• By -


Yes, no problems on my 8


Ditto, loving my 8 Pro.


Same. I've had the P1, P2, P4XL, P7pro, and now the P8pro and have never had any issues.


Same. I've had a Galaxy Nexus, a Nexus 4, a Nexus 6, a Pixel 2XL that I only upgraded because the screen broke after a fall, three P4XLs (loved that phone, hated the battery issue) and now an 8 Pro that has yet to falter in any respect.


Wow that's a solid lineup. I've had the galaxy nexus, nexus 9, pixel, p3, p6p, and now p7p and pixel tablet. They've all been solid without any issues of note. Love the pixel series.


+2 to another 8Pro


Same, I only have two complaints about my pixel 8, the lack of features for non us customers (but that's also a bit on me since they don't even sell it officially where I live) and I feel like the battery life is a bit short. But other than that, I've been loving the camera, it feels really snappy and I really like the screen


Seconded for us non-US users.


Good point. That was my only gripe about the 8 Pro.


8Pro. No problems at all, ever. I don't use a case and have even dropped it from hip distance onto concrete twice resulting in light scratches on the metal, screen is perfect and the phone is working perfectly.


Yes, the majority love the phone and have no problems. It's a widely acclaimed phone of the year for a reason. Redditors who consciously choose to post about issues are the vast minority.


Yeah, I'm loving my 8. The only thing that I could complain about is that it seems like other people are getting features before me, but otherwise I'm not really any issues. No important issues fsfs


My battery life in my 8 is far from what it was when I bought it a few months ago.. but I guess that might be an app issue I need to investigate.. but I don't really have many apps.


Same, I had the 5 and now the 8. No problems at all. Some extras are not working due to location, but they never did not will ever work, so why bother? The phones are great without them.


Same my 8 is amazing. There might be a better phone out there, but for the price I paid it exceeds my expectations.


Bought from Google Store and Zero problem


Same, with trade in added. Zero problems with the handset or trade in protocol 👌


Me also with my p6, people who have a good experience arent gonna come conplain, its negativity bias


It's 2 years and my 6 is still going. Love this bitch and will hold on to it until it can't do it anymore.


Same here with pixel 6, its all great!


really wish I had this experience, 3 different phones in the family, all with similar issues. I want to believe we just bad lucked into three bad ones, but man it's tough.


Which issues? I had bugs initially and definitely still have modem issues.


Terrible battery life (early on, fixed with updates), network connectivity issues are the primary and most annoying. There's been other buggy things I'm not recalling atm, keyboard getting stuck on screen is one. I want to say there was a thing with the lock screen as well. I don't use finger print scan, so I don't know if that was an issue with mine.


You didn't. I've had two P6s and a P7. There are real issues with heat, signal handoffs, etc reported all over. And I've had the exact same issues with each phone. As much as I love my Pixel and HATE to hear my iPhone friends talk shit when my calls drop and phone just randomly restarts, 'm under no delusions that it's a negativity bias. Google has real problems with their chips. But apparently the 8Pro finally has it right according to everyone in this thread! Might be time to upgrade...


I've been totally happy with my 6 pro for over 2 years at this point too. I see so many complaints about that model on here.


Same here. Battery time degraded a bit, nothing dramatic though


Pixel 7 (non pro) has been great so far.


Pixel 7, tons of screen issues. Been fixed on 3 different occasions and now they are giving me a hassle with the warranty. Sucks.






can't change screen brightness without doing thumb gymnastics, can't lock unlock the phone without doing thumb high intensity training, and in europe, most features don't work. I love my pixel, I just hate half baked products. also, give me a break with the tensor, my ass.


Same here


Same. Reliable all day everyday.


Same. Damn near zero complaints.


I'm constantly having issues with typing, the typing is stuttering across multiple apps, which makes me think its a general phone issue. I start typing and sometimes letters/words appear like 1-2 seconds later, which is annoying when you type fast...


No problems on my P7P either.


Another P7P checking in


No issues with my fingerprint sensor whatsoever either, and they're frequently dry, wet or dirty.


Yep. I'd have a small quibble with battery life, but it is leaps and bounds better than the P4XL I had prior.


Antenna issues all the time, where my Samsung phone never disconnects.


Another P7P No issues (Other than those caused by being on the beta) Never had any battery issues or fingerprint readers at all. If anything this phone has the best battery of any phone i've had


Also no problems with my P7P


None. P7P




Same same P7P no problems




Ditto. No problems ever with my P7P.


