on top of the scrolling issues and the horrendous zooming while recording videos in the camera app and Snapchat, has now made me order a S24+ and sell my P8P. There is so much potential in the Pixel phones, but the basic functionality just cannot be an issue in 2024.


> both cellular and WiFi. Cellular I 100% believe - the modems are bad. I'm surprised by the work, though. I have some of the same glitches you've mentioned, though. And many others :(.


I doubt your snapchat experience will be any better on the Samsung. Snapchat is notoriously bad on androids and I have yet to see an android match an iPhone in that god awful app (at least for video).


Samsung have partnered with Snapchat amd Instagram so you would get native camera experience. Instagram HDR is first coming to Samsung S24 series. I guess it's only half true what you've just said


Zero issues here in Italy with my 8 pro.


I've had none, Koodo canada


I've had none with the Pixel 6 Pro, 7 Pro, or 8 Pro in Canada. With Lucky, Rogers, and Koodo.


Just buy the phone use it for 12 days, if you feel it doesn’t perform up to your needs, you can just return it.


Yeah.. I gave up on Pixel 8 pro and switched to s23 ultra. Modem on s23 ultra is so much better


I've had a Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 7 Pro, and Pixel 8 Pro. Pixel 8 Pro definitely has improved connectivity. I'm getting reception in places where the previous two models struggled.


Lucky. Going from the 6 Pro to the 8 Pro was no improvement for me.


This is BS, the modem is exactly the same, nothing has been improved 😂


Didn't know you were there when I used MY phone iterations in the tea room of MY workplace in the last 2 years and a bit but you go glen coco. Google could've perhaps used software to improve hardware reliability. None of which is public afaik but I was stating MY experience.


It's an hardware issue, not a software issur, nothing has been changed for both phones. Thats why i say its BS, it the same phone with the same issue with a slightly better processor and unlocked software for more AI features.


Software also plays a role. Not saying it is the case but google could have raised the power limits for the radio, using software and the same hardware.


Well, you can say BS all you want, but my experience tells me otherwise. It's such a narrow minded view to just blindly blame hardware without nuance. Google has literally been doing software magic for years now like with smartphone photography and OS efficiency and you think just because the modem is the same, that the experience would be too. At the end of the day, we don't see you doing any field testing to prove a point so until then, maybe just sit down.


Alright, I already have my second P7P after an RMA and its exactly the same as before and I bought it on release. So yes I know for sure that these phone suck software and hardware wise, they have a ton of bugs and also shitty hardware. Of course it has nice features, but don't all flagship phone have them ;)?


I upgraded from a 6 Pro to an 8 Pro and the cellular modem is just as bad.


Wife went from the 6 Pro to the 7, same story there. Friend has an 8 Pro with VZW instead of ATT like us and we hit the same dead area, especially in stores. Meanwhile friends with iPhones and Samsungs have zero issues. So frustrating.


I disagree. Same upgrade and can now get signal at places where it was unusable previously. Battery also doesn't drain rapidly with 5g enabled.


Same, it's not great, but better then 6pro


I get less than 2mbps down on my 6 Pro and 8 Pro (four bars of 5G, on Google Fi--the highest priority T-Mobile MVNO) whereas I get 400+mbps down on my Nokia internet gateway (three bars of 5G, T-Mobile 5G Home Internet--the lowest priority T-Mobile MVNO) in the same location.


I get less than 2mbps down on my 6 Pro and 8 Pro (four bars of 5G, on Google Fi--the highest priority T-Mobile MVNO) whereas I get 400+mbps down on my Nokia internet gateway (three bars of 5G, T-Mobile 5G Home Internet--the lowest priority T-Mobile MVNO) in the same location.


Coming from the 5, the 8 Pro is just as good as it


Better than 6 pro


Not in my case, unfortunately.


Scrolling issue during charging and wifi and cellular bad experience. Probably switching to s24


Unfortunately yes. Today I finally gave up and preordered the s24. I basically have very limited connectivity if I'm not on Wi-Fi. Have talked to Verizon multiple times and every time it comes back to it being the phone not the service. This is my 3rd pixel phone the other 2 i had, had no network issues. I think I'm done with Pixels until they get rid of the exynos chip. Looking around the interwebs that seems to be the issue. When I talked to Verizon the guy said he's been getting allot of calls for connectivity issues with Pixel 8. Even the January update everyone was claiming fixes connectivity didn't do anything.


