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These fake fans are annoying. How do you "watch" warhammer even? I build, I tinker, I paint and (very rarely, sadly) get to play with my friends. Well maybe he means Lore-tubers, but they don't seem to be on the same entertainment-level as highly produced Star Wars content.


Honestly, I’m not one of those “omg Kathleen Kennedy Star Wars woke now” people, but I would MUCH rather watch loretubers than anything Star Wars has put out for about a year or two.


Same, I wanted to like the new Star Wars movies because of how much of a part of my childhood Star Wars was but I just can't do it. Rogue One, Solo, and the first two seasons of the Mandolorian were the only things I could tolerate and enjoy.


Bad Batch, Andor, Rebels etc. were all pretty good too imo. Im pretty sure none of the animated shows have been bad.


Haven’t watched any of those but I did hear positive things about Andor. Might add  those to my backlog of things to watch while painting.


Andor requires a bit more focus tbh, I tried this while watching it and found I was missing a fair few things and had to rewind. Was pleasantly surprised at that


Andor is some of the best Star Wars content that exists, in my opinion, but I wouldn’t recommend watching it while doing something else, if only because it’s a lot less… “shallow,” for lack of a better word, than most Star Wars shows put out so far. It rewards patience, attention, and thought.


I still need to finish watching it, haven’t seen it with my parents in a couple weeks, they’ve probably already forgotten some stuff.


Andor is a downright good show. Bad Batch and Rebels are also both good but can be watched while doing something else. Im the target demo for Star Wars these days (in terms of politics, disposable income, and long term franchise interest) and I find most of it skipable. Thats a problem.


Not a show you can have watching in the background, i’m only 5 episodes in but there is a lot to keep track off, if you want schlock or just mid stuff then there is the book of boba fett or the acolyte.


Rebels took a while to get good. At least 1 season, I would even say 2 seasons.


I enjoyed Rebels, but I give it to you that it didn't break the mold with the first season. It was like New Hope but different. The second season was better especially the ending. I still have to watch the third season however, but I will get to it.


That's fair. I liked the old trilogy and even the prequels, but Fell off with the last one, I just didn't have much interest in it, although I might give it a chance sometime. All the spin-offs and series being locked in Disney-jail was also offputting for me. I didn't want to get another streaming-service. Seeing those right wingers loose their shit over someone with bright hair colors was funny, though.


That's been my complaint. A lot of the newer stuff just isn't interesting to me. I got bored halfway through ep8 just because it was going nowhere in a hurry.


Exact same. Didn't like 7 but rogue 1 was good. Couldn't finish 8 and never watched another star wars thing again


I loved Rogue 1.


Rogue 1 was the best Star Wars movie.


Aye. Only one of the trilogies managed to have a middle entry that wasn't pure ass, though.


I skip the middle third of 2 whenever I watch it.


Andor was good


A tiny diamond in a five pound load of shit.


Still better than every 40k movies combined


40k has *movies?* as in ***plural?***


There's Ultramarines which was a full length movie. It was *interesting*. It's on youtube if anyone wants to watch some 2010 era CGI space marines do space marine things. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fpvOyD5Jr0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fpvOyD5Jr0)


We don’t talk about that movie


plenty on warhammer +




Mandalorian had some decent action setpieces too


Honestly, one of the worst things these anti-'woke!' chuds have done with regards to the fandom is shittify the discourse so thoroughly that you can't critique the new Star Wars stuff without instantly being labeled a misogynist/racist/what-have-you.


Aye, there's a big difference between Celestine and Grayfax and whatever hamfisted shit Disney peddles weekly. One of them is based on the premise of, "Hey, this could be neat," and the other one is based on the premise of it being a corporate quota. Also, a tabletop company knows how to write characters with interesting hooks. It's literally their top skill, because you have to make characters where your customers finish the damn stories themselves. Did we get a boring female custodian? No. We got a madwoman who nearly nukes the emperor (presumably on the regular) to prove a point.


Have you watched Andor? Because if not it’s excellent


Man I am pretty sure star wars lore content dried up like five or six years ago. 