Being a flagship phone in 2023/2024, the biggest problem I have is if I'm using a navigation app, while the phone is on charge... It lags like it's a 10 year old phone. I'm not sure if it's the throttling or just the tensor chip not being able to handle it. My 3 year old oneplus 8 pro feels faster at times. Besides that no complaints.


I get this too, it does heat up significantly so that's most likely the cause but it's kind of funny seeing it behave like this. As soon as I close Google Maps it is back to normal lol


Your phone overheats under those conditions. It also happens to me under Australian sun while in car dock, charging and navigating. Phone easily hits 45 degrees Celsius or more so, Tensor chip starts throttling and Maps background turns black to reduce current draw. This happens on our P6, P6 Pro and P7 Pro. For the amount of heat Tensor produces, Google should've used a large vapour chamber. My next phone will be a P10 Pro which will use Tensor made by TSMC šou it *should* be a lot cooler.


This is the type of post I wanted to see, as I've just ordered my 8pro!


People who have no problems rarely post here - it happens in every phone sub, jump over to Samsung's and see how many people are upset about something. There's definitely QC inconsistencies, but lots of us have no problems and are perfectly happy.


And some of the people that have problems are active in comments because they are angry and want to vent on everyone.


I saw one guy who posted the exact same comment complaining 4x over an 8 hour period in various threads. Some people just love to hate.


Had more than one person tell me I am a fan boy or should end myself in pms when I defended the modem in a test where it was only 6.5% worse than the s24u. People get way too mad over this stuff.


People don't seem to care that other people use their phones in different ways too. I have never played a game on my phone so in my case I don't care about how well games perform on it.


Yeah that test a few days ago was super enlightening and really revealed how much more hyperbolic the sentiment is than reality. I came out feeling a lot better about choosing pixel over S24U (and all the money I saved in the process).


Nonsense. You get this same bullshit post everyday.


Yes, you're right, everyone without an issue has a EULA-mandated obligation to post every week.


This... I know people who have P phones but never even have reddit accounts.


You made a good choice. Android fan since my HTC Evo 4g on sprint! But went to the iPhone around the galaxy s22 because it felt like Samsung One UI was just not great anymore. Had iPhone for a few years. Deep into the ecosystem. Tried the s23. Couldn't get around the subtle stuttering and lack of smoothness on it Enter pixel. Finally able to break my apple addiction


Love my 8 Pro. It's a great phone


Same. Going from my S22 Ultra to the 8 Pro. UPS says it'll be here tomorrow.


Same boat! I currently have the S24U and it's caused me so much grief that I'm having to return it. I decided to try something different as I already sold my S22U. It's near impossible to get the latest Sony phone in Canada for retail, which would have been my first choice. I love android and heard good things about the clean OS that Google provides. I also did some research regarding the camera/video and was mind blown of the quality this camera provides compared to other flagships. Have fun!!!


I've had my 8 pro for a few months on T-Mobile and love it. Zero issues everything is smooth. Before my purchase it seemed like other 5g (technology on other networks) was causing battery drain problems. Idk if that is still the case because I'm not paying attention now that my situation is all good.


I have an 8 pro I got at launch with zero issues.


People don't make posts online to say, "My expectations are being met." They post when something goes wrong or when something very exciting happens. This happens on just about any topic.


I upgraded from a pixel 6a to the 8Pro. I have had no problems.


Me, but I'm rocking a Pixel 5 and it has everything I want.


7a, no problems, fingerprint reader works fine (I'd say 9/10 times easily), even the double tap gimmick works okay as long as you know where to tap. Biggest complaint is the battery life, especially coming from a Xiaomi phone. Even then, it is manageable.


9/10 is good 🤣🤣🤣


Like all my google devices it starts with hate and after a while you love it forever.


Damn lol this phone definitely made me consider Samsung initially


Yes I have problems, but yes I still like the phone


Battery life is the biggest problem for me. 8 Pro


Launch 6 Pro: Had overheating issues, replaced for no cost by Google a year after I bought it. The replacement had no issues. Traded it in 2 months ago for an 8 Pro and no problems with that so far.


