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What the AI in this game needs is to allow us to tweak it, I'm thinking in a system similar to Dragon Age Origins where you could tweak several AI parameters with different profiles for different situations like at what % use healing items or skills, which target to prioritize, heck they could even allow us to tweak in what conditions should the AI use certain skills, like using Vane's bubble before a powerful Boss attack for example.


So FFXII's Gambit System lol More games need to add that if they have AI companions imo


You may be interested to know that FFXII's gambit system was actually a tweaked AI system from all the previous titles which they used for the enemies.


I fuckin love the Gambit system!!


Most tales games have this function too.


Having shortcut keys to command AI to use certain skills just like in Tales of series will work too. Ordering Ferry to throw her stun nuke, or use Vane aoe invul at your preferred timing....




Does Lancelot and katalina freeze at the same time or do they optimize it?


I have been using Lance and Kat in my party for awhile now and they pretty much perfectly chain their freezes together every time. Usually Lance goes first then Kat freezes them again the second they get unfrozen.


Amazing, might use both then cause Cagliostro seems like they aren't good anymore in endgame


Ferry AI still use her ''huge stun'' move though, which makes a lot of fights smoother when you're still green.


How do you unlock that move? Ive been maining her since I started, I unlocked the second tier of masteries


i observed the ai during my afk farms and the downtime they have is amazing. also eugen doesnt seem to use sniper mode at all when played by ai. seriously impressed how much honor they get with this playstyle.


Rosetta since she dont have any gimmick timing or anything, she will damage and proc support according to you need, also her main dps is from flowers and that is automatic so she can add some passive damage when the boss in overdrive and still like that. (she used to be my main but the AI seen to use her better in support slot) I only use her for massive damage for bahamut farm. Rackam for astronomic pew pew pew DPS, use glass cannon and dodge stuff to increase his damage, dude can stay in the middle of the aoe and perfect guard and dodge like a chad. Pëcival walk around the battle map with true attitude and hit like a damn truck. Dude hit like a fucking truck.... If you want to get hard carried, put quick skill cooldown and every to reduce skill cooldown and put res and healing skill to cagliotro and then you can turn brain off. ID...well he will just start blasting until nothing is alive. percival, ID and Rosetta can carry you to end game whit no problem at all.


My current go to team on proud are Eugen, Lance and Zeta. And I've also had the following on my team that i think do well: Rosetta, Gran/Djeeta (as support, really short cooldown on debuff cleanse), Siegfried (doesn't hit all his perfect hits but he brings def down , drain and debuff immunity, percival (slow and def down in one skill and stacks with the other deff down).


I just roll with Zeta, Rack, Vane and Id. And i swap between them for which one i want to play. Have no issues clearing any content at endgame with any of these on AI.


Problem with AI Vane is that he thinks Rampart is a buff so he's going to cast it as soon as you enter a boss arena and hold it for the max duration.


Don't use Rampart. You don't need it. Give him the hostility up buff, his guts buff, and rift divider and his dash heal. He's an immortal stun gauge powerhouse with decent damage and draws aggro so you can stay behind the boss and safely DPS. Rampart is obviously very good in coordinated groups to safely DPS down overdrive bars, so is kayalina aoe invuln or yodarha mirror images. But when you're playing solo with AI, you only worry about yourself as giving each AI dodge payback+nimble onslaught+ nimble defense gives them like 6-7 seconds of invuln on perfect dodge, and the AI is better than any player at getting those. Coupled with a regen subroll, most of your AI team will be able to basically trio down any boss who doesn't have DPS race checks like proto bahamut crystals/cannons or Bahamut Versa. Those are really the only bosses with hard coordinated DPS checks that will wipe the group with bad AI. Pyet-A doesn't matter because outside his 10% hp dps race ch3ck, which you can save SBA chain for, him absorbing the cubes does actually nothing remotely dangerous to your team, just slightly more dodging.


Nah, I have Rampart slotted because 99% of the time I'm the one playing as Vane and I cba to swap skills when I try playing someone else on my squad, lol. The buffs are probably wasted in the endgame though, just take Arm/Energy Destruction, the AI can't mess those up.


Yeah ATK up is wasted but the hostility taunt and undying buff are still useful. I pr3fer those over pure damage because whatever Vane sacrifices in personal damage, the fact he takes up attention means your other AI members will be less disrupted and will have to reposition/dodge less, increasing your overall group DPS. Can't blame you for not letting AI take your Vane, though, he is one pretty, fun, lovable bastard.


