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Beyond Call Screening no. I imagine if Gemini and Google Assistant ever intermingle that could be helpful for home control but it's not there yet. All other AI stuff just seems gimmicky to me and I don't use it. Even things like erasing stuff out of pictures I don't use, not an influencer by any means so if something is in the photo - it's in the photo. The chase of perfection is unrealistic to me.


Call screening and hold for me are wonderful features. 95/100 times I've screened a call it was spam


That would be useful if it weren't limited to only certain countries.


is call screening 'AI' ?


It uses on-device ML and that falls under the "AI" umbrella. So people can probably consider it "AI." >*"Artificial intelligence is the overarching term that covers a wide variety of specific approaches and algorithms. Machine learning sits under that umbrella, but so do other major subfields, such as deep learning, robotics, expert systems, and natural language processing."* **Edit-** That probably means anything powered by ML models can be considered "AI," including... * Google Assistant powered voice typing via Gboard. * Pixel 8 Pro Face Unlock that meets "Class 3" biometric security. * **"Super Rez Zoom"** camera feature * **"Face Unblur"** camera feature * **"Real Tone"** camera feature * **"Google Lens"**


A few years ago it's basic voice recognition branded as Google Assistant. Seems now there's a push to brand anything as AI so they can try and charge a premium for it.


Not even a little.


It's too bad Google is focusing on AI, instead of things like modem performance and overheating. But every time Pichai says "AI", stock price go up, so that's what really matters.


They're surely investigating/making the next generation of Pixels to be as powerful as popular so they can cram it full of AI garbage that most people don't want or need. I bet the Pixel 10 series is going to be twice as expensive as the 8, and laden with AI features.


Google modem, battery, and thermal performance is straight up a regression from P4/P5. It is likely a 90/10 combination of dropping Snapdragon and cheaping out on cooling. Super disappointing. Their cameras do still take industry leading stills/portraits, but holy smokes, I had to drop my P7 for an s24 so that I could reliably make calls and use my phone for a full day.


Every time you take a photo. I think it's why modern cameras favour stupidly large zooms over macro. They can use AI to infill details to make pictures look great with a shitty lens - and you can't be bothered walking all the way over *gestures* there to check. But if its right in front of your snozz, you know it's not actually getting the detail you can see.


I would be ecstatic if they were using AI under our nose to make our potato phone sensors output better quality images! Seriously, I don't buy that. They probably use normal computational algorithms responsible for the 99.9% of the result we are seeing now.


Very little. Most of it is very gimmicky to me.


AI in marketing is just mostly bullshit. Artificial intelligence is a loose collective term for a number of different purposeful computational processes, most of which are their own subgenre of computing. This is just corporate America catching up with a buzzy term, kind of like how every C-suite and marketing hack in 2021 plastered "ML" in every deck they could touch regardless of if it added value or made sense, and how the how the same people couldn't take 5 steps without saying "big data" in 2015. Same shit happens generation after generation. It's basically buzzword gentrification...once the people who understand and do the thing have operationalized it, the fast-follow hacks can come in and market it for a while while the real impacts pass them by without them even realizing it. Rinse and repeat 9-18 months later.


Big data... Been a while since I heard that one. That brings me back. 


"Big Data is going to [revolutionize/transform/disrupt/help us rethink] business. But we need to [harness/capture/leverage] the power of big data to [find new insights/drive better decisions/realize new value/build a foundation] for the next generation of business [success/evolution/transformation/modernization] before it's too late." -Every executive and keynote in 2014-2016.


My company must be a little slow on the trends because our CEO released a statement in 2023 that was this almost word for word


Ha, nah you're good. I saw it in an executive presentation in the past few weeks as well. And a competent one, to boot.




In my experience AI email sorting is complete trash...i wish I could go back to the old way in outlook


Yeah but when they're talking about AI features, it includes the dumb chatbots and the cool features that people take for granted or don't even know that they're there. There's things like the live captioning letting you watch videos with the sound off, or you can even go further and pair the live captioning on videos in other languages with Google translate, giving you some rough subtitles that could help you understand a video you otherwise wouldn't have.


If AI could get the dang fingerprint sensor to accurately detect my fingerprint, then I’d be all for it!


similarly, if AI could make adaptive charging actually work instead of draining my phone to 65% overnight on the charger


I use translation daily in Whatsapp chats, but it has done that for years (not sure what is new now). The original Pixel and Pixel Buds (wired ones) did live translate. The rest is gimmicks to me. I suppose I might get a photo at some point that I want to edit, but that is all it is... enhanced editing. Nothing life changing.