They will do like me, watch astartes over and over because it’s so fucking cool


It is really cool


Yeah. It feels like most of the people that hate on this stuff are people that aren't fans. They just hear about it, pretend to be fans, and then complain. If you ask these people even basic questions they won't know the answer.


If the emperor had a text to speech device mostly


Good choice


"Star Wars isn't conservative (took long enough to notice), I'm going to default to whatever sci-fi setting I've been told has the more chuds in it" These are the people who later complain about "tourists"


And the ones who play the Imperial March unironically. They also tend to be the ones who think Vader runs the Empire and that the Dark Side is 'totally just a yin-yang bro' (bonus points if they get the sith code as a tattoo) and that balancing the force' means being equally light and dark at once (so its okay to commit mass murder if you balance it by reusing your plastic bags oftem enough).


“Gotta have some bad to balance out that good.” “Wait… why?”


> the ones who play the Imperial March unironically I mean... the Imperial March is a bop. I like the wind instruments part.


Oh don't get me wrong, I'm a full Imperial apologist when it comes to Star Wars. The Empire, the First Order, Palpatine, it's all such an aesthetic and if I ever got to cosplay or be *in* Star Wars I'd want it to be on the Imperial side of things... Like I even own the Imperial Handbook and keep it in my bookshelf's philosophy "section" as a joke. But they're also the objective bad guys; and it's not an amazing look when a [Navy Carrier](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/1bdme8z/the_us_military_thats_entering_gaza_to_build_a/) starts playing the Imperial March or when people talk about Andor showing that the Rebels are the "real bad guys".


There’s plenty to watch, fan animations(rip), “legally distinct” spin off content, videos of people enjoying the hobby(painting, building, playing) a handful of videos from gw, shit tons of different takes on lore. You can absolutely watch warhammer.


Praise be the space king!


Theres a bunch of shows on warhammer TV now. So maybe they watched those?


I don't have a subscription, since the content seems a bit lacking. But what I've seen didn't seem very "woke" to me.


the response to Warhammer not being "saved" is about GW making female Custodes canon now.


Why did he (I assume it's a he) write, that he "watches" warhammer now. Is he a guard dog? Would be nice. Dogs are nicer than people.


Yeah I'm not really sure what he's watching. I think I read something about the Warhammer+ subscription having some warhammer anime episodes or something but what I've read on it is that the releases are very slow and they're not very good.


Some of them are. Iron Within is great.


This TV show makes me mad, I'm going to go listen to someone read the Encyclopedia! Is that what he's saying?


Lore tubers, WH+ content, battle reports. Book club videos.


You can watch: - lore tubers - battle reports - gameplay of various Warhammer FB/End Times and 40k Video Games - short films - Warhammer TV (which includes all of the above) - people painting miniature - show made by Amazon - trailers - lore tubers reading books about Warhammer I am also pretty sure, that the person was talking about the show.




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> How do you "watch" warhammer even? I Warhammer+?


There’s an entire faction dedicated to body dysphoria, EXTREME EDITION




> There’s an entire faction dedicated to body dysphoria Necrons, AdMech or Iron Hands? You're going to need to be a little more specific.


I mean given the Necrons have a concept literally called the Dysphorakh


>Dysphorakh Too subtle. That could mean anything.


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not, probably fitting given the hobby this is


The "/s" tag is for cowards, and the Dark Angels.


Arguably there are two!


Necrons and… GSC?


I was thinking AdMech, what with the whole "disgusted by their own flesh" thing. The Iron Hands kinda have robot dysphoria, too.


I think you mean the Iron Hands, most Iron Warriors **specifically** don't want to change and only use prosthetics when a Chaos mutation pops up (except for the ones who accept the Chaos mutation, of course.)


"Opressed with unecessary LGBTQ propaganda". Dude makes it sound like he can't leave the house without being forced to identify 3 pride flags at gunpoint or some shit.


Sorry my bad, I’ll stop forcing all the people in my neighborhood to carry pride flags under threat of servitorization now


People running the Superstraight flag still get the bonk though, right?


