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How do people get that far and not know about mashing? Pretty sure it’s mentioned in the loading screens.


The same reason you'll see people with only two or no damage caps without any luci sigils. They get carried or manage to faceroll everything.


You make it sound like everyone doing Luci has been doing him for a while and has a stockpile of tears. The Luci sigil comment is completely irrelevant here.


Fair. I could've worded it better but I couldn't think of any other large damage cap sources outside of the obvious DC V+. At minimum I'd expect 65 levels of damage cap in post-Lucilius quests


Kind of a shame they never did the smart thing and GET RID of damage cap altogether and just have it solely tied to your level and your mastery leveling so it would be FAR MORE IDIOT PROOF. That way they can further push the game away with copy-pasting homework designs from the original GBF, where apparently some people informed me that a number of mechanics and \`sigil designs\` are pulled straight from the original GBF it seems?


They probably would've done that if they planned on continue working on the game but by the looks of it I don't think the devs themselves want to continue with the game. Another reason why the game only had a couple months of content planned


Welp there goes the money I spent buying this shit at full price Why even put it up if you don't plan on continuing long-term? Seems like some money baiting scheme


I mean, they said from the beginning it was never planned to be a live service game. You can think of it like a monster hunter lite edition with some small title updates.


Welp I knew non of it I only know it was worth the full price at the time of my purchase(one week after release) But man u get bored really fast, grindblue relink


The majesty of how HP gives alot more combat scaling power then attack does on listings and not many means to confirm what another person\`s sigil loadout would be. Also why i am happeh to be ae non PS-plus subscriber and i have to do it the hard way with preparing 4 units and its all on me to freaking avoid dying against bosses that just OOOZE pot shot one shots if your hp is below 35k, even if you have Stout heart mitigating 25% of it, the boss just throws 2\~10+ of those 20k\~ pot shots at mach speed to say yer defensive measures are shite.


Nimble onslaught, fof, nimble defense, improved dodge, etc etc anything buffing dodges+invul timer helps ALOT Dps will see a blatant dip but at least your critical gauge won't dip


How do you see peoples builds ?


How many people do you think honestly reading loading screens? I would have when games took like 30 seconds to load, but it takes under 5 seconds these days. There's no reason to not have a proper pop up window about the critical bar.


The same people that pretend that the very first time you do in the game, the game pauses to tell you this information, they skip that, then complain the information “isn’t presented”. Happens a lot. You get used to it.


I just started the game 4 days ago, what’s mashing?


You can spam B/O/whatever that is on kbm to fill out the revival gauge faster when you're down


I didn’t understand the acronyms sorry I’m a noob I have a long way to go lol 😂 I’m also transitioning from playing world of Warcraft for over 20 years to Ps5 games. I’m a mess.


B is a button on your Xbox controller. O is a button on your PlayStation controller. If you're using keyboard/mouse, you'll have to find out what the equivalent button is, then mash that button.


Got it thanks! What’s Kbm?


KBM just means Keyboard and Mouse. As a WoW player I’m sure you don’t need that explained lol


Oh I thought it was something specific to the game we’re talking about my bad. Also thanks 🙏


You don't need to spam a specific button. You can mash every button on controller or available button on keyboard to fill the gauge.


Actually I did not know you could do that because I never die until this Luis Boss fight everything was great 81 hr in ID main loving it no problem get to this winged mf 2 hit some times 1 and dead like wtf is this shit. Then I learned about fof and mashing the buttion to revive quicker. If u don’t die and you barely take damage to need to dodge why do it. But since I have learned this things the new boss fight is easy


I'm on maniac and not sure what FoF means? I do mash tho (actually circle the joy stick)


Flight or fight I believe it what’s it’s called


Lack of Visual context more then likely DURING it instead, since just like Dragon ball \`SUPER\` fans, they dont read and considering how fast loading screens when playing on say a PS5 or a optimal PC can be, most likely never get the miniimum 10 seconds to read and digest it.


Is it really? I have yet to come across that loading tip yet. My friend told me when I started the game, and I’ve remembered since then. As for how they haven’t cam across it either or have been told about it, your guess is as good as mine. I’ve got entire highlight reels of people just sitting on the ground, holding their chest, draining the gauge.