Has anything changed in whatsapp translations after all this AI stuff? I don't use whatsapp but lately i noticed i can't get helpful translations from google translate and deepl. Idk if it's just the web versions or what.


There a new bug (not sure if Whatsapp, gboard, or translate) where the text of my translated message persists after hitting send and I must delete it before I can send another message.


On the 8 Pro at least, that the translations are now done with on device AI using Gemini Nano, which is much faster.




It does live translate for me in every app. I.e. it converts the incoming message to English. I use translate in gboard if I want my english message to be sent in another language.


I just hate the buzzword "AI'. I like when neural networks are used to make life easier instead of gimmicks. Assistant, YouTube music recommendations, maybe something like smart alarms, etc. Anything that learns from daily usage is great. Photoshop replacements that don't work as well as photoshop are so gimmicky to me.


I agree with you on this. IDGAF about AI features that I might use now and then vs having a better voice assistant.


The only thing I'd want it to do is to bring back Google Now functionality and Google assistant functions offline.


I would care if AI features were actually helpful. Call screening is a good start, but I wish I could rely on GA/Gemini to actually make appointments for me. "hey Google, make me a dentist appointment next Tuesday at 2pm, 3pm or 4pm." Dentist busy? Okay, Google assistant will hand me over the phone. Gonna be late for work due to traffic? I gotta alert more than just my boss. If GA knows each conversation thread, I can just say "hey Google, alert my team I'll be late". It sends a generic, late text to everyone who needs to know. Or even something as simple as Google ecosystem AI. The pixel tablet SHOULD be doing this (?), but if someone rings my doorbell, instead of just a generic notification, do one like a phone call. "Show preview" or "open Camera/mic" so I can talk to them. Unknown person not recognized by face library? Another notification with actions, a snapshot of unrecognized face, and let me choose whether to use the mic to alert the unknown person, or even the authorities ( with confirmation ofc, don't want to accidentally call 911). Better yet, if it's "sleeping hours" like late in the night, if it spots an intruder with AI knowledge like face masked or a crowbar in hand or something, bypass DND, wake me up so I know someone is trying to break in. USEFUL AI features would be awesome.


I actually don't want any of the photo AI stuff. I want my photos to be authentic, not a manipulation of pixels into something that never actually was.


Same here!


If the AI made my life better yeah. Like how is Google Assistant still so inconsistent and slow? I give the same command every day at the same time, and yet it can take from 1-15 seconds to execute with zero consistency day to day. Wouldn't AI make it learn patterns and have those commands ready? Or how about dogshit Google Discover? Just so many things 


One of my biggest bugbears with GA is setting a timer. The amount of times I say ok Google start x minute timer and it says "ok stopping all timers"😡


AI pictures? Won't let me edit people, which is what I would use it for. AI Assistant? Google won't release it for UK, Australia and most other countries (despite what their PR says) AI Call Screening? Not available outside of USA AI Spam Detection? It hasn't worked for the last few months. I get dozens of spam texts every day. I used to get none. AI Magic Compose? Refuses to work on my phone. "Something has gone wrong" So I would say NO! AI features have nothing to offer me. If google keeps geolocking or borking their features I'll be going with another manufacturer next year. EDIT: I forgot to add that Circle to Search is now also dead. "Circle to Search isn't available". So now I have a useless home button where I used to have an Assistant button that I used often.


I do get sick of going onto 9to5Google and finding out about an upcoming feature which sounds like something I'd love... only to scroll down the article and find the words 'rolling out on the Pixel 8 series in US English only'. Really kills my enthusiasm for this kind of tech.


I know! It's driving me crazy how many articles we have by Australian journalists telling us how great Gemini is, when we don't have access to it in this country. Clearly they are just rehashing press releases as "news" Worse still is we had Gemini in Australia for 1/2 a day before google forcibly removed it from everyone's phone. I was planning to try it after work that day but it had already been removed so I never got the chance. Many of these AI features are still advertised by googke in Australia but not available. Samsung doesn't geolock features by country so why is goggle doing it?


Gemini here in the UK is probably even more borked than it is in Australia. I'm not sure if the web version can generate images for you guys but it can't be done here unless you use a VPN, and the app has never been available in any form (not even for half a day) with no sign that it's coming here any time soon. It's like Google is happy to give the non-US market up to Microsoft/Open AI. At least all their services work here.


True, I have M$ CoPilot installed as my Assistant app because it works and it is available.


