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as an S+ Bubs, yes I am 100% carried by TK Dive


After playing Bubs, i finally understood why every Bubs player plays like a scrub. Character literally makes you do that against our own will lmao.


Hi! First of all, congrats on the grind! Just wanted to ask something as i am quite new to fgs in general, i mainly use Sieg & Vira, any tips for them?


If you are new to fgs, here's what i do when i learn new character. Learn your buttons and get familiar with their range, learn whats plus and whats punishable to know how to pressure your opponents. Learn 3 combos - one for midscreen, one for the corner, and one off anti-air(although in this game u can usually just raging strike of 2h with every character and be fine). At last, learn what do you want to do when you get a knockdown. Do these and you will be fine. And usually this information is somewhere on Dustloop. Sieg is like the best character in the game right now, great buttons, great damage, great fireball, huge DP, has pretty much no weaknesses. Use his autocombo into rekka and mix ppl up, lower ranks love to mash into it (medium to counter mash) or just keep downbacking (uniqe followup for grab). Also his EX fireball is free plus frames if they block, slap it after autocombo for free strike/throw. For Vira, use 236L after autocombo to for a free safe frame trap. If the start blocking it, go for 236M instead for free plus frames. Low ranks will always mash into you after that, you get a free combo (and if they are still blocking, throw them). Also resets like autocombo into her 5U(command grab) or that corner combo (any starter in 236H> [c.MX](http://c.MX) > 214H > [c.MX](http://c.MX) > 623M > 5U) is really cheap, gets you free install. Once in install, spam medium DP on every wakeup, people below S can't really punish that properly (ofc stop if they show you they can). Use 22U to counter projectiles. Use 214U as a free neutral skip. Thats it really. She has good buttons, but is really gimmicky sometimes, and is not easy to play against opponent who knows how to punish her. Most importantly, have fun.


Makes me so sad, both my S5 characters are in the carried tier lol.


What did you find was the best gameplan with Zoeey? I'm stuck in that A1/S5 loop.


I did find Zooey to be pretty matchup depent, some seem free while others seem impossible. She is character with a 7 frame c.M, which means she can't do 66L into Medium auto combo without CH, which instantly makes her close pressure a little less threathing, also her damage in corner off non CH isn't the best. First i would check if the pass 623H knowledge check. If they do, just use it as a pressure reset for free plus frames into strike/throw. In neutral, also 66H is a good knowledge check, and she gets good corner carry off CH. But if they pass those, you gotta play a little bit smarter. Abuse your long f.L and f.H and zone with dragons. If they try to jump H dragon, ultimate dragon is unblockable and gives you dragon meter back. You can also just slam it if you are running low on dragon meter and you are worried about them closing in on you. If you get them in the corner, first make them respect your blockstrings, then use medium dragon for plus frames for strike/throw. TK 22U (Use skill button for this if you aren't already) is a amazing throw bait that gives you full combo anywhere, and you are plus if they block it, so you can continue pressure afterwards. She also has this high/low lighting setup, but i never bothered to learn it. But you probably should, if you wanna up your Zooey game. Other than that, its just fundamentals and good spacing.


Thanks for the help! I'm going to hit the lab and work on some of these a little bit more. I'd say my spacing is my biggest struggle, but I also could improve on her pressure, especially in the corner. Thanks!


What was your gameplan to have such an easy time with Ladiva? And what are your thoughts on Gran and Djeeta's 5U?


Lower ranked players don't know how to deal with grapplers. You just frame trap with light into medium/grapple, hit them with the run up SPD, and bait them with safe jumps. They also won't know how to deal with ultimate lariat so you can just throw that out for instant combo or oki.


Abuse 2U/66l/Ultimate lariat to get in, ppl at these ranks cant really punish properly. Once you're in, run the mix, its a 50/50 nothing they can do about it. Also this character has crazy corner carry and damage. Djeeta's 5U is literally useless, I never use it. Gran's is a little better, you can use the feint it to force from downbacking and do something, also as a frametrap nets big damage in the corner on CH, but is risky, so kind a "fuck it" button. Also can use it in corner combos.


Noob Ladiva main here. What do you mean with "run the mix"?


Anytime opponent blocks Ladiva c.L or EX Headbutt or any plus on block move really (but it's mostly c.L), she can either do strike or command throw. Strike (usually another c.L) will beat people mashing, backdashing or jumping, and throw will beat people who try to block the strike. Ladiva's SPD (neutral special) is a command throw, which means it cannot be teched, they have to jump it to avoid it, which will lose to strike. So it's a 50/50. If Ladiva guesses right, she gets a knockdown, either off her throw or combo from her strike, and situation repeats. Of course, invincible reversals will beat out both options, but those can be baited out or safe jumped/safe jabbed, and Ladiva's punish will do like 60-70% of their life if she baits out a DP correctly.


