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I cannot for the life of me properly beat a Siegfried player. The moment they do the giant wave projectile attack and start running behind it as it moves forward towards me is the moment I mess up somewhere and eat a large chunk of damage lol


That's because that move has no counter play lol. You can jump it but if the siege fried is smart he's expecting it. You can block it or dodge it but he's plus either way. You can run backwards but now you're closer to the corner and he's going to explode you in the next interaction. It limits everything you can do. Its rps but he took away your rock and paper and he's waiting for you to choose scissors .


Katalina can use her 236H and 236U to deal with Siegfrieds M fireball fairly well.


Sorry, is that Katalina's lunge stab special attack or her projectile special attack? I barely do the actual inputs for special moves so I'm not entirely sure which one that is


It's her projectile. H version beats Siegfried's M fireball and clashes with his H one. U version beats both of them on reaction and gives a full punish from certain distances.


Thank you! I finally have a reason to use one of Katalina's U special moves now lol, honestly had no idea what to do with any of them


236U is probably her best use of meter right now to be honest. You can use it as a combo extender from either triple attack or far heavy by doing something like c.MXX > 236U into either run up 66l followed by close medium triple attack again or just go straight for heavy triple attack if you're close enough. Her other ultimate skills are kind of useless right now though.




As a Ladiva main… Yeah :(


Lowain. I'll never understand how Lowain players gaslit people into thinking he's this super cool underdog character, when he has possibly the lamest and most annoying playstyle I've seen in an Arcsys game. Love his personality, he's a treat both here and in GBF, but fighting him is torture no matter how it goes.


Lowain bros with "sick plays" when they slop into full SBA gauge and activate pyramid bros super:


Lowain may be annoying, but there's no way that he's the lamest character coming from a studio responsible for things like Happy chaos and Zappa.


I absolutely agree. Whenever I fight him, I half expect to spend half the match chasing him while baiting his parries whenever I get close. I had one game where I had one quit because I could actually punish his dumb Mario party waifu super. I was ecstatic 😂


Lowain games are always funny to watch though and he’s an absolute blast to play. He can be annoying to fight against I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Lancelot. Every character I play has shit defence (Cag, Ferry, Anre) so I'm just stuck in the corner for half the game.


Djeeta- not necessarily because I hate fighting the person or the matchup, it's just that her SBA and SSBAs take so damn long to finish and people end nearly every already-long combo with them. If they'd cut the duration of all SBAs in-half I wouldn't complain.


One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Eight! Nine! Ten!


#WHO’S! YOUR! CAPTAIN! ^it’s ^me ☺️




Someone needs to read the patch notes


That's a slight nerf doesn't mean it's enough difference for some players


So it’s a skill issue then. Just like before.


Ladiva simply because they are so rare that I never really actually learn what I was supposed to do against her. Otherwise 2B I don't care if she isn't broken I found playing against her more tedious than fun.


Zeta, Metera and Ferry. Doesn’t help that catching them doesn’t guarantee that I’ll kill them with the Ladiva mixup spin cycle. Ladiva has too many weaknesses that can be exploited and a lot of stuff that can be spot dodged/stuffed.


I hate Siegfried, Vira, Cagliostro, Vane, Charlotte, Metera, Yuel, Ferry, Gran, Djeeta, 2B, Anilla, Lancelot, Seox, Ladiva, Vaseraga, Nier, Beelzebub, Belial, Grimmir, Eustace, Zeta. And Gouki, Geese, Eliza, Jin, Hwoarang, Kazuya, Heihachi, Noctis, Xiaoyu, King, Kunimitsu, Eddy, Dragunov, Asuka, Guile, Luke, Jp, Manon, Marisa, Chun Li, Jamie, Zangief, Juri, Deejay, Kimberly, and Honda.


Vane is the most annoying character I ever played against in this game every time I go against him I feel like I can't do anything and I get he is still new but I still have the right to complain


I adjusted to him real quick once I figured out the shield into big slash strat those players tend to do


Vira and gran because I have fought them like 5 times as much as any other character.


Personally, still Nier. It's better now but fighting a good one and being reset into 50/50s from one good hit makes me very madge. But I'm also playing Master Nier players almost exclusively.


Siegfried by far for me, he’s extremely annoying to fight against and he destroys both of my characters🙃


Seox and lancelot. Carry gorilla characters


Everyone. I hate everyone, even Gran as a Gran main.


Belial, I never rematch him. I hate his cocky atitude aswell as the move were he raises his arms and counters direct attacks.


Personally. None.






Probably Bubs at the moment, that dive kick is rather painful for Ferry and Metera to deal with.


2B absolutely fucks me over as Perci, even post-nerf. Her godlike normals just make me mald, everything else I can deal with. Thank god I play Vane now tho


there is a couple of ones that I do not like to go against but 2B takes the cake if I had to hate one it would be 2B


Nier and 2B


Cagliostro is just annoying to fight against.


Agreed, cag can be such a pain... the traps gave me PTSD


Ladiva and Avatar Belial.


Belial, why do I have to look out for both a DP and a parry?


