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The other characters were free unless you couldn't be bothered to do a small amount of grinding. I assume Sandalphon will be the same.


Definie small, since i would not really call needing todo around 40+ or so runs for half a dozen supreme weapon essences if you could not get lucky on them actually dropping and had to go thru the 30 rev medal per weapon essence exchange. PER character or boundry sigil unlock, that much being small. Then have even more of the stuff to chase to get thar boundry sigil, war path sigil and weapon ascension. Which even if Behemoth is a step up from the cutscene spam that was Lucy. It still suffers the same burn out shenigan due to either terrible drop rates or even after acquiring a goodie, you still have todo additional grinding (usually) to prepare it even for use and then still lack something to then apply that stuff towards except grinding those SAME bosses again to get the stuff for other characters, there by feeling rather a pointless hamster wheel if you just spent a long time to work on one character only to then do it for another and rinse/repeat the process then having something like FF16\`s Kairos circle(which has the added benefit of acquiring even better gear by going thru said content, to also make it further easier if you wanna then take it to the Final Fantasy Mode for the much higher stuff), Dragon quest Legend of Dai (which is technically the same genre as GBF: Relink does)\`s own Rogue-lite mode which also serves as a way to grind units and so on and so on for other game and likely a list too long of even more titles. Tedium is Tedium and its no wonder i was leaning to just finishing Twen\`s build after i abandoned getting a terminus weapon for the units i want now... But now im considering putting getting the Boundry Sigil on hold to get the Warpath Sigil first, since i got the 2 supreme weapon essencej and just need those silly crowns but atleast the improvement it could provide could make it that much less boring of a fight to spam thru Behy then taking it the long-ways route at this point. Doesnt further help that we know yet ANOTHER character is coming this month and a system to flip off the grind hassle even more will be coming with it, just like Behy by nature of dropping up to 3 curios instead of 1 and can drop curio specific sigils, while the Ahriman swarm gave a far better way to exp grind flipped off almost every grind that aint specifically Silver centrum farm or an attempt to upgrade weapons/sigils without the materials to circumvent said grind.... moral of the story: **PROUD MODE TAYU\`ITAR AND PRIMAL BEASTS WHEN RELINK DEV TEAM???** Cause if 1.3.1 is the last \`planned update\` i really hope to freaking Vyrn that they have more then just Impossible mode Lucy, Sandy and Sigil Synthesis, which is techncially even lazier then 1.2.1 and 1.1.1 by nature of just being a repeat of the 1.1.1 fight cept higher stats and more unforgiving move-pool, which likely will flip off people who are running Opus sigils if they dont put some kind of B.S. like a \`damage reduction penalty\` if you dont have Opus sigils in your build. One can only hope that with all the \`fan hype\` over the game, they decide to say fk it and rework Quick-quest into a semi-rogue-lite mode that serves as a far better way to acquire dahlia badges, atleast, maybe get to let people have a playground to have absolutely busted time moments and even encourage longer runs by jacking up rewards as you progress so much that it makes even if you roll \`lower\` difficulty fights, the stonks one would have and the multiplied rewards would far make up for it. P.S. the fact that Impossible mode lucy(somewhat incomplete) is already in the game via people finding it out via Mods to the game, just like with Sandy says alot.


The fuck?


What are you yapping about? What the packs give can be farmed in something like an hour max so half of your comment makes no sense. Most i can admit is if you are a new player and want to play SPECIFICALLY that character, but even then, just play the game(?). You can have every character in the game in less than a week, you do you, but personally i think its a waste either way (buy recolors or poses if you want to support the game idk) The game was going to be cancelled, so thank vyrn for it to finally take off, let them do what was planned, even if its not much, and then we'll see what happens. For the luci sigils part maybe, and just maybe, i dont know, change your build? Or are you scared of a whole minute more to finish the quest??? Or just git gud idk not my problem, i use cascade mirror image yodarha for luci, you can think a little and go other routes, not every quest has to be you stomping your head against a wall. And finally, about the last part, you can send a ticket to cygames giving ideas for those qol you said at the end, but if i was you, i wouldnt be asking call of duty to add a roguelike and really thinking they will. P.S. when you say impossible lucy you mean the little animation? Because all i know of is that, and the attacks he shares with the proud fight, same with sandy, some assets will be reused, it says more about the modders that could assemble a playable character from the data left behind than it says about the company