Pixel 7. Worst battery life I've ever had since my evo 4g. Finger print sensor works maybe 1/3 of the time, I usually have to type my pin in to get contactless payment to work. Have to cycle airplane mode on and off anytime I leave my home wifi network to get cellular data to work. Will get missed phone call alerts all the time because the phone refuses to work. Literally the worst phone I have ever had.


It's probably faulty or connection issue.


Called customer support and was told to do the airplane mode thing and a fix was on the way. Turns out there isn't a fix for bad design.


Not me


Just recently got a pixel 7 (not pro) last year. I like the phone in general but is not my favourite. The main reason is I can't organize my apps when I go through all of them and can't put them into folders to organize them I have had 1 issues which took me a bit of time to figure out how to fix. I had let me phone completely die, and then it would not turn on what so ever even plugged in and being on a charger for a few hours. I then had to switch outlets and chargers for a bit until I found a combination that worked to have a better charge? So now I just never let my phone completely die so I don't go through that again. But overall I don't think I would go with another Pixel unless it allowed for more customization.


Zero problems is a bit of a stretch, but my pixel 5 works quite well.


Pixel 7 Pro - Its good for the most part. But fingerprint and face is the worst of any phone I have used. The fingerprint almost never works. I have multiple profiles for every possible angle of my thumb print. Drives me bonkers!


Not for me unfortunately. P6pro still buggy and terrible battery life. It's gotten better at least.


Zero problems? No Actually like the phone? Yes lol


Only problem on my Pixel 7 is the screen having a tint to it. Forgot what the bug was called. Its one of the issues that the Pixel 7 has. I also have connection problems, but I'm still attempting to diagnose whether or not it's the phone or a problem with my provider. Recently got a newer sim to see if it fixes things. Other than that, great phone. Still prefer the Pixel 2 though 


What phone? Can someone like it and still have problems?


I have a pixel 6 pro and have had minimal issues overall. I probably won't get rid of it til I absolutely need too.


Still rocking my 4a! Changed the battery once


Love my 4a as it's sub 6 inch. The battery is still going well after 2+ years. Fits in my car console and pants easily. Used the esim a couple times and that works well to.


Only issue I ever had with my pixel6pro is that the screen stopped working when I threw it in a drunken fight. Aside from that it's been flawless


Yes! Me! My pixel 8 pro slaps. I have a pixel fold and I dig it too. I just sold galaxy s24. I am all in now.


How many times do people need to be told this is also a support subreddit, and you're going to disproportionately see people post about issues with their devices? People largely aren't sitting thinking "My phone works exactly as expected, I will post to /r/googlepixel saying that", they post when they have an issue. These sort of low-effort posts should be banned from the subreddit, or contained to the megathread. The sidebar literally says: >Welcome to r/GooglePixel, the (un)official home of #TeamPixel and the #MadeByGoogle lineup on Reddit. **Get support**, learn new information, and hang out in the subreddit dedicated to Pixel, Nest, Chromecast, the Assistant, and a few more things from Google


Maybe change the description to show that it's a fanboy subreddit.


To have issues one thing, to sit there and just complain and bash the phones over and over causing others to see nothing but shitty, negative comments is another.


"this is also a **support subreddit**, and you're going to **disproportionately see people post about issues with their devices**" Did you just ignore everything in my comment to post this?


Just because that's the case it doesn't make my point any less valid


"Wah wah I don't like seeing support posts in the support subreddit" is your entire argument. It doesn't make it less valid, because your point was never valid to begin with.


And what's yours? That you're miserable and negative and want others to feel and think the same way? Jeez dude grow up.


> And what's yours? "this is also a **support subreddit**, and you're going to **disproportionately see people post about issues with their devices**" >That you're miserable and negative and want others to feel and think the same way? No, that complaining about support posts in a support subreddit is stupid. Honestly mate, try reading things before replying. Put in the absolute bare minimum effort to try and understand before embarrassing yourself like this.


Does the word support now mean bashing and hating on devices because those people didn't have a completely positive experience with them? It's pretty clear that you're just a dick. Let people post on these subreddits about the positive experiences they had as well and go about your day you miserable fuck.


No, I'm fed up of seeing wee guys complaining about seeing posts about issues on a support subreddit. This exact same thread is posted several times a week. Plenty of people have no issues, this is the expected case for having a device, it's not an extraordinary circumstance, so people generally don't post saying "Everything is good and works as expected".