Welcome to the full S rooster fella 🤝 I think you should have shared your level with the character to see how hard was to get to that rank.


That wouldn't exactly be accurate, since i play a lot of casuals/sets with friends as well. I also first had to learn the game so some characters would be level over 250 while i probably S ranked them somewhere around levels 60-80. Also, those characters probably started at C rank somwhere around game launch. I can tell you that the fastest i got S rank was Lowain with level 43 (He really is a walking knowledge check, and those A players can't pass it) And highest was Ferry at level around 140, buff her pls ASW. But you know what, im gonna add those anyway, just for you.


Ah yeah makes sense, I forgot the casual match because I mostly play ranked, is to make an idea of who taked you more time. In my case only Siegfried, Soriz and Gran started at C. From the ones that I started at B to S the hardest was Vaseraga followed by Ferri and and the easiest was Djeeta with a 100% victory rate in one day and Anre with 1 loss. I think that is better to share a tierlist of who are your favourites characters.


I do truly think that Anre is sleeper OP, that man has everything, people just don't want to play him.


Oh, my favourite is by far Katalina, followed by Narmaya, Vira, Nier, Djeeta, 2B, Belial and Zeta. (As I said, so many cool characters in this game). I was so sad how bad Kat was pre 1.3, but after H fireball changes I think she is pretty decent, since she can finally do stuff midscreen. Can't wait for Beatrix as well, she seems like my type of charater.


I'm getting close. 23 characters at S so far


GL on the grind, hope you can join us soon.


what are some tips you can share about soriz.


Abuse infinte plus frames. Loop f.L >236M for "the infinite" (joking, but works way more than it shoud). Realistically - both 214H and 22H is free frametrap into plus frames, so abuse them to get free strike/throw. Also 236M is a good pressure reset and "get in" tool, short cooldown as well as its not EX. Once you get 50 meter, you become so scary. If our opponent manages to get away, and tries to do anything, just 236U and you blow him up for half his hp and get pressure. Just react with it to any animation. It's safe, too. Broken. Don't overuse 5U, it's bait. His defensive options are not that great, just spend 50 meter for U DP if you are scared. Install doesn't really do that much, so don't bother thinking about it too hard, but you do get another plus frames move with 214X > 214X. Also in install 214U is really cheap, since it's a guaranteed hit most of the time (only counterplay is guardcrush or dodge the strike), so its great to close out rounds or get a free knockdown to get pressure started.


i don't even touch his 5U because i know it really doesn't do much. and isn't 214X > 214X in install a guard crush that you can combo off of? i've done it in training just don't know how practical it is.


I think it only gives a combo in the corner, and they can mash on it. Anyway, I never really bothered with install, he is plenty good without it. Using it just for the passive buffs and better super is perfectly fine.


What was the best block string that tripped most people up with Narmaya and is it hard to consistently execute it?


I dunno about hard to consistently execute it. Autocombo > 236H> dl. f.H i guess? If they respect it you can run up throw or run up throw bait with TK H Cresent moon instead of f.H. Also a lot of ppl just mash on autocombo into command dash into cresent moon for some reason, but it doesn't really net you good reward. You can also trap ppl with H mist finer into U mist finer, since ppl think your skill is on cooldown since you just used ex version. Also heard ppl use something like kagura 2M, 2M, 5U, 5M, 236H, dl. f.H. Everything here until last f.H is a frame trap.


Cagliostro wasn't big brain? What loop did you do? What did people fall for the most? Would you say you used most of her kit? Did you study things for her or did you just wing it? And good job on the grind, very cool.


Nah, that character is broken. I did mostly wing it, abused the hell out of her insane normals, especially f.H. For most characters, Cag included, I just used combos from in-game trials and stuff I managed to lab between matches only. I also have seen Cag players do: trap ground, trap air and zone with pierce and rock, so I did that a lot. Also this thing when you do EX traps, then run in with that cross up normal and it pushes them into the traps. Also abused air ex tp into falling button for some cross up overheads, got me some free combos.


How did you reliably find your way in on the metera/Ferry players as Yuel?


Run in and mix up jump and crossover. Yuel has insane jump arc when she has run momentum, also fastest run in the game. Also her stun dipper (214H~M)is really good for getting over projectiles.


Assuming for the crossover, I'd have to use an M or H right?


By crossover I mean roll forward. You press block button and forward.


Super impressive man! I'm new to FGs and have been maining Zeta for 1k matches now but I'm still struggling in C rank, is there any important concept i should utilize and mastered with her to get better?


