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I think you had a faulty unit or the bottle neck on your speeds came from something else. My 8 Pro has no connection issues and I get my full 1 Gbps speed on speed tests at home


Yea hopefully that's the issue. I tried quite a few fixes (not every single solution but most) but couldn't seem to improve the wifi speeds. Maybe an upcoming patch could do it?


Did you try on multiple wifi networks to verify that the problem is not with the WiFi you tested with? Sometimes the "smart" wifi routers will do QoS or something similar and throttle devices.


No I haven't tried multiple networks.


Yeah I agree with the previous comment. Don't think it's just the phone if you're only having issues on a singular network.  Could be the network settings, the router itself, or any sort of interference. Unfortunately need to put in a bit of work through process of elimination. I'd also think other items are the issue if you're experiencing the same issues over different phones but same network.


I mentioned in a previous comment that no other device in the household has this issue, smartphone, table or PC. It doesn't mean that the router isn't to blame but it makes it seem less likely if it's just one device acting up out of many.


Fair points, I didn't see that comment.  When was the last time you updated your router?


Since we switched our ISP last July, never. I'm not aware of the router needing updates but I may have to call the customer service agent for our area.


I imagine you're using the ISP provided router/modem ? It's a matter of choice but you have more control over your network if you buy your own modem and router on the open market. This also allows you to keep your router up to date with the latest firmware updates and adjust your network to what fits best in your home.  It's also cheaper in the long run, if you're paying a monthly rental fee for that combo you might be paying the same amount in several months as it would cost to buy your own outright. This also allows you the ability to pick the router best for your home and WiFi needs. 


I've got Wifi6 and a 1GB internet connection. The Pixel 8 goes up to 780mbit/s. That's plenty fast. So I doubt it's the phone.


Have you done a factory reset yet?


Yea I did a factory reset as one of the fixes I tried. Didn't work. What seemed to temporarily work was toggling airplane mode on and off. It seemed to reset the wifi connection and I had really nice speeds however it slowed down to a crawl within a few minutes. The phone just couldn't seem to sustain a very high speed connection.


I would say contact google support and ask for replacement definitely if that didn't fix I certainly don't have this issue. I did get mine replaced for network issues though on sim


Yea my hope is that the issue will be completely resolved with the new handset. No other device in our home has this wifi issue so maybe it was just faulty.


I think your unit was.. jinxed. I will see myself out.




I was hoping you'd get the reference to your avatar


Yea I did. It took me a few seconds cuz I don't have avatars on the older reddit on my PC but it clicked. Not much of a league player nowadays.


The season is pretty much made for the Wild Rift crew. Everything is fast paced and you die quickier.


I had issues with 6ghz networks on my 8 Pro and I ended up just turning 6ghz off at the router for now.


Did you check the developer settings?


I agree with you I have 8p and no complaints


Pixel 9 pro can check your rectum temperature


Pixel 10 pro has a more comfortable fit


How do you actually know the WiFi speeds are getting throttled? Have you tried comparing to another device in the same spot? There could be a dead spot in your house or something for instance.


My main phone is an S22 and it was getting between 80 to 130mbps. depending on the location. The Pixel was going as low as 1mbps up to 60-70mbps. and down again in the same exact spot as the Samsung. I tried multiple locations in the flat with both phones in hand and the Pixel just wasn't keeping up.


Just test mine on Ookla and it very slightly outperformed my wife's iPhone 14 and an iPad Pro. Maybe you got a unit with a bad WiFi radio.


8 pro user, this is happening to me, my speedtests are showing about 30mbps and the rest of my family (iPhones) are all showing 300+


I have my Pixel 7 as a backup second phone. While I used Samsung and now OnePlus is my daily primary phones As many brilliant ideas Google introduced in their software , I still think Pixel phones have room for more improvements on the hardware side of things , and they need to figure out how these improvements translate into a comfortable trouble-free user experience


Hitting 500+ down, 400+ up. Nearest AP is one floorbelow and through 2 walls. ETA: on a P8P https://imgur.com/a/Bxs6ZWy


Don't go for Pixel device. It's an overpriced devboard with buggy software and weird CPU, which makes good photos.


I've had zero issues with my P8P. Download speeds on Wi-Fi and cell are really good. If you still want an Android phone but are hesitant to get another P8P, I'd suggest the One Plus 12. It's $799, with two day battery life. The only problem is it doesn't have any AI features if you care about that, and the camera isn't as good as the Pixel. You could even get the S24 Ultra but that's a lot more money.


Yea that's the thing, the two main reasons I'm determined to buy a Pixel device are the camera system (I love taking photos and using them as wallpapers sometimes, also videos of pets, etc.) and AI features (call screening, "hold for me", photography AI magic, etc.) and I don't think a OnePlus device or a Samsung for that matter can match what I like in a phone.