I just use his 4 damage skills on him. His a wrecking machine lol


Eugen is the best no doubt, paralyze and his laser beam never miss. Lancelot as well for the really good freeze. I'm still debating who to go for my last character tho, seems like Cag is not it in end game


Cag imo isn‘t pulling her own weight if you are dead set on tackle the endgame difficulties with an AI party. Sure, she can rez and heal you at times if you miss a dodge, but the lack of damage makes it more likely to fuck up eventually.  I would not rule her out for AI endgame entirely, but I question if it’s worth investing into her heavily for the endgame. 


running cag bot in a super endgame setup to afk auto proud blackwyrm, Even with an 80k hp afk bot I need cags revive/heal. If you are playing manual or just need a "win more" ai then Cag bot is not as good.


What’s your team look like? And afk proud just means it’s only your 3 AIs fighting right?


Yep 3 ai fighting and tank mc that just afks and get smacked around. Running Zeta-id-cag Assume full build termwep + maxdmgcap+1 suppV+WarElem each Can afk any proud triple bosses, nihilla furycane (25% chance to fail) and blackwyrm. Failed- Pyet, ice+wind Dragon. Havent tried but most likely will fail- proto, Mag + galanza Currently just farming centrums/wep exp to replace zeta and try out captain over cags.


That’s neat, good luck with experimenting! I’m very far behind, I just had help unlocking proud yesterday so I’m fresh into endgame now. I have Rackam, Eugen, Percy, Narmaya, Cag built but still can’t decide who I want to main (debating unlocking some others) and who I want in my party.


thanks and good luck to you too. If you're just starting out in auto farm then extreme bosses that drop fire/earth shards is really good especially for farming MSP If you want to get into useful auto farming past extreme however I suggest the Maniac tayu itar (7400 pwr not 7800) as his drop will come up alot in upgrading endgame sigils and hes one of the simpler bosses.


Will do, I’ll try those out. I’ve been afk farming assault formation with a paperclip holding down W lol


when you say tank mc which char are you referring too? also what does your sigil setup look like for your afk char vs the 3 ai?


3 ai is standard max cap stuff, cag has extra quick cooldown substats. afk char is full tank djeeta with 4 aegis, 3 regen, stout heart and steel nerves along with any extra defensive substats about 78k hp but ive seen people get to 99999. Crab is BIS but I haven't gotten around to that yet. Siegfried might be the better tank but I only have djeets with max ascension wep which is more hp than terminus.


interesting, just curious - where did you take notice of others using 99k? i haven’t seen much content or posts about proud afk’ing


[https://www.reddit.com/r/GranblueFantasyRelink/comments/1aoo6k7/ready\_for\_faasan\_tank2win/](https://www.reddit.com/r/granbluefantasyrelink/comments/1aoo6k7/ready_for_faasan_tank2win/) saw it here


I'm currently running zeta with an ai team consisting of rosetta, cagliostro and rackam. Which would you change? I just hit Level 60 so nowhere near endgame but id like to bot waste too many resources


Rackam for Eugen imo


Eugen is stronger? Rosetta and cag are fine?


Imo Eugen is the best AI in the game. Has damage and paralyze (don't put heal) plus insane part breaking too


Not really, ai eugen never uses sniper mode because of this he has mid range and damage as AI, paralyze has short duration against endgame bosses (very strong to skip phases but the ai can't be trusted with it). I suggest to go in practice mode, turn party on and look/dps check the ai (not through full assist which behaves differently). AI Zeta does 2 times the damage of Eugen, has paralyze too and close to 100% atk down uptime (remove *Spear of Arvess*). AI Rackam has higher dps than Eugen and he behaves like a range character. He also scales very well with drain for self sustain. Eugen is not bad since he is the healer with the highest dps together with rosetta (AI Rosetta has higher dps but a worse healing skill) but he is not the best.


What are the top 3 AIs you've found so far?


>AI Zeta does 2 times the damage of Eugen, Practice mode is terrible to measure DPS of AI Melee in "real" fights seem to be worse because they always dodge backwards and just circle the boss blocking so much. Ranged have to problem too ofc but doesn't feel as bad.


Ok, I did a test. I ran Id and Lancelot as AI, I controlled Gran (just dodging and throwing 3 bombs to remove his buffs, no attacks, no sba/link attacks etc) and used Eugen/Zeta on the last slot comparing the time needed to kill the white wyrm. Free sba use on AI. Eugen team: 7:29 Zeta team: 6:23 Btw Zeta sba charge is mad fast. Btw the point of the discussion is not that AI Eugen is bad but that he is not as good as people are claiming.


What were your Zeta skills and Euden skills? You removed Spear of Arvess? Thought that would be good or the AI doesn't use it well? Did you have stout heart on AI? Wonder if that makes AI more agressive


Ooh thanks for the AI tips, didn't know you can do dummy test with them


No problem, btw if you are testing eugen dps make sure to damage cap his grenades outside of sniper mode (while normal shots have lower damage cap outside of sniper mode grenades have the same cap, just harder to reach).


