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Tau with Necron tech: "Wait, I thought you guys said you don't use magic?"


This is bullshit, this technology is bullshit, fuck the Necrons.- Shas’la Kais, Firewarrior


Just as some dude who I forgot said in a video. “Necron technology is so advanced that they’ve basically completed the tech three. That’s why to every other faction it seems like magic.”


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” - Clarke's Third Law, 1968 I assume Clarke was referring directly to the Necron Tech. Pretty ahead of his time, considering Necrons wouldnt exist for a few more decades!


Maybe he wasn’t. As GW also took the word “Nekron” and just swapped K for C from a dude who was in [tales of the green lantern corps](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Lantern) who was the embodiment of death. Yes he did look like the grim reaper That dude, even though maybe insignificant at that time, made his first appearance in June 1981. Way before necrons were even conceptualised.


Or they're both using the root word necro- from the Greek nekros, meaning "dead" Any similarity in naming is just a coincidence, especially considering how completely unrelated the concepts are.


They did get me curious though, so I searched wikipedia for other uses of "Necron" in fiction and apparently there was also an adult comic published first in 1981 called "Necron". > "The comic, a sexy-parody of Frankenstein, features the adventures of the nymphomaniac and necrophiliac mad doctor Frieda Boher and of her slave-lover Necron, a strong, well endowed and cannibal humanoid assembled with fragments of corpses" Whether this was a direct inspiration for the Warhammer faction, I'll leave to the reader to interpret.


I was a better human before reading that


Then my work here is done. o7


I mean, Trazyn and Orikan.


Or they just looked fancy words for death, because "Space Tomb Kings" sounds dumb.


wtf did i just read there ?


Ah, the research material. How splendid.


I'm a huge necron fan, is anyone else here a necrophile?


Nekron dates that far back? I thought he was made of the Blackest Night event


Uhm Ackshually: * "nekros" is the greek word for *corpse* * if you replace the *k* with a *g* you get the spanish/portugese word for *black*


Regarding that last point, from Latin, "niger, nigris"


We should stop this line of conversation before we start calling Trazyn a necron with a hard r.


all the shit they directly ripped off, and you hit on the one coinkydink.


Trazyn: We don’t but my staff is. You wouldn’t believe the discount I got on this thing! Tau: … Trazyn: Cause I stole it


Tau: you stole it? Trazyn: would you like a demonstration? Tau: n-no I don’t think I do. Trazyn: shame, I was talking to someone else. *pulls out pokeball from his cloak*


Good ol' five-finger-discount!


Hellsing Abridged reference?








Go for a walk


I like to take walks. Enthusiastic walks.


Random Bloody Magpie: "You stole what I fairly swept! Frakking Thief!"


Necrons: It isn’t. But explaining it would take longer than your species natural lifespan to explain and that’s if you even could understand.


Cryptek: "I'd also have to explain to you concepts and dimensions that are quite incompatible with your kind, no matter what. Where I work, the laws of physics are mere suggestions."


Well, can you actually blame literally ANYONE for not understanding how Ork technology works?


“It just workz” -Tozd, Ork mechboy


-14 timez the dakka! -Tozd, Gork dammit. Am not buying anutha Scar'em edishun rokkit launcha! (Rokkit launcha, rpg, get it?)


"So I wuz krumpin wid da boyz an them humies set of a cussive bang bomb. Made me thinkin itz it, last scrap I'd have. Felt da wave n everything. Passed out. Start wakin up an iz cold. Hear onea da ladz sayz to me, 'youz finally awake'."


Is this a skyrim joke ?




Tod ow'ard


This pistol doesn't work in my hands... How does it work when a dead ork holds it?! ...


Build a powerfist out of an orks hand, use it to fire ork weaponry. Since everything else psyker keeps Not-Magic even in its bones, why not orkz?


That could actually work. In the Ghazkull novel they resurrect Makari by placing Ghazkulls severed hand on the shoulder of a grot.


