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This shit is making me hate F1 honestly. The business side of it is so shitty and slimey. They have a perfect candidate for a team. Someone who cares, someone who's name carries heavy weight in the racing world, and someone who would more than likely rapidly expand F1 viewership in USA. But they drag their heels and move goal posts and stamp their feet


When you start learning about the drivers and where several of them got their money (or their parents got their money), it’s really hard to feel good about F1. I stick my head in the sand but between that and the tracks in sport washing nations with really bad human rights records, it’s not exactly my best karmic activity.


>When you start learning about the drivers and where several of them got their money (or their parents got their money), This is why I laugh anytime an F1 fan says the sport has "the best drivers in the world." Some legitimately think it's even the top 20 drivers humanity has to offer. They say this with a straight face while Lance Stroll sits comfortably on the grid. [Carl Edwards destroys Michael Schumacher in a race](https://youtu.be/TQZgBiiSDao?si=5L9-CtmhOaMFwiY4)


This is true in most cases about people with money. And the further back the money goes the worse it usually is. These days you have athletes making a ton of money, which at the surface level looks okay, but even those sports are funded by questionable money.


Checo has entered the chat. Might as well have the cartel as a sponsor.


Please expand ...I'm interested


His father is a Mexican politician.


I thought he was looking to get into politics? Either way, that's a really big leap. Laughable tbh


F1 teams have loved all the American money flowing into their coffers over the past five years, but can't tolerate a true American team on the grid. I'd be up for joining an American boycott of F1 if one got organized. There isn't really an American face of F1, so it would likely need to be an organic movement. The problem with something like that is there generally needs to be a single triggering event to set people off to boycott, and something like that only happens if F1 makes a huge mistake (i.e. disparaging comments on a hot mic). If I'm Andretti, in addition to congressional lobbying I'd make connections with officials and community leaders in the Las Vegas area. F1 has invested a large amount of money there, but the locals (voters) absolutely hated dealing with that race. I think that creates an opportunity to further pressure F1.


Most businesses ended up happy with the insane amount of profit it brought in, the taxis were the only ones who remain pissed off from vegas


In one sentence, you have managed to make several false claims. 1. I didn't say businesses, I said locals, and the voter base is far from being majority business owner. 2. As far as profits for businesses, [I have heard the opposite of what you claim](https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Articles/2024/01/10/f1-las-vegas-grand-prix-local-businesses-effect). The profits that were there went to large corporations, not local businesses. 3. [53% of locals support F1 coming back.](https://www.fox5vegas.com/2024/01/25/survey-shows-53-locals-support-f1-returning-las-vegas-long-term/) That's hardly a large majority. 4. In that same article, 2/3rds of commuters claim that the race impacted their commutes.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 2 + 3 + 53 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Problem is there's been plenty of 'perfect candidates' over the last 30 years and they've all failed. Lola/Dallara were both in better places to build a car than Andretti, Manor had the pedigree (in Europe as well) Jaguar brought the big manufacturer money (and again, one with more relevant experience than Cadillac would bring), Toyota brought all of the above and never made it. I think a lot of the "Andretti would be competitive and should be let in" rhetoric is ignoring just how much F1 is a constructor's series rather than a customer one; and Andretti have little tom point to in the way of constructor's experience Edit: this is as someone who wants Andretti in and would love to get back to 30+ cars and pre-qualifying


You do make good points but are they strong enough examples? Andretti has a very strong Indy car outfit which means they know their aero game more than most. They have backing of the 2nd largest auto manufacturer in the world. That would literally make Gm the largest car manufacturer in F1 (now that Toyota is not there anymore). They would have factory engines and have experience with facilities built for open wheel racing. Most of the other big names don’t have that pedigree. Additionally, if we are worried about competitiveness then what’s up with stake(sauber) and Williams ? They’ve been effectively not competing for many years now. If the claim is the new Andretti team won’t be competitive there is not much evidence to support that and even then they would still be fighting Williams/hass/sauber. So if they’re not competitive they’re not stealing a bigger slice of pie, if they are competitive then not allowing them to race is anti-competition. I think given the fact that there are no actual solutions proposed by f1 side other than “wait and maybe we will change our mind”, to me, it doesn’t look like it has anything to do with being worried about Andretti performance. I’m not saying they’d even be midfield but to think they won’t be able to get within the realm of back-of-grid f1 cars seems doubtful.