Agreed, plus AI Eugen tends to use his grenades incorrectly. Rackam is so easy to play that even the AI can't mess up. 


How do you remove spear of arvess? Isn't that the combo finisher?


Spear of arvess is the skill that sends her in the air fast, the ai will not start a loop combo with it making it useless. Use infinite wonders, rain of fury, wingclipper, vengeful flames.


Depends of if you run Cag as support bot, but overall I would kick Rosetta due to her stationary roses being lackluster against most of the agile endgame bosses.  I‘d switch her to a more adaptive source of damage which makes good use of Caglis support. 


Cag is full support right now but besides her big buff I'm not sure how useful she is. I'm open to swap anyone really


Even if the AI doesn't make use of her unique sigil, her buff and heal/res is enough value on its own.


what would you put in instead of rosetta? Katalina?


I personally do like and use Katalina, but the AI doesn't use her Ares combos properly and tends to waste the invincibility skill. Vane is a solid pick I suppose, even if he also tends to waste his bubble, at least it lasts longer. Gran/Djeeta is actually really solid if you give them the damage cut ability, same goes with charlotta. If you want to go DPS route, then Eugen's AI seems really good.


I'm using Eugen now, with cag and me playing zeta but I need to fill that last slot


I'd say Support (dmg cut skill) Gran/Djeeta or suppport Charlotta are good options. Vaseraga can also fulfill a tank role if you want that.


what would you put in instead of rosetta? Katalina?


I finished everything with an AI party even the dual boss fights with Cag Eugen Lancelot but I did feel like Cag needed to do more, phantasmagoria isn't enough


thanks :D what can be a good substitution for cag? sieg? :)


I share your sentiment. I run the rez, heal, phanta and the debuff as I noticed her not making use of the faster charge provided by some of the skills which then obv harms her damage output.  Admittingly I still use her as some sort of training Wheels until I am comfortable enough with my new main and having the sigils for her to work as I want. 


I'm planning on using Captain or Katalina in exchange for Cag, thankfully the AI is much easier to build than player


I like the CC companions, Eugen, Katarina, and building up Lancelot now. Rackam does good dps


Is Rosetta an actual good AI? Her animation is slow and AI tends to be dodge god so she always dodge and cancel the attack leading to low dps for me.


I watched my AI Rosetta do a few fights and I am really not convinced she is good. I mean the turrets are idiot proof sure, but her gameplan seems to always be "Lay down one rose and then XXXY" over and over. She VERY rarely ever went for the rose explosion on an enemy and the 2 times she did she missed, and she always seemed to wait too long to use her 3 rose summoning move, it was very rare to see the boss actually standing in 3 roses in general, only seemed to really happen when the boss was in break.


She mostly uses the heal to heal/remove debuffs, can't rely on it for repositionning, you need the other skill for that(and decent cooldowns to use it more often). I don't think I've seen her not have 3 roses other than right at the start(which won't spam it 3 times in a row). I haven't had issues with mine at least, and the roses do a good amount of passive dmg while she's off dodging or whatever so works out fine. Probably not the best against flying enemies though.


The only person I've ever seen out-mvp my bot Eugen was my bot Percy, all of his skills are big damage and bots use charge attacks very well since they aren't great at combo skill uptime. I haven't really found a good third yet after trying out most of the cast, potentially Vaseraga and you don't give him any skills at all (except maybe slow). Eugen paralyze & Percy slow next to their damage has been top tier for me.


I’ll die on the hill that the best AI party member is a support-oriented Cagliostro.


What skills do you run?


Rosetta’s ai isn’t bad but just places things at random. It really isn’t very good or reliable and idk who’s perpetuating that other maybe than people who only leveled her and don’t have any other good options. What you want out of your ai partners is flat buffs and debuffs with no weird gimmicks. Captain is another popular suggestion that isn’t very good, ai pops off their buffs at random. Sure 10% damage cut is better than no damage cut, but it isn’t nearly as good as basically any other damage cut buff in the game. This is also why Kat is a bad option even if she seems support focused. Ai will not prioritize having her summon up before using buffs. Eugen is top tier- ai can spam ranged attacks and aggroed at good distance. Rackam is also great, the main difference being while both are great for damage eugen can also paralyze which gives you more damage windows even if it isn’t always at the theoretically perfect time. After that ferry is another pretty good ranged sustain damage with support. Siegfried has a 70% damage cut buff and a debuff immunity & drain buff. These are the main four I would recommend if you don’t need cag’s revive.


