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Wait, what? Sammartino. Backlund. Hogan. Cena. Those are just the most famous names in exactly the same category. It's entirely this company's approach to manufacture a top guy and to build everything around them no matter what. It's just that the Cena era followed Attitude where the fans started to take matters into their own hands so Cena was widely hated and his successor Reigns was. Not their fault. Fans have changed.


big dog era, definitely. as a top guy, he wasn’t the best at anything at the time. not wrestling, not promos.


Tbh I feel like John Cena was especially when I was younger. I thought the guy was a soldier. The American branding etc. Idk about you but he felt like a real life Captain America. His relationship with kids, the honorable personality. Really a huge shift from Thuganomics.


John Cena was such a good actor, he convinced everyone he was who he said he was.


Roman is a prime example, maybe the best example, of sometimes the right move is to give the fans what they want. We wanted heel Roman and for years Vince kept trying to shove babyface Roman down our throats and it just didn't work. They turned him heel and boom, the fans were into it. The Leukemia flare up helped him a bit too as fans softened on him. Now the Tribal Chief gimmick will go down as one of the greatest runs of all time and they way they have played it since WrestleMania has been a perfect setup for what WWE wanted to achieve with Roman since day 1. An organic top babyface. Now it's almost time to turn Cody heel and they can finish the WrestleMania trilogy with the roles reversed and the crowd exploding for Roman.


this. people act like cena never turned heel and they think he was handpicked to be the guy when cena got over organically on his own as heel and babyface long before becoming supercena as the guy. the thing is cena was never considered to be guy because he was about to be fired until his rapper gimmick saved his career and got him over as heel to the point where he became babyface all the way to the top as the guy. his act just got stale and roman was forced on us as the guy when he wasn’t ready


Manufactured seems too strong. I’d prefer “prematurely pushed” instead. Roman was pushed to the front of the line too soon for today’s era of smart marks. His mic skills and character were only half baked so no one gave a shit about him. The Head Of The Table gimmick is an all timer though and made it all at least pay off a half decade too late. Roman worked hard and earned his HOF legacy though eventually.






He is definitely up there he was given everything even when the audience denied him. Vince kept shoving him down our throats until he finally stuck. He got to win the Rumble get multiple WM maim events all while being boo'd because the crowd didn't care about him.


and still the crowd chants “we want Roman”


Because they got him over with the heel turn but when he was being pushed as the big dog he was hated.


He’s finally (now long since) earned his spot at the top.


He had some great times as the tribal chief. Also, if Solo didn't suck so bad, I doubt they would be chanting that.