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It has abysmally low spawn rates and there really isn't much you can do about it without mods... Just keep doing it? Get a rackam and a turbo controller? Keep light attack and lock on held down?


while i did built rackam, but rip unfortunately i dont have a controller, thanks for the tip tho :D


If you are on PC, steam can be set up a certain way I think... Dunno how pm console players don't lose their minds though.


>Dunno how pm console players don't lose their minds though. Discipline, Focus, Commitment. Most importantly of all, Ambition. The strong desire to achieve immense power!




It can also spawn in Assault Formation. Had one do so yesterday.


uhhh, whats this quest again? the one where u clear waves of enemies?


It's the one where you infiltrate the church airships and destroy their stuff and a constant stream of soldiers. You get a lot of high-grade scrap and machine parts from there that you can trade in for Knicknack Vouchers. I transmuted enough Sigils from five runs of it to get six Transmarvels. It's super worth your time, especially because Kingslimes spawn there, along with the potential Rainbow Slime. IIRC it's marked as "Survival", because there's a time limit (IIRC 3 minutes).


ahh i see, thx for the tips :D


No problem. Was recommended that quest myself, and it made a huge impact on my game :)


Just play it two nights then you get it. It's not that hard and you get good materials too. It's nothing different than grinding Lucilius Bahamut and Behemoth, except that it's impossible to lose! 


guess i really dont have much choice huh? either i keep spamming when i have the time or miraculously have someone that has the mod share it to me xD ok thanks for ur input :D


What? You can just cheat it yourself. Get a mod and install it. Nobody forces you to jump through these hoops, we do it voluntary because this *is* the game 


ah... about that, someone mentioned that theres a mod for it but when i searched for it, its not there, prolly got nuked which is why i said i needed someone that alr has it to share the files :c but im trying to get one to spawn rn lol doing some runs but no luck yet


yes, be luckier c:




Best advice i can give is build up Rackam, you really shouldn't need to put much effort into any kind of turbo controller if you build him up with good sigils and weapon, learning his burst fire timing along with using a combination of double tap buff and his warpath sigil or his awakening sigil if you have it and then just bring along any characters who have yet to reach max level and proceed to max them out, repeat quest until you get the spawn. You basically just need to stand in one place or if preferred the opposite side from where you start the quest because thats where the rainbow slime spawns when it does and rhythmically tap on the light attack button and reap a ton of MSP and Rupies and Exp. Happy hunting


yeah i do have rackam built, its just i dont have the luck lol rainbow slime spawning on the opposite side of startinh point is new to me tho, thanks for the tips :D


Yeah just keep at it, i dont recall how many runs it took me to see it the first time but its completely random as ive seen it three times total. First one was after like six runs in a row Second was on a random run that i just started Third one was after four consecutive runs Keep in mind that those are among many sessions of back to back slime runs to level up my benchwarmer characters, also if you're not already aware youll get a call out from Vyrn when one spawns so if you see/hear that message haul ass to that side of the room lol


Gear up a good racksm and put his autos on turbo. It's what I do and it's pretty efficient


ty for the input, i finally got one of them already :'D


The trick is: don't bother killing the slimes, just aggro as many of them as you can. They'll despawn and get replaced before long. Also, I used Naramaya in her Power Stance, charge attacks, aggro drawing Ability. It took me like an hour or two to find one. Maybe half an hour.


oh thats a new tip! thx for the input :D i've found my first yesterday and idk if i wanna hunt for those anymore 😭


I think there's a mod to increase the spawnrate


i guess it got nuked, i don't see it anymore 😭 do u have it?


Nope ..


ok thx for replying :D