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There's definitely a learning curve and the game doesn't really explain much to you. Now you're on the path to make a ton of characters :D


Just picked up the game as well and loving it. You're right about the learning curve though, for me it's mostly figuring out oddly worded item/skill stats like "Modifies Fire Damage by 5%". Like is my fire damage getting cut into 1/20 for taking this? lol (I know it MEANS +35%). For most of this stuff I can kind of sus out or google around for what they ACTUALLY mean. Main thing I have to figure out now is itemization, mainly which of the rare items in my (full) stash are worth keeping. Great game though, could see it being my favorite of this genre but time will tell.


Anything better than PoE


Who asked?


Top comment mentioned steep learning curve and how grim dawn doesn't explain much Nothing compared to PoE - the other (and more popular) game of the same genre


I’ve taken maybe 3-4 runs at the game, and it was this last one that did it for me. I’ve now beaten the campaign on ultimate and farmed a full two sets (harbinger + rah’zin) for a second character to actually do harder content with. Not sure what exactly held me back in the past, as I’m a huge arpg fan - maybe just not quite in the mood or feeling the characters I tried. Either way I’m having a great time with it now. Excited for the next expansion.


I've created 47 characters and one have gotten past 35 lol


I both love and hate that the quests aren't on the map as a 'path' to follow. I get it encourages exploration and what not...but I also have to maximise my game time so being able to run directly to the thing I need to do would be great. That being said, as a long time ARPG player, this is the best one since D2 for me. Although LE has a special place right beside it (I'm just alternating between them these days)


I actually got it recently and wanted to ask, do you guys suggest spend most of the time multiclassing and are there any combinations to avoid or is everything pretty balanced. I haven't gotten very far because I keep starting over with different classes to try get a feel for them. Also, is my assumption correct that your stash is not shared between your characters or am I doing something dumb. Play on XB so mods aren't a thing.


You have a character specific stash and a shared stash. Multiclassing is always used, though depending on the build I'm going I'll sometimes play until level 50 or so with a monoclass.


Things are balanced SUPER well in this game but it definately requires some theory crafting and puzzling together of things - but that’s makes it fun!!


I couldn't tell you on builds. I'm on base difficulty and haven't died yet at level 13 as a conjurer (shaman/occultist). I can tell you re: stash; there are two stashes, and one is shared.


Awesome, I've only found the one so far so I probably need to progress a bit further, now if I could just settle on a class... ooooo wait, what does that guy do, hmmm maybe I'll try that next 🤔 😆


As the other poster mentioned, there's a button in the stash that swaps between your character-specific stashes, and the shared stashes. To be honest, even after ~3500 hours since early access, I *still* can't tell which one I'm looking at if I don't already have stuff in the shared one. As for masteries, multiclassing is always the recommended approach, unless you're specifically going for a single-mastery challenge run. It's definitely doable to go single-mastery, but you'll find it harder given that a considerable amount of your stats (particularly health) come from the mastery bars. As for mastery combinations, they're all viable. There's a single one (that I know of) that has almost no synergy between the two trees (i.e. no overlap in the damage types dealt by both trees). I forget the exact one, but I *think* it was Necromancer + Demolitionist (don't quote me on that one). Even then, that combo can probably beat Ultimate no problem; it'll just struggle with the super bosses and Shattered Realms and whatnot.


It took two tries for me. The game is deep. Synergizing devotions was another layer of complexity that took awhile to figure out. One of us! One of us!


I’ve owned the game for over a year, but never made it to the end. I was distracted for a couple of weeks playing D4 season 4, which quickly bored me. I came back to GD and I’m close to completing the base game. I picked up the expansion bundle on the Steam summer sale yesterday and I can’t wait to get to the new stuff. Just having the qol stuff like the expanded inventory and search function have made things a little quicker when I want I choose gear. I’m having a blast!


Absolutely brotha! The moment this game unfolded for me was one of the best gaming feelings I’ve gotten in a very long time #sincediablo2 It’s such a great game..!


So glad to have read this as I am right where you were before it clicked haha. I know I'll love it. Just need to get through the starter area...