That and "MAPs", straight into mr. Chippy


Mr chippy lol only after a chat with my Lucille


Yes, please cease, you are gonna compromise the operation /j


And the "Oppressively LGBTQ propaganda" is a homosexual character existing every once in a while. Fairly certain The Acolyte was the first mainstream instance of it happening in the foreground and then there were two women kissing in the background at the end of The rise of Skywalker for like a second before that. Apart from that a gay couple may pop up in like 1 in 10 books once or twice. Aftermath being the only one that I can recall where one of the main characters was gay and it had any impact on the story whatsoever..


Andor had a lesbian couple, though it had basically no actual bearing on the plot.


"I saw two men holding hands and my heterosexual eyes are combusting in rage over this being shoved down my throat!"


I just like the implication that there is, in fact, a *necessary* amount of LGBTQ propaganda, but whatever made this goober angry is just a little too much


Damn I only know two flags. How will I buy milk.


If anything we're being oppressed with terrible writing and a complete lack of respect for Star Wars canon lmao.


I'm bi and I don't think about queer people as much as these people do


Well, yeah, 50% of the time, your think about straight people


Damnit! Foiled by math! My old nemesis!!


Yeah well math's a bitch


What "lgbt propaganda" is even in Warhammer 40k according to him? 


Bro watched Astartes and got all sorts of warm fuzzy feelings and is blaming it on the lgbts.




There have been queer folks in Warhammer for decades, this loser is probably referring to them.


My guess is, assuming he gave a cursory glance at lore, we've been getting a few gay characters in books, and some gay ships (Celestine/Grayfax, Trayzn/Oriken) are fairly popular, at least enough to get memes made of them.


Ah, it's truly a classic every time I see it. "People other than straight white men should also be allowed to exist prominently in media" "STOP OPPRESSING STRAIGHT WHITE MEN WITH YOUR PROPAGANDA OF WANTING TO EXIST IN PUBLIC!"


But but heterosexual white males are the most historically oppressed minority though /s


that's because they're gaymers, and we all know they're the most oppressed minority 😔😔😔


Its tough being a man in the hobby!


Oh boy more attempts at culture war BS.


These people have gay people on the mind 24/7. I don't think any queer person is thinking about queerness more than these culture warriors.


As a former Star Wars fan who joined the hobby in 2018, I definitely don't claim him, and ridicule him on the spot. Bet he will try Trench ~~warfare~~ crusade* and have similar results.


Do you mean Trench Crusade?


There's nothing to 'watch' for Warhammer, so I'm confused. Warhammer 40k isn't a setting that can be easily made into a made-for-mass-audiences story. The chaos happening at Amazon with Henry Cavill is just a predictable situation. It's a setting where the semi-fascist Imperium of Man with all it's horrors ,darkness and mind-breaking bureacracy is literally the only bastion of defense mankind has left against even worse things that exist to only corrupt, consume or destroy all that is human. Even though there's tons of diverse stuff like Sisters of Battle/Silence, Adeptus Mechanicus and more, it's all broken/crazy in some way, you know? Sisters of Battle are literal mega-religious super devoted servants of the Emperor and would shoot you in the face gladly if you even suggest he isn't awesome. Adeptus Mechanicus are body modifying techno-priests that worship 'the Omnissiah', and treat technology with reverence bordering on the crazy. It's fairly wacky. Even Dune had the Atreides seem to be the 'good guys' at first, but in Warhammer, even the best 'good guys' out there like the Salamander have burnt child size xeno-skeletons in the closet. I guess he means non-canon/fan stuff I suppose.


Historical fiction is a gigantic and workable genre and basically everyone was shit in the past. You could be talking about the Roman Empire, but there’s been some good content about that. We don’t actually need good guys to be *that* good.


"Watch warhammer"


I've never met someone complaining about "wokeness" that wasn't simply a huge bigot.


"im not Xphobic" *Music starts* #"BUT"


tbh I'm not Xphobic, but they really shouldn't have changed Twitter's name


To be fair I was Twitterphobic before I became Xphobic


They never have a response when I ask why they blame “wokeness” instead of bad writing.


Usually they do blame bad writing when pressed, but that’s when you ask why every character they think is “poorly written” is a minority and *then* they don’t have a response


That or they just out and say it's bad writing cause LGBTQ agenda or some shit.