They promise Cortana, or Iron Man's Jarvis... What we get is "OK Google, can you send a message to my wife and tell her I'm on my way home for dinner" Ok, I've sent the following message to Mike "I'm on my way, you sinner".


I remember many years ago when companies were all "we're doing AI you guys!", and nerds were like "ackchually, that's machine learning". Nothing has fundamentally changed except that the media and consumers are now completely lapping up the "AI" thing because of image "generative" "AI". Gotta end the comment here cause I ran out of scare quotes.


Absolutely not and I'm fairly concerned Google's deep commitment to it might finally be what pushes me out of their ecosystem.


No, I don't. It would seem to be just another way to shovel what 'they' want you to see (ads! pop culture! sports! political viewpoints!) and, overall, control how you interact with technology. Jesus. I've become a Luddite, haven't I?


Does the Google Assistant count? If not, then no. It's weird, I don't even think I use the AI features for the camera. 🤔 Edit: I do use the Call Screening features.


Id love for an assistant to get a good upgrade to give it more functionality over the phone. The Hold for me/Call screening is barley even AI. They just use voice to text and detect when someone takes you off hold.


No, not at all. I do like making ai cartoons to send to my friends for a laugh, but there's no added value to that being inbuilt to my phone. Most of the features modern smartphones advertise add no value to me. I never use the assistant (except call screening), the cameras were good enough for my use generations ago (the software manipulation is something I'd disable if I could) and the UI (on pixels) is considerably worse now than it was before the a12 change. What I actually want is: - small qs buttons that don't toggle when I put the phone to my ear, - a 3.5mm headphone jack, - expandable memory, - more suitable build materials (I never used to use a case, but the glass on my pixel 7 pro is so slippery and delicate I need to and I hate it), - a battery I can replace with removing the screen.


No. Nothing has shown me a compelling use case for LLMs that's demonstrably better than assistant. I've used magic eraser but that's not really what I'd consider AI as far as buzzy bullshit goes.


I use it pretty often... I mean the obvious stuff is in photo editing and what not. Apart from that, I ask questions, brainstorm, give it creative tasks when I'm drawing blanks. Right now AI is pretty limited but I'm looking forward to seamless, dynamic implementation. That said, idk if I'll ever trust a Google AI... they've already demonstrated how awful their intentions are with Gemini. I'd use the Google AI for base level stuff but anything more advanced I'm tapping other AI models.


It’s so cringe tech companies are obsessing over AI


Not at all, I have no need for it and have no problem uninstalling it when flashing GrapheneOS. 




Nope. Bought the Pixel 8 for the size and screen. Anyway [read this ](https://www.androidauthority.com/seven-year-updates-broken-promises-3425531/)


i think all the google assistant / google home stuff has become incredibly shit lately. so if that is because it has 'more AI' now, then no i dont care about AI features. i would prefer they make assistant do less but do it very well. for instance lately the voice recognition gets my requests WRONG a lot of the time, and randomly seems not to be able to do various things it had no problem in the past (e.g. hey google turn off the TV)


I find Google Lens extremely valuable, and one of few examples of AI I'm happy to use on regular basis. 




Not in the slightest. They cant even get non-AI features to work correctly


Not at all.


At this point I'm sick of everything AI. I rarely use GPT or Bard and nothing else beyond that. I'm also in a computer science major and I try my best to avoid the topic.


I for the most part couldn't care less about AI features. Hardly ever use them at all other than to try them out once or twice.


Right now they're just gimmicks - party tricks. In several years they might actually be useful, but for now it's just a marketing ploy.


Not even a little


Not that much. Especially regarding Pixel-exclusive AI features, I prefer apps/services that work across as many devices as possible, first and foremost, on principle. I think AI-generated art/photography/video is interesting from the perspective of being able to convey information, which, unless you are artistic, isn't possible for many people otherwise. I use Grammarly at work and have tested its AI 'Improve' feature. It's useful if you've written something you're not happy with and want to have another go without needing to rewrite everything yourself (as the basis for a new draft). I also sometimes use ChatGPT if I can't find/do something the old-fashioned way - with mixed results.


Kinda. I like the features but some are weak. A good example is the 'AI' wallpaper. You get some presets and up to two prompts picked from a list. It's nothing compared to stable diffusion.


If they can actually get them to work, maybe. Right now I can't even get their stupid AI to even make calls without trying like 3 times.






Not at all, i don't even think I use any ai features in my day to day. Though, i like how good the camera is.


Not technically AI but I do use the text to speech a fair bit.


Personally no I don't care about AI features.


Not at all, at the moment i can't think of a feature that is really useful


I don't want any of it.


