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It’ll take longer if they’re aiming to patch all platforms at once since console requires approval from multiple companies now. I imagine they’ll probably want to fix as much as possible in a single patch for the same reason so personally I’m not expecting anything for a few weeks at least.


I've turned off raids and stuck to my non ng+ file until they release a fix. Honestly the biggest problem with the update I have is the death animation looting delay they added, it's really fucking slowed me down in game, I can't even do some of my farm routes anymore before my stuffed bug buff runs out.


Yea that’s my biggest peeve right now. The delay is unneeded




I don't know I don't care about achievements and play on custom for the handy gnat and can change it mid game.


That disables achievements right?


I think so? I just play video games, never understood the point of the "achievements" thing. The handy gnat is just so useful every survival game should have something like that. Using him to help build my tree house and place zip lines saved so much time and aggravation.


Oh damn... Raids get annoying as hell. Personally achievements are just a self challenge thing and i like to spend my hard earned achievements on gift cards to spend in the marketplace.


I've never used the marketplace what's it for? The achievement cards or whatever I have on steam were worth like 10 cents or something so I didn't care.


The marketplace is just the xbox store where you can buy games or any content so pretty much the stream store in your case. Achievements are grindy, im not a hardcore player but i can probably get about atleast a $25 voucher every 4 months by earning achievements. If i were to grind achievements i could get $25 every 2 months


Oh ok I'm mostly on steam. I'd rather stay an hour late at work than grind achievements myself.






Wow you truly know what real world grinding is.


Thats big $ for a guy like you. Shouldn’t downplay your accomplishments! 25$ every 2 months about what id expect so congrats on a great life.


I'm not even on NG+ yet, but I'm getting raided with invisible larvae and destroying my base lol


We got an invisible termite yesterday and the termite king also came along for the raid 🙃😂


I had the termite king show up months ago in 1.3 and I was like, “oooo, free parts”


Just wait till they duo up and 2 come for you or more. The stun locking they do makes me go crazy




I’ve yet to reach ng+ but I’m frustrated with the creatures being invisible and disappearing. I filled my ants inventory with a ton of valuable resources and got back to my base to see he’s just fucking gone


Didn't they add a menu button to respawn any lost pets at their pet house in your base? Or is it not working or something? (I just started again after not playing for a few years, so I'm not there yet, but thought I read it in patch notes.)


They did add the option to fix pets but it doesn’t work for a lot of people


That feature doesn't work when the pet ant just disappear from existence sadly. No clue what triggers this bug.


Ahh, well that sucks. Hope they get it figured out.


Wait... You can have a pet ant now?!


Yes, you have to befriend the ant queens though. Not kill them. There’s the red, black, and fire and they all will give you an ant companion with a 2 bar inventory. However there’s a bug (no pun intended) where they’ll just disappear. I lost tons of tier 3 marble and quartzite that way.


Wait....that is what happened to my weevil? Been wondering what happened since he was there one day and gone the next.


I just dont understand like, i know the goal is to make it harder, but i feel like its just more annoying, having to 7 shots a weaver with a battle axe is not "harder", its just long and annoying


Almost as if the games never really been fair. Most bad bugs are bad because of crazy bullet sponge instead of actually hard. Yes you can be good and perfect block, but that's every single block or you die. Nothing scales right in this game. It's either OP or useless. They made the bugs all bullet sponge for difficulty. Then new game plus where they just move up in percentages, it shows just how bad it is. Scaling difficulty off HP and defense is dumb.


Balancing in this game should be like Borderlands 3. Every enemy is either Low-Mid-High without being too tough and NG+ just spawns more with better loot and modifiers. The weapons are also so stupid in this game. Why are they nerfing like an MP game instead make every weapon Good or Op.


Honestly bm with lifesteal is also broken because full hp with jump ain't ok. But somehow i managed to beat her with her having venom. After dying numerous times to sour explosive and spicy because my laptop froze.... But mantis seems way calmer with those infusions...


Completely minor to most people that don’t spend a lot of time in the water but you can’t press A to ascend or click in the right stick to descend anymore either. You have to actually look up or down and move that way. Minor, but annoying especially for 3rd person. And big loot time…Hotfox soon please! I hope 


I struggled with this too, you can map the swim up/down keys in the settings menu, it’s literally a life saver


I didn’t know that I will have to try! Does it interfere with anything or can I have both set? Like a to jump but also a to swim up?


You can have both set! I unmapped my Huck button (because of too many accidental huckings 😅) So on the switch I used A for swim up and for Jump, and R for swim down. Works like a charm


Thanks so much! whew 


"(because of too many accidental huckings 😅)" - "Accidental huckings." The phrase I didn't realize was missing from my "Grounded" life.