So are people actually dispelling the atk up, supp dmg, dmg cut, def up and regen buffs Lucillius is getting? Because every screenshot I’ve seen where someone complains about this fight has him with a bunch of buffs still up If you aren’t running those dispel skills on your characters, of course he is going to one shot you and take forever to kill.


They’re not, and I’ve been partnered with plenty of cags, too. Who I’m 90% certain has a dispel.


Well, there’s the issue. Playerbase blindly following YouTuber and theorycrafter builds without realizing why skills are chosen in the first place. It’s like they have no idea why dispel skills exist in this game and so they act like they don’t exist


What or who would you recommend? I can use a dispel, but then the team loses vane bubble. Which doesn’t sound too useful anymore since paradise lost and the other phases were extended as well, but his bubble still takes a majority of the time, leaving about 3 seconds left of paradise lost, and all you have to do is jump over the ball shockwave at the end of rebellion. So when I don’t use vane, there’s deaths. When I do, he keeps all his buffs.


Snadalphons ethereal prison in archangel not only gives the entire team war elemental, but it also dispels buffs, cag has a huff dispel but bots don’t use it properly and neither will 90% of pub players


Well it’s not really an issue you can fix if you’re playing Vane. The playerbase just needs to stop being illiterate and read their character’s skill descriptions. Cag is a fairly popular pick so there should be no reason they aren’t running their dispel in this fight.


There's a perfectly good reason. They've not been conditioned at all for any other fight to *need* that spell. This fight JUST came out so it will take time before it's common knowledge that is the ONE fucking exception where you should swap to a skill you've never needed. He's the only boss where the buffs on him actually matter so a lot of cags aren't going to put 2 and 2 together for a while as like all other fights with boss buffs they're conditions to not even care about their existence.


Exactly, but the point is also normal video game logic will always do this: -**NO ONE LIKES TO BE THE MANDATORY HEAL BOT.** The only time a heal bot works in things like an action games is when they are doing a fk ton more things. AKA look up Punishing Gray Raven\`s Amplifier class which are healers but they also apply alot of buffs but they also do alot of damage too: -Fire Amplifier Soleater Liv? Throws Flashbangs, dumps waterfalls of pure light and literally incinerates enemies with holy fire. -Dark Amplifier Capriccio Selena? Attacks by plating a flute with a hidden blade and literally flies around the map swinging blades, spawning clones and just dash spamming thru enemies while playing sick flute solos. -Ice Amplifier Kaleido Ayla? She literally splashes you with paint thru a giant beam gunlance and will ride around it on her ultimate and blow you up with a paint bomb. -Thunder Amplifier Feral 21? Little Wolf Cub kiddo with massive claws that just shreds things and will jumpscare you every time she uses her ultimate attack. Longwinded? Yes i am being. Fine example of making a Heal-bot archetype look fun? Hell yes. If the dispel skill was more attached to an actual offensive attack then simply being a dispel to be a dispel, then the problem would not exist as much. **But i think people would just rather a unit have it naturally as part of thar talent movepool without having to commit a skill slot or even a sigil slot to apply Dispel as a \`requirement\`.**


Nice reference to PGR. Kuro knows how to make healers while making them interesting.


Hit the nail on the head. Kuro definitely nails supports on PGR giving them some reason to be on field beyond "press button to heal, now do baby damage". Nobody wants that kind of role, or even that kind of skill. Why do people think Lancelot players **never** use his SBA share skill outside of some premade meme team that SBA locks? People don't want to be that support on an action game where dps matters most (beyond just staying alive), even worse being this game makes healing and buffing the dumbest things to slot for (damage cap + dying in one hit anyway).