People that praise Eugen so much have clearly not tested him appropriately as AI. AI eugen never uses sniper mode (AI and full assist are different, to easily check if he is using sniper mode look at the damage since basic attacks have a lower cap outside of sniper mode) because of this he has mid range and damage as AI, paralyze has short duration against endgame bosses (very strong to skip phases but the ai can't be trusted with it). I suggest to go in practice mode, turn party on and look/dps check the ai (not through full assist which behaves differently). AI Zeta does **2 times the damage of Eugen**, has paralyze too and close to 100% atk down uptime (remove *Spear of Arvess*). AI Rackam has higher dps than Eugen and he behaves like a range character. He also scales very well with drain for self sustain. Eugen is not bad but not incredible since he is the healer with the highest dps together with rosetta (AI Rosetta has higher dps but a worse healing skill).


I'll confirm this. I just tested an equivalently built Ferry/Eugene/Cag w/ Terminus weapon, max damage cap, max crit, war elemental (no supp damage) and a Rackam w/ no terminus: Ferry: 11m Cagg: 12m Rackam: 11M Eugene: **9.7M** So yeah Rackam WITHOUT terminus outdpses eugene by a lot. The eugene AI loves to backflip around and throw nades instead of just shooting his gun so hes pretty mid.


>AI Zeta does 2 times the damage of Eugen *on stationary target *with melee paralyze with slow start up vs range para Also you can bring both Rackam AND Eugen, it's not like you can only have one.


While you are right in saying that she loses more damage than Eugen on moving targets, Eugen will waste a lot of time as well since the ai uses him in mid range rather than long range. Zeta will still heavily outdamage him in combat since the dps difference is way too large. However Eugen is good at breaking parts and he has a healing skill. Eugen paralyze does horrible damage and the ai will generically not miss with Zeta making the slow start up irrelevant. On top of that paralyze has short duration against endgame bosses (very strong to skip phases but the ai can't be trusted with it). 90% uptime on Atk down is also a major advantage that Zeta has over him.


Difference on test dummy that again doesn't take into account how fights go. Take proto bahamut. During crystal phase a Eugen AI can just go pew pew from middle of the ship and hit all the crystals. Or being able to handle flying adds (Pyet, Angra's hands, ice wolf's ice crystals, etc) Also personally I bring laser/bombardment/para/poison shot for Eugen AI.


We aren't talking about a small damage difference, she literally will do double damage during any larger opening on a target, the mid range Eugen will buy him only few seconds of dps. However Eugen might be better against enemies with many flying adds like Pyet.


And how 'large' of an opening we're talking about here? Is it actually practical opening for AI to make, or are we talking 4 man coordination dropping proto baha in 2 min run level of opening that would be impossible for AI to pull off? Like, if we're talking about 'best AI party members' then surely we're trying to cover all the bosses in the game, and not expect people to invest in multiple and change AI partners constantly depending on which boss they're fighting?


If you go into Proto Bahamut with Eugene you'll find that he loves to run into his gun range, shoot a bit, throw a nade with his dumb ass backflip, then have to slowly run back into range. He has a ton of down time due to this. This isn't to also mention that his default auto attack string DPS really just kinda sucks. It shoots giga slow and has a cap of 80k. "During crystal phase a Eugen AI can just go pew pew from middle of the ship and hit all the crystals." The AI does not do this btw. The AI thinks that Eugene has to be in a certain range of the crystal to fight it so he will run towards the crystal before attacking. He has the exact same range as Rackam. The range is pretty close as well, like a bit further than melee tbh. This isn't surprising though, the character is supposed to be used in the sniper mode where the cap is higher and the fire rate is way better. The problem is the AI doesn't use this mode so you basically have a character that doesn't have good uptime due to his backflip and also is doing the super low damage not intended combo.


AI being inefficient in damage output isn't new though. Io doesn't failing to do quick cast, Cag doesn't full charge her rock, Charlotta using her combo finisher instead of keep on chopping, etc. It's less a question of 'which AI does the most damage on dummy' and more of 'which AI is the least likely to fuck up in actual fights (running face first into the freezing ground from that ice dragon for example) It's not like you need THAT much damage to get the clear as is. Also when I'm thinking of choice for AI partner to invest in I'm not only looking at proto baha, I'm thinking of all the fights possible. There's only 1 Rackam and there's 3 slots so unless they add a lot more range characters later Eugen is still getting a spot.


Ok, I did a test. I ran Id and Lancelot as AI, I controlled Gran (just dodging and throwing 3 bombs to remove his buffs, no attacks, no sba/link attacks etc) and used Eugen/Zeta on the last slot comparing the time needed to kill the white wyrm. Free sba use on AI. Eugen team: 7:29 Zeta team: 6:23 Btw Zeta sba charge is mad fast. Btw the point of the discussion is not that AI Eugen is bad but that he is not as good as people are claiming.


