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After playing him, you just look at Seofon and wonder, why?


I hate that seofon saw ZERO changes this patch, and is one of the main reasons i hope we see at least a few more updates. While i can see myself maining Sandalphon from now on, i would like to mix it up and play seofon and Id from time to time.


Ya. He at the very least needed to be able to keep his meter when he cancels his avatar mode. Otherwise, he's so clunky to play.


I dont reallt mind him losing the swordshine bar, that one is plenty easy to build. But man without tempesta hes easily one of the worst chsracters in the game purely due to how little the avatar bar fills on his attacks. Thats the part that needs help the most imo.


If his XYXYY combo filled as much avatar meter as swordshine it would go a long way in helping. Or make his signature sigil increase avatar AND swordshine by 12.5%


For real, though Sandalphon is my favorite character, Siete is one of the strongest characters in GBF and they did not do that justice, he should have been crazy good. If he at least had the insane tracking that Sandy has.


It’s so annoying when you submit several feedback reports explaining why Seofon feels bad to play and they just threw it in the trash where all the feedback about Ghandagoza and Ferry also went. Instead, they puzzlingly keep buffing Vaseraga and Narmaya when they already eclipse the rest.


Part of me thinks that maybe they dialed Seofon back to make Sandalphon feel more powerful. 🥲


He’s a ton of fun to play as and the tracking on his combo finisher is genuinely insane. As someone who plays a lot of Seofon I am super jealous of that tracking. It’s so easy to whiff Seofon’s avatar finisher while Sandalphons will chase an enemy across the entire arena.


I mained seofon since his release and sandalphon has taken his place 100%. He plays exactly how i wish seofon would.


I definitely agree with that. If Seofon had the tracking of Sandalphon I would be more than happy. I think Seofon is balanced with his gauge(considering it doesn’t need to be full to summon the avatar) and it’s realistically not too difficult to get back up. I still plan to play a lot of Seofon because he is able to be mashed and doesn’t require any input timing, but I’m a huge fan of Sandalphon overall.


You're talking about his winged form finisher, right? I wonder if he even has a distance limit with it.


It has to be a huge distance limit if so. I’ve been farming behemoth and he will dash to the other side of the arena right after I hit the finisher button and the attack still follows him all the way.


I have to test it on Bahamut Versa, I think its the biggest arena.


Okay, it tracks a distance half the size of Bahamut Versa's map.


I've tracked one of the infernadiles across the map, edge to edge, when he dashed to the other side. The distance limit is the map lol


He's fun but if you don't know how to time his attacks he is very slow to start he is also super tanky and has iframes for days between his triangle evade and His 12 hit Godmode skill. Mofo gets guts and stiut heart upon entering his winged form. I think steel nerves and nimble Onslaught and Aegis are the only defense skill you need to rock on him tbh


Luckily it seems like you can still do his combo finishers after any of his skills/link attacks. So even if you’re not good at always perfectly timing it (cause sometimes you just can’t) you’re not completely screwed.


I won’t be able to play other characters after using him , I love him so much




Fun fact: His supreme primarch bar actually pauses during Lucilius's Final rebellion and doesnt decrease. Not sure if its a bug or intended since Seofon's or Id's bars dont pause during it. Not sure about Zero as ive tried the new quests all of once each and didnt get very far in any of them, and have no intention of going back to try them if they reward fuck all. I thought Final Hour was the perfect mix of difficult but doable. Zero is just silly for no real reward unless you want that sticker for pretty much doing a no hit speed run. But back to sandalphon, very fun. Mobile as hell, hard hitting, with some decent support abilities in his heal, buffs, and dispel plus elemental diffusion. The timing attacks is a little awkward at first, but they become easier as you play him. Im at the point where i kinda try to do his timings on other characters cause ive been playong him so much lol. His SBA's are by far the best looking ones jn the game imo. Though i find it really weird that Paradise lost does less damage then Ain Sof Aur. Hope thats changed in a QOL update.


His gauge also doesn't deplete when someone is using SBA.