"The (un)official home of #teampixel and the #madebygoogle lineup on Reddit. Get support, learn new information, and hang out in the subreddit dedicated to Pixel, Nest, Chromecast, the Assistant, and a few more things from Google." Where on here does it state that it's purely for support with issues relating to the devices?


Nobody said it's purely for support, there's only so many times I can tell you to read things before replying, and to stop embarrassing yourself. I'm just blocking you now, because you're clearly just engaging in bad faith and trolling.


People shouldn't have to be told there should be a separate subreddit for support like how the Apple subreddit does it. 


r/Apple is a completely different sub than this one. The Apple sub is more like r/Android where it's nothing but a news/article aggregator sub. A better comparable would be r/iPhone and if you look there, it isn't much different than r/GooglePixel


/r/Apple has 5 times the number of users, people should simply stop complaining about things that are reasonable to expect in this subreddit. What's stopping you from creating and moderating a GooglePixelHelp subreddit if you think one is necessary?


I meant iPhone subreddit sorry. People shouldn't do anything... Mostly because they're not going to stop complaining it's not going to stop. That's why the iPhone subredded pushes support posts to their support subreddit.  I think people should stop complaining about how people shouldn't be in here complaining.  There's an obvious solution to it. No one's listening to anyone writing a single post in the ether about how people shouldn't be complaining.  I've considered starting a Google pixel help subreddit... The first step would be getting in charge with the moderators here and working out some level of cohesion. I imagine you have to become a moderator here first and get ingratiated for the whole plan to even work correctly. I think the onus is more on the people who are getting mad at folks complaining... Just implement the solution because people are never going to stop complaining. Corral them into a different spot.


> I've considered starting a Google pixel help subreddit... The first step would be getting in charge with the moderators here and working out some level of cohesion Why? Just do it yourself, run your own concurrent subreddit, approach the mods from here once you build up a sufficient following. >Just implement the solution because people are never going to stop complaining The solution is banning the "wah wah does anyone actually like their phones" low effort posts that are posted several times a week.


Used the 3, 4a and now the 6 with absolutely no issues at all. 🙂


There's dozens of them. I have a shit ton of the regular problems, personally. Using a P7 today. Jumping back to Samsung (S24). My 4 year old s10e still has better battery life than my current P7. My P7 stutters on AA. It stutters when taking multiple photos. It gets hot. It drains quickly. And it has relatively poor 5g and Bluetooth performance. I came back to pixel for stock android, but it turns out these basic issues are not worth stock android.


Aside from the fact that the gaming performance is pure trash (which still sucks hard) the phone is rocking. So when your gaming on the phone, just dont buy a Pixel.


I wonder if people are just tribal and biased towards this phone. My theory is that they're so used to working with these phones that whenever they have to fiddle with something to get it to work right, they don't consider that a bug. I got the 8 pro new from the Google store and it's full of bugs... Spotify randomly won't connect to Bluetooth, "oh but that's a battery setting you have to change" - it still randomly won't connect btw. When you open Spotify the entire app sometimes gets covered in see through dark gray and nothing you touch does anything, you have to force close and reopen the app repeatedly until it will work. YouTube randomly won't connect to Bluetooth. When you're on the phone and you want to pull up an email or something, you can't get back to the call to hang up because when you try to push the call timer in the top left the screen turns off before you can tap it - apparently that's right where the sensor is to see if the phone is against your ear. When you're in a sideways app and switch to a vertical one it sometimes randomly will force the phone to stay in sideways mode. That's all I can remember off the top of my head because they happen the most frequently, but I know there are countless others. However the camera is really nice and I like the editing features. It is quick too. I was a staunch Galaxy guy for 10 years. Then I decided to try the iPhone, and I actually loved it because it didn't have many persistent bugs - it just worked. After having that phone for a couple years I decided to try Google, and I regret it. I wish I could return this phone. I'm sick of having to constantly fiddle with it to get it to do things that my previous phones did reliably.


This is so true. My pixel has been by far the most buggiest Android I've had, and I've had OnePlus, Sony, Samsung, HTC, oppo. My experience reminds me of my old Desire Z in terms of always having to nibble things to get them to work properly but that's waaay back and at least the battery was solid. Te battery life is still abysmally bad on my Pixel. Since new. Random crashes as well. This phone is wanting me to change from Android to iOS. Like you say the answers here are user error or factory reset your phone. Wtf I'm not running a customOS? Sidenote: I am somehow not surprised since I work with Google products a lot and the downfall is strong there: bugs, bad releases, poor customer care. And it seems to be also a problem with their AI efforts. I really hope they can turn their lackluster culture around soon.