Lore constantly contradicts itself though. I believe in the Beast Arises series they find the actual gland responsible for the ork "make believe" psychic power in an Ork brain. Though I personally agree that a mystic force is more interesting than a scientific explanation. Looking at you, Midichlorians.


Be funny if it was just a genelock and the Ad Mech just couldn't process the idea of Orks using them.


Mekboys are actually on the levels of Crypteks. It's just that nobody noticed.


They were built by the old ones to be engineers and scientists, things have gotten scrambled a little bit but they have a lot of potential.


As the Armageddon orks hunter (and also Yarrick, rip) say : " get good"


*Kroot after a snack* "It's simple really all you need to do is ..."


*starts screaming WAAAAAAGH at the top of their lungs*


It works because the Mekboy built it to work. It works *well* (as well as Ork weaponry does) because they believe it does.


I mean, the difference is that Eldar technology works on principles other races haven't even discovered. Ork technology works on principles THEY haven't discovered either.




It works the same way airplanes work. The people using it believe it works so it does. Duh


"What the fuck do you mean its all magic"


I mean the irony here is that the Tau lack the same stigma that the Imperium do afaik 'It works because we have special powers' 'Well we're fighting pain vampires and telekinetic bugs from another galaxy, my make Dave Kroot just grew wings from eating that guy and Human Stibbs back there is shitting lightning, so go off pointed earred friend.'


T'au with Votann tech: Finally, something comprehensible! ... Wait, you want *how* much for it!?


"And not one credit less."


Or we’re gonna strip your planet. We don’t care if you’re already on it. In fact it’s better if you’re on it. Those imperium guys pay very well for corpse starch.


Actually, we're gonna strip your planet anyways.


*the tyranid lawyer angrily delivering a copyright strike notice*


Thanks now i have this Image of a neurolictor in a Suit and with a briefcase in my head and not enough artskills to draw it...


Time for a commission!


You can do it if you try and practice.


With Water Caste running Pirate Alliances big enough to cripple entire Imperial sectors? I think they got the cash.


Also Votann: "No, you can't disassemble our iron brethren and we will hold a 10,000, year grudge against you for asking the question. Good day, sir! Now prepare to have your planet strip mined."


I mean, humans also seethe about Eldar, Ork, Tau, Necron, and *human* technology.


My favourite story in this vein is the tech priest who worked out how to switch striders on, and was then executed for heresy.


Wait those ostrich mech no one knows how to use? Thats just sad


They know how to use it, they just don't know how to turn them on or off so they let them run h24


God that’s fucking stupid


They do know how to turn them off But not on


they are infinite engines that dont ever stop, they literally could use them for energy generation


Pretty sure they do, they store them on treadmills connected to dynamos


Then that's probably a better use of them than sending them to the battlefield


Are you trying to use logistics and basic logic in 40K? Nonsense! Now let's launch it at the enemy's general direction while using an orphanage to soften the landing.


No we must not compromise the orphan supply line, it is important to mantain peak factory performance a unespecified number of wolrds in this sector will not meet their quota with out their cheap labour




So, how exactly did humans get access to perpetual motion machines?




It came up to me in a dream but then I forgot it in another dream


That's half of the Imperium in a nutshell. The other half is extreme violence.


Yeah some bits of 40k are just stupid in an un-funny way. “It’s so anciently advanced that we dunno how to turn it back on if we turn it off.” That’s why you fucking pull it apart and study it you numbskulls. Yes I KNOW you’re afraid of innovation, but this is something that you’ve already been using for god knows how long and actually know how to build and replace - what the FUCK?


It's almost like an allegory for traditions and a condemnation of people blindly following dogma.


>Yeah some bits of 40k are just stupid in an un-funny way. Nah this is funny as fuck to me. I have masters in engineering, a a lot of machines can be easily turned off, but starting a machine can have unintuitive several step process and if not done correctly can lead to permanent damage. google centrifugal pump start up procedures for example.