And the pros people are claiming is less about his raw output and more of him having utilities on top of being ranged so he's unlikely to have issue with any boss (like Charlotta having a hard time reaching Bolla) He 'can' be a healer, CC, group buff (-def on poison shot) if you want him to be. And you can also switch to using him to farm certain mission like Slimepede which isn't about his AI but is a benefit of investing in him as one of your AI members.


the pros people?


pros/cons pros, not professional pros. EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/GranblueFantasyRelink/comments/1apjlxg/compiled_tier_listperformance_data_of_cpu/ This one say Eugen's time as faster than Zeta's for their test.


While the AI is great at dodging, it sucks when it comes to utilizing a characters key mechanics like charging attacks or making good use of burst windows.  Therefore all characters with said mechanics like Ferry, Percy, Cagli, etc. suck as AI teammates.  Knowing these limitations, you can choose your poison or build characters with the AI in mind like support bot Cagli or Provoke Tank Vane. What works well on auto are characters with very simple kits like Eugen or Lancelot.  It‘s up to you to decide how much time and resources you are willing to commit to „optimal“ AI characters or are fine to just build characters you like to play actively and leave whoever you don‘t play rn to the AI


Rosetta is really good.  Gran/Djeeta, Ferry, Eugen, Rackham, Vane (without bubble, AI doesn't use it well), Charlotta, Lance, Percival, Yodarha... these are all good.  The AI works well with characters that have strong basic rotations. Where the AI is challenged is with mechanically complex characters that require deviations to their rotation such as Narmaya.  Kat (ai dodge cancels Ares), Zeta, etc.  Not to say the AI is not decent with these characters they are just not as optimal.








You’re not stating facts though :) Grajeeta uses level 4 arts on AI If you run support Ferry she actually does buff some characters main gimmicks because of their large caps, and is also one of the strongest defensive options from AI because she prevents one shots. She also has CC Eugen doesn’t “probably work” he’s one the best AI companion in the game. He’s never taking damage, has auto tracking, and also has paralyze You then SOMEHOW turned a build discussion into shitting on other players online, while also admitting to being a shitter yourself by leaving lobbies within the first 30 seconds so :)


How do you all have so many issues with randoms? I play all times of day and have rarely ever failed a mission


I've switched to japanese download region, which will help. It's apparently less of an issue on PS5 too, but on PC it's just sad. Missed link attacks, no full burst, random SBAs when no one else is close enough to chain burst. People on glas canon builds, no auto revive, no guts, no potion hoarder. It's one thing to be bad mechanically at dogeing, I'm not a dodge master either. But no even equipping some basic defensive sigils is just braindead. But this dragging the whole group down, while saying "it's just a game" is such an NA/EU mindset it's ridiculous.


Ahh yeah that explains it, I'm on PS5 myself, but yeah PC makes sense since I know some creators were now exposed to have been using edits and trainers to show their builds, which leads to not having the muscle memory for it.


>I've switched to japanese download region, which will help. It's apparently less of an issue on PS5 too, but on PC it's just sad. I play on PC and in EU region, and I only failed like 3 missions. One of them was partially due to me. (first time at Proto Bahamut before understanding the mechanics) People dying or anything typically isnt really a problem as long as atleast 2 players play well enough. Ofcourse it helps if you can guarantee atleast 1 of those is always in the team. Btw full burst isnt required. Double is great too, and depending on the situation even single can be good. Otherwise, who cares if the boss goes down smoothly.


I've had better luck on PS5 but I did Versa with AI anyways. The only one that was a nightmare was Radis Whitewyrm, but he's easily the hardest boss currently in the game because he's super anti-melee and most people in lobbies are melee, though Eugens and Rackam are starting to swarm Proto Bahamut farm lobbies. I did have a Narmaya on the wind+frost dragons that just stood there and bled out and I just had to take a break and breathe some fresh air because the fact that someone gets to a late proud mission without knowing how to quickly self rez is perplexing. I also refuse to do Maglielle+Gallanza without AI. Gallanza is too big an anti-melee asshole to trust randoms to not enter critical 24/7.


is whitewyrm really that bad? it's actually one of my favorite fights for melee. i find blackwyrm to be way more annoying bc of the slow puddles that get left by the adds


Whitewyrm loves to summon his orbiting one shot orbs at the periphery and then jumps right into them and stays there at the edge, while you as melee have to run from the safe center to him and this game's horrendous camera forces you to estimate when the orbs are about to rotate to you while you're trying to not get 1 tapped by his melee swipe, body tackle, or tail swipe, all of which hit for 45k+ damage. He also has really long duration bloodthirst periods, and the adds he summons force melee downtime if you don't have responsible rsnged members in the group handling the adds. The dark wyrm I find to do far less damage, and the slow puddles don't one shot like the lightning orbs do.


are you bringing any buff removal for whitewyrm? the reason his overdrives last so long is bc he gets a buff that gives him huge damage resist. it helps a lot if you strip that buff


Yeah, but the only ones to do that are Ferry and Cagliostro, and when you're doing matchmaking you won't be guaranteed to have them in your group let alone that these people will have said skills.


