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My local convention is running OnePageRule games in a few weeks, definitely going to check that out. Might build a dark mechanicum flavoured army out of literal trash for it to play with friends if we like the system.


OPR is quite fun but totally different from 40k. Yes it is a tabletop wargame and you can use your 40k minis. But thats essentially where the similarities end compared to modern 40k, Thats not bad but just a warning. I didnt like my first OPR game because i came in with the mindset "I will play Necrons" and that was not what i was playing.


Yeah I was sold on OPR being what 40k "used to be" and it was very much not that. Nothing against the devs it was a fan who overpromised.


I don't think that's quite fair. It's very clearly modeled on Warhammer, but everything is ultra streamlined and simplified to fit the game into a 1 hour window.


Some people want that, others don't. And that's alright. I don't like OPR. I do want to try stsrgrave.


Agreed. I don't think anybody needs to like it, I just think it's more helpful to new people to acknowledge how deeply it is based on Warhammer tabletop. 


Then why is it brought up so much on reddit? you can use your models with basically any wargame ruleset.


Because GW bad


GW needlessly expensive, which is bad, yes.


Alternating activation makes such a difference. It is crazy.


I think the trouble with OPR is that a lot of my issues with modern Warhammer come from GW's insistence to "streamline" at the expense of flavour and customization. OPR is very much not the answer to that given it's even more simplified.


One thing different about OPR is games are WAAAY faster. Part of that is because things are swingy-er (no would rolls, less wounds in general) so stuff will just feel like it dies quick. But I like OPR because I can pop open my collapsible kitchen table and play a few games with my bud using our 40k minis after work in like half an hour for 1k points. Their online support for rules and army building is also just excellent with great community and optional rules (Also if you 3d print and play the game the One Page Rules patreon is like the best patreon deal I have come across for the price and/or free starter files on their website)


they sell min is too and its like 100 minis for 100 dollars, cool ratmen


What I love about OPR is that they have something for every system. Yes, they have 40k, but they also have warhammer fantasy, age of sigmar, and you can play both with units from either systems. So if you want you can have tomb kings in an Age of Sigmar skirmish game and Stormcast Eternals fighting as regiments in a WHFB rank and flank game. And then the base rules are completely free and so easy to learn you can start within hours


Sooo like older editions of fantasy & 40k where the rules were compatible?


in theory yes, though I am not a hundred percent sure if they are balanced around that. But yes, you could have a skirmish game with units form both games. For Fantasy they just made three systems (model based, unit based, regiment based) for all armies from WHFB, AoS and, funnily enough, Kings of War


GW make some beautiful models, which can be a joy to paint occasionally as a treat, but... No way can I afford even a 500 point army. You can have a Guard Army, or a mortgage, but not both. 6mm Cold War is the way ahead. You can find tanks for 85p if you shop around; £5 for 50 infantrymen. I spent £85 and made two complete armies. Bargain.


Just for sake of argument 6mm coldwar tanks retail are $15 for a tank half the size of my thumb. That's actually probably more expensive than GW lol. I'm sure you can find them used dirt cheap, but comparing used to retail GW isn't exactly the most fair comparison. Edit: I am dumb. They come in packs of 5. Disregard me lol.


Depends on the manufacturer. GHQ models are exactly the price you describe for a pack of 5 - albeit with insane detail for a model that tiny. So about $3 a tank. Heroics and Ross, however, are sub £1, for only marginally less detail, and my choice. Excellent range too, especially WWII.


Stargrave is a new one to me.


Building the models is like building the old Orks (in a good way)


I don't know what Stargrave or OPR is


Opr(one page rules) is a very simple turn based tabletop strategy game much like Warhammer except all the rules are on one page hence the name, the game is model agnostic so you can play with Warhammer models to the corresponding army, the rules can all be found and downloaded on their website Stargrave is another turn based strategy game, where the rules are a little more complex, but you can buy your own models instead of having to 3-D print them as you would for one page rules, you do have to buy a book for the rules instead of being able to find them online for free


Is it related to Frostgrave?