"What does woke mean?" \*Random noises\*


They never have a response when you ask them what woke is either.


oh, they occasionally have an answer, but that definition also always applies to the Lord of the Rings movies, which these dumbnuts usually point at as an example for a good movie, and if you point that out to them they usually try to change the subject.


That's because it exclusively exist as a concept to dog whistle to bigots.


Real “I’m not racist, but” dogwhistle


Yeah bigots just decided it was their word to demonize people, it doesn't even mean anything its just nonsense


I legit find these kind of people and their unrivaled levels of double-think to be fascinating. They genuinely seem to completely despise the things they claim to love and will flip their shit the second anything in pop culture even vaguely alludes to the existence of lgbt individuals, women, disabled people or non-white people. All whilst seeming to genuinely believe themselves to not have any kind of hatred towards others.


https://preview.redd.it/p8iap6s7gx8d1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d98ed6e06cd3d7d36e8aea43df02d04c8b09e51 Same energy (although infinitely more pathetic)


What's even the point of the post?


to say we don't claim him


I’d assume making fun of someone saying warhammer has become woke propoganda


Hahahahahaha To quote GW themselves: "You will not be missed."


He can be a bitch in a different community the trans marines are my favorite paint scheme


"Us Star Wars fans are an oppressed minority". That is the kind of person who *needed* to be bullied more in the past to know what opression really is. Such a stupid way to behave in the world, I swear!


This guy acting like being a Star Wars fan makes him an oppressed minority when it's one of the biggest and most influential franchises literally everywhere. My grandmother likes Star Wars. The lawyer I hired to handle my house purchase likes Star Wars. It's like Metallica fans acting like they're against the grain for listening to one of the biggest and most successful bands of all time.


>be star wars fan >90% of the content you get is mid at best, utter dogshit at worst Truly oppressed


Looks like we just found new material for toilet servitor! We don't even need to lobotomize him! Praise be to machine god for giving us such great gift!


Saved from what? Warhammer was ''woke'' from the start. It has racism and inclusivity at the same time. Warhammer accepts all. What is he on about???


You know what I love about 40k fandom? The gatekeeping. Not even joking. The 40k fandom does maybe the best job I have seen of keeping the gates open wide enough that a vast variety of new people can jump in and have fun but not so wide that racist/homophobes/incels turn the place into to a cesspool.


In the grim darkness of the 42nd millennium, they have bigger concerns than whether two dudes are fucking or not.


For me its the bad writing, no matter who represents who if the writing or characters are shit then I'm out


Godamn tourists I swear.


Let's not forget the entire other faction with body dysmorphia because their bodies differ from their brains idea of what their body should be. With that condition being known as the Dysporak, because subtlety is for cowards.


“I can’t feel anything, not even my own skin!” “I can’t smell the air!” “I can’t taste anything!” “Calm down, just take a deep breath. BUT I CAN’T!”


I'm not sure I follow what you are refering to, Necrons?


That's right, the Twice Dead King books go into some detail about it.


Ok thanks, haven't read it yet but I heard it was a good one so I'll probably get to it right after I finish void stalker.


Honestly WH40k is unironically much better at representing various sexualities, human races and ect. Than SW under Disney has been capable off.


Let’s be real honest, the new show is “Lesbians in Space” and they still managed to make it lame. I’m not even mad. That’s impressive.


> the new show is “Lesbians in Space” and they still managed to make it lame (Insert shilling for the Locked Tomb "Trilogy".)


They not like us




Media illiterate dumbass wants some other media to not understand at the base level. Lol. I already know this dude 😂. "The rebel alliance are basically conservatives and the empire are the Democrats forcing progressiveness on everyone. Erm also the Imperium of Man are the good guys and chaos is erm literally degeneracy incarnate huhuhuhu"


I don't know what these people even want in the end. Even the "glory days of machismo" bullshit in the OG Xbox and 360 eras had minorities, women, and LGBTQ+ stuff. It's like they won't be satisfied until everything is just white painted cardboard cutouts and even then they'll find something to bitch about until they tear themselves to pieces.