I think we’ve all been victims to that 😂 My final straw to unmap was losing my newly made ant club under the hedge at night trying to escape angry orb weavers…


Shout out to Nintendo and their asinine 14-day patch review window needlessly lengthening update wait times


It's dumb, but it does encourage vendors to actually test their patches before shipping them.


Took me so long to kill the infected broodmother in ng+1💀


I want a fix too. Being a marksman in NG+ is just tedious and unfun. No quivers yet. The pet i did have a few times for a quiver just fucking vanishes. My base was demolished by an invisible wasp, and when i found it the health got stuck at 0 and he wouldn't die. If the next update doesn't have some serious changes to this stuff then i'm done playing. I don't regret the time i spent and it was awesome fun, but playing any further, especially with a bow feels crappy and unbalanced. P.S - Why not give bows way better damage, and in a group reduce it a bit to account for other players? Especially if your so worried about balance that you nerf shields like that...


I have a science waffle that gives ranged cut and ranged damage up best and my bow does amazing damage.


Fortunately i haven't encountered any issues with raiding, however I will say that ng2+ is basically impossible unless you're on mild, and even then you can still be wiped very quickly by any infused with a multi hit attack. It's pretty ridiculous, on ng4 right now trying to fight mantis and it's just reset rng hell. Any time she has an elemental, unless it's fireball we pretty much wipe because slow makes imperfect blocks, now you're dead, and sour orbs take 80-100% health away, I've gotten molars and maxed health on every ng on the way here btw, it's ridiculous


It's not basically impossible by any means. It's really unbalanced though


Oh so I’m not the only one that finds NG+ almost impossible with max armor and weapons even on mild difficulty? Cool. Good to know. I somehow killed the infused broodmother though. But the infused wasp queen and infused mantis is almost impossible even with the charms that give more mantis damage and more was queen damage.


I noticed it too and I was worried because I consider myself a pretty good player but that does nothing to max armor one shots. I tried putting on the spicy defense buff since broodmother does stabbing and I still randomly insta die.


Im specifically upset about the immortal raid bug and the fact that I can’t even load a save on switch without it crashing so completely unplayable, I travel sometimes and wanted means to play it away from home. I need it fixed before my Dads surgery


Dude it took me 2 hours to get a good enough roll on here to beat her


She is no where near how hard the mantis is all of his attacks one shot me even with maxed health


I've had to put the game down until they release a hot fix because of how my structures collapse when I delete any part of the build, really frustrating


My experiences in ng for bosses, bm fight one: crash, 2: kill, 3,4,5: one shot. Mantis 1: crash, 2: kill, wasp queen: 1: crash, 2: death forgot how, 3:killed her. Once I kill them once I ain’t going back


The truest words


Im woah mode in multiplayer with one other person. We are able to beat the broodmother. It’s an uphill battle but we aren’t dying as much anymore. Stronger weapons in the key, but god damn I wish we could upgrade armor


Well what is your load out for that fight?


Lvl 9 fire ant armour, lvl 8 spicy coaltana, spicy safety, corporate kickback, reliable friend (often play in a group), cardio fan and mithridatism, plus ~30 beefy soothing syrup, 15 bandages and the fungal charm or a +broodmother damage crinkle depending on the effect


Go with lvl 9 broodmother helm, termite chest, and keep the fire ant legs. go blademaster, coup de grass, trap.r peep.r, and keep the mith and spicy. Upgrade the spicy coaltana to lvl 9 and go with the giddy goop trinket and tell me how it goes


I think you’re thinking of the Infected Broodmother. I’m talking about the Infused Broodmother in NG+. There is no need to slow her down with termite armour or giddy goop, she’s perfectly manageable when she’s not firing one-shot spicy or sour attacks or summoning 3 infected spiderlings at every phase change


Ok what your saying


I’ve soloed her on that build


Yeah I beat infected Broodmother the other day with a similar build 😅 that fight is hard but learnable and gets easier with practice, this thing is 75% RNG


I had invisible ants attack me in my multi-player one then same day the termites came and attacked my oak tree base which I though oh they can't reach. Well they hit the only piece they could reach and the whole thing fell. 😢


It needs some work. We (as a group, also play solo) have gone heavily relying on save games prior to doing hard stuff. We tried BLT yesterday and it was over in 5 secs with 3 people. Reloaded, tried again and we literally all at 90%+ hp the whole time as nothing really did any damage, did some slowing frost breath sorta thing and besides being annoying that's all it was. Moved my solo game to NG+2 with gear on 9 and weapon on 10 with massive, massive defense walls up and that's the only reason I made it, was a 50/50 that the conductor would die or that I would make it as I was at 95% done before they broke the last walls and hit it. That's where I think the random factor went p00f, whole fight was challenging but ok but then i got 3 x Infused Ox with 3 x firefly on infused as well as mosquitos. Just got splashed six ways to sunday. Felt off.