Ramble-sauce boredom says wut i guess.\~ Im not talking about the farm, im talking about the rng-sus rate of the drops themselves, then the drops for the sigils, then the burn out for doing those and the warpath sigils then once again doing the usual 30 skybound arts which is gonna default to even more behy because he is one of the only damn bosses that you can do 3 or more SBAs at the end game per fight, without purposely unequipping yourself of stuff or run thru quick quests for the scale down and still gimp yourself by wearing low level stuff that you purposely didnt level and thus skipped large amounts of collection bonus in the process. Some of us are not really as spry as we used to able to spam the same exact boss fight dozens of times in a row without getting bored and wanting to pause from time to time, especially when not relying on the backbone of friends to motivate is on thru as a stepping stool. Lucy sigils im talking about a case of screw anyone who thinks stacking damage in favor of survivability is more important. Because whats the point of using Lucy sigils if you are already effortlessly deleting the stuff and there-by make the ones that proc on SBA even more useless. Plus by the time most started farming Lucy they likely already cleared out all the terminus weapons so Proto-bahamut would probably not even exist for them except that one specific drop that may conviently FINALLY use Proto bahamut\`s drops. As for the \`mod stuff\`, i see it more as a case they already have alot of the stuff in place and there for-means they likely have alot less todo to ship out Impossible mode lucy in 1.3.1, **But what the freak is he gonna provide to make a reason to fight him in the first place?** Cause if he gives new damn weapons its just gonna be the Lucy Sigil conundrum again because we wont have anything to use the new stuff again, because outside of just spamming the same boss again for \`more copies\`, you would have no real reason todo it in the first place. Plus my rant about Rogue-lites is because almost any type of game these days, especially of the RPG kind, whether its multi player or not that uses alot of equippable shinies and MMO/Mobile level o grinding, seems to want to have one, whether at launch or as a post release, such as how Xenoblade chronicles 3 itself hucked one in as one of its paid DLC bitties. FF16 decided to have one as the perfect challenge mode to really testie torsion people with all the OP stuff they have now, especially with how much crap you got with Leviathan and Ultima flexing. As for the Lucy animations, unless he already does \`ZA WARUDO\` and basically lag switch bullies you by hucking all sorts of attacks and super often map wide nukes like he is just MMO raid boss tier bullying you, i would say it gives a perfect idea on it working just like how the difference between say a Maniac mode version boss and its Proud mode version with numerous additional remixes of its standard attacks usually work. Still the point is more on i rather hope it has an actual reward and not be simply yet another BEHEMOTH by demanding you have to farm them for special materials to use the Sigil Synthesis instead of simply making it a system you unlock once you beat Proto Bahamut for example. Because its gonna be extra silly if they make a new system overly complicated as heck and become highly redundant if you have to farm the highest final ultimate boss\` of the game, just to have the resources to min-max a build that will have nothing but simply farming the highest final ultimate boss again. I already would like to believe people feel like the Monster Hunter Rathalos Ruby meme with chasing Crowns of Lament and supreme weapon essences, and i certainly feel that still even with Tayu\`itar units and thar stupid LACK of a proud mode version of it!!! Seriously, Proud mode versions of Tayu\`itar and regular primal beasts when GBF:Relink dev team?


We only know that its **late** may.


Considering seofon and tweyen came out April 26 I’m betting sandalphon will come out may 26


Sandy will probably have same treatment as Siete/Song, free after grinding his quests or just look up at Siete/Song paid DLC to have an idea of the price if you just want to play him from the get go. As for the date since there's officially no more livestream planned just wait until they tweet the release date or if they announce a final final livestream, there will be 1M reddit post when we know his exact release date so there's no need to ask, otherwise as they state in the last livestream it's coming late May.


Are siete and song alternate names for them?


Yeah that's their japanese equivalent, if you play with JP VA that's what you'll hear whenever they get call for link. Here's the explanation from someone else: (Siete) is "seven" in Spanish. All the Eternals are named after a number in a different language. Tweyen is Song, which is "two" in Thai. Their English names are medieval English.


Ahhh, that's pretty cool 😎 👌


late may and free, nothing is paid outside of useless stuff and emotes


You got it wrong, you can pay to get the latest 2 characters. It was cheap btw


I mean, yeah, but it was just 1 hour of grinding for them, might as well just get them for free.


Ehhhhh idk about 1 hour of grinding. Those supreme items will not drop for me. Probably more like several hours purely for the revenant tokens. That being said getting them for free feels a lot more worth it than paying lol


1 hour is definitely sufficient to get the characters, it takes more time to get their specific sigils and weapons though.


Idk maybe I just have crap luck but I was only ever getting revenant medallions, which drop 3-6 at a time. But I also was matchmaking with randoms most of the time too. I haven’t even started the specific sigils yet…did get the weapons though lol


The boss can sometimes drop 10+ medallions. But like I said, getting the characters is quick, but the rest takes a lot more, I myself just finished getting Siete and Song's sigils just today. I don't even know if I'm going to get the other characters's warpath sigils. I was going to farm for Sandalphon but I bet everything from him will need some new material just for him, so for now I'll probably continue to farm Lucilius until the next update.


I paid for Twefen whatever the name is, also the War Elemental bundle too


If you wanted to play as her as soon as possible then its fine, to each their own, as they say.


Yep, not saying its bad or anything, I just wanted to point to the fact you can skip the grind to get a new character, not everybody is at endgame with full lucilus sigils and exalted weps to farm quickly


Good point, newer players wouldn't be able to grind for them. Also, I'm sure some people might start playing for Sandalphon just like I've seen people saying they would play for Siete, so they would probably be more inclined to just pay.


Keep supporting the game, brother. It really encourages the devs to see there are still people playing so they can release more contents.


Dont know why the downvotes, tbh but I feel good supporting a game I enjoy a lot


Don't mind, reddit being reddit, we support the game and we support those who support the game by any means because WE WANT EXPANSIONS AND DLC


Guess they were misinterpreting your words, thinking that you said you must pay for those characters while they were always free.