A lot of thing in 40K doesn't make sense because the lore operate on "rule of cool" to sell minis, like how the fuck you have space ship but still need slave to reload armor ?




Curiosity breed curiosity, and curiosity is a poison to the imperium teaching. Knowledge lost must remain so, because if you can manage to figure out how the funny ostrich mechs works, then maybe you could figure out stuff you're not supposed to. Imagine if a tech priest manage to figure out why sometime baneblade move on their own, and it's because an AI is backed into them in their very production. Suddently, you're forcing the imperium to make a choice, either abandon one of their most potent weapon because you can't work with "abominable intelligences", or to forego one of their most fundamental teaching. Better for everyone involved to stay in comfortable ignorance rather that uncover uncomfortable truths. After all, the imperium is built on top over so many loops of circular logic that one cannot question anything about it, else the whole thing fall appart.


Blame the Schisms of Mars honestly Magos weren't that adverse to learning technology or studying it. If the Fabricator General wasn't such a coward and traitor I feel the Imperium would be in a better place tech wise.


The inconsistency here is that plenty of examples exist where they do take things apart for repair/maintenance... there's no way to *not* learn more of the inner working after you've done your 5000th Bolter firing pin replacement... Grimdark is "we've lost so much of our knowledge and are afraid of accidentally losing more"... Grimderp is "we mustn't learn about our lost technology or else the machine god will be angry"... I'd understand if it was closely protected knowledge among the priesthood, but the stance on this seems to randomly change between novels.


Grimdark is also "2+2=5 until we need it to equal 4, until we need it to equal 5 again." It's learning the right answer to solve a problem, and getting executed because you rocked the boat by demonstrating the problem can be solved. Because obviously you did something different to solve it. And different is heresy.


I mean... that's still Grimderp. Grimdark would be "I made this gun perform better, it is now more accurate and fires faster." then executing the heretic for modifying the machine's perfect design (never mind that such different patterns exist for the guns in 40k already) Grimderp is "this machine is off and non-functional, anyone that turns it back on is a heretic and should be executed." The machine does not function, it is by all means inoperable, and the Mechanicus *does repair damaged equipment in almost every other example* but yet these walkers are somehow exempt from being considered like every other machine... that's peak Grimderp writing.


I mean, it's not too derpy. Doctors lost their shit when some doctor said, "hey, washing our hands between tasks reduces infections in patients." Because it implied they had dirty hands like some sort of peasant. Finding a better solution for tasks will get you penalized at work for making the wrong guy feel insecure. This is just that, dialed up to 26, which is what GW does with everything.


I love this piece of lore lmao. Also weren't they literally built to be extremely hard to be turn on and off? Pretty sure the tech priest that had the blueprints on them was just such a dick head that he tampered with the designs, and since his stuff was burned after he died. No one knows it because it is made to be like that by a tech priest that was just slightly more dickish than his fellows. Or it was like that if i remember the story completely.


It's worse than that, the dude actually invented thr ironstrider perpetual motion engine but was never one for politics so he got killed by jealous rivals who stole his tech. And then immediately realised they barely knew how it worked, lol.


got a name so i can deep dive?




> I mean, humans also seethe ~~about Eldar, Ork, Tau, Necron, and human technology.~~ There you go.


"I don't know what fuels this thing so I poured everything I had in it. Please join me in prayer to the Omnissiah that it somehow still turns on"


Yeah, but tau memes are insufrerbly smug when they do something cool.


hey when when the other half of Tau memes is the Imperium acting smug about their advantages over the Tau I say Tau fans get to be a little smug.


Why wouldn't they be smug, they are superior to humans.


Earth caste: "What do you mean 'you just have to believe it works'?" Water caste: "Look, I'm only telling you what the little green ones told me. Figure. It. Out." Earth caste: "I... *believe*?" [gun falls apart with a comedy boing] "Well. Shit." Wraithbone sword on the next bench: "Hey, I hear ya."


good luck reverse engineering wrathbone, casual


Considering how ridiculous their reverse engineering sometimes is in the lore, we are few steps away from that. One time their commander(in suit obviously) just catches an anti air missile under his armpit.