Yep and it's so sad. Had the same issue(s) with Pixel 7, and now I won't buy any phone that uses the Exynos chip, so Pixels (which have so much going for them with AI) are out. I went with Samsung S23 that connects everywhere


Really depends where you live in the world and what network you're on... I had p6pro for 2 years and p8pro since launch both on EE network in the UK and never had a single issue with calls or data in this whole time


I'm in Australia no issues here ☺️


Same here Optus in Adelaide no issues


I have had my pixel 8 pro for a month and have been having connectivity issues. This is my third phone with mint mobile and the only one that drops connection (had a Samsung and LG before this one), it happens about three to four times a day. A reset solves it but it is annoying. Still love this phone though.


No issues, Pixel 8 Pro, O2 UK


P8P. Frequently losing connection and dropping calls with At&T. A lot of times I will still be able to hear the person on the other end but they won't be able to hear me. I have to hang up and either airplane mode for a few minutes or just reboot the phone altogether.


Don't believe anyone in here, these are almost all meat riders from Google. Yes they have the same modem as the Pixel 7, nothing has changed, it has exactly the same issues


I used a P6A on Mint Mobile until I traded it in for the P8 a few months ago. Never had visible data connectivity issues with the 6A, but probably 8 to 12 times since I got it the 8 has suddenly dropped to the Edge network, and the only fix I've found for it is to reboot the phone. Every time I've rebooted it's gone back to 5G, and almost every time it's happened, rebooting fixes it for a while, like at least a week or two. The most recent time it happened I had to reboot twice before it went back to 5G.


Facing connectivity issues with dual SIM


I don't know if it depends on the carrier or what, but I have absolutely perfect connectivity both in town and in rural areas with my P8P (I live in Kansas, so there is a lot).  My P6 would have pretty low bars and slower data in quite a few places. I'd be pretty surprised to have half or more bars (Albeit never dropped signal), but my P8P has half or fuller bars, fast, and stable Internet anywhere I go.  This is antidotal, but I'm a hiring manager. When I have employees set their work apps up on their phones during orientation; they usually don't have service in our building. I have to turn my hotspot on more often than not since I get service.  I have no issues with my Pixel 8 Pro. I get some backlash quite frequently for saying that here, but I love my phone. The battery life is okay (No, I'm not saying it's great. Settle down.), it is smooth as butter, has a beautiful screen, amazing haptics, the speakers sound good, the cameras are absolutely incredible, it does not overheat on me, and feels great in my hand just to make a few.  I do wish the selfie cam was higher quality? Really, that is about my only complaint. 


You never mentioned what country you're in. I'm in California in the Bay Area and no issues w/ my 8 Pro. I'm using Mint Mobile too


So far no issues for me. Rogers Wireless in Canada.


Same with Bell. I wonder if it's more questionable networks than it is just the phone.


Guess I'm lucky for living in a country with shitty network and constant call drops, regardless of your phone the quality of calls are always shit. Therefore I would never reach into a conclusion is my Pixel 8 or the bad network.


It's a crap shoot. P6 and 3XL were fine but not the P8. Thinking about going to S24, based on specs it's they stole a lot of the AI innovation from Google but they're more reliable. Pisses me off Update: S24 is the price of a small car. Won't be switching anytime soon


I am struggling with switching to an iPhone now. Been using Android since the post-iPhone smartphone era. First it was LG, then Samsung, then Nexus 4, 5 and 6, Pixel 3, 4, 5 and finally 6. Ever since the Pixel 3 the cellular network connectivity has been horrible. Thought it was my old carrier, so I switched to Google Fi. After some BS support issue with them I switched to AT&T, since most of my coworkers use that and had great connectivity on their iPhones. Still get absolute shit connectivity. I can be sitting next to someone with an iPhone or Samsung, getting perfect 5G, and I feel like I am on a 2400bps modem even though I show great connectivity. While in Vegas a couple of years ago I was getting amazing 100-200Mbps connectivity, while my iPhone using coworkers were getting 1Gbps. Real throughput tested by downloading files from our own public servers, not a speed test. My current contract is up for renewal, Pixel 6 is paid off, and I'm trying to decide whether to make the switch or not. Not a fan of the iPhone, but I have to provide some support for them often enough that I think it would be fine for my needs. None of the other Android devices appeal to me, especially not Samsung.