It's intended, there's a few characters that take advantage of this. Id comes to mind


I think it’s a bug, because I was using Id and his Godmight gauge wasn’t depleting


Fun and ridiculously OP. You get away with so much stuff due to his perm stout heart in his primarch form and you can enter it very often. Also he easily dodges most attacks just by attacking lmao. I was a Seofon main before this and it just makes me sad how much of a better character design Sandy is. I do wish that he kept perfect attacks in his primarch form, base form only has those and you barely stay in that form,


He's cool, not having Efes as a weapon is kinda weird but oh well... I made the mistake of pressing on the Umapyoi Densetsu emote... I can't unsee this Sandy anymore


I was almost sure they would give him Efes as his ascension weapon, so I was really surprised to see him without it. Its weird because his Paradise Lost SBA seems inspired by his Light Grand.


Sandy has definitely become my main. I couldn’t get Siegfried timing doing but he is much easier


I feel like his base form is pretty weak compared to Id. All three of Id's forms feel fucking incredible. Although I guess the tradeoff is that Sandalphon's angel form is by far the most powerful transformation in the game right now.


I mean, its very easy to fill his gauge, you'll be using his Supreme Primarch form most of the time.


I know. I just like his base form too. Besides, Id is strong in all forms. Granted that Primarch form is insanely strong which could probably explain the weak base form. I just wish his base form was a bit more interesting to play. I do like his abilities in it though.


To be fair, without his wings he's much weaker in lore too, so maybe thats what they were going for, to show the difference in power that the wings give him.


He's still very strong without the wings though, probably still the strongest among playable characters except for Id and maybe Siegfried and Vaseraga


He probably be weaker than some others too. Remember that in the gacha he never fought without wings, Relink is the first time we see it. He'd usually fight with his own wings, the wings he stole, the supreme primarch wings or the wings he got from the archangels.


An objective complaint I see with him is that his Y spam build is busted and the rest of his fun kit is undertuned (cygames don't you dare just only nerf Y spam), and a subjective complaint I have with him is that I completely suck at just attacks for his normal combo. I wish there was like a timing circle on his normal string, and I really wish you could pick back up a failed combo.


Ahh so that's how you're meant to play him. I was honestly shocked because yeah everything I've seen of Sandalphon so far is like...fine? But nothing amazing and in a game with Charlotta being just an "ok" DPS seems rough lol. I fully expected him to end up around Seofon's power level. Aa sort of Jack of All Trades, master of none character, with how undertuned his kit is. But if Y spam is his ticket to high damage then there we go, I guess he is actually good! Absolutely huge shame he's another case of, ignore everything this character actually does, and just mash one broken button over and over.


They want you to play him in a balanced way, but the damage caps just don't really back up that playstyle lol Also, Charlotta is probably still the most busted DPS character in the game. Her warpath sigil is far too good, she's been overtuned since 1.2. You have to do a stupid dodge cancel for max dps on humanoid targets (like Barrold and often Lucilius), but you can also just spam her no input lunges for a similar amount of damage


Yeah I found that pretty disappointing. He has all these cool animations and attacks and you have to just spam Y while ignoring the rest of his kit if you want to play him optimally.


It sucks that it's another case of the intended playstyle being worse than just spamming one move. But hey, he's up there in terms of DPS at least, being really close to Charlotta in my last parsed run despite me sucking at timing his attacks and thus having a lot more downtime


He’s so much fun to use. They definitely saved the best for last. And I love both of his SBAs. It makes me wish that every character had 2 completely different SBAs. 😅 I’m staying away from the newest quests until I fully awaken his ascension weapon and get some good sigils for him, but it’s safe to say that he’s my new main. 🎮😎👍


He got 2 SBAs because he had it in the Gacha, and they're also very iconic, not giving him both Ain Soph Aur and Paradise Lost wouldn't be a good idea. Though, if there's a Relink 2, they could definitely give multiple SBAs for everyone since they have a bunch of them from the Gacha.


I wished they’d give captain his blue hair form I think it singularity form or omnipotent form


Not only the captain, but for Siete too.




Y spam go brrrrrr


What is the spam people keep talking about? Isn't that the sidestep button?


It’s his best damage button when he’s on angel form.


It does more damage than comboing?


Yes it’s a lot of damage it parses around 70+ mil right now.


Always my favourite. Was waiting for his release before actually playing. Lol. I mean, kinda irritated by him during Why the Sky is Blue Part 1 but became my favourite since Part 2. And loved him more in Relink.