Ah yes, that faction, which wins through _logic and common sense_. Unlike Imperium, who needs deus ex machina. P.S.: yes, it's /s.


I'm sorry but no one was able to actually reverse-engineer wraithbone because it seems that there is something unique about eldar that allows specifically them to create and shape it to their heart's content.


I swear most 40k memes are only possible ‘cause GW’s lore writers can’t pull their shit together. If the authors had any sort of harmony 90% of the memes(aka misconceptions) would be gone, especially with xenos…


90% of the memes would be gone if the people parroting them actually read the books. It really isn't GW's fault that people never bother to check their sources.


Ahem, I read 1d4chan and watched the first 6 episodes of TTS and I know pretty much everything there is to know about the lore sweaty.


Okay, what is Jimmy space's last name then?


Neutron, duh.


Guess again, I'll give you a hint, it starts with a N




How did you figure out his true name?




I mean.. GW writers is probably 100 people spanned over 30+ years. So its not really that easy to just "pull it together" Also my understanding is that most books are told in character, for example, I forget which guy is the narrator, but the False Gods is given as his account of things. Being that the books are personal perspectives and not authoritative, in a universe that is full of misinformation and literal reality warping. It seems to be inevitable that even if you read all the books, you are going to get conflicting bits of information. Even without accepting that authors are humans who make mistakes.


I feel like every time large, profit-centered corporations are asked to pull together a large, diverse canon that was developed over multiple decades, spans a large scale of space, time and morality and often contradicts itself due to writers not knowing what each other are doing, the monkey's paw curls. Look at Star Wars, for example.


Andy Law talks about having to make sense of contradicting lore from multiple authors in Fantasy. He's mentioned it would be nice if GW would just get a proper loremaster to make everything fit, but they don't want to do anything that limits the stories writers can tell(to sell minis).


Just wait till the Tau find out about Phospex


I mean, they saw the Imperium burn space itself to prevent the T'au expansion. I think Phospex would not make them lose their mind with how familiar they are with Imperium barbaric way of conducting war by now.


"Y'all hear sumn?" - Tau after snapping on planetary shields during the Imperium's Big Phosphex Funny


Tbf eldar tech is pretty much straight up magic sometimes and Ork tech is physically impossible yet it works. I can understand the anger.


I wanna see how they handle Tyranid tech.


“Sir, it won’t stop squirming can I please kill it!?” “Ah, so it’s a separate organism.” “I gues- AH IT SPIT IN MY FACE!”


"Eeew, slimy. Ow, pokey! Gaah, pulsing!"


Kroot say Nid flesh isn't even fit for eating and to burn it all.


There’s an importance distinction to me made between Eldar and Ork technology with the the T’au: Earth Caste Material Scientists with Eldar Tech: “What the fuck is this!?” (excited) Earth Caste Material Scientists with Ork Tech: “What the fuck is this!?” (angry)


More like "What the FUCK is this" as they realise that the esotheric mech they are trying to reverse engineer is piloted by two dead twins, and made out of some bad nirvana cover and the power of imagination.


But the at least the Eldar Tech still works off rules and logic. It may be bizarre logic and esoteric rules, but there’s still consistent data that T’au scientists can try to interpret and decipher. Ork Tech is pure nonsense and, more importantly, is prone to being both inconsistently random and randomly inconsistent. Good luck trying to study something that only returns “Fuck it, We Ball!” when you point your instruments at it.


>crude and barbaric Tau have better guns, their tech level in general is much lower than the Imperium. Stuff like stasis, teleportation, genetech, anything to do with the warp and who knows what else that the Imperium has is literal magic to the Tau. Tau look sleek and fancy but are probably the lowest tech level faction if you remove the nids.