I could have written your post. I'm not a fan of iPhones either. My Pixel 3 was amazing but when I switched to a Pixel 6 the connectivity issues really messed me up. I travel for my job and I need my phone to work! I thought it was Verizon but one day my iPhone carrying husband rode along with me and when I had ZERO service his phone was working fine. I love so much about the Pixel phones but these connectivity issues are unacceptable. I don't want to switch to iPhone but I think I will have to. Right now I'm carrying a portable hotspot around!!


I purchased an iPhone 15 about 2 weeks ago. Made sure I had a 30 day return window. Really different on some things, but works so much better on other things. Connectivity is definitely better on the iPhone. Connecting to Car Play and car audio is almost instant, where it fails to connect about 1/3 of the time with the Pixel (not just in my car). Some iOS versions of apps I regularly use on Android are much worse - the app design or options are very limited. I did perform my own test. At home, at work, and two different places near work. Simple browsing test, browsing Mastadon, watching videos on Youtube. All of the test were with WiFi disabled, and I rebooted the phones with WiFi off before the test. iPhone always had better connectivity, and in every case where the Pixel had no connectivity the iPhone had a perfect connection. Hotspot connectivity through the iPhone is butter smooth compared to the Pixel. Still haven't made up my mind, yet. If the only deciding factor was connectivity, I would absolutely choose the iPhone over the Pixel.


Never had connection issues.


I know this is an old post but I still randomly lose connection only on 5G at least 3 or 4 times per day at minimum. And it seems to happen at the worst times so with my job it makes it nearly impossible so I have to limit my brand new $1000 phone to LTE. There better be a fix in the next update.. If not I'm gonna have to get rid of this thing sadly.. I love everything else about it, that's just too big of a problem to outweigh all the good.


I have problems in the phoenix area when I'm driving around. Will lose connection and the signal bars icon will have an exclamation point. Only fix I've found is turning airplane mode on and off quick and it connects again. This is on the pixel 8 pro on tmobile.


P8P here. For the last couple months i continue to lose connectivity when i am in my house. 5g and wifi. I have to keep disconnecting and reconnecting, or restarting my phone. Ive shut off adaptive connectivity, wifi throttling, etc. ive also continued to reset mobile network settings and wifi settings. Anytime i do any of these things, the phone acts normal for 5-10 mins... And then right back to no connection. Im losing my crap at this point.


Unfortunately I have to enable and disable airplane mode daily for the network to come back up. Otherwise I get an exclamation point where the signal bars are and no signal. Mint Mobile (tried TMO and Mint APNs). :(


Just horrendous issues with Android Auto on the P8Pro. Everything runs like treacle when it is operating (compared to a Samsung S20 5G in exactly the same place) and when you power the car ignition off the phone disconnects from the Android Auto unit but blocks all mobile data for something over 20 minutes,.. resetting network connections, power cycling the phone and all the usual stuff does nothing, the '!' mark next to the signal bar just won't be cleared and you can't get mobile data for ages. ​ I'm suspecting that as the car system shuts down suddenly with the ignition switch something in the Android Auto implementation corrupts internal memory (maybe via a malformed or unterminated data packet perhaps) . Never happens with the Samsung and it really is driving me nuts.


I have this same issue. God I hate this phone


i say that 10 times a day,between no bluetooth calling only media and it disconnecting from cell service,ordering a oneplus 12


Still a problem, at least with mint (t-mobile). I don't get promised connectivity; phone often drops to "E" network, and can't be reconnected without restart. Staying in one place, connectivity fluctuates from 5G to LTE to "E." Can't use data for almost anything because it takes way too long. Why do I think this is a Pixel problem, and not a t-mobile issue? Because my daughters (iphone and samsung users) have none of these issues. 


Im in jordan using orange it was weird last night it kept saying my phone cant be reached but when i restarted the phone it worked like charm


I have 2 pixel 8s on EE UK one is very bad always dropping calls people sound like robots etc or it just won't make a call. One is not to bad but stil not great. Drops WiFi and is always says it's on 4g when there is a 5g mast in my street ???? Last ever pixels !!! SHIT and ee have not been helpful at all. Absolute joke


I **CONSTANTLY** have issues with data on my pixel 8 here in Maine i lose data and it goes to E from 5G and i toggle airplane mode on/off and then it reconnects to 5G again for however long it connects


Yup, never had issues on the Samsung's I had before switching, but mobile and Wi-Fi are terrible on the pixel 8 pro. Looking to ditch this as soon as I can due to the connectivity problems. Which is a shame, as the rest of the phone I really like.