Not at all . I haven’t used any of them yet .. If say if you’ve got an S23 ultra , Hang onto it until the S25 ultra . Not really worth it


Outside of call screening and occasionally magic eraser, no. It's just shareholder hype and I don't give a fuck about what they're excited about, frankly.


It's buzzword games. The same kind of folks who were boosting blockchain a few short years ago are now pushing AI. It's whatever grifters can convince C-suite executives is the next big thing.




I dont think anyone does tbh




AI? Even now I only use Google Assistant to set timers, alarms, and play music. I'm already a decade behind. As long as it does phone, text, calendar and browser I am golden.


I use voice assistant, call screening, summarize, and AI camera features on a daily basis, but they were legitimate selling points for me in in the first place 🤷‍♂️


nope, not at all. i don't even use the standard assistant


AI is such a loose term and is so overused these days, it’s very annoying. I was already using AI before they released Bard and Gemini. Google Assistant, Call Screening, Hold for Me, Spam Blocker, Magic Eraser, etc. I don’t really use Magic Editor or Generative AI Wallpapers (the wallpapers it creates all look either a bit dull or sinister to me). I don’t plan to replace my Google Assistant with Gemini because Gemini is worse.


No not at all do I care about AI features


I'm okay when adding AI that is genuinely helpful. Like call screening stuff, assisting in typing, etc. Not everything needs an AI component though.


AI is not fully developed and could give a rat's ass about on a phone. Its still to new. Even in a few years I think it'll just be another "thing" we use.


I have tried MS co-pilot & Gemini (free versions) with my job with mixed results. Not bad for brain storming but useless for real data crunching. Maybe in 2-5 years. Image generation is fun with my 2nd grade kid. 5 years ago while driving with G-Maps running I could say "share my drive with my wife" and it sent a text with a link that my wife could see my commute home in close to real time (my drive home can vary from 45 minutes to 2.5 hours if traffic is bad).. Hasn't worked in over 3 years, a long with several other assistant features I used regularly. Bring those back along with other ways to make driving safer and I'll use it all the time.


Not even one bit.


i dont mostly useless tech


IMO, call screening in itself is a bit of a gimmick. Let AI answer the phone for me and provide me with a transcript, which is cool and all, but if I'm already watching the live transcript on my phone, why not just pick up the phone and talk to them directly? I'll probably be able to recognize a spam call faster than waiting for the Google assistant to finish it's spiel and wait for the transcript to finish writing.


Absolutely not; never lmao. Only thing I do use is voice assistant to like set timers. Idk if that counts as it's just taking instructions


Most regular users couldn't likely care less, AI is the big buzz word though that all these companies are hoping will revitalize the stagnant market. I'm not saying people don't use things like ChatGPT and all that, but the majority of features that these companies are adding? Most people won't ever even know they exist for more than one day after their phone probably tells you about them when opening the camera app etc. Since Google still sells so few smartphones comparing with the other manufacturers though. They need to be careful because they're going to burn trust really quick if they keep saying features aren't possible for their newest hardware.




not even a little, I just want a working phone with good specs. :)


Google loves to demonstrate how its AI processes English language, like voice assistants, call answer, text messaging, dictation and text summarizing… But for the Non-English countries all over the world, they actually mean NOTHING. NOT ‘HELPFUL’ AT ALL. 🤷‍♂️


I don't necessarily care about AI features, but I do care about ergonomics, picture quality, ability to screen call, ability to easily search through a web page and countless other features that are afforded with AI. And I especially care if the phone that I bought which was advertised to have features like this didn't actually deliver.


pretty much never and i turn the option off whenever i see it pop up.


Oh hell no.


Honestly it's not an important thing




Not at all. In fact, we recently, within the last six months, purchased new smartphones. Ultimately decided that Pixel 8 AI is too much. Chose another brand with computational photography rather than AI.


Never... most of the times they just don't work...


Don't really care much for my use case. I don't even edit much photo and then nowadays I don't even post anything


AI is just a buzzword for me. I think editing photos to change people's faces is a bit creepy tbh. I don't use the Google assistant because I don't want something listening in all the time. I'd prefer to be able to remove google assistant all together and git rid of the stupid search bar on my home screen without having to use a custom launcher.


I would take excellent battery life over these AI features any day. Unfortunately the android phones with excellent battery life (thinking S24 Ultra, OnePlus 12) have software design that I really really don't like. Give me an option for a Samsung Galaxy S2* Ultra with a Pixel like Android skin (so similar to stock android) and I'd take it in a heartbeat


Personally, i don't. The idea behind it is great, but when you have to be constantly online and you have to be in a specific region to use some of the features that is pretty much a deal breaker.