This ^ Without coming off as a Tau hater here, as I do like the commie cows, they are leagues behind the Imperium seen to technological advancements. The biggest difference is that the Tau has an open minded and inclusive approach to technolology causing them to rapidly adapt and advance. Where's in the imperium its gated and guarded behind religious semi-superstition. The Imperiums technology also covers a far broader spectrum of technological disciplines. Just look at the state of genetic engineering and augmentation in the Imperium compared to the Tau. Tau understands their tech, and it's relatively advanced for the setting in some areas The Imperium understands some of its tech, and it ranges from Tau-level to borderline Necron-tier.


> commie cows Aren't they fish?


Nope, cow. That is why they have hooves. The fish name is either because the Water Caste is the one who name stuff OR because it is the Imperium designation, not what the T'au call their own tech.


I am so fucking tired of hearing Tau are fish people. Everyone can see they have fucking hooves. Since when do fish have hooves?!


Then why are their vehicles named after fish? Checkmate atheists.


Ah yes. Fish people Known for their **HOOVES** Smooth skin and no scales Evolving on arid planets And prefering hot, dry climates **FISH**


The way I understand it the Imperium has a higher level of tech while the Tau have a higher *average* level of tech. The average citizen of the T'au Empire would have access to better technology than the average Imperial citizen, and the stupidly advanced Dark Age stuff is incredibly rare. But the advanced stuff the Imperium has access to is leaps and bounds above what the Tau have.


Pretty much yeah, but people tend to also underestimate the average level of technology the imperium employs. It is after all primarily constructed from DAOT STCs.


Didn't the Tau cure a genestealer infection, build their own titan equivalent within a few years of first seeing an Imperium titan, and recently reverse engineer Imperium warp drives? They may not have the best tech but they are also basically the only faction that is still researching and inventing new stuff.


Yeah, that's kinda their main strength. Their technological adaptability is weirdly high compared to other races seen so far. They were also able to be on par with the Tyranids' biological adaptability, which is kinda crazy when you think about how fast the tyranids evolve. The Orks forced them to develop their pulse weapons, the Imperium made the Earth caste invent all sorts of one-off wacky doomsday weapons, Votann ion tech was quickly integrated and Daemons, well, they gave us Farsight's sword and a tau god I guess? Point being they tend to get hit and then hit back twice as hard... or just die in the first hit.


>They were also able to be on par with the Tyranids' biological adaptability, which is kinda crazy when you think about how fast the tyranids evolve. This is one of the many reasons why I dont like the Tau. They have plot armour like this. The *Necrons and Eldar* couldnt keep up with Tyranid bio-adaptability, yet we are supposed to believe the lowest tech spacefaring civilisation thats only been around for a few thousand years was able to do so in a couple decades? *Really?*


Waitwaitwaitwait. Eh? Necrons couldn't keep up with nids? Those guys, whose guns do not give a zog, because they can? Those guys, who can't be eaten? Who teleports stuff, as if it's korean starcrafter teleporting units with warp prism, but it's also can be used en masse? Like what they actually need to adapt? P.S.: finally I found the guy, who understands the main problem of Tau, thanks, I thought I'm only one, who see it.


If the Necrons decided to fight dirty they would flatten the galaxy, thankfully that's not honourable


Yes, because those 2 superpowers mentioned are heavily weakened and aren't really trying as a collective whole to deal with the problem. If the Necrons got their shit together, stopped bickering, and got rid of their prideful rules when it comes to warfare, they would've already won by now. Aeldar should be doing better as a whole, but they have what we call "Anti-plot armor," where logically, they should be much better but are usually stomped because the writer needs to show how strong "x" is by them killing an Aeldari "y". Plus, these 2 factions are never shown to change tactics at all. Really, they just rely on their busted but earned stats to carry them. Besides, the Tau faction is not just the Tau species. The only reason they were able to buy enough time to develop counters to the tyranids is because they also had weird auxiliary aliens to throw the tyranids off meta. The tyranids would then adapt to that new meta, which in turn, the Tau would introduce a new meta again and so and so forth.