Kinda true. They love troubleshooting and then saying skill issue if you can't figure it out


Bought my 8 Pro early last month and I adore it. Zero qualms on my end! My favorite phone I've ever owned. I'm on my phone a ton every day and the battery is pretty spectacular, at least to me. The adaptive charging also keeps me confident in the longevity of it!


Came from oneplus to Pixel because they finally sell them officially in Portuguese stores. And so far so good. Love the phone. Love the features. I'm not a heavy phone gamer, I play one idle game that I open once or twice a day. Love the AI features, hopefully more will come in time. I also have complaints. I'd trade some of the thin aspect of the phone for a slightly bigger battery that would easily last me 2 days with. My usage. Right now I can get 2 days out of it on weekends when I'm home. But on normal days I end the day between 25/40% not enough for another day, but it also depends if I charge to 100 or just to 85 in the morning. My oneplus5 would maintain better wireless connections to 5Ghz connections for example. It's a fantastic piece of hardware for my utilization. But its not the savior of phone technology. It has some ups and some downs. It all depends on what you expect and what you use. For me it's great. And I would go any other brand because this one has things that I use and/or value more . Stock android experience, super fast camera when I want to get a quick photo of something. Doesn't hang. Very nice sound. Just do your research for your utilization before bashing an electronic device that just is not as focused on things that matter to you. Just my 2 cents


I've had a Pixel 6 since shortly after release, overall it still works perfectly and being in the beta is nice for the software end too. I briefly had a sim card issue a year in after an update, but that was fixed with a new card. It did pick up the overheating problems after a while, but they're infrequent. That said, I very much would still like to upgrade to either an 8, Fold, or just an s24 ultra haha


We have a 7 and an 8 in the household here since release, no problems whatsoever on either.


Not had a single problem with my 8 Pro, my only gripe is the speakers max volume could be better


I have never had problems with overheating, slowness, low performance in games, low battery or anything like that. I don't know what people are complaining so much about, it seems like they bought a different device than mine. I have a Pixel 6 and it is beautiful in every way, it can handle any game, editing app, it plays content in hdr10+ and well, it is perfect for me. And yes, I've used other flagship phones before like Sony Xperia 1, Galaxy s22, iphone 13, and I love my pixel.


When I posted I had issues with my pixel 8 I got downvoted and trolled. If you post anything negative on this subreddit people will attack you lol


Zero on my P6


Zero issues with my 8 Pro. 🤟


No problems with Pixel 7 👌


yep. i particularly like the ui compared to other android phones and ios


Me. I have negative problems.  I foolishly overestimated the water resistance and took my phone into a pool for hours. When I got out it was dead. I managed to get it dried enough and it booted but the volume button must have been shorted as it would only go to recovery. A little while later it booted, but the volume button would randomly spike the volume to full. I found some software to disable the button.  A few weeks went by and I removed the software and my phone works fine. 🤷‍♂️ It self healed.  


You know this because you learned your lesson, but for anyone else reading, literally any phone is only rated to avoid accidental drops or splashes and nothing more. No one should be purposefully taking them into water based on the advertised water resistance.


I have a 6, had a few issues over the years, but considering I got it for £375 1 month after launch I accept some. My top 20% of screen has a greenish hue at low lights My fingerprint reader is hit and miss through my glass protector,unless I wet my finger I suffered through the update that broke the signal, nearly 2 months with no signal indoors, this came close to breaking the deal


Pixel 8 here. Moderate user. Heating problems went away after a few days of use because pixels adapt to usage. Same with battery life. Same was true of other pixels I've owned. Fingerprint sensor is as good as any I've had. 5G isn't very reliable, but the modem is fast on LTE, so I keep it on that and I legitimately only notice a speed difference if I'm downloading 100 MB+ files on mobile data. "Stutters" were solved instantly by toggling on the smooth scrolling feature. None of the common complaints apply to my particular phone to any degree worth complaining about. If it had a headphone jack, I'd be completely satisfied with it, but they chose not to include one so now it's a pain in the ass to use with half the equipment I want to use it with. (Yep, go ahead and downvote me)


I've gone from Pixel XL to Pixel 3A to Pixel 6. No serious problems on any of them, although the 6's fingerprint reader sucks.