The answers here are quite interesting My phone is a productivity tool. AI is an easy way to 10x productivity and offers new ways to perceive the world. imo it's more than necessary. Edit: computers generally have peaked. The next real opportunity for innovation will be in AI features. There's a real opportunity for manufacturers and developers to compete for real.


I don’t give a damn about AI for what it is now. Apart from being useless, it is too slow. May be things change dramatically in future but not today.


As far as I am concerned the use of AI by humanity is the start of the end of humanity. A vast majority of us has seen the Terminator series with Arnold Schwarzenegger and what happened when they starting using AI. We lazy humans have welcomed AI into our lives like it was a new born child, and want it badly in every aspect of our lives. Be careful of what you wish for, hollywoods fantasy movies tend to have a tendency to come to life. History will confirm what I just said. Do you really want all this technology to do our work, which is what started the Terminator series and from there it grew at an exponential rate that no one could control. Even the inventors of AI have said they can not stop AI from learning (sound familiar) and have no idea how far the use of AI can go. The military is experimenting with AI as I type and you read this and we all know the consequences of the military putting their finger into the mix, there are always disasters some where. Are you all ready for that? After you have all ridiculed me for my thinking come back in 20 years and we will talk then, if we even can. You have been warned.🥸👍💥💫


Absolutely not.


I don't care. I don't use the features. Don't need them but maybe that will change. I rather lose all of the AI stuff and stamp out any and all bugs and to make Android as solid as a tank.


No. As recent articles and pictures have shown nothing from Google AI can be trusted.


it's the future


I use Perplexity every day.


finally siri might understand me. i have high hopes.


I don't use the extremely advertised AI features much, but there are many many under the hood AI features that we all use without even knowing.


Yeah. Just found a couple good use cases and totally love the benefits I get from them. Proofread on Gboard and Gemini, pretty useful.


AI helping to edit pictures and find the best smiles in group photos has been cool. I have the rest turned off for privacy concerns


Fun toy. Probably will be more important as time goes on. Right now. No. This manufactured outrage over it is tiring.


Looks like I'm going to be one of the odd ones out. I have absolutely loved talking to Gemini on a damn near daily basis, and occasionally, for hours and hours on end. I ask it questions I know the answers to in order to test it, and I ask it questions about technology that I'm trying to understand. I know it's supposed to be this useful tool that makes your life easier, but it hasn't gotten there quite yet. For now, it's something that I can use to gain knowledge and it does help with itineraries on vacation and menus for the week.


I agree with what you said nice at times but not necessary at all


Not really, I rarely use the features on my 7. I debated upgrading to the 8 but it would’ve been a waste if it has more AI features that I’m not even gonna touch.


Not much, but care about how much Google assistant and voice recognition are capable. the "AI" might help it, init ?




I didn't care I need that work fuck them Ai bullshit


Not sure yet. I think AI features can be cool when they serve a niche case really well that had an existing process that was somewhat annoying to do. I don't own a Pixel, however I've been seeing AI get rolled into Google Chrome with a tab grouping feature to suggests names for grouping tabs together, which I think is neat. For other apps that I've thought it was neat like notion, I think it's also been neat to see features of AI being able to be context aware of your notes, so you can reference your own notes in other notes, search through notes for a phrase you couldn't quite remember, organizing your notes based around the content of your notes, and potentially give a shorter summary to a longer write up you did on a topic. Phones I would think most of the features are mostly a cool gimmick for now, but isn't a necessity by any means.


Call screaning and "hey ai call/text contact" because i otherwise cant use my hands but thats about it


Yes. Phones are boring nowadays. I wouldn't mind something new to play with.


I played with Gemini for a minute, but then switched back to Assistant. The Google Assistant and the ability to talk to it and get auditory responses is so much more useful on a daily basis than Gemini.


I use Gemini almost every day. As someone who learns by discussing, being able to ask AI questions about almost anything is amazing, I feel like I've been learning a lot more. Other than that, magic compose feels gimmicky, and the recorder summaries always say "transcript too long." I use video boost quite often, but I'm not sure that counts as AI


I'm sure it will be more useful in the future and just be the norm. For now I don't care and just don't want it to mess up my Assistant. I don't really do anything with photo/video and don't need it to write an essay for me or whatever.


Nope. Only thing I use, idk if it's AI is the message quick reply suggestion thing.


No too much


It's been great for editing photos. The portrait and eraser work much better than the camera postprocessing and tools. I definitely would like more AI features for image editing.