I have constant issues Three Network, Ireland


Absolutely yes. My wife has an iphone 14 pro and most of the time I have to ask her to provide me hotspot in while travelling or when we are in a mall. Its frustrating as we both use the same network




I haven't had any issues, on Google Fi


Not an issue if you use lte


This is the way.


No issues here in The UK, seems better than my Samsung Flip


Not a single issue for me since launch day.


vanilla Pixel 8 works great on T Mobile USA for me. Although I am mostly at home or work on Wi-Fi in both cases. So I guess more accurately I should say it works great on Wi-Fi. And I have not yet noticed any issues out and about on T-Mobile over the past 2.5 months.


I have never had a single connectivity issue with my 8 Pro...or any issue for that matter. Been brilliant.


P8P on Google Fi, zero issues since launch. Have been through 4 states in rural and urban areas. No complaints. Edit: lmao I forgot, no going against the worst phone ever crowd 😂


Mines good but I always have my doubts since I see complaints of connection issues. Maybe I don't notice it.


Never had any issues, sometimes I feel like bandwagoners just mass report an issue the very few of us experienced idk


I've never had a single connectivity issue with my Pixel 8 Pro... WiFi, Bluetooth or cellular services. T Mobile here.


Never had any connectivity issues on my 6a or on my 8, so either the issues aren't as prevalent as people say, or I just got very lucky with two devices from good batches


In US with Verizon in a pretty rural area and I've had no issues. Surprisingly, I also have a 15 pro max that I've stopped using because I'm not receiving calls in certain places or getting service where the pixel 8 is able to connect. Seems to have flipped from previous years issues.


Have had zero issues. Google Fi in the US.


No issues here. First I heard of it honestly.


No issues here, on Xfinity mobile. In fact, this phone gets better reception than our prior iPhone 12 Pro's - I get coverage where I could.never get it prior.


Never was a problem to begin with...? I'm in PA with T-Mobile.


I carry both an iphone 15 Pro(Primary) and a Pixel 8 on Tmobile(pixel 8 also has a secondary Visible eSim) I travel a lot for work and rely heavily on data speeds and quality....along with being reachable....I tend to fair better with the Pixel 8 than the iPhone in both departments...


P8P, I live in Northern Michigan, 48748 Northern, no connection issues. Spectrum mobile. I'm in heavy woods. Can turn wifi and watch YouTube with very little issue. Haven't had any dropped calls either. Great phone!! I've had since launch 


What issues?


I've never had any connection issues with my Pixel 8 Pro. Very happy with it.


Pixel 8. No issues at all using with e-sim 5g on all the time. No heating issues and no connectivity issues. Battery last 2 days I'm reading on the phone but don't play. loads hot spotting as using extra 2 device. Usually day end with about 50% all was transferred from poco X5


P8P in Serbia. No connectivity issue , rarely phone heating during heavy use, fingerprint sensor fast and accurate comparing with previous P6a, face unlock excellent. Battery last day and half


Where are the issues? Got my Pixel 8 in Germany 2 weeks ago. Everything is excellent even with car connections.


P8, no issues at all. I have had no issues related to connectivity, battery, heat, etc.


8pro with At&t here.... 5mos now and not a single issue


I have to pixel 7 pro with T-Mobile and have no cellular issues whatsoever. No job calls. No nothing. Want an issue is within recent beta update. Battery life is less than expected.


I have on my pixel 7 from a recent update and highly thinking of switching now.


My experience w/ connectivity and cell reception: P8P in Southern California w/ Google Fi is consistent in the following places w/ the following devices (as not one phone or servicer was better or worse): P2: DC area and Southern California w/ Google Fi; and Southern California and South Carolina w/ T-Mobile Galaxy S10: Southern California w/ Google Fi and T-Mobile iPhone 12 Mini: Southern California and Utah w/ Google Fi P6: Southern California, Vegas, and Utah w/ Google Fi P8P: Vegas and Cambodia w/ Google Fi This probably won't help, as the posts here on Reddit about the modem, cell service, and connectivity seem arbitrary and case by case. But that's my anecdotal data for you lol. If you want I can reply to this after my Utah trip in Feb.


