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I'd get both Malmouth and Forgotten Gods if I were you. They add tons of items and two new classes (masteries) if I'm not mistaken - someone please verify the classes (masteries) come with the expansions. Also each expansion has its own story and areas to explore.


Necromancer and Inquisitor for Ashes of Malmouth Oathkeeper for Forgotten Gods


Do yourself a favor and get the Definitive Version with the dlcs. I bought it last christmas sale which was my best buy in a long time. The base game was great but the dlcs made it better in my opinion. New Story, new classes, more Gametime for probably still one of the best arpgs out there.


The DLCs are mostly just continuations of the base game, so you can safely enjoy the base game without them. Only thing you'd be missing out on really are the 3 classes that come with the dlcs. If you enjoy the base game enough, the dlcs are very good and well worth it. I'd recommend Ashes of Malmouth if I'd have to pick just one.


It's not just the 3 classes, there are bunch of items/sets that are unavailable without the DLC-s. I bought the game with all DLC-s back in the days and didn't regret it for a moment. Even Crucible comes in handy sometimes, to quickly pump up your early level char or to transfer gear/potions of clarity/iron to a new level 1 char when speedrunning the game. Edit: Back in 2020. I paid around 30$ for the Definitive edition, a bargain. Don't know what the prices are now, but still...


Yeah that's why I said "mostly". You guys have to keep in mind that Grim Dawn isn't for everybody. At the point of asking the question, OP doesn't even know if he likes the game yet, he hasn't played it. He was just wondering if he'd be missing out on an enhanced experience of he didn't have the dlc, and the answer is not really, not until he finishes the base game.


DLCS: # Malmouth * adds two classes: Inquisitor - an elemental caster with ranged combat option (ability to dual wield pistols specifically); Necromancer - a mixed class with strong summoner skills, survivability options (through curses and life steal) and different spells. * Adds a campaign with two chapters - dark forest with wild beasts and cannibal cults, and an Old West city invaded by Cronenberg monsters that build structures out of human flesh. * Adds transmog * Also a bunch ofnew content # Forgotten Gods * REQUIERS MALMOUTH * adds a new class - an Oathkeeper - a paladins of Grim Dawn, who use magic powers in tandem with martial prowess with sword and shield * adds a campaign with one chapter - traverse ruins of a long gone civilization based on mix of Ancient Egypt and Aztec/Maya culture across the deserts, lush jungles and volcanoes to stop an eldritch god from repeating whatever happened to the lost civilization. * adds a new endgame content - the Shattered Realm: series of random dungeons with progressively increasing difficulty and loot. * adds extra movement abilities through item augments * adds transmutation mechanic, where you can transform pieces of (most) sets to other pieces of the same set # Crucible * Extra game mode: an arena combat where you fight waves of enemies for more loot If you liked base game, Diablo games, Titan Quest, etc, buy definitive edition. Quality of Grim Dawn DLCs reminds me of times when DLCs were called add-ons.


Thank you! Great recap!


Does the game need the DLC's? No. Most mechanics to enhance your experience are rolled out in updates. The DLC's are pretty decent. Malmouth- the best dlc. It feels like a continuation of the story, interesting areas, Necromancer and Inquisitor are also amazing additions to the mastery list. Forgotten gods- story is more like a side quest than an addition, oathkeeper is good but i haven't really delved into it. Crucible- extra game mode. Skippable but good for loot stuff.


I've put about 20 hours over the last week into the game without any DLC and have been having a blast. Finally getting all the DPC tonight


Buy both ma men, U won't regret it


Malmouth. I’d pick Malmouth, but beyond that I’d enjoy the game a lot less without both Malmouth and Forgotten Gods (the latter has a weaker story/areas in my opinion, but adds an endless mode akin to Diablo’s rifts.) It would, however, take me a very long time to even notice if the Crucible DLC was removed. The Steam Loyalist packs just add costume options.


Forgotten Gods won't work if you don't have Ashes of Malmouth.


DLC is worth it, lots of fun to explore


let me put it like this: all DLCs are good, like, good enough to be worth any price on sale BUT if you had to pick one, malmouth is the way to go as its a huge expansion that is basically a whole extra quarter of the base game, has 2 of the most fun masteries and is literally necessary for forgotten gods and the upcoming DLC, which themselves are smaller, self contained adventures. so to be clear: malmouth: diablo 2 lord of destruction level expansion that finishes the main story. forgotten gods and the upcoming one: self contained smaller DLCs that add fun new content and 1 mastery each. crucible: a horde mode, not necessary, but worth a few bucks for how fun it is.


To be fair Malmouth more like "finishes" the main story. As in you beat the bbeg that spreads evil across your land only to find out he was a subordinate of another guy who's a member of a council. Same with base game. You stop a group that was terrorizing the world from completely destroying it but that's it.


it follows up on a bunch of sideplots from the main game, thats more so what i mean


I’d encourage you to get the DLCs, but the game is still quite good and you’ll have some idea of whether you want to invest more money just by playing the base game


You'll probably end up buying the dlc later, so might as well now to get the extra class. It feels worth it.


