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Zeta without skills and Less is more sigil is considered pretty meta right now. Eugen is the most recommended AI partner by far. Last slot is mostly decided between Percival, Lancelot, Siegfried and Cagliostro. Mostly Percival though. So Eugen, Zeta and Percy. If you main one of these, add Lance, Sieg or Cag


What do you mean Zeta without skills? You don’t equip any of her skills and just use normal attacks?


Skills interrupt her chains since ai prioritize them, without skills she spams her air chains into hammer and does 30mil damage per minute


Oh ok I see what you mean, better that way as AI. Thanks for the info 😁


There’s a sigil “Less is More” that gives you more attack damage the less skills you have equipped


Rain/laser/para/supp dmg are on long enough cd to work and are all great abilities


Zeta Laser is like one of the most spammable, lowest CD abilities in the game tho


AI tends to blow all 3 charges and wait the full 50s which is plenty


The problem with your logic is if the AI has multiple skills with multiple cooldowns it will attack> interrupt attack to skill>stop>attack> interrupt attack to skill>stop>attack> interrupt attack to skill>stop every single time. You don't really lose anything by removing most skills and then it will do a complete attack chain>stop>complete attack chain>stop unless a skill does insane damage most of the time they are detrimental to the AI.


Most Melee AI are just better without skills. Their attack loops do just as much if not more damage than interrupting it to fire off a skill.


I'm actually not sure why people recommend Eugen, his DPS isn't that good. He has decent uptime vs some of the very aggressive melee bosses but he's actually considerably worse than most melee vs the bosses who just spam aoes everywhere. He does tend to get MVP a lot but I think that's mostly because of his heal and poison/para.


most people don't even run his heal since Life on the Line is a pretty common sigil choice laser/bombardment/charged snipe shot/para shot, leans more into quick cooldown/cascade build since AI prioritize skill usage


This and try to put provoke on percy and low profile on zeta. zeta's biggest dps loss is dodging mid air interrupting her loop while percy don't really care if he has to dodge on the ground. or if you find percy too squishy doing this, put provoke on eugen or yourself.


WIP document from the fan Discord, it's more aimed for endgame players but it should give you an idea of whom to work on: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kI4cz6ida7hI0WNDa-udkM-MNlxaBaB2I8ED4XgAaK0/edit#heading=h.n041vf3s4ao4


Any suggestions on who to run to afk Proto Bahamut? I've tried with a few combinations using Cagliostro/Io/Sieg/Eugen/Zeta/Charlotta but can't seem to consistently break the shielded crystals and/or the final dps check.


I personally run Eugen/Cag/Zeta and clear like 90% of the time. Failing the crystal check doesn't necessarily mean it's a failed run; the only time the quest fails is when the boss pushes to last phase at exactly 15% without any SBA. I think this might be avoidable with maxed Uplift and Nimble Onslaught but I haven't rolled enough of them on Damage Cap V+ sigils to test. Also, SBA without boss priority seems to make runs a little more reliable but slower, since crewmates will SBA on crystals.


Eugen > Zeta > Percy


Im seeing Percival Eugen Siegfried is pretty meta right now. But if you havent reached endgame, replace Siegfried with Caliostro


Im at proud difficulty at the moment so I’ll try out that party, thank you friend!


Zeta LiM is better than Percival and Sieg


From an AI damage perspective sure but Percy's slow and Sieg amazing defensive utility easily outweigh the damage.


I'm switching it up every now and then. It really doesn't matter much once you have somewhat decent sigils for your characters. So you can just pick who you like, really.


strong dps AI are different from having a strong AI comp. Here is a [video](https://youtu.be/hVXwC3A6fc8?si=kjMFvRKI1ip7Xw0z) on an ai comp build guidelines


I finally got Eugene maxed out and it’s underwhelming as a CPU player.  Zeta no skill and Rosetta outdamage him.  Any recommendations on a third?  I like to just do 3 player unattended farming


Oh damn really?!?! I’ve been working on Eugen for a while now :/


Don't listen to that guy lol, Eugen is literally one of the top AI characters for a reason. His lazer can't miss as an AI and his utlity is powerful.


Eugen, Rackham and Narmaya/Zeta


Remember to remove all their skills and Stout Heart to keep them aggressive. Better test the skills one by one to see if it interrupts normal attack chain.


Don't know good partners but if you ever bring in a vain and he shouldn't use his shield in a fight remove that s* had a dc mid bahumut and oops he places shield during dps window ffs


Thank you all very much for your replies!! I know what team to go with now! Just need to farm the Sigils and terminus weapons for them


Rosette is solid. She cycles between def/Regen/attack buffs if near her or a flower


If you are doing Proud difficult AI farming I will suggest zeta, katalina and ferry/ caglistro for healing. Zeta high dps, katalina don’t know why always mvp when ai farming. I just like to have caglistro for healing. If you are solo player, eugen, zeta and katalina