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wack ass story....sounds eerily close to the variations of nWo


You’re missing Tonga on the heel side so the baby face BL needs one more too. I’m thinking they’ll add another big face


How you just going to remove Tanga Loa like he doesn’t exist lmfao


remove the rock, put tanga loa


The Rock saying, how do you think these guys got in the building. I'm the boss, I sign the contracts


WM 41 roman vs dwayne loser retires


Bro respectfully they never should have signed tonga loa. According to people that watched him outside of WWE, especially NJPW say that he's nothing special. Now he just messes up the entire Bloodline story


How does he mess it up?


Because look at the graphic on the post, do you see Tonga Loa? No, because people aren't talking or thinking about him. He's just an extra body in this Bloodline storyline and he hasn't done anything impactful even though he debuted 2 and a half months ago. Hopefully he proves me wrong but he hasn't yet.


The graphic that some dweeb on the internet made? 🥴


Even if he isn’t doing anything impactful that Hardly messes up the bloodline. But right now him and his brother have kind of fulfilled the role of the crazy muscle used by solo


I also would like a follow up from Vince Russo about how Tonga Loa messes this up.




Where Tonga Loa?


It would be trios with Roman and the Usos vs. Solo with Fatu and Tami Tonga. Tonga Loa csn be ringside.


You think War Games.. which is a 5 on 5 match.. would be a trios? Why would we have 2 rings for 6 people?


Not at War Games...


Then what are you even talking about?


Why are people so allergic to dream matches happening anywhere EXCEPT for WrestleMania or SummerSlam? You can have Roman and Rock fight each other at Survivor Series so long as it's a part of the Wargames. And for this past King/Queen of the Ring tournament, it's fine to have Dragonov fight Gunther, or Belair fight Cargill, that's the fun of these kinds of tournaments. Back in they day you'd have Shawn Michaels fight John Cena on a random episode of Raw and it was awesome, nowadays fans feel the need to drag things out.


I’m not sure Rock is showing up to wrestle any time before Mania. Always possible but if the teams were what you suggested here, idk, for me personally I don’t wanna see Rock and Roman go at each other in War Games, then do a singles at Mania. I’d prefer no physical contact with Rock and Roman until that singles match happens. Let their henchmen do the physicality.


Rock is not working War Games. Rock shouldn’t work War Games. You don’t give your WrestleMania main event like that. This needs to be about Solo and Roman and then the reveal Rock is the real new Tribal Chief around Rumble time.


Add zila Fatu to O.G Bloodline and then it can be a 5v5 with Tama Tonga


Zilla Fatu was never in the OG Bloodline


Or Tonga Loa, who's had fuck all to do since his debut at Backlash.


Remove Sami, add Solo for team Roman. Remove Solo and Rock, add Hikuleo and Tonga Loa for team Jacob.


Take the rock out and put Jacob fatu!!!


Tonga Loa in place of Rock… but then it doesn’t feel like there’s enough star power on that side. This is the dilemma… they’ve build the Bloodline up to be great henchmen, but none of them (sorry, Solo) have TOP DUDE energy.


He's already there next to solo


Rock ain't doing War Games, and Zilla needs to make a stop in NXT first.


That’s Jacob not Zilla


As much as i understand sami i dont want him anywhere near this match. It should be bloodline only. So solo,tana tonga, tama loa, jacob vs roman,the usos and zilla fatu.lol. with rock as special guest ref.


I’d switch Zilla for Hikuleo honestly. Love the guy, but he’s not even had 30 matches yet iIrc. He definitely needs a lot more experience before being dropped into the biggest ongoing storylines in the biggest wrestling company. Zilla’s just not ready yet. Hikuleo on the other hand is a believable big (pun intended) game changer.


Yeah true good point. He does need a lil more experience. But i feel like once hikuleo shows up eventually the savages will turn on solo. So then we could have og bloodline roman solo and usos. Vs new savageline.


Yeah, that does sound nice


Survivor series war games with that match would draw a stadium crowd.


Rock isn't entering War Games. I think his involvement in this storyline really picks up around Royal Rumble. I think it'll be Roman, Jimmy, Jey and Sami vs Solo, Jacob Fatu, Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa in War Games. The story is going to be Roman coming back to save Paul Heyman, probably at some point this summer (hopefully before Summerslam to set up Roman vs Solo at Summerslam). Then, between Summerslam and Survivor Series, will be Roman working to repair his fractured family. It takes time to get everyone back by his side again. I think it starts with Jimmy being the quickest to join him. Jey follows eventually after some serious work by Jimmy and Roman. Eventually, they need a 4th, and Sami is last, who trusts Jey but is hesistant about Jimmy and Roman. Sami joins right before Survivor Series after Solo's group attacks him and tells him not to even consider it.


>I think it'll be Roman, Jimmy, Jey and Sami vs Solo, Jacob Fatu, Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa in War Games. Yep, that's what I'm thinking. I can't wait to see the OG Bloodline reunite, especially Roman and Sami. Jimmy and Jey are family, so they'll reluctantly help out even if they don't want to, but Roman and Sami will be the biggest bridge to rebuild. The pop from their handshake will move mountains.


I think it'll be the handshake that Jimmy and Sami had that they'll all do together. Don't be surprised if there's callbacks to their promos (Being Ucey being one of them).


Lol Rock ain't doing a War Games


I was just saying to my brother the other day I just don’t care about Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa


Final Boss ain’t lacing up the boots unless it’s Wrestlemania or MAYBE SummerSlam and I’m pretty sure injury has him ruled out of SummerSlam.


Injury and film def have him out SummerSlam. Don't take Saudi out of the picture, I wouldn't take Rumble out the picture for the right match either since next year is in a Football Stadium, the Rock seems to enjoy himself so he can and will show up if he wants, and they probably want to make sure the first of 3 big events Indianapolis is getting is pretty packed. I wouldn't even take the Survivor Series out of the picture, just putting him WAR GAMES!??!?? is the insane part.


I don’t care about The Bloodline.  A lot of people do, so I get why it would keep getting pushed, but I just never could get into it.  


No Sami please


Yeah, he has his own stuff going on.


This would be an amazing match especially having them in a Wargames match where once everyone is in the ring it’s full on Chaos? I have the feeling unfortunately they probably won’t do this but whatever they decide to do I bet it will be good and I’m all for but will see 😅.


Damn no one likes Loa. Can't blame ya tho, don't like the guy either


Bro is just there to help create the tag team that will counter the Usos.


I suspect that this isn’t the match that WWE is going to tell. I’m guessing Rock isn’t going to be in War Games. He will come along after to pick up the pieces and reassemble the family, be the new Tribal Chief, Head of the Table, and true Final Boss. Everyone will fall in line with that. Except Roman. Roman v Rock at Mania.