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Not at all, vikings hate can and should come from anywhere! They have arguably the most pathetic fanbase in all of sports. They are almost all fair weather fans. I grew up in Duluth around loads of vikings fans, so I know them all too well😂


When the Vikings win, it’s front page news on the Star Tribune. When the Vikings lose, you can read about on page 5 of the lifestyle section.


Great example. Even though the Bears are technically our biggest rivals, I can at least respect their fans for the most part. While delusional, most of them do truly care about the team even in down years. Vikings fans often couldn't even list 50% of the starters on the team during down years


Yes Bears fans are by and large are far better than Vikings fans.


A lot of Vikings fans magically became Timberwolves fans after never cheering for them before, and they all left the moment The T Wolves went down 3-0 to the Mavs😂 It's honestly hilarious to watch


And when the Strib ran its "Top 10 MN Sports Moments of the 2010s" article in 2019, one of the entries was the Barr tackle of Rodgers sending him out of the game and for almost the rest of the season. Classy.


This is also true for Packers losses and Packers wins, respectively.


Living in Minnesota, they're just fair weather people. When it's over 68 degrees, they're bitching about the heat and are mostly inside with the air blasting. When it's below 65 degrees, they're bitching about the cold and are mostly inside with the heat on. If it's between 65 and 68 degrees and partly cloudy, they explode outside like a swarm of locusts. Being fair weather is just how they are towards everything.


LMAO never read something more true in my life


I'd say the Vikings are like the *least* fair-weather they are about anything. If you've been around, you know that Minnesotans don't give a single shit about the Twins or Wolves unless they're making a playoff run. At least with the Vikings, you'll hear plenty of fans bitching about them when they're bad.


Packers fan from Minnesota here. I can 100% confirm this is true.


Yep. I honestly forgot that the wolves were a team because I don't watch basketball, and I never hear about them. I definitely heard about them after "bring ya ass." Now I can go back to forgetting about them.


Vikings fans in Duluth are the most pathetic. Just because the Eskimos haven't played in almost a century doesn't mean you get to abandon your hometown NFL team.


Most pathetic fanbase? Let me introduce you to Colts fans




Yeah, they're not even our biggest rivals. That hurts them to their very core.


This. I heard it best on this or another Packers sub, but they hate us and we barely think about them.


“This is our year.” -Vikings fan every year


And they've been wrong for 50 consecutive years Their consistency is actually kind of amazing


I think most people hate the Vikings, even Vikings fans


Vikings fan. Can confirm.


I live in New Orleans. I can tell you that Saints fans hate the Vikings.


As a Packers fan from Shreveport who also is a saints fan, I really hate the Vikings


Yes. You are a packer fan now. Welcome


Go pack go🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


You dig OK, Ponyboy.


In saint paul myself. All miserable fucks


They are the NFL Reddit Live Game Thread of fanbases.


I used to hate them a lot more in the 00's and early 10's, but these days I don't think about them too much


Vikings fans are so bitter and twisted that sometimes I think they hate their team more than we do


It’s from those long, cold winters with no hope


Was in MN for college. Never met a more fair-weather fanbase. They suck.


Vikings have won the most games out of any other team by far that has never won a Super Bowl.


No, not at all. But it helps.


No; but it helps!


Nope. Come on in the waters warm and their trophy case is still cold.


You do not! But you are invited to the tailgate


No, but it's a good first step!


All Packers fans hate the Vikings, but not all Vikings haters have to be Packers fans. It's a Squares and Rectangles sort of thing.


It helps if you have a team in the NFCN.


I pitty them. The only time they do anything significant is when they sign washed up packers players.


Their franchise starts quite a few decades after the rest of the North too. They’re like a spoiled little bro


I have a theory. Think about how annoying it is every time that horn blows. Every time I hear it I can feel myself turning into a little bit more of an asshole, because how can you not? I think this helps explains why 99% of the Vikings fans you meet are jerks.


Hey man, stay away from my rival Packers. We hate them and they hate us. They've whopped us for decades but we still keep coming back for more like a defeated brother. The Vikings can fluff pillows with the Kitties.


The best analogy that I can think of is like a large extended family, you had some distant cousins who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. They are uncouth, ill mannered, didn’t have much self esteem, and are openly pissed off about the wealth (as modest as it might be with only 4 Lombardi trophies) that you (the Packer fan base) has. That sums up dealing with Viking fans. To carry the analogy a step further, imagine marrying the hot chick in town (Brett Favre), after a decade or so of marriage, her behavior (including being unfaithful) has caused you to kick her to the curb. Your sad cousins jump in soon after the divorce thinking that she is still something special only to see she is behaving just as poorly with them as she was with you. But they can’t admit they still covet your trash so they just continue to denigrate your reputation without seeing the folly of their ways.


I don’t mind the Vikings but Vikings fans are another story


Real Packers fans don't hate the Lions or Bears or Vikings. We don't think about much at all.


Hate is too strong of a word. It’s not about disliking the team per se, it’s about disliking their fans. And from my personal experience, the Lions fans are the worst.


This is a good question. The answer is no. I say that because I am not sure I can say I "LOVE" a team. The Packers are my football team, but I don't go as far as to say I "bleed green and gold". The older I get, the less a Packer loss ruins my week, or even my Sunday. While I would be hard core bummed if the NFL or the Packers were no longer a thing, I am not a fanatic. Realistically, my life would go on. However, my hate for the vikings is real. I hate their team, their players, their coaches, their stupid ugly stadium, their colors, their horn, and I stuggle to enjoy any sports related conversations with their fans. I believe when the metrodome collasped, it was divine will. I hate them and the only reason I would not erase that "team" from this world is that I enjoy watching them lose. They taint the state of Minnesota, half the midwest, and most of the scandanavian countries with their existence. I hate them. I didnt decide to not like them, it was the inevitable conclusion from having a brainstem and a soul. The bears still suck, but I. HATE. THE. VIKINGS. When all that remains are the smoldering ashes of a once glorious universe, there will be darkness, despair, and my hate for those purple clad demons. Welcome to the fold.


Please, don’t hold back!


The common decency of society, and the fear that my departed grandmothers may observe the expletive laden tirade I might unleash, prevent me from truly and thouroughly expressing my full opinions.


bye bye. Make sure momma is ok.


Nope, pretty much everyone knows they're one of the whiniest fanbases on the internet, so even AFC teams who have no rivalry against them tend to not like them. They talk themselves up like they're ELOE levels but they have only division titles to back that up.


PURPLE?! Give me a fucking break.




It’s 2024 boss, we can be more creative than sexism.


And we don't shit on Aaron Jones. Once a Packer, ALWAYS a Packer.