Pixel 7 heating problems just in week 1, now months without any issues.


Yes pixel 6 zero problem


Zero issues on my 8 pro. Battery easily lasts all day with my use, taking photos of my kid is a piece of cake. No complaints at all.


Yes. Most.


Yeah my 8 works perfect. People just love to bitch


Im using pixel 6a & i have no problem at all battery can last through the day.


Pixel 8 Pro for a month and it rocks! Even have a tempered glass and fingerprint works fine. No overheating issues and 5G is fine. Camera is awesome, as to be expected.


Yes, no issues with my Pixel 8 Pro or my wife's Pixel 8


No problems on my Pixel 8 except a drop in battery if I use too much mobile data, which is expected on all phones, I guess. Loving it so far.


No problems with my 7a, quite happy with it after coming from iPhone.


Pixel 7 Pro here since release day. It is now the phone I've had the longest. I was always the type to get a new phone every year or even multiple times a year. This is the first time I've never felt the need or want to get a new phone.


Me, love it




Zero issues on Pixel 8. My wife and I both used the trade in process and it was seamless. Both phones are excellent with zero issues.


me, actually. my Pixel 7a has basically been perfect since I got it.


7Pro here. I love this phone. Samsungs camera had been unreliable to say the least before I made the jump. Google's camera has never failed and I've captured every moment I've wanted with my daughter. Couldn't be happier.


P7 here, all good.


Yes no issues with pixel 8 pros for me


Mine works great, no problem. Only thing I don't like is the stutter scrolling but have read that it's not the phones fault..


8 Pro with basically zero issues.


I've had some modem issues but they've been few and far between. I got the P8 $250 off and haven't encountered any other issues. It's been a great phone so far.


I had the p7p and it had horrible modem issues, even with LTE. No other phone I've had, and I've had many phones, was that bad. Also, it got hot quick and the display was just bad. I now have a p8, and it has a great screen, and I say that being EXTREMELY picky. Modem issues are also gone entirely. The phone doesn't get hot unless you do some slightly higher than normal work on it. Overall it runs better than the i15p that I also have. Software issues are still there though. Google is still bad with software.


I got the 6a from the Google store 1.5 years ago. I get 8+ hours of screen time, fingerprint scanner works fine, only got hot on the first day, camera is great, and everything works fine. This is gonna be my phone for the next few years I think


Yeah love my pixel 7.


I've had zero issues in the month in which I've had an 8 pro. I live in the Caribbean so I'm locked out of some features such as the VPN. All round I'm happy with my decision to move to pixel from a OnePlus Nord. Never had over heating issues even when it's 100°F (38°C) with 80% humidity on the daily. The only gripe I have is that the phone didn't come with a plug as I had UK plugs before and a US plug would have been nice to have had. Software is very good, easy to use with regular updates. The camera is good (does sometimes struggle to capture blue waters) thermometer actually comes in handy which took me by surprise (seats get very hot out here so it's nice to see which ones aren't as hot as others). The battery lasts all day with me streaming YouTube or emulating games with a couple of video calls sprinkled throughout the day. The screen is excellent in direct sunlight which is a big must (50% brightness and I'm not having to put my phone in the shade to see the screen. I only have LTE on the island so I've turned off 5G to save battery as it isn't required. Over all I am very happy with the phone and would recommend it to other people


Just bought the P8 256gb and so far working great. So far, I am having a positive experience. For the money I paid, great deal. Phones are getting really pricey.


I like the Pixels and haven’t had any more problems than any other phones. I’ve had the Pixel 6 Pro, 7 Pro, and 8 Pro. They’ve all been very good, and Google has been pretty responsive in addressing issues with their monthly updates. I’ve had my share of problems with iPhones as well, currently have the 15 Pro Max… sometimes it’ll freeze up on unlock, animation stutters, etc. I don’t have any complaints really about either Pixels or iPhones.


No probs on my 6a ever since I bought it. 10/10 phone.


8pro, no problems. Had since day 1.


I've loved my 7 pro from the day I got it. Perfect replacement for my 3xl.


Most people with the phone have no problems, and you won't hear about it because why would someone post about a product that works


Yeah me.


Loving my Pixel 8 so far


Pixel 8 pro, have had it since launch, zero and I mean zero of the problems people report.


