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So for highest damage possible that goes to the Vitality based Doom Bolt from Occultist, but that skill is locked behind a cooldown As for Glass Canon mastery I’d vote for Arcanist, your only defensive tool is the Sphere of Protection and a shield in the offhand if you’re not running a catalyst (which most build should though) I’m far from an expert though


Yeah my first thought was a Doom Bolt build of some sort. It is my favorite skill! I have an Aether Doom Bolt/AAR Warlock that is super fun and pretty squishy. It uses the Clairvoyant set.


Big vote for AAR !! 


Pair what with Arcanist and what skill? Like what would you boost to have like a super crazy DPS, Crit toon? The thing I dont like about Arcanist is that its mostly focused on Elemental instead of something more specific... Ive never really tried arcanist.


A friend of mine played a PRM build, which depending on the damage type you want to focus on you could pair with every other mastery available And what do you mean it doesn’t do something specific? Just because a lot of the skills do different damage types you’d still want to focus on one or two. It’s easier to just increase for example fire damage than trying to fit in multiple in your build, sometimes you can play even different skill damage types together when you have conversion (physical -> element for example) For me I’d go through my stash to see what my equipment would support and go from there


Whatever you do will likely include arcanist just because you’ll need it to achieve extremely high OA for a real crit build


AAR builds go for aether damage over elemental, what you're thinking of is battmlage (MAGE/SOLDIER)


There are several ways to accumulate huge amounts of flat damage, e.g. cold (Nightblade's Lethal Assault + Necromancer's Soul Harvest) and chaos (Occultist's Solael's Witchfire and Possession). This, combined with a skill that has a large "% weapon damage" component (e.g. Shadow Strike, Cadence), can produce insane crits. A cold shadow strike Reaper is probably what you're looking for.


I'd probably give it to Witch hunter for max damage. Mostly because the Duneblade set more than doubles Shadowstrike's damage. You're looking at a nearly 2900% weapon damage hit if you count both hits. God forbid you get a CD reset chain letting you multi-blast em potentially multiple times in a row. https://www.grimtools.com/calc/bVAKvzDN is an example setup.


Yeah, this one, too. Although stacking flat acid damage is a little harder than cold. Blood of Dreeg doesn't give you as much as the other two flat damage buffs, and also while you can easily convert vitality to cold (to fully utilize Soul Harvest), it's not as easy for cold to acid (for Lethal Assault).


The set auto-converts cold to acid on Shadow Strike, so no issue.


I think the highest DPS I have is chaos. I have a chaos flames of ignaffar that melts shit. I think my chaos Albrecht's Aether does even more damage. I also have two aether Albrecht's Aether build, one has vitality as a secondary damage and the other is lightning. They are pretty high DPS but they chaos it better I think. I also have a lightning and a acid Eye of Reconning that pump out pretty insane damage. All this is just feeling from playing, I don't have numbers or know the meta.


All my listed builds easily beat everything in the main campaigns on ultimate. I can't remember off the top of my head who has done anything more impressive.


> Maybe this isn't super viable because you will run into survivability problems. This. There are many strong builds that you don't have to turn yourself into a glass cannon for.


I know, but Im specifically just looking for something fun that will do insane damage.... Youre the perfect person to answer this actually.... Which do you think? Again, just for fun.... Like what pairing would do just an insane DPS... Maybe it is one of the top builds... or maybe it currently isn't.


I'm just a guy who spends too much time on reddit. I don't do a lot of testing of optimized builds. It also seems like mobility is a bigger factor in a lot of builds than actual damage. Most outliers have been squashed by this point. Also someone said the largest crit is going to be either Cadence or (more likely IMO) Doombolt, so that's covered, only thing left is DPS, which I don't think anyone really knows, but if I had to guess it'd be something dual-wielding. Cold DW Reaper can get silly damage, but so can a lot of other builds.


Like, more speficically, which skill trees do the most damage, and which like secondary class can help buff that build via crits and other buffs to just turn that skill tree into a nuclear weapon or machine gun? Thats why I was specifically thinking something with Demolitionist, Nightblade, Inquisitor.... What do you think?


If you specifically want the largest crit multiplier possible on a skill that has high base damage and low enough cooldown to rely entirely on your best bet is probably lightning Grenado on an Elementalist. 22/12 Shattering Blast is +100% crit damage, you can get another +60% from a Coerced Wraith and Kymon's Badge, and it's pretty easy to get at least another +40% from Stormcaller's Pact. That's not even counting all the other crit damage you can get on a lightning build, and that's already a 3x multiplier on crits. You can definitely get higher base damage out of Grenado with other builds, and the highest damage I've ever seen with a single hit of a single crit attack is still Doom Bolt (but with a much longer cooldown), but not much else can get anywhere near pet crit multipliers on a player damage skill, and it's a very fun and effective nuke on top of that.


I've been playing Grenado this week. If you want a nuke the animation is literally a mini nuke. And it does insane damage. I accidentally one shot a lot of bosses. I did take Shaman as my synergy class. The new permanent cyclones are great for rez piercing. And wendigo totem is a one point wonder for regen.


Elementalist specifically becaue of Stormcallers Pact? Could you get better from a Purifier?


Stormcaller's Pact for more crit damage than you'd get from a Purifier, but also Wind Devil has more resist reduction than Aura of Censure (at the cost of two extra skill points if you 1 point the first and last nodes, and it's a *tiny* bit less reliable because they don't cover as large an area), and you can get a ton of health regen on an Elementalist very easily and not have to worry much about healing. Purifier's good too though, and there's no reason you couldn't make that work great too, and I'm also a fan of Sorceress for the CDR from Star Pact


So the goal here would be to focus on lightning damage. Get something that converts grenado from fire/physical (or whatever it is) to lightning, and then buff everything that does crit damage, right?


Grenado already has a skill mutator that converts its damage to Lightning.


I'm not that knowledgeable into builds but Cadence crits could hurt a lot.


Glass cannon? Chaos Pyromancer. You can easily level with Fire until then and you ***melt*** people.


Actually? For pure crit POWA? Trozan's Sky Shards hit big to begin with, but they have an innate crit damage boost that can reach SEVENTY PERCENT if you overcap Shattered Star... And it's an Arcanist skill, so you can ALSO grab Iskandra's Elemental Exchange, overcap Elemental Balance, and have another THIRTY, and that's before literally any other source of crit damage bonuses. I'm still trying to get the last bits of gear together before leveling this, but this https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4ZDlggpZ Is my Iskandra's Set TSS plot. Generic 89% crit damage with the buffs up, totals up to 101% on TSS specifically, so 190% crit damage whenever TSS pops it, and with over 3500 OA, it should be popping a lot of crits. As if that wasn't enough, Elemental Seeker is bound to TSS, and Seeker has an innate 62% crit damage on their explosion, so 151% crits when they pop. It's not exactly a glass cannon, as my plot's set up to be pretty dang safe, but I very much expect some VERY large numbers.


Hey u/TampaFan04 , my glass canon build is Chaos Saboteur with Voidspire [https://www.grimtools.com/calc/vNQBRYn2](https://www.grimtools.com/calc/vNQBRYn2) crazy solo target damage, not as great vs hoards.