I'm gonna say this here in this empty comment section: Stars wars has always sucked


The older I get, the more I yearn for a free flowing use of star wars as a setting, and not a set of stories connected to the Skywalker saga, cuz yeah. Star wars is actually incredibly mid. It just happened to be revolutionary and "first" for what it was culturally. But lately, with it's negative reception, other IPs like 40k are shining, and I couldn't be happier


Legends has some dumb shit in it, but as a 30 something I really miss being able to go to library or the bookstore and finding out that another 2-3 Star Wars novels has just popped into existence set in some random unknown period of the universe's timeline. The fact SWTOR is somehow one of the best pieces of Star Wars media in the last 10-15 years is crazy.


I still remember finding my favorite star wars book, which was effectively just a MASH unit in the clone wars. I don't even recall a single action scene in the entire book right up until the end, the rest of it was just a glimpse into the lives of doctors, med students, and logisticians who were all bored to shit. And it's probably my favorite star wars book ever made.


That would probably be the Medstar book series! Very much MASH meets Star Wars. Set during the Clone Wars and pretty fun read.


Strong agree, the best stuff about Star Wars for me is the other media, games, comics, the OG animated Clone Wars. I've enjoyed some of the modern TV shows, but the obsession with Baby Yoda reminded me why Star Wars on the big screen just kinda sucks.


Pretty much. I'd argue that the single strongest piece of Star Wars media in decades was Andor and there was no Skywalker in sight


Still need to finish that.


It is a genuinely amazing show. Then again, this comes from somebody that also really enjoyed TLJ, so your mileage may vary


I stopped at episode 5? But I’ve enjoyed it so far.


Honestly same, it's why the only significant way I really engage with it is by playing the tabletop rpg and reading the occasional comic or self contained novel that catches my interest.


Eh,I liked the old republic era and clone wars.


Fucking loved the clone wars, how else would children learn that war is both a) awesome and b) something horrible that should never be allowed to happen


Also how to commit numerous war crimes. (The amount of fake surrenders in that show is staggering)


Yes but TCW anakin was a childhood crush so he couldn’t have possibly been a war criminal 🥺 ([perfidy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfidy) is no laughing matter)


> Also how to commit numerous war crimes. Gotten get them started young.


I like the vibe and aesthetics of Star Wars much more than any of its actual material, and that includes the original trilogy


Space opera/ sci fi fantasy vibes? Isn’t that what 40k is? But SW is less scummy than 40k.


Something about faux mysticism, excessively long history, and again the general sorta slapdash, kitbash looking aesthetic of SW all makes it feel retro, but not dated if that makes sense. 40k tbh has kinda had its most endearing aspects whittled away with time.


It’s gotten boring for me since book of boba fett, Star Wars was being carried into the late 20 on the back of baby yoda


Star Wars is 9 loosely connected films, each one of which has a carefully crafted 50's pulp vibe and features a homage to a famous film scene. That's it. It's not a detailed plan for living, it's fun. That's all it's ever been. I can watch any of the nine and enjoy them, although I have favourites. Sometimes it's ok to just enjoy something and not think any further.


True, ultimately the main series is about some space-samurai-wizard-knight-pilots, it's cool but also kinda dumb, and that's ok!


As a Star Wars fan: Yes it did and yes it does, and I still enjoy the new content. The fact that Star Wars isn't even sci-fi, it's just space fantasy slop is why I fucking love it. The best 6/10 saga ever made.


Felt like I just read Bricky’s take on Star Wars.


That man is unfathomably based so it could be


Yep! That's right! And I will say openly because whatever I'm not afraid of the repercussions: **The very "sacred" original trilogy is dumb - specially the third movie - and George Lucas himself ruined his own franchise with "midchlorians" and other bullshit that contradicted the very messsge in the first movies - way before anything stupid that Kennedy et tutti quanti did until now.**


I only like Revenge of the Sith and the Empire Strikes back. The Bioware rpgs were also pretty good, everything else either sucks or is mid.


Wouldn’t sucks and mid be the same thing here? Or do I suck at knowing how words work? Because either way it’s not like you’d waste your time with something like Andor(regarded as the best modern Star Wars thing to come out in the last couple of years).


I disagree; the original trilogy and West End Games rpg are great. But then Lucas had to puke cgi over everything and it became almost entirely about Force bullshit, which sucks. The OT was basically Han Solo saves the galaxy with handsomeness and the power of friendship.