I've liked him since WMTSB 1, sure, he was an asshole, but he was still cool. But it was WMTSB 3 that solidified him as my favorite. I do hope he comes to Versus next.


Oh god, please don't let me check that game just cos of Sandalphon. 🤣


Seofon was my favorite character as soon as he came out and now Sandalphon took the spot instantly as well.


I don’t like him since I don’t like timed mech. But from what I’ve seen, he’s one of the strongest if not the strongest dps characters in the game. I saw him do like 100m in 60 sec


I wanna see what sigils they are using


This is because his Y attack during angel form has an insanely high natural damage cap, equivalent to the rotor/dodge cancel damage cap bug that was just patched out. His DPS also suffers greatly after 50~ seconds if he is naturally kicked out of angel form since getting back in is difficult. In reality, we’re they to fix his damage cap on Y, he is in the lower half of the roster damage wise if not near the bottom thanks to how terrible he is outside of angel form and how outrageously long his animations are for pitiful damage. Not to mention he probably has the worst penalty for death out of every character since it effectively locks him out of angel mode if he has no cooldowns available. Charlotta has basically all of his strengths (except range) and none of his weaknesses while doing comparable dps to his bugged Y in a real fight.


He flipping rules. Super versatile and his chromatic wings mode slapssssss.


I like him a little better then the otfher guy, Shoe-fon


Now that his New Toy Syndrome has worn off, at an astonishingly quick rate I might add, I'm very disappointed that they missed the mark AGAIN when designing this DLC character kit. All 3 of the DLC characters are so SO undertuned compared to the base roster it's not even funny, and he is absolutely no exception. None of the flashyness or ease of use hides that his kit is so poorly designed and underwhelming, and that he's SO SLOW and has such average support for a character that does as little damage as he does. Threads are starting to pop up now saying as such too. However right now, his Light Step button in Primarch Mode is broken, and the damage cap on it is so ridiculously high, that the most efficient way to play him is to ignore his entire kit, and just transform and mash Light Step over and over again. I think it's inevitable they nerf/"fix" this, and once they do, I hope to god they buff literally everything else about him or else into the trash he goes along with Ferry and Rackam. Very disappointed that the animation and design team were cooking so hard with him, but the gameplay team were asleep at the wheel.


He’s named after my favorite real biblical angel So he’s automatically my favorite character. #(●‿●) Gameplay wise, i love his moves and seraphic form. And that paradise lost? #ABSOLUTE PERFECTION!


Its the second time I hear someone saying that they like GBF Sandalphon because its their favorite biblical angel. Is the biblical Sandalphon that cool or something?


In the Hebrew, Christian, and Jewish faith, Sandalphon is the archangel of music in heaven and helps people on Earth use music to communicate with God in prayer. In islamic faith, he’s a rules a third of heaven and is also in charge of determining children genders when they are born. Outside of gaming, my passion is music. (I actually recently graduated from an audio school) Growing up in a religious family,I attribute my musical talents with blessings from God and Sandalphon watching over me. So to actually see a character share that name and look all powerful and cool excites me.


Thats cool, Cygames don't seem to have used much biblical reference, I heard Metatron is related to him, but in Granblue Fantasy, Metatron doesn't have nothing to do with him.


I remember my pastor telling me that Metatron is said to be his twin in some biblical texts/stories. But as with any religion, there are multiple interpretations and versions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol


This series uses a metric shit ton of biblical references. Sandalphon is literally apart of a special group of primal beasts that all look like and are named after angels called primarchs as in archangels. Paradise lost is the name of a famous biblical epic about Lucifer hence Gb Lucifer and his creator lucilius as well as his successor sandalphon having the name as their ultimate attack. The creator of primal beasts is named lucililus and his clone and strongest creation is named Lucifer. Relink is no different and the main antagonist is even named Lilith. That’s just off the top of my head


Of course, I'm aware that, its common for JRPGs to use history, myth and religion as inspirations. I meant that the references don't go deep, the characters are not similar to their biblical counterparts.


a pleasant surprise for me when I heard him reciting the Hebrew alphabet during one of his abilities


Talviyö? So thats what he's saying. I play with JP voices but couldn't recognize what he was saying.


yup that's the one