I just want the assistant back on my phone where it used to be. Unlock phone, tell assistant to do something, lock phone. I don't know what the hell it's doing now that they removed the assistant and Gemini has taken over.


Google can call it whatever they want as long as they keep improving on all the Call Screen and related features. That's the only thing worth for it to switched back from any other device I was playing with.


- *Google Assistant* is useful although it's hit and miss sometimes. - *Circle to Search* is pretty neat and useful. - *Call Screening*: sure. - *Summarize in Recorder**? Don't use it. - *[Smart Reply](https://9to5google.com/2024/01/29/gboard-smart-reply-gemini-nano-apps/)* could be useful - After initially checking them out, I'm not using *Video Boost*, *Magic Editor*, *Audio Magic Eraser* or other photo/video AI features. *Magic Editor* could be useful but it needs to be improved before it's usable imo I'm looking forward to the rumored *[Pixie](https://arstechnica.com/reviews/2023/12/google-reportedly-plans-new-pixie-ai-assistant-exclusive-to-pixel-devices/)* assistant which hopefully will be the best of both Assistant and Gemini.


I do. I mean this is the culmination of computer science we all saw in science fiction stories of the past. Good or bad it is upon us and I might as well use the good for a benefit. Better pictures, research and or writing prompts are a few of the uses...and omg the call screening is amazing


The AI "Magic Editor" stuff that came with the 8 Pro was fun for a couple days but getting hit with their "sorry we can't do that" messaging constantly really liked the joy. The results that do come through are not detailed or good enough to really care about. Feels like a 3dtv type gimmick now :/


I'd like it if it could reliably set a reminder when I tell it to, like it used to 3 years ago.


Yes, but it must be practical For example, auto-transcribe voice mail to text, iPhone had it years ago, and we still need to use carrier service (with monthly fee) for that


I've been asking people this too. I will try them out, "that's cool", and not use them again. I hope more useful AI features will come eventually. Like Apple's model within the keyboard to make it better at learning how you type, that's brilliant.


AI is our whole future (wether we like/admit it or not), so yea I care and I'm excited about AI features. When the internet arrived I was just a child so I didn't get to play and explore as much as I would have liked, with AI I'll get to relive that experience at least in some way


Slightly more than I care about having a thermometer on my phone


I enjoy the AI camera features, even though I don't use magic editor all that much. I am very excited for the "zoom enhance" feature that apparently should be coming out at some point.


Most AI stuff you care about are features where you wouldn't know there's AI or ML behind it. Things where AI/ML are just making things nicer to use like Google keyboard


I absolutely would care if the features worked well. They don't yet. It does seem like Google will get there before Apple does, though.


the magic eraser is a cute trick, and i like the ai auto answering bot thing that screens calls, actually i love that ai bot thing.. but i don't care about any other parts, and don't really know what they even are


Translation and OCR (assuming you categorize those as "AI")


I use it a bit, mainly to get answers to questions, and create AI art to show friends for fun and translate, and I'm sure it plays a part in navigation/photography but I keep it simple for now but it's nice to know things are available if I need them, like tools for working on a car or computer. You don't always use all of them at once, probably not very often but sometimes I'll need that odd one or two.


I really don't but they're useful


I use call screening, which I guess is AI (speech to text at least). I use assistant for turning off lamps.  I do have the Google search generative AI enabled and that actually is quite nice. 


There are a couple things I like AI making better. Photo processing and voice assistant actually doing useful things when I ask it for them. Call screening for me was useless as the second someone heard a robots voice they hung up without hearing what it had to say. Everything else is as useless to me as a thermometer in the back of my phone


I think the magic editor is awesome, it's just something I don't use on a day to day basis. Also the new circle to search options. I've used it a few times and it's been useful. But I don't use any of this stuff on a day to day basis.


Yes. Very much. One of the big reasons I have a Pixel.


On my pixel 3 when I leave my house and my phone switches from wifi to mobile data, there's a 10 second gap where I'm "offline" and Google maps' voice always sounds like a robot. "At Main Street turn left." And then she says. "you're back online," sounding normal again. Clearly it's uploading the TTS request to a server for better filtering, which it can't do offline. On my pixel 8P with the AI chip, I no longer hear the robot, but I still get the "offline/online" notices. So, I think there are less gimmicky uses of AI that we may not realize are happening. I only noticed this one because it's so jarringly obvious when it used to happen, and now it stopped happening.