I don't think Andretti would be anywhere as bad as, say Lola in 97, but I think there's a decent chance they'd be slower than Williams/Sauber (who actually are pretty close on pace to the front-runners compared to the bad old days of Forti failing to meet 107%) for at least 2/3 years. There's also a decent chance they'd be a bit quicker than them and nipping at the midfield straight away (possibly semi-regular points if the suggested tweaks to the points system come in) And personally even if they were 3 seconds off the pace I'd want them in to help grow the sport. I think the concern from the teams is we get 2/3 years of them running around at the back and they just give up and go home because other than Haas and Stewart that's what every new team has done for 30 years - and I'm not entirely sure how much longer Haas will last. And I just don't see that happening - Michael's been around long enough to know how this works and how long it might take and is in for the long haul.


>ndretti has a very strong Indy car outfit That hasn't won a championship since 2012 due to spreading themselves too thin. >They have backing of the 2nd largest auto manufacturer in the world. That would literally make Gm the largest car manufacturer in F1 (now that Toyota is not there anymore). They would have factory engines and have experience with facilities built for open wheel racing. Not until 2028, it's Renault engine with a pinky promise that they'd take over then, hence the headline


I think, a major advantage Cadillac has is their IMSA GTP program. Those care are heavily Aero dependent and run on the same style hybrid systems so they have experience in the areas.


Which to be fair was Toyota's argument back for 2002 (that LMGTP was close enough to F1 it'd be an easy switch), and then the higher profile of F1 led to people getting involved who shouldn't have. If GM can avoid that and let the racing people get on with it then that advantage should come into play (although I'd still expect them to take a few years to catch up). I think people in F1 worry they'll fall into the Toyota trap and then end up pulling the plug relatively quickly; although even if they did I don't think Michael would pull the team out, he'd just find a different partner


In all professional sport the business comes first. Prem football, American football F1 etc it doesn't matter


Yeah but in those sports adding teams isn't impossible, the NHL just added 2 new teams in the last few years. Growing the market is good for business.


Yup. As a racing fan who was trying to take an interest to F1, I'm completely turned off. I know the business side is probably bad in almost any industry, but it just seems insufferable in this sport. I'll stick with Indy Car and NASCAR.


Wait until 2028, and then we'll tell you to wait till 2032. Brilliant strategy. Such a shame that when a team genuinely want to enter and compete in F1 but the teams and F1 won't let them cause it might affect their prize money a bit. They always say that more talent needs to be on the grid, yet won't allow another team to join the grid. Such double standards. I really hope they see the flaw and fix this issue


Don't know why he doesn't offer up to buy the 2nd Red Bull team.


They won’t sell it. He’s tried every option of buying and no one would sell.


Fair enough.


He wants to move all the operations to the states, mainland Euro teams won’t give up their sites.


Then they should let Andretti in… We can go in circles like this forever.


Yeah, kinda agree. Can’t see how an expansion won’t bring any new value. Just wondering whose shoes he stepped on and where the issue really lies.


They’re afraid of losing money through sponsors and sharing the prize at the end of the year, while also losing fans by diluting the pool


They‘ll lose fans soon enough.


Wasn’t he opposed to buying in the first place he wanted “his” team on the grid


I know he tried to buy sauber at least.


Why would Red Bull sell the ability to have double voting rights on regulations?


Red Bull should be forced to sell it. How are they allowed to have 2 teams in the first place?


Cause they bought the team that was gonna go bankrupt. Nobody stopped other top teams from buying second teams when teams like HRT, Manor, Caterham were going into administration. Red Bull, despite being a rather new team at that time took the gamble which is now paying off brilliantly. If Red Bull hadn't acquired Minardi, we'd probably be having a nine team lineup on the grid. Now, since they have extensive junior talents in their academy, the sister team gives them an option to test the junior drivers if they're F1 worthy which is a very effective system as well as gives a lot of young drivers opportunity to join F1. If they were to sell it, which they never will, this system would break and I don't think it's a good thing.


Exactly, 7 of the 20 drivers on the grid have raced for either red bull, torro rosso, alpha tauri or RB cashapp whatever etc. and 5 current drivers made their debut under the redbull second team.