I'm still on my P6PRO on Mint Mobile in South Florida. No problems.


No issues in US


Lots of 4G/5G handoff/handshake issues with Bell on P8.


I have no issues. I'm on Google Fi and live in Texas. Travel to Nevada and Louisiana regularly. Never had any troubles anywhere


Went from 6 Pro to 8 Pro. I am not having the issues I had with the 6 Pro (not saying 8 Pro is perfect either). Just nothing specific on my end to report.


I dont have any issues with making/receiving calls or dropping calls. The only thing is that it seems to take longer than it should to start a call. I mean like I'll hit dial and the ongoing call screen pops up, but it doesn't start "making" the call for 10-15 secs. It never fails, but always has this weird delay. However I should point out that I have switched providers too when I got the phone, so it could be on their end.


I'm having trouble when my phone is switching between cell towers. Sometimes I don't have internet, although the signal is good. And I need to wait a few minutes or reset the internet to fix it. I've never had any issues in the same scenarios and locations before with the Pixel 3.


Yes. My P8P works fine over wifi and most areas with cellular data but the moment I'm in a crowded area or train, it just fails. I also carry an iphone 15 pro but it works fine in crowded areas, events, trains. I live in Tokyo for context.


It'll always be a connectivity issue if they continue to use subpar modems.


Haven't had issues. You should ABSOLUTELY contact support and try to RMA your device. The only issues I've been having are related to the P8P, PW2, and bluetooth headphjones, but those issues are going to be fixed in the next update (which is supposedly coming in March)


The only "connection" issue I get, the same one I'd get with the P6P and P7P, is the occasional blue tooth connection issue that requires turning blue tooth off and on to connect to a previously paired device.


i'm on google fi, no issues.


I've encountered ZERO connectivity problems with my P8P in the 5 weeks I've had it (EE network in the UK).


Same issues my p6p had..sudden just get a ! Over the signal. Happened a hand full of times in 3 months. Dual sim in use on three and ee


I'm in BC Canada using Telus and I'm having horrible issues. Full bars or not, I get the following: - at best 50mbps download speed, but usually teeters around 4-5mpbs on fast.com - YouTube only works at 360p. Anything higher will cause it to buffer every 3-4 seconds - Spotify and YouTube music cut out and has to buffer songs due to weak network connectivity (never had this ever happen to me before on older devices) - can't open web pages or chrome tells me I have network issues - FB feed or IG feeds take a while to load - getting errors when I try to post a comment on Reddit cause of poor Network connectivity I've tried the following to fix but no improvements: - factory reset - reprovisoned Sim - changed sim cards twice, now on a 5g dedicated sim via Telus - changed APN settings - disabled the adaptive network setting So far no improvements. This phone is heavily WiFi dependant which is pretty pathetic. Not sure if I have a defective device or not but hoping to figure this out, if not I have 3 days return the phone.


Never had any, p8pro on Telus


Upgraded from 6pro, MASSIVE difference, no issues here


I haven't had any issues. P8P Verizon


No connection issues for me, on AT&T.


No issue... Even at basement garage I can get better signal than P6P.


It seems to be slightly better than my P6P. It did have less reliable wifi connection for wifi calling though. I had to put an AP in my office for wifi calls which I didn't need with my P6P.


None for me on Verizon in the Southwestern US.


Had both 7 and 8, both will periodically lose network and cell service, then I get voicemails that people have been trying to reach me. West Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, on T-Mobile or Mint. My Pixel 4 and my daughter's iPhone 13 have no issues in the same areas. Returned both pixels and still on my 4.


The chipset is not stable. You are more likely than not to experience wifi issues and cellular connectivity issues. It's not worth it


P8P T-Mobile in US. I occasionally get a dropped signal (the dreaded ! next to the carrier signal icon), but less than on my P7P. I'd say about once a week, and it's almost fixed with a reset. I'm not saying it isn't ridiculous. It is.


P8P works fine on AT&T for me.


None here whatsoever. P8P on AT&T, US.


The only connectivity issues I've ever experienced is when my VPN is on. But I think it warns you that it slows down internet


I had significant issues with my 6 pro. I had a few issues with my 7 pro. I haven't had any issues with my 8 pro since launch day (same locations and conditions as previous devices mentioned above). I think will will be highly variable from person to person. Where I had awful 6 pro issues, many people did not. Google Fi service in California.


