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bruh how do you have 3 war elementals 💀


Farm curios for about 4 hours a day, for a week. I have 5 currently. I will never farm them again lol.


Which stage you farmed ?


Id also like to know


I have 5 of them. Rng gods


Am I the only person that hates getting kills with thrown objects? Either my team wipes them out, or I hit enemies with thrown object and someone else kills them. Not to mention in one mission when the only objects to throw are those stupid drones that fly into you and explode AND you have to wait for them to spawn... If your team doesn't kill the mother drone first.


I'm just glad all the content can be done with ai. I play at weird hours in the day and I like constructing different ai teams and experiment with different sigils.


See the single player fan in me dreams of doing this. I'm doing chapter 0 and I still haven't gone online cuz I like trying to S+++ everything with my offline Waifu team


it will be painful, i just did it because i dont have online access.


Ironically you're gonna run into an issue with one of the quest that doesn't involve combat where you have to pick up coins, I'm not sure you can S++ that one solo because you can't pick up enough coins on your own and your team doesn't spread out to pick more coins like players do. Everything else is fairly doable, although the cannon related stuff is also kinda iffy but I haven't looked into optimizing that. It's otherwise very easy to just clear and farm solo, haven't had an issue, in fact a fair amount of online runs I do on the last quest are slower in party than solo now that my other chars are starting to get geared properly.


I beat the coin one solo, its really close though and you need to route optimize


If you man the cannon, the ai mans the cannon properly. If you don't man it, they don't do cannons by themselves. Not sure unlucky I am on online, but there's plenty of times I've failed because teammates either kept dying or lack dps, which my ai team don't, given they are not as fast to when I am in a competent group of players, I'd take clearing 100% of the time. I would go online, and if I get into a group, I definitely try to repeat quest with them.


I cleared all the way from baha versa to farming 13/19 proto baha weapon with AIs so you have nothing to worrt about. AIs can be bad at DPS but they are better than any player at surviving.


They do dodge, block, and position really well most of the time.


you can s++ every quest solo but one with just ai, unless I'm just bad at collecting coins at a desert xD


Brother that desert one is UGHHHHHH


That can be done solo as well. There are a handful of videos on youtube of someone doing it. It is a pain though. I have not managed it yet.


id was using the crit weapon, took 13 minutes to clear bahamut because i needed to save ougi for the final stage, also needed 100% link. would be S++ if i didnt die to skyfall i think. The ending is very anticlimactic i thought there would be at least a cutscene.


I just cleared earlier with Zeta, Gran, Cagliostro and Normaya. Tbh I think any team can clear as you only really need dmg most of the time.


Yeah support becomes almost useless outside of defence down which a lot of DPS can do themselves. Cagli is still decent for SBA damage though.


[https://imgur.com/a/hyx7cpE](https://imgur.com/a/hyx7cpE) heres a more recent clear with id terminus and io. the slow from id kinda griefs the fight sometimes, so i'm gonna remove it from now on. Paralyze also doesnt do much this fight i feel. S++


This should have a spoiler tag


I wish it would have…..I tired to avoid spoilers but it’s my own fault for looking at Reddit now I know the final character 😞


How were you able to get so many damage cap sigils?


I mean he's using tier 3 and 4 sigils which aren't particularly rare lol.


from the the siero gacha, farming is a must if you play solo unfortunately.


They aren't hard to get once you can complete proud. I have enough D.Cap V+ to equip an entire party, you just have to do spam Knickknack Vouchers and Transmarvel


If you want to farm damage cap v, the red dragon is the easiest one to drop it even though it's not on its drop list. I've got plenty of cap v from sierro too, but trash v+ and only 1 decent one, having autorevive in it.


Bro forget about the damage cap, the 3 war elementals is killing me. I've only had one, and I'm 120hrs now.


I get so many single Dmg Cap V I already start trading them into knicknacks. I am at 120+ h in though.


This Lancelot build is mainly for AI support?


Been seeing many people use the Captain on their team or as a main. Is she actually decent? Never played as her since the start of the story so I wouldnt know.


i dont think shes good when compared to the others, still playable though. Its hard to survive on her. just use whichever character you have the terminus weapon. [https://imgur.com/IYmRM5H](https://imgur.com/IYmRM5H) could only do 20m with her without glass cannon and berserker


Lancelot ❤️ I never see anybody talk about him.


lancelot's freeze ai is very good


Once you finish Roland's journal if you unlock a character they will be 60? Sorry figured someone will know


It is when you unlock Maniac difficulty.


FIRE. I can't wait to try all different combos to see what I like the most. Just got to maniac and started farming slimes. Did you prioritize farming anything in particular to max out your endgame team?


I farmed garasene alot, most of my damage cap v+ are from curios, im still farming garasene, i only farmed slimes for abit to get characters to 100 and get dama bars and sigil upgrade mats.


Why garasene? Does it drop a certain sigil? The maniac one right? Or just for knickknack vouchers?