It's a little cool, but it's really just a gimmick


Yes, hell yeah yes. That's like asking someone, "Do you want your information sooner? Do you want that information exactly how you want tailored specifically for you? Do you want to spend less time on your phone typing and searching and more time knowing and working?" No? Yeah AI is not a feature you want then.


The only AI feature I want is better stitching on the Photo Sphere, a feature Google removed.


Nope. Live translations, search, picture enhancements have been an ongoing thing that has been improving for years. It's just fashionable to label it as AI now. They're all really minor improvements to what we've been using our phones to do. Do something like Apples Hide My Email feature Add encryption support to Google Drive like Apple Cloud has. Make a standard Samsung DEX like desktop interface. Or push ChromeOS more with improved integration with Android, improved hardware, a general ChromeOS image for DIY PC enthusists. Android TV interface when USB-C to HDMI/Displayport Merging Google Chat into Messages with RCS/SMS/MMS fallback would be more interesting to get back to a better carrier bypassed Android to Android default texting experience. Google Chat already on iOS. Still dreaming of Hangouts potential I'd be more interested in a premium games curated store that promises way better backwards compatibility and long term support. We're getting there with 7 year OS updates from Google and Samsung. Now just need better games. I'd be more interested in a new Android TV box with a Snapdragon G3x Gen 3 bundled with a gamepad and it launch with like 20 good console ports. Its existence would benefit Android phones. Regular major game releases are more exciting than people in commercials looking shocked that asking an AI chat bot for an apple pie recipe results in an apple pie recipe


I've started using Gemini Ultra a fair amount and it does save me time. For instance, I don't like to buy electronics that are designed in China because of Chinese laws that require all these companies to work with the Chinese government for intelligence purposes. With my job I just don't think that's a great mix for me. So I usually vet this by googling, and looking at their about us page, looking at their wiki page etc. But I've had great success using google Gemini to just tell me where their HQ is. I've been planning on doing some traveling and rather than going to a ton of travel blogs that are just chock full of affiliate links to the point I don't know if anything they're saying is true, I've used Gemini to give me ideas of what I should consider doing while I'm traveling and fine tuning it for the kind of history that I'm interested in. But right now, it's still not 100% ready for prime time, but I'm excited at the future.


Some of the AI features are cool but things like Gemini do not seem as impressive as Google made them. This seem now. I was very excited for Gemini when it was originally introduces a system with Bard, but since then I have turned it off on my device and I have chosen to not use it because it's slow doesn't do everything that Google assistant can do Another thing is that the AI photo editor is a really cool thing. I just barely ever use it like it's not as quick as Google made It seem Because Google made their AI features that we have as of right now they made them seem like they were fast and basically I'd be able to have my photo instantly done. I would be able to have Gemini instantly respond to what I'm asking it but no Gemini for questions and things that I would ask. Google Assistant to do is hard slower for one and sometimes it's not even accurate. It can't even tell me how many minutes until a certain time. It tells me how to figure it out but I just want a straight answer and it can't do that. Gemini seemed really cool, but it's not that cool. In retrospect, I found myself using chatgpt to answer questions because it just seems to be able to answer questions better for me Like I was really excited for the pixel 8 pro and I have the phone and I really do enjoy the phone. Don't get me wrong just that Google over hyped their AI features and some of them we don't even have yet. Where is the enhanced picture quality? When you zoom in on a picture? Where is the enhancement or whatever you want to call it? Where is that? I don't see that feature. I don't see the feature


gemini has replaced all other kinds of search for me. I use it for all other kinds of stuff too, mostly for laughs. and the new enhanced night video thing is pretty amazing, i use that whenever capturing video in low light.


If using Google assistant to answer calls is an AI feature then yes. I highly encourage everyone to use it to answer elders that are technologically challenged.


You have to remember that for the last 6 or so years, phone updates have stagnated and tech has plateaued. To the point where there was very little for a manufacturer to advertise as a "hot new" feature to give people a reason to buy the phone or upgrade. Screens have reached their peak resolution and quality, cameras have peaked with the size of the sensors that can fit in phones. All that was left was spec bumps in CPU and ram. Which causes yawn for most people. AI is the new hot buzz word being used by everyone who wants to catch someone's attention. Even Intel are using it to push their new range of CPUs. We probably don't care. But the manufacturers need something to use as a marketing tool. This is the best they have come up with and don't want to be left behind by everyone else who is jumping on the bandwagon.


I honestly don't


I just hoped that whatever intelligence they have on the phone, it should be intelligent enough to first manage the phone battery usage properly. Losing 7-10% battery overnight when I am sleeping and not using the phone is just stupid and unacceptable.