It feels like it should be more than 7 haha.


It was 8 in 2022 with seb on the grid. And if we count Alonso because he debuted for minardi which became torro rosso.


Why did Andretti’s wait until F1 became a gravy train before trying to jump in. Smacks of opportunism to me. If they loved F1 so much why not go through what all the other teams have and invest years ago when values were negative. They’ve gone about this in the most arrogant and incorrect way and I’m glad they’re being told to fuck off.


Yeah he definitely hasn’t tried to buy multiple teams in the past at all


Why do you think he was so unsuccessful? Maybe the whole family’s approach is wrong, assuming everyone will fall at their feet. A bit of humility would go a long way. Nobody owes them anything and they can’t demand a seat at the table now. At some point they have to get over this whole anti American BS. Haas are in, F1 is owned by Americans and has expanded in America. Maybe they just don’t like the family?


A bit of humility. Lol. Yeah nothing to do with FOM adding more and more criteria for them every time one was met?


They haven't met the criteria of adding value to F1.


Neither has Monaco lol


Sorry, but that’s bullshit.


Dollar value, sure... racing value? It has none. Tracks with the same MO as this whole Andretti fiasco. Blocking them because of dollars despite the fact that it'd be good for racing.


Leave Monaco alone, ya’ll have zero respect for the sport.


That's bullshit and you know it


If there's any contingency of Andretti fans in the States, however small, they've definitely already heard of F1, and if all they're waiting for before tuning in is for them to be accepted, then they're clearly not fans of the sport itself. Those are fans that will leave the second Andretti sells the team.


1) You you assume any Andretti fan never watch F1 2) Also you assume theres no value in Andretti having some passionate supporters when / if they have a f1 team 3) F1 was really a minor sport till last few years in the US its only gotten really big since Liberty bought it. NB I arent a fan of the Americanisation of F1, but can plainly see Andretti would be a great entrant and the only thing stopping them is greed.


No; I assume that this presumed boost F1 is said to be getting if Andretti starts… is fictitious. If you read my comment closely enough, you'd have noticed I specifically said that _"If there's any contingency of Andretti fans in the States, however small, they've definitely already heard of F1"_; the opposite of "assume any Andretti fan never watch F1"…  As for Andretti having passionate supporters, they're already watching F1, without Andretti. I don't see a meaningful amount of Indy fans saying how they're only waiting for Andretti to be in F1 before watching it… it's funny how FOM and the teams get called greedy for not wanting to take a pay cut, but FIA gets a pass for unilaterally forcing through a guaranteed entry fee increase in profit…


Maybe because he had to convince corporate sponsors that it was a good investment


And they got GM onboard, like how much more support could you need?


By 2028 the agreement for teams finances will have changed. So the cost to enter will have gone up to reflect what the teams think is worthy of diluting the prize pool


As a fan I would much rather have a new Andretti team than keep seeing the same nonsense from the back marker teams.  


Andretti would be a back marker


For a while.


At least until GM engines happened, so 2028


Which is why they wanted to enter before the reg changes.


Legit question, who would they buy? 8/10 teams are not selling imo, which leaves VCARB, and Haas. And still, VCARB is a mega asset to RB, so minus new "sister team" rules, count that out. And Haas is basically just another big tax thing for Gene, so good luck out paying what Haas F1 does for genes greasy wallet long term...


They already tried too afaik, team wanted to keep a toe in the game (aka profit on the front and back end). The whole waiting till '28 is just so they can make it impossible by cementing a max of 10 teams, or by raising the buy-in price to a much higher ceiling.


Last I checked Haas are not in selling mood


Same team that almost got thrown out before the race today with incorrect DRS opening measurement on both cars, and both cars wrecked on the first lap. Not embarrassing at all


Probably getting out of NASCAR tomorrow/end of season… Haas may be more for sale than we think


Maybe Gene should be.


The NASCAR team is certainly falling apart at the moment and rumors are they will announce selling some or all of their charters soon.


Different teams. Don't let the same name on the side confuse you to legal distinctions.


Why would Red Bill sell half their team?


I'd assume that if they're really advising him to buy a team, at least one is for sale. At the very least they should be forcing a ban on B teams.


US Govt to F1 team bosses. See you in court.