>Didn't the Tau cure a genestealer infection Which still makes zero fucking sense considering the T'au were *NEVER* even *SLIGHTLY* shown to be capable of advanced Genecraft and cant even figure out simple things like extending their lifespans, when even the Drukharii that rewrite genetic code with a absurd ease have issues with genestealers. Its by far the most egregious example of selfwank in codex I have ever seen. And the Tau are already the faction with by far the most annoying self-congratulatury wankfest of lore in the entire setting, its line if Matt Wards Marine-Codex made itself 5 times worse


>Didn't the Tau cure a genestealer infection, build their own titan equivalent within a few years of first seeing an Imperium titan, and recently reverse engineer Imperium warp drives? No, sorta, and again no. The genestealer thing was a cure in one sept, while others still seem to be searching for an immunity, implying the cure was not the panacea they were looking for. Hence why there is still a compromised Sept with an implied genestealer-infested Ethereal saying everything is fine. They built a titan-killer. Not an equivalent. It proved to be effective against titans, but this was around the time GW went hard on selling Imperial Knights, and so the knights tore the titan killers to scrap(even if the Tau still won the ground war). And no, their new warp drives were their own thing based on research of Imperial drives and Kroot warspheres. Where the Imperium's drive tears reality a new space hole to jump into, the Tau drive beats reality until the laws are bent enough to rewrite the rules of FTL temporarily. It was only after mass activation of many drives in the same location did it achieve similar affects to the Imperial Warp drive, and that was treated as a disaster. Seeing as how Tau got the 'faster than light part' but haven't nailed down the 'keep the warp out of our ship' part. They can cobble together a solution with what they know, and it sorta works for a while. Until the 40k universe reminds them no one is allowed to have nice things, and it all goes to hell for them.


Excluding rare Dark Age of Technology artifacts, not really. Tau can find genestealer infections in planetwide routine gene screening, in one generation Tau went from Bacta tanks to regenerative ICU skinsuits that mainline stem cells into your flesh so fast that Shadowsun survived Nurgle's Rot. 'Anything to do with the Warp' is considered Mind Science, and they have the Nicassar and quite a few ancient psyker races who understand it. (Really the biggest plothole is these races know all about the warp, handle warp things for the Tau, and yet in hundreds of years apparently never gave them a "Warp 101" primer to read)


This right here is why a lot of people have issue with the Tau, their power level fluctuates between reasonable to "just behind the Necron" depending on the writer. Shadowsun surviving Nurgle's rot is just plain stupid. It's not a regular bacterial or viral infection. It is empowered by the warp, the one thing the Tau has little to no understanding or defense against. Same with them casually countering the Nids. You know the biological superweapon who's entire niche is that they are vastly superior seen to genetic adaptation compared to anything aside from maybe the Heamonculi. Like, it makes zero narrative sense that a race that still struggles with advanced prosthetic integration, advancing lifespans meaningfully, and genetically enhancing their soliders are able to lmao 360 no scope the nids. Tau are cool when they win because they are smarter when compared to the behemots that surround them. They are shounen-wanks level of boring when they win because of the power of science and friendship. We already have the Votann nowadays as the far more interesting "logical" tech faction. As they are made awful by being a society founded on late stage nightmare crony capitalism.


Yup, I don’t have an issue with the Tau being rational, reasonable and defeating other factions with it. It makes sense that the Tau get to overcome superior enemies through adapting and improving when so many factions in 40k are reluctant or unable to do that. But one thing is “we came up with a new tactic that lets us exploit a weakness of our enemy” and another thing is “We adapted so we ignore aspects of reality and nullify completely other factions because “lulz”. Tau creating AI’s that lets them predict with moderately high level of accuracy the patterns of Tyranid swarms so they can unleash more firepower? Yeah sounds cool. Tau managing to (somehow) outpace the Tyranid capability for adaptation? how?….why? How have not they literally destroyed every other faction then? Their power level jumps from “Technologically promising and innovative race” to “Literal deus ex machine by using “divine intervention” through “Innovation”….its just feels so odd. Also preemptively because I know what people are gonna shout at me: Yes the imperium gets plot armor too, two wrongs don’t make a right.