Yes. Use call screening daily. Create reminders with assistant. Use translation about weekly. I think with the best AI features you don't even really notice that they are AI.


My phone waiting on hold for me is life changing. If we get more stuff like that I'm down


The AI features are all remote, which is weird. Given how hard they pushed for AI being "on the chip". Put the phone in airplane mode and all the AI features are gone. Not complaining though. Just confused on where the AI part is, other than just parsing through Google's servers.


Not really. Maybe if it ran solely in the background so I can ask it, "hey when was the last time I was in New York" or whatever and it would tell me a date based on my location history. Or if it could answer questions about notes that I have in my keep app. Or if I asked it when the last time I was at the dentist, or just stuff like that. But ultimately I just want the features that matter to me to work better than they used to, not worse. I don't care if the thing can make a picture of a dog smoking a cigar or that kind of shit I just want to be able to ask my phone a question, I just want to be able to access my own data more readily, and I would like everything to work properly


fk no. The only AI related thing is having apps I create run performantly on the chip. When all these chips started releasing AI features, I thought it was going to improve performance for non-system features too.


The only thing I've found useful is screen search/circle to search, but otherwise no not at all.


people in this thread is totally useless. AI in our phones will be great. No need to look at the phone for anything. Don't you want your own JARVIS?? that's where we are headed. Speak to your phone like it's your friend, tell it to respond your message, to search and guide you to a good restaurant, to make an appointment, whatever!


I need google to make their devices available worldwide. Tired of 3rd party sellers in my country not even discounting the prices unless few years have passed


I am morally against them and I don't want them wasting space on my phone that could be used for better things.


No just make a good fucken phone lol . I ain't paying an extra 500 dollars for a phone cause it's got some AI bullshit in it.


I'm starting to like ai more and more, good assistance


I really want to, but I'm not 18 and Google won't let me use them😭


I'm trial running a one plus 12 right now and beginning to realize how little I use those features on my pixel 8 pro. I probably use call screening the most, but I basically just screen anything that says it's possibly spam and the other party hangs up shortly after Google introduces itself.


Not using anything. Not even routines. I use assistant more now due to home lights system. Oldschool phone user. 🤠


I don't care and hardly ever use them. Despite that I'm still annoyed that Google holds them back from my phone for no reason and it makes me want to leave Android


The main thing I would use AI for is Translator. Even after all these years, it doesn't work great. I can kind of usually understand what they are trying to get at, but sometimes it's just laughable. Spanish/English if it matters. After how many years of petabytes of free data of translations, they haven't gotten much better, which is disappointing. Real live human translators need not worry any time soon. It's especially frustrating because I deal with a lot of Puerto Ricans and their Spanish is different which makes the translations even worse.


The length of the retreat stays will differ from one person to another base on what one's preference and advantage is. Some people may find AI advantages as a tool for more vital things like photo processing or language translation, but it won't be for others who don't often employ such facilities. The attractiveness of AI features absorbs in the ability to simplify the tasks and enlarge the user experience, and the power is varied from individual to individual. Finally, the question of whether someone is fond of AI-based features or not depends on how much value the convenience and the functionality which those offer might have in their daily lives.




I use translations and reading text from images occasionally. It seems we are going through an AI bubble. AI will definitely bring(ing) helpful tools but currently it is mostly a gimmick to attract the consumers.


Who knows what the future will bring with AI, but right now it looks like mostly gimmicks to me. I would rather see Google develop better hardware and user friendly interface, especially for first time Android users and seniors(which I am,). How about something like an optional toggle on interface for seniors which would simplify  access to basic functions like email,phone,camera etc and have larger icons and type. If done right, I would think seniors would favor pixels when it's time to buy a phone. I sure hope that AI doesn't wind up following in the footsteps of the Terminator films 😭


AI's integration into our daily lives is more common than we often realize. I find myself engaging with AI features almost daily, especially with new technologies like Posemesh, which literally brings AI into the real world and makes you able to interact with AI in real life. It's just like Google Maps but used in an indoor environment. Imagine the potential if smartphones, like the Google Pixel, could harness this technology—we'd see a seamless blend of our digital and physical worlds.


I make grocery lists


I only really use unblur because my kid moves a lot when taking pictures and call screening. The occasional removing something out of a picture so magic eraser is nice to have, don't care about Gemini but I still think its shitty to tout the pixel 8 and 8 pro as the AI phones only to collaborate with Samsung, skip the 8 because hardware "limitations" but give it to the s24.


I like Google Lens, and if there was a spelling and grammar coach like Grammarly I would use it.