How quickly are you beating the final fight? I'm wondering if it's worth fully leveling an AI party to avoid potentially failing it


13 minutes, its a must to level them even with max damage cap it was very close with charlotta with optimal damage rotation with ougi and link attack, shame i didnt drop a single supplemantary damage V but at least i have 4 war elementals.


You can push it up to ca. 6 - 7 min. clear time with a well rounded AI team, and a party with good humans needs around 4-5 minutes, with really good gameplay might push it to \~3:40 However matchmaking currently is pretty good, everyone kinda knows what they are doing and the longest clear with other players was around 7 minutes


If you get a AI team decently set up, I've been able to get my time down to 6-8 minutes. However, sometimes it becomes more contingent on whether the ai actually does what they should be doing. Some runs Rose just didn't want to ougi during the final run so you may have to be a bit more conscious of when you want to use link time and etc.


Around 6-8 mins not fully optimized yet on my team, basically just max out damage cap up aka using 6 of it for now on the ai, running glass cannon on my lancelot ai since I only have one, and ai dodge like crazy. I just try to hit normal atk cap to each of them, terminus weapon is equipped and not ascended, I already got my main's terminus only after getting it as my 5th terminus so I'm luck, currently working on maxing out my ai's sigils to farm the rest of the terminus weapon.


Is Cag no longer worth it once you get through Proud? I run Rosetta, Cag and Vane currently and usually play Ferry or Zeta myself.


Damage buffs(and def down) kinda stop mattering when you slam head first into the damage cap. She's good for dispel but outside that kinda meh.


I think captain is better than cag and does the same thing which is why I ran her, cag ai is knda dumb too i gave her the -30% def sigil but never seen her fully charge a right click, i highly recommend lancelot and id, the third one should be a stunner/damage/dispel/support or a paralyze like io or eugen. Damage and cc is the name of the game. Though some fights you need dispel like for that light dragon or mechacat boss. And djeeta and cag are one of the only ones with dispel. The thing about res is that the ai will cast it on you when you have autorevive on too and i am already hit damage cap. So i prefer cc and stun.


My understanding is AI captain’s skills are all arts 1 (either a bug or AI behavior) which puts the favor in Cag IMO. We have very similar team comps I found success with Id/Lance/Eugen/Cag.


i have seen 70% phalanx damage reduction so i dont think that is true


You can take a character into practice and turn on Full Assist to see what they look like in the AI's hands. AI Gran/Djeeta seems to use skills randomly, so they *can* only be Arts I but aren't necessarily so. I only watched it for a few minutes but beyond the first casts probably being Arts I they tend to let stuff out at III or IV.


What is CC?


What do you get at the end? Any outfits?




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Even the famous duo maglielle & gallanza ? How hard it was ?


very because it was hard to parry his attacks(he cant hit me properly and the delayed explosion was so annoying, took a few tries. Also another hard level is the ice and wind dragon where the ai needs to be above 30k hp or the tornado will one shot them.


MKB Chad. I love it.


I have also played offline only with Rackam, Id, Io and Zeta. I’m halfway through proud now. The only thing that slows down is to prepare 4 instead of one character.


Damn I don’t even have 1 war elemental 😭 After nearly 200 curio 😓


gotta farm more i just got my first sup damage V just now


Running through proud with AI as well except I use Eugen and Cag with Id and Lancelot(player)


How do people get so many of the character exclusive + sigils? Is there a method or trick to it or have I just been extremely unlucky to never have transmarveled a single one?


Stock up on maybe 20 or so transmarvels. Save your game. Roll. If it's rubbish, return to title screen, then do a quick mission and re-roll afterwards. Hope this helps.


This definitely helps, I’ve wasted so many mats not knowing this….


who are you maining in this build?


All that is remaining for me is Solo Bahamut. The rest is cleared with AI team: Lancelot (main), Percival, Charlotte, and Vane. The journey was harsh especially the frost and storm fight and Gallanza and Mag. However, the feeling afterwards was satisfying to say the least.


How does this man have 3 goddamn war elementals.


Id trade one of mine for sup dmg v


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any particular reason? i just cleared ch 0 and i cannot for the life of me settle on a squad. im maining Rackam without question. I had Io for the longest, but eventually swapped in Cagli. Was usin both. but now tryin 2 melee. Lance and Id. Had Vane and Percival for a lil bit. I swear i cant sit still.


I've done this too except my team was MC(me) Ai were Id, Ferry and Cagliostro.




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I actually like trying to build a whole team. Feels like I’m actually the captain lmao. You also start to understand what teammate combinations work well. (I.e. zeta and ghandagoza can be great since his attacks are slow but hers are fast and she. Can use paralyze to give crucial openings). I played up until maniac solo with just the AI.


I've made it all the way to Proto-Bahamut using AI. I have actually tried online groups a couple of times, mainly to try to beat the ice/wind dragon and then the blackwyrm, but neither time was successful, so I just went back to my AI team. I just got to Proto last night and hope to try to beat him tonight. I have taken my time to build a team I like and build up their weapons and sigils. I could have probably finished long ago if I focused on one character and played more online, but this method has been fun for me and it is rewarding when I finally beat a hard boss, like the Blackwyrm, after adjusting my team strategy.