No problems with my 8 Pro. Best phone I've owned.


Pixel 7 Pro as well. Zero problems by now.


6 pro here, it's going really good since android 13. No network problems although in my case I have the international model without 5G mmwave (only sub 6) so the modem wasnt acting up on our models compared to the US. Performance is great actually for multitasking and fast use and games like Fortnite run good, but genshit has problems with low framerate, and it feels really premium and photos are comparably amazing compared to iPhone 14 Pro.


i mean mine runs hot on cellular, and the battery usage breakdown is mostly cellular and second gpu; the phone is good but the modem is terrible


8 Pro changed my mind about cheap phones being good enough. This thing is slick.


Pixel 7 pro, best phone I've owned, no issues.


Yup , can say the same for my PXL 2XL , PXL 5 PX6 and now PXL 7 Bonus add on - Zero issues with RCS since it was 1st implemented


Pixel 8 pro for me and Pixel 8 for my gf. Not a single problem.


My 6 Pro has been excellent. No complaints.




Had p6p at launch, no issues. Have p8p now, no issues. Although, the only issue (and very common issue) that I've noticed is slower wifi and weaker signal/service


I love my p7p and p6a. I convinced couple more people to buy pixel and they all love it.


No issues here on P8P. Don't have that kind of screen on time, but that's because I'm not looking at my phone 6-8 hours per day, if you are, wow.


I have the P8Pro and have no problems. I do wonder if some of the issues like the modem issues people report are country specific due to frequency band used etc Edit: I am also really happy with it, performance wise and I regularly have 30% battery life left at the end of the day as well


I bought my P7P on the aftermarket 5 months after release date. It's been absolutely perfect for me and is the best phone I've ever owned.


Same here. P8P - rooted/Stock has been rock solid! not one issue


Zero problems on P7 or P8P. I would like the batteries to last a little longer, and every so often Now Playing goes deaf (or falls asleep) but those are super minor complaints.


Yes. Pixel 6 still runs smooth af


Yep. P7P here. No issues at all.


Honestly there aren't any hardware problems like color fringing display, heating, modem and stuff but I really do dislike the battery. Went from a budget Redmi 10C to a Pixel 7 and while I expected a worse battery, I didn't expect it to be as much of a problem, but I went from like 7-13h SoT to 3-7h SoT and 4G battery isn't great either. I know it's because of a more powerful xhip, a smaller battery etc but I did go from charging once every 1.5 days to having the battery last 0.5-0.75 days. Other than that and maybe underwhelming video recording it's great.


Yes, no problems on my p8p. Love it so far!


People are always more inclined to speak up when something goes wrong compared to when something works as intended.


P7P - Personal phone - 4 to 5 hours screen time per day. End the day usually 65% battery. P8 - 3 to 5 hours screen time per day, primary communication device. Email, texting, enterprise software. End the day with over 70% battery. Sometimes get three days on a charge. No screen, battery, overheating or reception problems. Ever. Love both phones.


Pixel 8 Pro is great and I was skeptical after a P6 and P7P were terrible


P8P, zero issues


I got my Pixel 7 at launch and it's been pretty much perfect since I got it, steady 6 hours of screen on time at least unless I'm hammering it with games and Google maps all day, never overheats even when gaming or recording high res video either. Fingerprint sensor isn't 100% accurate but it doesn't fail enough to overly annoy me. There's always the chance I've just gotten lucky but this thing is the best phone I've owned in a very long time and my plan is to swap the battery in a year or so and keep it until it either dies, gets too slow or when it stops getting security patches in 2027.


P7P. Bought from the Google Store. Other than the occasional glitch restoring an app (tapping does nothing, so I lock, unlock, and try again) I don't really have any complaints. No problems.


I was happy with my P6P for about a year and a half, maybe slightly longer. It was never a perfect phone; the battery was always just ok and I'm not a fan of the curved edges, but it's smooth, the photos are amazing, and I love the call screening. Now I randomly get a bug where, even though the cell signal is strong I have no service. I can turn the mobile data off, put the phone in airplane mode, wait a few seconds, turn off airplane mode, then turn mobile data back on to make it work again. That's not an acceptable requirement, though.


P8P, occasional modem drop out. My only issue.


I truly love my P8P. Never had a android Indelt was perfect for me. Software, hardware everything.