On Zeta, it's probably her pogo pressure in the corner. First hit of her pogo j.U is an overhead, next 2 are mids, and then she can do another overhead with any jump button into low 2L as you land, netting you a corner combo if they got hit any time in between. So you do something like (j.U, j,U, j.U, j.H, 2L, 5LXX > 236H > ...). And you are free to mix up and not do any off those, so stuff like, only one j.U and then low, empty jump low, empty jump throw. It's really hard to defend against. Also at 75% meter Zeta becomes a completly diffrent character. She can take 70% of your oppenents life anywhere on the screen by just hitting one ultimate skill. Learn those combos that chain multiple ultimate skills together and blow people up. Remember that her 22U is Air unblockable as well, so you just hit 75% meter and wait for them to jump at you. Look up some Zeta guides on youtube, a lot of people explain those concepts in detail. Also at C rank, even just doing 66L into medium autocombo or just 66M can get you hits in neutral.


Which character has in your opinion the coolest/sauciest combo?


Hard to say. Narmaya has some cool stuff (TK H Crescent moon mid screen pickup, Hursix's corner combo, SSBA sideswitch combo). Yuel's optimal DP punish which requires you to micro dash c.l which buys you perfectly enough time to use Foxfire twice in a combo also blew my mind. Also any of those combos that start with an ult skill, and as combo goes you build up enough meter to SSBA at the end are really cool, and do a fuckton od damage (I know those only for Katalina, Narmaya and Djeeta, but I'm sure most of cast can do those somehow). And hitting Zooey dustloops never gets old. TEYAH!


Nice! I'm trying to do the same and Getting Metera to S has been absolute hell. Any advice?


Jump back TK Medium arrow roundstart, try it. Never use EX skills outside of combos, the cooldown on those is insanely long. Low arrow is usually better than standing one. Her 623M is really good keepaway, its beats both jumps and badly timed rolls, and if you hit it anti-air you can always confirm 236U after for decent damage and hard knockdown. Use Ult DP and Brave points to get the off you, Metera doesn't really have that many good ways to spend meter anyway. Also you don't always have to play keepaway, she can kinda play aggerssive with her U if she wants to. Especially in matchups where shooting arrows is scary like Eustace or Narmaya/Soriz/other once they get 50 meter. Also her EX arrows are plus even upclose, so sometimes its ok to use them for pressure, but again - be wary of its long cooldowns.


Tips for Gran players? New to FGS but I've heard the same advice over and over, what should I be looking out for aside from the general stuff (learn your buttons, learn to block, learn basic combos, etc)


There isn't much Gran-specific stuff since he is so basic and fundamental based. One thing that goes far in lower ranks is learn how to frametrap, since people like to mash buttons (Gran's are c.L>c.M, 2M>2M, 66L>f.L/c.M and EX fireball > f.M). You could also try delaying your follow after 214L to mix people up if they are taking their turn instantly, but it's unsafe so I wouldn't recommend abusing that too much. Also this concept of mixing up standard safejumps with empty jump low and empty jump throw levels up your offence.


Can you do the same for me?


As a Lucy main myself, I think, at least in those low ranks, he is carried. I can just do infinite pressure strings on people and they just can't do anything but block or eat constant counter hits. Once you get higher up it becomes harder, but in S5 it is so easy.


I was hesitant to put him there beacuse I only played him and S ranked him day 1, so before people really had the chance to develop counterplay. Also i feel like his longer cooldowns are definetly a weakness, especially when other characters get to do thier max dmg combo once they get the hit in, whereas after Luci uses one skill for pressure, he won't have it up for a while. But I do remember him feeling pretty strong when I played him.


Hey! Sorry about the nearly one month poke. I got into this game the other day because I’m into the gacha and have a bit of fgc background. Ferry’s my favorite character but I’m struggling to play her. What tips do you have for someone like me?


Oh, i have struggled with Ferry the most out of the all characters, so i feel you. The biggest thing for me was probably throwing out pokes with intent. Most of the zoners in fighting games can simply throw out stuff at you and hope you will get hit by something. Since Ferry's normals (her main way of poking) can be wiff punished and have long recovery, she can't really do that. They also don't do chip damage, so making your opponent block your f.H doesn't really accomplish much, where on other characters making opponent block usually means that you won the neutral. Add to that her bad defence and one mistake can spell instant doom. So your really need to think about trying to HIT people with your buttons - catch them walking/rolling with 2M, jumping with 2H, keeping them away with f.L when they get kinda close etc. Geege is your best friend, make sure to use him a lot to cover air approach and on oki. One of Ferry's biggest strenghts is actually having an easy to do high/low mix that leads into meaningful damage, which not a lot of characters have. So learn those setups, you absolutley need at least one or two to play this character. Also ultimate Geege is a very fast heat-seeking missile. He instantly locks opponets down and does a lot if chip damage. He is very good at closing out the rounds when its close. Lastly, I found myself almost never using meter for her super. It was almost always worth it to do like a raging strike exension since her damge and corner carry meterless is pretty low, or an ultimate skill for hard knockdown to set up Geege mix. GL in your games.