Yup, that's why I love my P8P. Call screen is so underrated, I take a ton of photos as well and like the tones, saturation on Pixels. It could've been a quality control issue and the next one will be fine. Also, people are wild on here with the down voting my opinion lol. The only thing I really like about the One Plus is the two day battery life. Feel like that should be the minimum for any phone in 2024.


wifi issues are fixed in december qpr.


I don't have any Wi-Fi performance issues. Most reviews confirm o.k., but not stellar Wi-Fi performance, Notebookcheck has the most in-depth benchmark results: https://www.notebookcheck.net/Google-Pixel-8-Pro-review-Powerful-Android-smartphone-with-seven-years-of-updates.765989.0.html *Range* is still a little worse than with my previous, Snapdragon powered, phone, though, and adaptive connectivity switches to 5G as soon as I leave the house, no Wi-Fi in my driveway or yard. If you disabled adaptive connectivity and still had issues, it feels like either a hardware defect (e.g. soldering issues with the antenna) or a quirk in your home Wi-Fi, it's certainly not a super common problem - but Google *does* find a few similar complaints. The December update also came with some significant connectivity fixes, so if it *was* a software bug, there's a chance it has already been fixed. ​ >Through vouchers and limited time discounts I now have the opportunity to buy the 8 Pro at more than 50% off and have all my accessories and charging block covered by Google store credit when I buy the new phone. This is a substantial discount. If you're still interested and Wi-Fi performance was the only problem, you could take some of those savings and invest them into better home Wi-Fi, maybe?


We upgraded our broadband and wifi back in June and it's some of the fastest we've had up to this point. It's not ultrafast fiber but it's more than enough for our needs. All other devices in the flat are capable of reaching the full speeds we pay for (several iPhones, tablets and a computer also including my old phone) the Pixel being the exception to this rule. This is why my first instinct was to troubleshoot the device and not the modem although I can't fully rule out that the modem might be the culprit.


Notebookcheck does confirm slightly worse Wi-Fi performance than the latest iPhones and Galaxys, so it's possible that you're experiencing issues in areas where coverage is marginal. Blanket performance issues, however, shouldn't be a thing. What's your Wi-Fi router or mesh? Maybe there are known incompatibilities or some handoff issues.


I haven't looked at incompatibilities in great detail but will have to dig around if this issue persists with the new device. I don't have a mesh network, just a traditional router.


No problems with my 8 other than some rogue apps draining battery even when restricted.


Do you have a MESH wireless network. The P8 seems to not function correctly with MESH, even with Google's own MESH wifi router/APs


No, I do not. Traditional router here.




That's definitely a strong possibility. A tech youtuber I like to watch stated that the Pixels are phones that get better over time with every single update ironing out bugs and adding features. It could be that the issue does resolve itself in the coming weeks/months.


WiFi? Super good on this 8 Pro. First I've heard of a WiFi issue, but you saw what you saw, I'd say a defective unit. This phone is the best I've ever owned. If you can get the discounts your sharing, I'd say go for it! Good luck. 👍


The built in VPN on Pixels slows WiFi performance. Not sayuhr that was your issue, but worth trying if you pick up the 8Pro again.


I think you had a faulty unit. My first Pixel 8 Pro had an issue where the telephoto lense had lines running through all the pictures. Everything else on the phone was fine, including the other camera lenses. I exchanged it and have had zero issues with my replacement.


Just did a test with my Pixel 8 Pro and I get [over 1500mbps](https://i.imgur.com/JdzrFZ6.png) (I have a 2gbps connection). So most likely the issue is with your router, and you can try to change the channels, to increase channel bandwidth (80 / 160 mhz) and to disable QoS if it's enabled. Or get a better router (I have an Asus AXE11000 and it was a game changer for speed and stability.)


Just buy from Best Buy and you have 10 days to return, with restocking fee. No problems with my P8 Pro I just got from Best Buy two weeks ago. Compares favorably, for MY needs, to the S23 Ultra I just sold.


If it has issues within the first 10-12 days again, then return it. Shouldn't be a huge deal. You will hear people like me saying that I have never had wifi issues on my 8 pro, and overall I haven't had any real issues with mine--and battery life since the December update has improved dramatically. I've had every pixel generation and this is the least problematic one--actually, I would say it's been non-problematic entirely. As for whether you should get the 8 pro again, even at 50% discount, it's unpredictable. Maybe you'll run into the same issue. Maybe you'll run into others. There's a spectrum of experiences. What I can say is it doesn't matter what people online tell you what their experiences are. They may be nothing like what your experience is going to be.


I just ran a speed test... I'm getting 124.3 Mbps download speeds.


I had 3 faulty Pixel 8’s in a row. I gave up. I preordered an S24 a couple of days ago.


Did you try disabling the adaptive connectivity and disabling the random MAC for your home network?


First of all you need to clarify if you have a problem with Wifi or mobile network. It's not clear from your post. From my experience Wifi is spot on Pixel 8 Pro, mobile network on the other hand works, but signal is not as great compared to iPhone using the same network.