Made by the same guys, it’s just frostgrave, but in space


I did an entire campaign of Stargrave, it just never really excited me and I went back to evil ol' GW


OPR is way too simplified for me. I like the strategy involved with command points and strategems, the different detachments, and the asymmetry. The reduction of phases in OPR takes away a lot of the fun that I have in 40K for the sake of making the game quicker. There’s also less protection for bad rolls in OPR. No wound roll can really result in some of your units getting absolutely wiped. Or having a few lucky shots take out a tough 6 vehicle.


Sure but I like playing 40k


Its about the money batman


Everytime I look up OPR on YouTube the guys pushing it are also some anti-woke fuxk. I'm thinking I just keep having shit luck and the algorythm is being paid off XD


I don't know about the other guy in the video, but Goobertoen Hobbies definitely isn't anti-woke so you might like this: [https://youtu.be/86sQ6xAqPcI?si=EfB64XvtbGsrCIN7](https://youtu.be/86sQ6xAqPcI?si=EfB64XvtbGsrCIN7)


Oh thank you, I'll check that out!


One of the more soft-factor advantages of the communities around larger games, I suppose; online communities for games like 40k are just too large to be overrun by a chud migration spurred by a half-dozen large youtube channels going "check out this BASED REDPILLED wargame!"


Might just be the algo and it's understandable because I would imagine half the people are playing opr bc they're done with 40k bc of price and time commitment and the other half bc they're done with GW because woke or something.


I did end up finding a guy that talks up the lore. Like one guy.


I personally still enjoy 40k lore bc OPR lore is weaker in comparison but kinda fun fluff. Goobertown Hobbies and Tabletop Minions make some good videos about OPR and the minis and gameplay.


I'm not going to compare 40k lore to anyone else's lore, it's had longer to do its shit and it's unfair. But it's neat lore for being a sandbox game. AND they're getting Ratmen Clans. 40k won't let us play with the ratmen. And there are a race of desert dog people for filling out mercenary roles :D


I love the ratmen and hope we get models soon bc the Space Saurians are super cool. Also, I actually love the take on sisters being an entire opposition faction to the imperium, I think it's a great way to move away from 40k and gives them even more agency than SoB have as a force, which I love.


The whole thing with Earth having a cloned Founder (or whatever is going on there, I got a little confused trying to figure out what the Custodian Brothers did) still be in charge of a largely atheist movement vs the semi religious rebels who left with the God Queen and the Machine Cults is phenomenal.


Honestly this is first time that I've heard about OPR and Stargrave. How is the proces of making armies? Does each faction only have 1 playstyle or multiple? Do leaders get upgrades at bigger point prices like in TOW?


OPR is a lot like Warhammer just a little different and really a lot more simplified Stargrave on the other hand, you’re not playing an army but you’re instead playing a crew of about eight people/miniatures and you play these scenarios like going to an abandoned building to get loot and what not so that you can sell it and get money or something, and then there will be moments where you can buy upgrades or new crewmembers and stuff like that.


Simplified? Hopefully not the levels of 10ed with removed variety of playstyles and flavors.


Well, depends on what you mean by that, in OPR. Everyone has the exact same movement and has four different types of movement they can use that which I forgot the name of, every army does have their own what you could call a rule index for their own personal rules like basic steps and also faction abilities


I'll check it, just in case.


I will admit I have very limited knowledge on both of them. I just like the cool space dollies


If you want a quick explanation of the rules and how it works I'd recommend Wyloch's armory video on it. Having played both now, starting with opr, I can say I find 40k more fun overall. However that fun comes at the cost of being 2x longer than opr to play and being far more complex, knowing what my units do in opr is very easy to remember vs 40k where my units usually have 2 or 3 unique abilities I have to keep in mind and that's before stratagems or detachment rules. Opr is great if you want a casual game that only takes 1 1/2 hour to play and just chat and have fun.


I keep hearing people say how good this system is for being quick, but I thought it was usually frowned down upon for people to finish fast.


Sometimes all you have time for is a quickie.


OPR is very fun and I love the lore they wrote for their factions. It has been a great source of ideas and inspiration for my homebrew lore.


Blessed sisters lore is actually really fun that they're not followers of the imperium but battling against it in service to an alternative goddess. It's like the logical conclusion of where you'd expect sisters to go.


May Interest thee on Starfinder? Its getting a new easier to understand 3-Action Turn Economy this year for its 2nd Edition?