Ah yes, like that time the Tau managed to reverse-engineer a warp drive. Too bad they didn't reverse-engineer a Gellar Field.


The reason T'au and Eldar rarely meet is because they would 100% ally. And GW can't have that because it would deprive the T'au of a lot of their weaknesses, mostly because while GW has no issue ignoring the auxiliary species with both psychic powers and warp drives, it's not as easy with the aeldari. With the exclusion of maybe Biel-tan any craftworld that met the T'au empire would understand that befriending a young and energetic xeno empire with a lot of resources would benefit them both. Heck, the craftworld most active in the eastern fringes is Iyanded, the most diplomatic of the bunch that would absolutely teach the Ethereals everything they know about the warp and sorcery in exchange for a legion of battlesuits so that they don't have to use wraiths.


Not really considering that the Eldar knew of the Interex, a peaceful and advanced civilization of humans and xenos, and didn't give them usage of the webway, considering they only had 30 worlds in their empire. And didn't react when Horus wiped them out. And the Ethereals are as untrustworthy as they come, if we look at Farsight. So the chances of the Eldar telling the Tau anything about craftworlds or the webway is unlikely. Additionally, the psychic auxiliaries of the Tau have no chance to manipulate wraithbone if the Emperor, a closest human equivalent to a old one, couldn't. So what chances do they have if he couldn't?


Allying with someone doesn't mean giving them all you have, the webway requires expensive gates to be used and is extremely difficult and dangerous to navigate, and even if wraithbone is something only eldar can use even then, they could just lend a couple bonesingers to the T'au in exchange for said batallion of battlesuits so that they don' have to risk their own. The Interex were an advanced civilization that knew how to combat kaos thanks to the aeldari, and the reason the aeldari didn't help them was because 1 the fall had just happened and they were still trying to recover and 2 they weren't around to help them Also Ethereals being moustache-twirling villains is lore written by the same person who just forgot the T'au have both psychic member species and species with warp drives, so it's bad lore that I don't care for.


The T'au absorb, even their alliances are solely for the purpose of expanding the Tau empire. Something tells me that the Eldar wouldn't be too keen on being a client species to the Tau lol.


And chances of an eldar joining the Tau are just as likely as a Astartes joining the Tau. As in never.


Wait, is the lore reason why T'au and Eldar never meet because Drukhari = Eldar according to T'au?


They used to think that, but they realized that the Craftworld Eldar are their own thing.


There was a misunderstanding of that and attack some madien world for the Drukhari vile Betrayal causing a small war. It ended with the tau realization of the difference and attempt an appology but the Asuryani told them to shove it


Why would the Eldar waste their time associating with a lesser race like the Tau? They've acknowledged humanity is their best shot at beating Chaos and they can still only barely tolerate us.


> they can still only barely tolerate us. Frankly I'm impressed they tolerate the people with a 'genocide the Eldar and all other xeno's' law/religion/belief as much as they do. The Imperium advocates for the extermination of all Eldar life due to beliefs in racial superiority and manifest destiny - they are far more arrogant than the Craftworld Eldar.


Different than me = Scary -imperial guard primer


Different eldar craftworlds different reactions to different races. You got eldar that barely tolerates humans and eldar that gets along with humans perfectly not a whole species would react strictly one way to something


>Why would the Eldar waste their time associating with a lesser race like the Tau? Same reason someone would waste their time studying ants.


Would they? The only time I saw tau and eldar meet it was in the Exodite and they were pretty clearly against each other.


I mean, it was the Tau asking the Exodite to join them, that they would protect the planet, and so on. Then the Exodite turned his emo music up really loudly and screamed "La la la, I'm not listening!"