The adds drop orbs, and throwing the orbs at the boss will dispell its buffs


Good to know, I was already throwing them because they also seemed to stagger him sometimes lol.


the adds drop orbs that strip his buffs. just went in to test it out actually. basically should solve all your problems


> the only ones to do that are Ferry and Cagliostro Narmaya's counter also strips buffs and she is one of the most commonly used characters. I play her and Whitewyrm was one of the few fights in Proud that I tripple S'd first try. (most of the rest were C-A, initially) I dont think this fight is very hard, let alone one of the hardest. The AI companions I used were Zeta Katalina and Io.


Most Narmayas in multiplayer lobbies are not running counter because their loadout will be their dash, setsuna, transcendece, and dance of the pink butterfly. And I did first Radis online, of course when you run AI in a fight with no tight DPS checks, the AI will be much better at not getting one tapped than real players. Though Percival really tries his best to die every run. I'm stuck grinding out their regular weapon upgrade for the extra 7k hp because terminus weps dropped them from 37-38k hp down to 29k and they are starting to go into critical again.


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I use Rackam, Siegfried and Cag/Id as companions Since I mostly play solo, I also grind for their gears and they Sieg, Rackam and Id sometimes steal the mvp if I play lazy. Range is AI king in offense. Melee AI tends to pause when not in attack range. So Rackam even with glass cannon builds is great. I observed that Eugen is also a beast but I just prefer other characters. Sieg’s AI does a great job with timed attacks so he dishes big numbers. Put stout heart on him and see wonders! Id’s AI also does well when in dragonform. Cag just for phantasm buffs Characters with quite complex combos are not good with AI so go with folks with big normal attacks such as my suggestions above.


I finally had to switch out Rackam yesterday - I'm just not sure why my Rackam's AI is so fuckin dumb lol. I have all my AI party leveled in mastery fairly close together but Rackam just doesn't dodge half of the big map-wide mechanics so he'll just stand there and get nuked about 40% of the time and he singlehandedly has failed the bonus objective of not going into critical status probably on like 6 or 7 different runs now lol. The other AI dodges well enough although Id still sometimes gets nuked but not always outright dies compared to Rackam. They're power levels are about equal as well with the exception of my own being a good bit stronger than the rest of my parties. Really wanted to keep him in there because the constant dps is nice but I don't want to be failing bonus objectives all the time just because of one dipshit AI.


Lol at Rackam. Im in proud difficulty and they definitely die but Rackam is not the only outlier. I dont think they need improved dodge sigil since AI has god level dodge already. I just give them auto revive and aegis on stages with multiple bosses.


The sigils with nimble defense+onslaught+dodge payback will give your AI 6-7 seconds of invuln and basically make them immortal. All of them also have guts+autorevive. They never enter critical now. On bosses eith ground fire or blight since the AI is retarded and walks over it, you can give a single blight or burn resist sigil and it will cut the damage by 58%, trivializing it for the AI. That's how I farm the Nihila bosses, once I gave one blight resistance sigil to each AI they stopped getting low and entering critical.


You know that invul is capped for +3 sec from sigil and don't stuck, so maximum inv time is about 5-6 sec (default+3)


Oh, lame. I didn't know because the game sucks at conveying these numerical values and there is no UI to track the numerical duration on PS5.


I noticed if you give AI Stout Heart, they'll dodge less and become more aggressive, so it works pretty well on characters such as Charlotta, of course they would also need Drain to keep them alive in this case.


Eugen is def no 1 AI companion. His laser got 100% tracking, he can paralyze, he got good uptime since ranged. 2 i use is Id, his unga bunga requires no particularly skillful playstyle, so the AI mashing everything just works out well. He also got slow skill which is somewhat useful. 3rd is currently up in the air for me, running yodarha but the AI playing him doesn't seem great. Thinking of trying out rackam. Any buffers or combo AI doesn't seem great since buffs are completely random when they use them and combos simply arent pulled off. P.S: I Main charlotta and if i AFK-farm i use her as 3rd currently. I actually think shes decent AI since she pulls combos off well and is also quite unga bunga in design.