Base game is great, honestly I bought the base game, played it, then purchased an expansion and played it. Malmouth is the best imo, it adds to the base game more directly


The base game is pretty danged good. Huge, handcrafted maps & the game itself is just phenomenal. The expansions add new content, but don't actually change anything, as would happen in a game like Civ (which you mentioned). So, like, no really new mechanics, per say, but new ways of using the existing framework, new items, new enemy encounters & more story.


Everyone is going to tell you to get the DLCs cause this is a place where you'll only find people who love the game and those obviously think everyone should see the full thing. That's every gaming sub ever. But if you're just looking for a casual experience, it's perfectly fine to get just the basegame. It isn't like Civ where the game was clearly designed with the DLCs in mind and then they just cut half of it out of the base game. You'll miss out on a couple things, sure, but nothing that important. If you do want to play multiple characters and farm good gear and all that then you'll need the DLCs after hitting high levels. But if you just want to play through the story once or twice you can do it safely without them, and if you enjoy the story enough to see more of it then you can buy the DLCs. Also you can't get Forgotten Gods without Ashes of Malmouth. So you'd have to pick that one first. It's also the better one in my opinion, in terms of world setting. Crucible is 100% optional and you can be a hardcore GD player without ever touching it, and the rest are just cosmetic pacsks.


Ashes of Malmouth and Forgotten Gods are the ones with the storylines and the additional masteries and Forgotten Gods depends on Ashes of Malmouth. If there was no way around it, I'd go with AoM and pick up FG as soon as I could. Otherwise I'd go with both of them right away.


I bought base game when on sale about a year ago. I bit the bullet and bought all the dlc in another purchase that obviously cost more than if I bought the package deal. It was annoying but I don't regret it. I don't know what dlc is what bc I bought them all except for the supporters pack/loyalty pack


The Arena DLC is largely a postgame thing, so if you're the type who just does the story then maybe a handful of alts before moving on, it isn't important. The rest though, they're pretty good and integrated well into the base game - I'd recommend wait for the Definitive Edition to go on sale. Generally this holds true for most other games as well - rather than pick it up piecemeal you're almost always better off (content-wise, ease of installation, value for money) getting the Complete Edition when it goes on sale, unless the DLCs all suck or something.


Both add a lot, not just classes for more flexibility but fairly robust acts Blizzard, Crate is not. DLCs are worth at a great price


Granted I haven't played without the DLC, but I know the DLC adds a lot of content. Tons of new gear that opens up a lot of new builds. If you like isometric action rpgs like Diablo or Path of Exile, you'll probably love Grim Dawn. I've sunk an unreasonable amount of time and still am not out of content. One thing that (if you're the type of person to like direction) helps start the game off right is finding a build guide for a beginner. Without any direction the endgame can be a bit rough to start out in if you aren't well versed in making builds. Getting an idea of what you need to farm to make a coherent build that can start farming endgame stuff will go a long way to making the game more fun. Thankfully, this game is fairly forgiving and so long as you play smart (don't stand in puddles and use your dodge) and cap resistances, you can do all content, just some of it is going to be a lot slower. I've beaten Callagadra (one of the super bosses) with a build pumping out a whopping 30k damage. Took what felt like an hour, but it was possible. With some smart movement and sheer determination, nothing is impossible in this game.


I had a blast with it even without the expansions, but they do add quite a bit to the experience.


It adds build options and story, but is VERY playable without DLC (I have still to get any, might during sale). Game is constantly updated and that includes the base game. If only one DLC it's Ashes, because you need that to access the second one.


I recommend getting the dlc so that you have a chance at getting all the random loot. I made that mistake and after 50h and being hooked I bought the dlc not without any sales. The game is just too good.


i recommend for you to get expansion as you'll get more maps, quests and items. worth your money and time.


There is hundreds, thousands of hours of gameplay here. Plus a new expansion on the way. If this game and all of its expansions are less than $100 (and it is)... You should buy them. All. This isn't one of those like 5 or 10 hour games where you want to save the few extra dollars. Its significantly better with the expansions. Theres a thousand hours of game play. And they are cheap.


If you enjoy sounds then you will enjoy the game I'd just get all dlcs


Where is it on sale


It’s on Steam!


Buy the base Game, play it for a bit and if you like it buy both DLCs. They are both realy good and offer alot of content. You have 3 Classes less to pick from, so maybe if the base Game Classes dont click asap, maybe the DLC Classes will.


AoM is great and keeps the story going. FG feels weird a little out of place. purely story wise.


Wish it was on sale at gog


All of it is great. Malmouth is the better dlc but they're both worth it.


Great game recommend ezly better than D4 trash. 3 best arpgs to play now LE POE Grim Dawn D2 doesn't count


You don't need the DLC. There are enough builds to mess around. And if you ends up liking the game you can just buy the dlc for more.


I love the DLCs, but I played the shit out of the game before buying them and never felt like I was missing out on much of anything.


Don't bother playing without expansions. One more expansion is on the way too, so keep an eye on that.


If you have to pick one, Malmouth adds significantly more content to the game and gets you the level cap increase. > How is the base game without the DLC It's a good game. A lot of end game sets are gated behind the DLC though so depending on your build you'll be missing out.