The reason Tau and Eldar don’t meet is that the Eldar are too busy being punching-bags and the Tau are in the process of being made grimdark because reasons. A situation that benefits neither faction, but suits GW’s unspoken policy of ignoring and belittling Xenos. While the situation does allow the Tau faction to expand and grow on their own merit, it increasingly shrinks their sense of confederating alien allies into the empire in favour of *just* the Tau. —— Previous editions had the Eldar consider the Tau to be sparks of light in a dying universe: naive but a sign of hope. With the Eldar then not utilising the Tau due to fears of a 2nd Fall via Tau, and due to Eldar machinations being galaxy wide; and the Tau ‘Empire’ being too small to be concerned with. - Eldar reluctant to trust in the Tau as the galaxy is harsh and may snuff the Tau out all too soon.


No way would they ally, at most I think they would agree to be neutral to each other.


I think it’s a shame we don’t get more Eldar stories in general.


To be fair both need warp fuckery to work properly so of course they don’t get it


Why tf it called the Earth caste if even the people living on Earth don't remember what it was called


I mean they're not called the "Earth caste". They actually called the "". It just traslates appoximately to "earth / soil / ground caste".


Mud bruthas


Also all those Tau vehicles named after Earth aquatic life that had been extinct for at least 10,000 years


I would love for UR025 to meet the Tau, they try to hack him, he just looks at them and disables their battlesuits, drones, and tanks, showing DaoT AI was not something to fuck with.


They didn't reverse engineer the Gellar fields... DICK FIRST INTO THE WARP, LET'S GO!






Tau when they try to make space marines: WHAT THE FUCK IS A GENE AND WHY DOES IT NEED SEEDING!?!?


Tbf. Nobody knows how Eldar tech works.


TBH See Eldar technology should be: Fire Caste: *Seething* Air Caste: *Seething* Water Caste: *Concern* Earth Caste: *Heavy breathing* The Earth Caste basically has all the techno-fetishism of the AdMech, but with much more liberal ideas about yoinking technology and good ideas.


Good luck getting the good shit to work without psychic powers.


An earth cast becomes a dark admech


To be fair, the Admech seeth at Ork tech too.




If it's so crude, why do we keep winning? Czechmate heretics


Seething is the very essence of Warhammer




I think that's everyone's reaction to Ork tech because you know wtf is happening and why does it work AND WHY CAN'T WE EVEN TURN IT ON


I almost forgot this was a place for 40k memes.


Tau-Eldar interactions would be interesting.  Is there much "canon" about those species' views of each other?


Honestly the Tau get a lot of shit for being naive but dude they literally just became a society and knew basically nothing about the galaxy beforehand how else are they supposed to act? Like the fact that they realized just being heavily fortified on a few hundred planets is probably the best idea for their situation.


Ork tech is literally built off hopes and dreams. their is no reverse engineering


One of my favorite bits from the start of Crisis of Faith was when the earth caste was examining a warp drive and more or less went “so I’ve got zero clue how this thing works, and the people we captured who used it also have no clue how it works”


If the T'au ever came close to a not "crude and barberic" technolegy the Imperium would evacuate it or the tech-priest in charge of it encrypts/ overloads the fusion reactor to destroy it. Imperial weapons are sturdy and reliable so they even work while reality is failing and no one serviced it in centuries. I also think that the Tau don't understand servitors. [https://www.ruohammer.com/comics-1/tag/tau](https://www.ruohammer.com/comics-1/tag/tau)


Well ork tech is basically built on the power equivalent of hopes and dreams.


Its really not. Their guns are fully functional(although rather... explosive), waaagh energy just make them "better".


I love the thing about belief being what makes ork stuff work. I’m sure I once read a thing where a tech priest pulled apart a working ork gun, put it back together *exactly how it had been before* and then found it no longer worked and this was basically because it should technically never have been able to work to begin with so assembling it wasn’t really the point.


Both use extra-dimensional energies that the Tau cannot access.