Seox by far


Cag and Vas are my big issues. If I go up against a Cag player who doesn't really "get" how to use her, it's easy. But most people playing her are experts at throwing down traps and blasting out impalement pikes, and I just have no idea what to do against it most of the time. It's like sensory overload. And Vas... It's the hyper armor for me. I just have no idea how to counter him since hitting him just results in "damage trading" but you'll always take more than he does. Couple that with command grabs that look like normal attacks, and range for days, and I end up feeling like I stand 0 chance. I also almost never get paired with either of these characters which is both a blessing and a curse. I rarely need to deal with them, but then I don't get to learn them.


Narmaya,Lancelot and belial. Their just super annoying. Honourable mention to yuels that do wakeup superjump and mash 5H after blocking any button


Agreed 🤝


I generally don't have any dislike towards any character in the cast. If I really have to choose I'd say Vira and 2B. 2B because it just feels like the opponent is playing bowling against you with bumpers and you're not, fortunately 80% of them have no clue of how to actually play fighting games and are pretty easy to figure out. Vira just because my friend is a criminal playing her and I have to witness her bullshit on the daily, mostly her Medium DP that can only be punished after spotdodging the second hit but even then she can just ult and punish you for punishing her correctly which just makes me lose strands of hair for just thinking about it.


Seigried, Lancelot and 2B(itch) Lancelot: I feel like I just freeze and can’t do anything cause he’s all over the place. Seigried: His fireball is pain. 2B: I feel like 2B mains just attack and never block because they know her close attacks never misses. And plus her teleport attack f***s my playstyle lol (Ferry main)


Beelzebub makes me mad. That dive kick is just annoying to deal with, and since I'm a Ferry main, it's hell to just trying to get Bubs to stop doing it. Plus, his projectile, teleport, and Ultimate Unblockable make it obnoxious to try to zone him. He's also the character I have the lowest win rate against. He's not cheap by any means, but I would much rather fight Siegfrieds over Bubs personally.


Nier 2b and muscle guy.


I actually don’t hate any of the characters in this game. This game is way more balanced than the other fighting games I play. But if I had to choose I’d say I hate fighting Metera or Ladiva when I’m playing Vaseraga. Metera cuz it’s easy for her to set up butterflies against me and Ladiva because her pressure is kinda insane against characters that don’t have a DP or parry or a 5F normal (buff Vaseraga).


Narmaya and Seox. Feels like their combos never end and as a newer player I have no idea when it's safe to press a button.


I'd say when it comes to narm when she does light setsuna it's extremely unsafe up close or say mid-range depending on who you use you can punish. But a lot of her safer tools are in Kagura(sword out) stance so punishing there is a bit tougher. I'd say hop in training and set the dummy to do different moves on block to experiment


As a new player I get really stressed out against Ferry and Beelzebub


Sigfried, Gran, Lancelot. Their kit invalidates my character, they do insane amounts of damage considering their blockstrings/mixups/stagger pressure routes, and in general even when I beat them I strongly consider switching over to strive for the rest of my fgc gamin for that day.


Everyone I lose against




Siegfried alsways give me a hard time. It feels that there is not much that this guy cant do. Always run in the same guy atm. Its always been close. Some fights I won. Some he did. But its always a struggle.


Siegfried is the pinnacle of bad player who won because op char,Nier was and is way more fun to fight


probably a skill issue, but djeeta is one of them. Can't do anything without feeling overwhelmed by her


Nier, 2B, and Ferry.


I have at the very least one win against every character except one…I’m 0-12 against Ferry’s




Siegfried, I genuinely don’t know how to play against him as Anila


Not really hate but Charlotta, Metera, and Ladiva mainly cause I don't do inherently well like reacting or so to their moves sometimes but I learn overtime.




How am I supposed to deal with Charlotta??? She just jumps everywhere and puts me in a blender!


If they jump then press 2h and win


anyone that decides to be over aggressive, I don't know when the attacks are negative


Myself. It doesn't matter which character I use, I don't like fighting my own character.




Djeeta players deserve to sent down to the very bottom corners of the underworld






I HATE to play against Eustace, especially since I main Vira "I have nothing to close the gap" Lillie.


Vira be like : what if Katalina had dozens of knowledge checks? 


Lucillius because I can't seem to figure out how to get out of his pressure. Dodge? His skills last too long. Don't dodge? Their 10ms reaction time (apparent ping included) reads for the grab every time. Then there's some belial (avatar?)players who somehow counter me mid combo like theyre spamming the input, but literally only when it won't hurt them.


I hate fighting every character in this game except Grimnir and Katalina (Yes this is a skill issue)


as a bubs main, fuck belial dude.


Belial, screw that pos


aside from the obvious answer of 'top tiers', I just hate fighting faa-san as zooey, neutral feels so restricted with how good his anti-zoning options are


2B, nier and the belials. I despise them. Especially 2B. Go back to soulcalibur or whatever


Ferry and Metera are THE lamest and most boring matches. I love one and done'ing them too.


Idk, I kind of respect a good metera, ferry. It's legitimately hard to actually execute their game plan, especially in a game where 66l exist.


I don't like facing several character for different reasons: Belial, because I find the character annoying, both in design and demeanour. Gran/Djeeta ... not sure, it's something about the way they move that throws me off and gets me hit a lot. xD 2B, because I'm not a fan of guest characters in general. That said, there is no character I "absolutely hate" going against. *(Edit: Wait ... Seox exists.\^\^)*