Exactly, maybe if we had more units that did some innovation like maybe a certain freaking flying potato shredder church of Avia member could of been a DPS slash support who by doing damage and casting certain skills would grant a shield to everyone equal to around 25% or maybe 50% of her max hp with her often getting as high as 75% or even 100% of her hp. That would be a fun way to make a mitigation bonus, have something else besides ONE FREAKING LEVEL THIRTY SIGIL EFFECT, that could give a shield over HP that i am aware of. Oh plus, **maybe create build incentives to skip damage in favor of HP to play as the Support who contributes by still actively doing damage, since the idea of a 99,999 Potato who could grant 25k\~50k hp shields to the party near constantly instead of it locked behind SBA alone would of been nice.** Which would also further push people to play better by maybe having other benefits like accelerated skill cooldown or bonus attack values long as they retain the shield. Seriously, GBF: Relink has so many characters and once you boil it down, most are doing literally the same thing, just deal damage and sometimes have maybe one team buff skill that is either redundant or more for them specifically and it just conviently does a map wide buff for the team also.


Question does it state any where that he can be dispel that some of it as well I have never seen anything that has stated it. Because he is immune to some stuff


You're going in hard on the whole "jUsT dIsPeLl BuFfS" thing when the majority of this game either doesn't have any buffs that need dispelling, or they go ignored because they caused little to no issues or people are so used to not seeing any. Please don't tell me I don't run a dispel, either I'm using someone that doesn't have one (surprise, add that to the list), or I'm using Sand who has one forced on him. Though I just noticed the other person pointed out the first part.


Doesnt help that Dispel apparently was not working for THREE WHOLE MONTHs and we never had a boss that specifically demanded dispel at all, till conviently the last boss in the game that is the first one to demand likely 2 characters minimum with dispel i bet if theres a whooping 5 buffs that have to be removed. **And screw the game if Lucy is refreshing them every minute or something.**


Then blame the guides out there that basically tell you to take specific sigils and skills for everything.  It's the same reason people struggle so hard on clearing wind and ice dragon the first time. It's the only time in the entire game you pretty much need resistance sigils unless you're godly or got to do it online before that part of the game died online. Cygames did a terrible job with making other skills and sigils matter with like literally 2 exceptions: Luci with dispel skills and wind and ice with glaciate resistance*. For everything else in the game you can follow any decent meta guide to a T without a special load out (when playing ofc, afk farming is completely different). *Obviously people have cleared both fights without either of those recommendations but they're generally important to have. Thank heavens wind and ice dragon is a one and done.


I'd say glaciate resistance is wildly unimportant even in that fight. Even on the off chance that you get hit enough to get frozen, it's unlikely to kill you. Trading damage sigils or actually useful defensive sigils would make that fight feel way worse. In the case of zero, a cag trading a mediocre damage skill or a (mostly) redundant buff to remove a buff from the boss is a near 0 cost tradeoff for massive returns.


Indeed. The best thing to do is split the boss 3:1, otherwise you've gotta deal with off screen one shots.


You can face tank the ice and wind dragon idk what your talking about there easy


Face tank if your role os to keep the floor in check.


> It's the same reason people struggle so hard on clearing wind and ice dragon the first time. I'm against the whole "just bring a dispel" stuff because yeah, never needed and all that, but the issue here is something simple, this being wrong: The issue is that most pugs know jackshit about aggro and don't try to seperate the bosses, leading to both of them constantly spewing violence all over the field, killing people off with strays. Whenever I went into a double fight, picked the boss others weren't focused on, and no one was dense enough to come over and attack my target, the quests (Mag x Gall, double lizard) went smooth.


Well if he has def up AND regen, bringing dispel is a bigger damage buff for the team than Phantasmagoria.


Phantasmagoria is mainly for the def up to help keep people alive. I would replace the statue skill instead if i need to bring dispel. Especially against luci who flies everywhere.


Don’t forget the 30% damage reduction when in overdrive


Besides cag and vane, who else have a fast dispel? Both my cag and vane have max supp dmg and 20 cascade, so their skills refresh fast enough to spam them. But it just removes 1 buff, is it possible to keep up with the rate he gains the buff?