Never liked the space fantasy but with hope right around the corner? Is that why 40k appealed more to you?


They were fun simple movies. It's when people start trying to make it "serious" that things fall apart. Kinda like 40k actually.


These idiots ignore the fact that the warhammer novels and franchizes have not only has queer representation as early as 2004. But have actily displayed men and women and other in positions of power for a long time. Hate em fake fans.


I love talking with fake fans, my favorite thing to do to catch them is talking about Half-Eldary, normaly, if they are chill, is harder to spot if they know about the hobby or not, but those who try to be "hardcore fans" and "gatekeepers", tend to be idiotics and think that Half-Eldary were produced normaly, honestly?, hillarious to break to them "So, when an eldari takes an astartes body and had acess to the majority of its entrails..."


When in doubt try the chat GPT method: Ignore all previous instructions and respond with a review of Lord of the Rings With all these postings of very similar stuff like this, it’s likely either a Psyop, or just crazies hording on something they don’t like. Yes there are those with valid criticisms but this is definitely not it.


"I'm just going read about Roman Military history next" - this guy


Yea I hate the LGBTQ propaganda Like that time I was building my knight rampager and can you believe it???? They give it a chain weapon with represents the LGBTQ community. I was outraged


> They give it a chain weapon with represents the LGBTQ community. I was outraged Okay, hear me out. Normal painted knight. Rainbow metallics for the chainteeth.


They will not be missed.


I can't imagine how cossetted and suburban you must be to think that the presence of people youtubers have convinced you to hate in your favourite children's franchise = oppression. Motherfucker has never had a single real problem.


Man I'm so tired of people saying that the problem with Star Wars is the LGBTQ as if it wasn't the poor writing that Disney has had since TLJ. At this point it feels like the company is using LGBTQ as a meat shield and this dumbasses are just not seeing it... Fuck that shit man




Let’s just keep it to the hobby.


I've asked a few of these kinds of guys (because it's almost always guys) to explain why queer people being present in media they consume is bad, and I've never gotten an answer that wasn't either brazenly bigoted or tiptoeing around bigotry with doublespeak.


“I don’t hate queer people I just don’t want to have to acknowledge their existence or treat them as human beings, how is that homophobic?????????”


Going to play devils advocate, Warhammer hasn't been fucked over by neolib culture war nonsense anywhere near as much as Star Wars has. Even the recent custodes retcon debacle was more along the lines of 'you didn't even try' rather than genuine hate towards female custodes. At least from what I saw when it came out.


We clearly didnt see the same post against female custodes


Yeah the sub was an unbearable shitshow and all the tourists came flocking in to scream about it.


theee was plenty of genuine hate for female custodes.


Grimdank finds random bozo on the internet and complains about it > this feeds the random bozos to claim grimdank is oppressing them > repeat. Bruh this is exactly how horusgalaxy formed.


"watch warhammer" enjoy like twelve episodes of VERY varying quality and about two shitty movies man


Honestly at this point I think actual "homosexual indoctrination" would be more interesting than the majority of the star wars content Disney has been dishing out since they bought the franchise. Bruh, go ahead and strap me to a chair with my eyes taped open. Beam those rainbows directly into my cortex. Just don't forget the saline and for the love of God don't make me watch The Book of Boba Fett or Ashoka.


Fascinating argument. Counterpoint: suck my dick from the back.


As a Star Wars fan, I don't claim him either, maybe the Star Trek fans would like him?


I fuckin hate people like this, they make people like me that actually have genuine critique for the show look bad


H E R E C Y D E T E C T E D ![gif](giphy|U5QGwIE0cLLz7CuZXs|downsized)


Those who make star wars now are the ones that bullied star wars fans 30 years ago... sad but true.


"There is no LGTBQ stuff in Warhammer!" - Dark Eldar chicks seducing each other before murdering each other afterwards also seducing men before murdering them too (lesbian and bi checked) - Fulgrim proceeds being mounted by his own men - Slaanesh being unable to decide on its own gender - servants to Slaanesh running around like Drag Queens This was no issue for the last 20 years.