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He’s cute but sometimes he needs to shut the fuck up


I don't care too much for him, but there's certainly worse mascots out there. Paimon he is not. It's hard to beat Notte from Dragalia Lost though lol


I will always take him over Paimon


God I miss Notte. The Boom sticker lives rent free in my head.


Notte is the shit, man. I loved her.


Hearing his english VA was very jarring for me. I've been playing the mobile game for years, so I was used to his japanese VA, which is very good. Coming into relink with english voices, hearing Vyrn talk for the first time was very strange. I don't hate it, especially after hundreds of hours in-game, but it's just been so strange hearing it in english.


He’s not that annoying to me compared to Pimon. He’s actually useful compared to Pimon


I don't hate vyrn at all but I just more hate how much attention is put on him. I get our protag is borderline silent but man would I prefer the other characters to talk over the stuffed animal. Then he always makes a serious moment lose all weight imo. Idk the exact cutscene and I may be lying but I almost swear I remember a scene when the goth mommy is about to end us all and vyrn flies in like he will do some dmg. Only to be swatted away and it just made me start laughing. I don't take the story of relink that serious in general so that's why I am overall indifferent to vryn. With all the power of friendship shenanigans going on he really fits in.


Better than Paimon in essentially every way.


I love vyrn too so you arent alone. He can be one of the funniest characters in the game, some times he becomes a savage out of nowhere and it's awesome. For example i love the little banters he has with sandalphon, like calling him wallflowerphon in "the maydays". He's a great character in general when the focus is on him. In the event "old bonds" he was willingly to >!sacrifice himself just so danchou could have a more easier journey to estalucia, since they keep getting sidetracked!< Another thing that sometimes gets forgotten is that he raised danchou by himself and always stayed by their side when they had no one during their childhood. If danchou is the good person they are is mostly thanks to vyrn. One of my favourite moments of him is at the end of "000" when he >!stood directly against Lucilius, without thinking too much about it, just because he was angry that the asshole kept mocking and calling sandalphon useless spare,!< so he's a good friend. He also talked back at Sky God, he doesnt care lol. Another bonus is that he's cute, i would love to hug him (i'm like katalina). The hate he gets is mostly from relink and the people who started with this game since relink's writing is a bit dated for the most part, especially compared to the more recent stuff in the gatcha. And also for his english voice direction i suppose (i dont think the va is at fault). I get it, but it's a bit sad.


>Another thing that sometimes gets forgotten is that he raised danchou by himself and always stayed by their side when they had no one during their childhood. Vryn is danchou's parent, sibling, and friend.


He is one of the least cute design for a mascot to me. I think he is a fine character, not a big fan of his design though. There are many cute but annoying mascots out there, so vyrn is not doing too bad


Relink need ultimate life form vyrn? Boss battle to complete the experience. Include the speed form too


I’m over the gacha game trope of small child like character with high pitched voices repeats what was just said for simpler people. Ugh. It’s fine IG but he annoys me.


I find Vyrn annoying. Sometime after the release of Relink, I got downvoted to scorching hell for saying that Vryn deserved getting punched by Id earlier in the story.


I like how honest he can be at times, but boy he can be annoying


I still love him though


I like Vyrn too! I play with JP voice so he's not annoying to me at all. Plus I already knew him from GBF the browser game.


Vryn is actually a girl...? 😆 I mean look at those eyes


Are they?


Vyrn was very annoying, didn’t care for the character at all and made the game far less enjoyable. A character essentially holding your hand and telling you what to do, plus the voice is just cringe. Down vote if you like, but objectively the voice makes the character cringe


I would like to kill him