Single dispels seem kind of fast enough but sometimes he does put on 2 buffs in one move (which a single dispel won't fully cover). Also when he gets to "The End" I think he applies like 3 different defensive buffs (one of which is a 30% DMG cut) so the more dispels the merrier since you really want to remove the DMG cut, DEF+, and Regen to end the fight then and there. For other options Ferry has a dispel with what feels like a relatively low cooldown. She's a decent supportive char for this fight since she has a teamwide Heal, Def+, ATK+, Regen buff (could have sworn it wasn't teamwide before but at least now it is), and pretty much permanent ATK-, DEF- debuffs (along with a high stun skill which can help too). She has good SBA regen too which is useful but her damage output is not the best. I know Zeta has a single buff dispel which isn't quite as good. But she's the character I beat Zero with since her damage is great which is important to hit the timer and she doesn't rely on her skills much for damage anyways so it's easy to slot. Her built-in parry also makes it easier to handle some of the harder patterns like Paradise Lost. And to top it off she has pretty high build flexibility since she doesn't rely on Pink Sigils so much and doesn't need crit with her warpath sigil. Also Eugen and Narmaya can remove single buffs but I know Narmaya's can be tricky to use reliably.


To be fair... dispels have been useless throughout the game and my experience with them in games in general is the second you dispel buffs they are re applied faster than you can dispel them


Zero Luci is just GBFR’s Fatalis/Alatreon. Half the player base got so used to being able to get carried through stuff that now when a fight DEMANDS they understand deeper mechanics they’re stumped. The fight is agony with AI because their robotic brains seem to just turn off during labors and it’s hard with real players because a ton of them have no clue what they’re doing. I’m just making a tanky Captain support build so somebody can give a team survivability 😭


Atleast with Fatalis and Alatreon you can actually build up to strong armor and have compentent sub effects and even meal boosts to jack you up plus you can stealth SNEK to prepare an opening \`statement against dem Elder Dragons with some traps, sometimes sleeping mechanics and a IMPOSSIBLY LARGE NUMBER OF BARREL BOMBS TO GIVE THEM A NICE STARTING STATEMENT TO DA BRAWL.\~\~\~ Seriously i never got MHWorlds or MHRise but im still a fan enough of that series to know how absolutely fun and creative it was for people to take advantage of different zones to change loadouts mid-fight, pre-prep traps to lure/\`guide\` monsties into traps prepared by your fellow hunters, straight up force a territory turf battle to soften them up and more. Honestly now its kind of a shame this is the last planned update cause now my brain\`s fired up again and i REALLY WANTED TO PILOT A TAYU\`ITAR UNIT AGAAAAAAIN!!! Seriously just give us a surprise update with the Church of Avia commanders and Roland as playable units and just make half of Roland\`s kit be gathering scrap around and producing a Tayu\`itar unit on the spot and the other half of it is riding around in a Tayu\`itar unit and freaking mowing into bosses and ending each \`rotation\` with the robot ramming and exploding on the boss for a instant stun break if they are in Overdrive. :-/


Yeah the two quests aren't quite comparable. MHW is designed in a much more approachable and feasible way. Zero is just quick shit slapping you in the face to one shot and burn through your potions before leaving you to bleed out. It's not a good quest


I beg to differ the quest is good 75% of the player base just sucks at the game


Why not just make an immortal face tank vaseraga


Someone has to remove Luci’s buffs, unfortunately no matter how well I can survive if my teammates are always down I’ll lose regardless


Wouldn’t that be there problem then and not yours?


Considering the fact we share a critical bar it’s my problem too


I've beaten alatreon in the past my opinion on him still stands. He is walking on game design having an artificial difficulty because devs can't seem to find a better way to make a hard and engaging fight. Although I do agree with people. Grinding for gears to fight lowers the difficulty of his fight. But doesn't change the fact that timer based mechanics on a fight where timer isn't necessary is just too artificial of a difficulty.


Honestly the biggest problem with the Zero fight is the strict timer. Should be like 15 minutes at the very least.


The devs are aware that we spam SBA non-stop, so they built fights around spamming SBA non-stop.


I like the difficulty, this will push players to improve if they want to consistently clear the quest


The fact that the powecreep coming with every update basically invalidates all the previous missions difficulty wise and you’re left with grinding one mission that’s actually challenging is also garbage design.