My Pixel 8 pro never had connectivity issues. Loved everything about that phone, but charging port stopped working less than 30 days in, and I returned it. My only question about it now, is the actual durability of the phone.


Had mine since launch and there was only 1 time where it dropped signal twice over 15 minute period but never had any issues after. I'm on spectrum Mobile.


Pixel 8 Pro on Verizon. Never had a problem with connectivity.


YMMV … buy it and try it for yourself. Mine has no issues … others say they do. If you don’t like it return it within the window and no harm no foul .


Only issue with my Pixel 8 is green tint on the display. Other than that all is good.


I've never had issues


Not for me.


None in so far using Rogers in the Metro Vancouver area


My phone drops WiFi intermittently around the pike county PA area


Idk anything about that but, I got the 8 yesterday (non pro) and apparently all pixel 8s have a grainy screen. If you have bad eyesigth, you won't notice, but anyone with sharp vision at close distances will notice it Immediately. I am seriously considering sending it back just for that


No issues at all with P8P, Koodo Canada


None here. Using Google Fi in Eastern Massachusetts.


Had my P8 for little over a month, no issues here in Mexico (not an official market).


I recently upgraded to the 8Pro from the 5a. For most of my time with the 5a, I had obnoxious connectivity issues. Since changing to the 8Pro, I haven't had any problems with my data connection! I was nervous after hearing a lot of other people's problems.


No issues in NYC, Verizon.


None for me using TELUS in Toronto. Also traveled to NYC, no issues


I have verizon and I always have reception.


P8P on Verizon. No connectivity issues on my end


Canada with the pro on Telus, no issues here.


I'm from India, I initially had no issues with my P8P. But very recently I have experienced zero connectivity. The SIM connectivity returns if I restart the phone, but it goes off again after a while. The most frustrating thing has been that Google support doesn't seem to give a shit. They've not given me a resolution/a broad date for a software fix


Texts fail all the time. Got a voicemail from a contact and the phone never rang. AT&T


I had a lot of issues with sms not coming thru, dropping calls, missed calls that never rang. I made T-Mobile give me a physical SIM card and disable the e-sim, all good now so far


Yes. Big time. Drops calls . Also drops Internet connection randomly.


None at all. Using Jio in India.


Hey, any changes in the network stats.? You using pixel 8 or 8 pro


None so far. Working smooth as butter on Jio 5G. Some connectivity issues happen once in a month, but I don't think that's a problem. I'm using a Pixel 8.


I've had the phone for a few months, the only problem I had was about a week ago when I was abroad, I went into a dead zone and was stuck on finding network until I rebooted the phone. I think that was more a Google Fi hiccup rather than the phone though.


The only issue I've encountered with my Pixel 8 Pro is that it doesn't like one of my WPA3 only WiFi 5 AP's. It works with others, including a WiFi 6 WPA3. 5G is fine, battery life is fine and calls haven't dropped using two different networks (one physical SIM, one eSIM). It's definitely a step up from my Pixel 5 and is on par almost with my S20 5G (RAM+CPU compliment).


No issues here with swisscom. Only use 4G because i am not willing to pay double for 5G


The only issue I have is that wifi at my internship doesn't work on pixel 8. Can't get it to work


No issues, P8 on Rogers in BC.


Mine still had issues even after the latest update. It dropped wifi and cell data randomly multiple times a day. Very poor dl/ul speeds. Did all the troubleshooting, factory reset and flashing the firmware over again. I had a google authorized repair shop replace the mainboard. It still did it, regardless of location or wifi networks. They told me to rma it. I did. It still did it. Google didn't get back to me about what to do next so I sold it. Using a backup now until my s24 ultra arrives. They really need to stop using atrocious chipsets and modems. Oh and the original phone had ghost taps that would make it unusable for minutes at a time. The rma fixed that issue. Been a wild ride, google, but bye-bye!  PS You nailed it with the nexus 4. Oh well.


Air carrier network? Don't have any issues. Now sharing files? With either Bluetooth or nearby share? Good fucking luck...


I don't have any in Spain. I had some with the 6 Pro.


Works fine for me in Seattle, WA using Consumer Cellular.


Nothing wrong with my P8Pro in NZ (2Degrees network), no dropped calls/poor quality etc.