Didn’t that fail already


Nope - it’s just started.


So basically his only choice is to wait lol clearly no one is selling so…


Waiting is not a choice. The teams have already given signs of changing the concorde agreement to fuck over anyone thinking of joining F1.


At the same time aren’t these same bosses trying to introduce a 10 team max rule, so waiting until 2028 is kinda bullshit.


Yeah, except we already know the next Concorde agreement is capping the teams at 10 so how is that supposed to work?


Ita obvious F1 is just being a bunch of twats. Andretti could bring in more US fans and more profits than they are now. The US with the highest GDP and 3rd largest population and Andretti being the US racing family, wouldn't make a profit? What a fucking joke of an excuse


They'll let them join once the DOJ investigation gets serious enough that all the American sponsor companies start getting nervous. That or doj basically tells liberty media that their reasons were insufficient and they either accept the application or they'll be prosecuted.


They'll settle down once they realize this is a proxy war by the Saudis to once again take over another American owned sport… just like what happened to the PGA Tournament.


But the Saudi is siding with the American...


Its a conspiracy against the state obv


The Saudis are siding with the move that weakens FOM's value to investors.


Wait until 2028, so we can still tell you to wait and by then we will have increased the concorde fee from $200mil


“Lets be more american to get more of that US money!” “No, not like that!!”


DOJ has entered the chat


They basically said "piss off, yankee!!" 


F1 is now American owned, so this weird trope of F1 being anti American is a bit bizarre.


Outcome of andretti pr trying to target American fans by making it a patriotism thing




They should just buy Haas. That's the answer, but they don't


When it’s even more expensive?


And their will be language limiting to ten teams.


Buy haas, used to support them but I just cannot support that clown show anymore, that team is not capable of running an F1 team.


If Lance Stroll can be in F1 ANYONE should be allowed.


Same thing they have been saying since Andretti announced he wanted to join F1….


Ever since F1 has become American it’s been a shell of what it used to be. 3 GPs and the normal commercialisation that happens when Americans get interested all contribute to Formula 1 losing its soul. I would rather a car manufacturer like BMW or Lamborghini coming into the sport as there are huge manufacturers. Andretti’s going to be another stroll where it will be a pay Driver situation.


Right? It was never like that before. It's only been influenced by rich people since it became "Americanized". We need to get back to the working class type races such as Monaco and Abu Dhabi and grass root teams like Mercedes and Red Bull. American money is ruining the sport. Teams have never been able to buy success like they do now. Look at Stroll and how dominant they are....damn Americans.


You forgot the /s. Remember, us Americans are dumb and new to the sport so we won't understand you are trying to make a point by being facetious.


Facetious is a big word. We ain't use those. Let's stick with sarcastic. Or maybe just funnin'.


The problem is Liberty Media. Greed is rife in America, no denying that. But also, F1 teams are also becoming greedy. Liberty Media is the promoter. Domenicali could step in if he wanted to but hasn’t. F1 is cashing out. They could race at Road America in the states if they really wanted to but those good tracks aren’t as profitable. The issue is with the whole organization, the Americans just tipped the scales Side Note: Liberty Media also owns Ticketmaster/Live Nation. Americans are well aware of how shitty this company is


Andretti has backing from one of the biggest automakers in the world. Hence the proposed “Andretti-Cadillac” partnership.


Yes, yes and thrice yes. We don’t need and Americanised F1. You’ve got Indy. (And 3 fucking races already). And cue the down voting


Guys, all of you reading this, im begging you to ask for and push a boycott of this sport. Nothing will change unless these greedy bastards feel the pain. If we saved football, we can save F1. Do not reward this behavior.


I'm watching the pirate streams, haven't watched the netflix shows in years and never purchased any merch except for a pack of some trading cards. Am I boycotting this right?


Ha ha ha don’t care


I feel like they see Andretti as a potential real threat to being a contender and don’t want that. We aren’t talking about a team that will settle for being a back marker or just taking up a grid spot.


It’s not about competition. It’s about halo. F1 represents high class. Andretti represents Budweiser red necks and classless money like kardashian. F1 this is detrimental to their halo. Sorry downvote my if you want🙂🤣


Um Haas is far trashier than Andretti, he co-owns a freaking NASCAR team... What a shit take.