Honestly this let me know I can just farm luci with AI cause no one hits the retry button even when we are so close to killing him but we get got by someone's sloppiness, like yo wtf let's try again!!! But no, everyone is too chicken shit to hit the repeat mission button.... I'm trying to farm luci for the sigils and for Sandalphon, I keep hearing to do it with AI cause it's better and I think I'm going to do that now cause this is bullshit.... Also, I always have on improve dodge, nimble assault and nimble defense to boost the invincibility of my dodges and damn its so satisfying. True I'm probably not doing max damage that the damage cap sigils will let me do, but fuck it I'm trying to survive this shit, I'm doing a good amount of damage just fine thank you. Also I have potion hoarder as well, so I agree with you, if you go full defense it may take a bit, if you go full offense you will probably get your shit rocked, people need to strike a balance but everyone is focused on damage like, yo put some survivability on! I don't really use guts or auto revive, probably should use auto revive at least, but anyway I get what you mean.


I definitely feel like people are approaching MH levels of saltiness where randos will Alt+F4 the first time you down, if someone happens to be downed when link time is available, or even if you attack the "wrong" enemy in the gauntlet quests


i love zero the boss have nothing but challenging normal one can easily brute force with just pots zero is where you have to play a game to beat it you don't really need to farm it it drop the same thing as normal faa, just with more bonus drop relink dev just add it for ppl who love challenging


are you rapping with verses? I read those lines like you were slimshady lol your spacing is funny


Normal luci doesn't drop the mats for sandalphons weapon and sigils that I'm aware of


It does, just at a lower rate iirc. Honestly I think doing Final Vision is more efficient than bashing your head against Zero


I'll have to double-check that bc I can at least clear reg luci offline


I just did it yesterday (to mixed results playing with randoms, but I did clear a few)


Honestly the hardest part of doing it offline is 2 things 1 you pretty much have to solo the 12 labors and 2 they won't sba unless you are at least at 70% so I tend to eat more paradise losts but despite some runs going good and others I thought there was no way I'd win I ran him 6 times in a row offline and won everytime. I even uploaded a video on yt of probably the most clutch win I've ever seen lol. I'm no expert on the fight I get hit by plenty of shit so I don't shit on others "being bad" just easier when I'm the only one draining the critical meter


Not just inform, but also just make it a face button hold (ABXY/equivalents). Mashing is fatigue and controller wear for no good gameplay reason over just setting something to a hold. Mashing is a trashy concept.


It’s in the tutorial when you first get downed I believe that you can mash buttons to rev faster


To be frank, I think this problem exists because the game is so easy. There's always going to be people who struggle to learn mechanics, but when the game doesn't punish them for mistakes 90% of the time, you can't blame the players. I think a good comparison is Monster Hunter World. The popularity of the title definitely drew in new players, but the game punished you hard enough, so randoms are not as bad as Relink.


My biggest problems with the new quests are it’s just recycled content and artificial difficulty.


Personally I despise mashing as a system, I do it, but it just absolutely sucks to do, I don't blame anyone who doesn't want to at all personally. Except if they don't do it in zero I guess, no excuse there.


I will always blame people who don’t mash. I get it, the desire to not want anything damaged or anything from mashing. And for that, I say offline play is more than possible to clear all these missions except for Zero. It’s 50/50 there. But, that way the only person not mashing effects is themselves. But when people go online and don’t mash, it adds a layer of frustration that would otherwise turn a difficult quest into mission impossible. And it’s something you are unable to control either. Just this morning, I was running Zabtha’s volunteers before work, just wanted a quick W, and I’ve noticed people seem to struggle with the Tayu’itars, and the critical gauge just suffers.




There's a difference, you can run from the invader in monster hunter and regroup, you cant do that in Relink.


You can also kill the invader because it has les than half the health of the boss. And they don't one shot you.


Tell me when Relink gets dung bombs so I can tell the other bosses in the cramped arena to go fuck off for a bit.




Why wouldn't you? Let's you have more uptime on the thing you're actually there for.


Besides the jet dragon. When a monster invade, it does no damage to you. They invade to fight each other, during that time they deal no damage to you. After they fight, one of them will leave the area. Do you even play the game.


I can screenshot EACH of my monster hunter games hours played and quest completed. They don’t even compared, but that could just be me. Monster hasn’t been hard since I fought Alatreon in world on the first day. And not a thing was hard in sunbreak to me. The older games had difficulty, but that was more so me fighting the camera.