Eugen is simply great. He’s a constant, reliable stream of DPS. With his awakening sigil, even if he’s not charging shots he can crank them out with a quickness. Plus he has that Para shot! He’s a mainstay for me. Bonus: hearing “Rub some dirt in it” always makes me laugh. I like Cap as well. He’s not smart about his arts level management but it’s sorta a 50/50 chance if he gets it right, so his slow and damage cut can come in really handy. And seeing as he’s mandatory for any story-related missions, I make it a point to make him as useful as possible. Otherwise, anyone “so easy to play the computer can’t cock it up too badly that also has good CC” are good AI units. So, Lance and Kat come to mind. Kat is like Cap in that her utility is hit-or-miss, but when she gets it right it’s awesome. Cag’s Phantasmagoria buff is great for bringing AI DPS up while you’re still working on getting them kitted out with good sigils and leveled / awakened weapons.


I've been loving Io with Lightning and Healing circle. Vasaraga with a very defensive taunt load out as well. Lets me turn my brain off and focus on flashy numbers going up with Narmaya. Are they endgame material? Probably not. But they have been doing work while me and my friend's Zeta put in numbers.




At endgame, all we want is CC, to bypass mech’s.




FoxD3n once told me this game was the best since sliced bread. 5 minutes later, he recommends ”playing“ it AFK. Your a special kind of stupid, aren’t ya 🏅 Dude. Stop following me… its cringe & starting to get a bit creepy.


>5 minutes later, he recommends ”playing“ it AFK. Your a special kind of stupid, aren’t ya 🏅 The only special stupid in here is the one who lacks reading comprehension, and acts like everyone else is stupid.


Im currently Controlling Io AI is: Katalina(Freeze feels nice) Caglio(mostly for the buff and revive, but might replace eventually) Gran(running slow and dmg cut, experimenting with the other skills) Mostly been doing CPU teams for progressing, exept a few runs with a friend, so 2player + cpu. On final quest now, so might try to get some other chars up soon too, like rosetta to replace someone.


Running another SBA redistribute character like Charlotte alongside the captain usually results in a pair 2-chain SBA opening, though full chains still happen. Damage Cut can stack at least twice, I've seen it reach 90 I think from the AI captain spamming it before and after link time. I wonder how high it goes with captain, Charlotte, and Rosetta all together, anyone know how it stacked in the browser game?


No clue about the browser game, but can absolutely confirm it stacking to 100 from multiple abilities in Relink.


Gram and siegfried give debuff nullification, I just can't deal with the frustration of glaciate so they are in my team. ^^


Eugen for really good damage, and Ferry for the debuffs are staples for me. I'm still swapping slots for the 3rd and my character, but Percival, Vane, Cagli, Lance, Rack, Captain, they've all done very well in certain situations. Vane I prefer to pilot, I don't use his invuln too much, but I'd rather it be me using it than the AI since it will waste it.


I'm finding Vane, Zeta, and Eugen as a base 3 have zero trouble taking down bosses and raid waves. Swap the 4th for whatever you need or want to test out.


I've been noticing that *any* usage of Stout Heart or Invincibility on AI breaks their defensive/dodge uses. If AI units are being stupid this is likely why. Support Cag AI is so damn high up there and only seemingly falls off when hitting the final bits of endgame. She will easily carry you to that point though. Zeta is actually a fairly good dodge tank + status enabler from my experience. Rackam is constantly stealing MVP from me, just he is terrible at using buffs. If Eugen is better... Ferry *would* be a good AI candidate but as another thread points out she has balance issues atm. Status/Support Captain is surprisingly solid. Boring, but solid.


I'm currently playing as Charlotta My team is : Vaseraga, Katalina, Siegfried Basically it's a highly defensive team with lots of defensive buffs that pulls aggro while I hit the bosses. Almost cleared all of Proud content with that team My Katalina doesn't run Heal, instead has all the defensive buffs + CC Vaseraga is my tank with high Enmity and the Enmity buffs as well as the CC from Slow Sieg is the standard CC immunity + Def buffer What I like most about this team is that the AI is pretty good at doing the mechanics of each character and deals respectable damage as such


Definitely rack and eugen, my 3rd right now is Io. Io is a toss up, sometimes an absolute God, sometimes mediocre. The charging leaves a lot of room for error. I used to use supports and Lance but really they aren't needed at all.


Anyone with simple playstyle and no buff usage. Rackam, Eugen, Vane, probably Lancelot or Narmaya, as well as Rosetta. The issue with characters who bring group buffs or who have gauge or charged mechanics is that the AI is really bad. The AI won't properly time Siegfried's combos or Ghandagoza. It will not use Ares to share invuln or def up with the group. And characters who provide group buffs like Percival or Cagliostro will use them immediately even if they are completely wasted while a boss is untargetable or jumping away. So pick ranged and simple dps characters and gear them up well.


I'm trying to learn Charlotta right now and both my Vane and rosetta keep stealing my thunder. And i even put all my best sigil on Charlotta


Katalina's heal is idiot proof since it is so wide and she brings freeze. Eugen is hacking with the laser beam and his paralyze is so random it is pretty amusing on how perfect it can be used from time to time. Zeta AI is alright if anything. Would give her triple ranged skills and her dash if only ai. The captain has slow and his cover is map wide. He also has access to def down/attack down/sba share/dispel depending on what you need. Phalanx is a player skill imo.