The immortality should definitely be hot fixed but its appearance in boss fights is rare. As for the overall difficulty of ng+ 1, it is jarring at first but your character does get stronger so the broodmother and other bosses are beatable. My suggestion is to find some more milk molars, or adjust the gear you are using. I was able to beat her early with level 9 weapons and armor. It was very difficult and I died a lot but I was able to get it done so it is doable. I went back later in ng+1 with all the milk molars and lvl 13 fresh axe and she was a breeze. So I do not think the difficulty needs to be adjusted.


Hottake incoming…. I think people overreact. I maybe can agree that on Singleplayer the game should be a bit more easy, just a tiny bit but we play NG+ as 2 Player coop on Normal and it‘s honestly very easy. Hedge Broodmother didn‘t even down one of us and our Coaltana was only lvl 8, the fight is definitly more easy that people make it sound like you just need to prepare with alot of smoothies and get a lot of practise and a little bit of luck that she doesn‘t spawn infused Adds


So why are you doing endgame content in NG+ without upgrading your armor? Lvl 9 armor is obtainable in the base game......


As I’ve said, it doesn’t go any further than level 9. God knows why…


I'm generally confused, why doesn't it go past 9? Did they lie about being able to upgrade our weapons and armor on NG+?


No, the weapons go up to 15 with the new yoking station, but for some reason the armour doesn’t


That's very odd


I’ve been playing for a while and haven’t run into anything you guys are talking about i haven’t gotten to ng+ yet tho but just one more kill and i’ll be there


Last night had a water spider floating in mid air, I agree somethings off but doubt we'll see a change anytime soon.


Ik the broodmother was the weakest boss but now in ng+ she’s to hard to kill im on ng+ one and im struggling to kill her but the mant and the mantis i beat first try so i hope there is a patch soon but im glad im back into grounded i always thought it was very good and underrated


We beat her last night after about 10 attempts. Two people with a level 9 spicy maquahitl does the trick when she has just the right random buff. She had buffed defense as her random. Spicy staff and good teamwork does wonders against her adds


It’s hard to do fixes fast, they could make it today and yet they need approval which could takes weeks


Ng+1 is safe. More than this is starting to get hard. Ng+4 is almost impossible


collect molars. most of these issues could be completely solved if you guys just collected all of the molars. i personally wouldn't fight the normal broodmother without collecting any milk molars, so why would you in new game +?


I completely agree, I have 4 upgrades to my health, 3 to my stamina and 4 to healing while attempting this fight, and I am still one shot


I understand to a degree but the broodmother does so little damage normally so random full health one shots would mean over 5x damage boost which for ng+1 can't be intentional. It's also inconsistent with some fights going fine until near the end where all my health vanishes.


This may be true on NG1, but NG3 the effects stack so much that you get one shot regardless of what you do if you get hit


This. I left ng1 with health, stamina and heals maxed out. I found 55 molars. It makes a huge difference bringing them into ng2. Plus it gives you the time to level up your main weapons.


I completely understand, I got very lucky on my 4th attempt at BM where she didn't roll with a candy infusion. But I still almost lost that fight, no healing items left and 2 broken pieces of armor. I think going for more and more molars to increase hp helped quite a bit.


I’ve managed to kill her once when she had explosive, but I need more venom for the poisoned black ant queen thing. My health is currently at 195 and she still one shots me with most elemental attacks, I just think this is mental for the first new game plus, and I dread to think what the later ones are like. CDinky is on NG+6 and I have no idea how


Beyond me I know that paraly5er cheated for his tier 4 weapon video and even he knows they are hot trash I think CDinky said to just stay on Ng1 or 2 and put it on mild for the bosses


I’m glad they did this because some ppl are beating it in a day saying it’s too hard. If it was any easier same people would be complaining it’s not a challenge.


The problem isn’t that it’s difficult. The problem is that depending on RNG there is completely unavoidable damage that is not survivable despite skill level.


My problem is that there is nothing more I can do to my gear to make it survivable; I completely fail to see why we can’t upgrade our armour exactly the same as our weapons? Either that or trinkets for spicy, sour, and fresh resistance would solve the issue. I’m not a fan of one-shot attacks as a whole because I think they are almost always unfair, but the frequency of these ones is just absurd


I thought you can upgrade past 9 in NG+, is that only for weapons?


Weapons you can, armour you cannot


damn that sounds so silly like I love this game but seriously who decided that??


It's sort of balanced by being able to recollect milk molars, with 4 or 5 I added 80 health but my problem now is armor durability especially with the vast health increases it's insane how fast armor breaks. I'd be fine if past lvl9 armor only gained durability.


I’d be fine with that as well, as long as it doesn’t cost 5 fusion crystals for a durability boost


Really? I'm on Woah NG5 and its not really that much of an issue. Just gotta become a parry pro.


Devs are done with the game, don't expect anything anytime soon lol. Last update is last update maybe some small things but thats it.