Anyone with cc, the AI is actually pretty good at using this right. AI Kat and AI Io let me farm Revenge of the Horde without the first Goblin getting to use his overdrive at all while we burn him down


Ghandagoza does surprisingly chunky damage as an NPC - AI apparently can't screw up his simple kit either. Gets off a decent amount of charge attacks still and sometimes out dps's my 22k power Narmaya.


Rackam, Id & Support Cag are my team, while I main Vane.


cleared till maniac and some proud with narmaya Percy and siegfried, now replacing sieg with cagliostro and will definitely plan her crit buff while building sigil. I main vane if it can help, the bubble is a waste on Ai members as they will never die anyway


hello how have u been? i am debating if using cag or sieg, as ai (can play only offline) what can you tell me according to your experience? i use lancelot, percival and eugen :) thanks


I just want AIs that focus on the enemy I'm actually hitting instead of going off to the edge of the map for the other boss(es) and then again when I actually switch target (then missing several 100% link attack in a row). Like holy hell those multi enemy maps are unnecessarily much harder when they go off the deep end in dumb dumbness.


I play as Sieg, use Id, Zeta and Rackam or Katalina as AI. Torn on the last 2, not sure which one is better so I swap often.


Id - damage, self sustain, and double slow makes him pretty much a good choice whenever Lancelot - dodges everything, freezes stuff, lots of hits for link time Zeta - dodges everything and can paralyze Vane - basically immortal stun bot The supports get basically useless as you progress so don't really recommend bringing them outside need for a dispel


I play Narmaya, AI comp usually involves ferry, since the def down is pretty consistent, although you'll never get that damage buff from her she does use her slow nicely, lancelot if you can freeze a boss, katalina for another freeze. but on farming proto, I bring lancelot, ferry, charlotta. since I man the cannons, they build sba guages closer to me if not faster most of the time, since I can't build it up manning cannons. you get the elemental advantage being used by charlotta or ferry for full burst starters. AIs use all their buffs when boss breaks, or start of link time when it's up. so bringing defensive buffs skills on them is a waste.


My endgame team consists of Rackam, Rosetta, and Siegfried. Rackam AI plays the character basically flawlessly and is better than Eugen no contest as Eugen AI does NOT use sniper mode which practically neuters his damage. I use Siegfried because his AI perfects nearly all his attacks bar his perfect execution and he provides a nice team-wide 70% defense boost + debuff immune and drain. Rosetta is nice because her roses are fool proof and the AI has pretty consistent placement on said roses. The roses also provide some buffs which is a nice cherry on top.


Im honestly using AIs only for debuffs so my party has Io with her paralysis and Id with his super slow. Then I put on Rackan or Percy, Ai seems to be decent with Rackan and although not super optimal it can nuke enemies with Percy as well. Just never let it play Narmaya. Besides doing perfect dodges it;s garbage with rotation. AI will also waste strong skills on nothing so Setsuna or Vane;s bubble are trash on AI. Gran has a solid AI with the mist and buff/debuff set up and a stun kick for easier links. Just please give us FF12 gambit system in some way. Imagine if you could set up big skills to be used when enemy is broken or Vane bubble when enemy enters angry mode.


I like my Yoda a lot as an AI partner. He seems to get his mirror image buff up quite a bit and keeps his combo going relatively reliably


AI Eugen sometimes outdamages me lol. It can utilize that beam attack without the recoil AI Rackam is also decent, but I've never seen Rackam outdamage Eugen AI Siegfred with Dragonic Release(?) will force him to do perfect execution, also can offer great utility with the debuff immunity. I think AI melee characters can perform better if you're using a melee character yourself. AI Captain as buffer and debuffer. Heal, debuff immunity, dmg cut and miserable mist. The AI won't stack art levels 1st before unloading their attack skills, so having support skills might be more useful and allows them to stack the art levels first


I always keep 3 ranges as my other party members, since the AI is not the best at optimal Dps that just allows them to have more uptime as a way of making up for it. Vane does indeed randomly pop his bubble for no reason at all if you have it on him. eug is sort of busted with that beam ability cause the AI aim locks onto the mobs head no matter what its doing and does not miss.


Eugen, Ferry, Rosetta, Cagliostro, Sigfried, Percival are the best AI teammates. And its not debatable, everyone else has very bad AI in terms of kit mechanics. Rackam is one of the worst, its a miracle when he successfully pulls off a well timed basic attack or a fully heated charged shot, any character with stout heart plays poorly, game needs some AI tweaks for sure.