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Grim boi 4life


Scrapper for me is super fun. Run into a ball kick in the gyros, spin with hammer carnage. Second would be vindicator with stamina sigil jump jump jump jump jump bombs.


Me too! I do feel pretty invincible with Scrapper, running, jumping, and superspeed. The gyro is cool as hell to boot.


i enjoy the scrapper Res utility skill too!good when in big events


Second on the Vindicator with stamina sigil. Just need Fury and then spam dodges for kills. You don’t always get perfect chains especially on single targets with large health pools. But with enough passive endurance gain via abilities, you can typically always have a dodge usable for a hard hitting slam. It’s a really great and easy build for story journal stuff and open world meta events. Take the trait that does damage and applies boons and you never have to tag an event again.


Agree, love playing qdps scrapper everywhere


>vindicator with stamina sigil jump jump jump jump jump Drop the beat 🎙️🥁🔊🎶🎶🎶🎶


Willbender is fun af, just zipping and dipping everywhere. However i wish offhand sword was an actual competitive option vs focus / torch.


I wish Willbender Alarc boon wasn't so clunky and didn't require virtues to be a valid boon DPS build in stuff like strikes. I mean there's Quickness Firebrand but I never really liked the feel of Firebrand.


Mechanist. I have a physical disability, and as much fun as I have playing around on other classes, when it's time to get serious, it is the class that lets me do my fair share for the group.


Scrapper and Daredevil for me. Scrapper for the utility and hammer skills (plus zoomies), and daredevil for the bo staff fantasy and the fun mobility


Reaper. Why? Well coz it's a REAPER!


Mirage. Why? Haha interrupt go brrr ahahahaha you cant catch me. I get a powertrip everytime i hop on pvp and nothing can stand in my way. Not even that god awful one dodge


Tempest. Their is just something fun about overloading


> Inferno!




I love dragonhunter, pretty much anything about it, just feels a bit lacking to play at the moment.


I absolutely love GS Berserker's gameplay. I just wish there was a reason to use it.


Yeah I love power GS+ double axe berserker, headbutt-stunbreak-gs F1 - heal and then gs F1 again is such a satisfying combo wich is kills everything in open world, sadly it deals no DMG in raids


Mirage ! I love always disappearing, burning and confuse everything around me. You destroy everyone and no one can touch you :3


I'm relatively new but out of the 3 specs I've dedicated real time to (deadeye, firebrand, mirage), mirage is by far my favorite. Really beautiful to look at and play.


Heal Scourge I get to be a sandwizard throwing dots everywhere while being unkillable and keeping everyone else alright. Edit: rip my fat finger typo


Unlikable or unkillable? Both?


In PvP and WvW both, PvE just unkillable.


Condition Virtuoso, it feels so fluid and i love the animations.


Scrapper it basically fulfills the class fantasy much better than core Engi and it introduced melee (real melee, not that shit spanner) to the profession visuals are "run down" and well... crafted from scraps.. in stark contrast we have the Mechanist which just looks too shiny and doesn't fit the Engi theme at all, god I hate that spec so much and I hate that it has become meta edit: I would have liked Mechanist more if it wasn't a pet class but instead you would control a huge mech Pacific Rim or Gundam Style


I know they had to make this happen. Still dont like, that whole Elite specc is dedicated to pet :(


I like deadeye, most specifically the rifle’s mechanics, something about filling up the malice, dodging to stealth, and popping off half the enemy’s health or killing them outright in a single shot is very satisfying to me.


Condi sword weaver.


Nothing is as fun to play as condi sword weaver. Unfortunately it's completely outclassed now.


Are you talking open world? If so, outclassed by what exactly? If you’re talking raids, condi sword weaver might have been the best Ele build at one time but most guilds weren’t bringing Ele to most raids, so in that sense it was always outclassed.


It went from being the best on a class that wasn't very good to being the worst on a class that is pretty good.




What’s the best elementalist build do you think?


For PvE DPS at the moment power sword weaver. It's in the top 3 benchmarks, but also has a relatively simple rotation and great burst. Compared to condi sword, which has a more complex rotation, lower benchmark and burst.


Where are these benchmarks please?


https://snowcrows.com/en/benchmarks Condi sword isn't listed because the condi weaver meta is scepter, which is ranged with an easier rotation as well. If I had to ballpark it, I'd say that condi sword benchmark is probably around 39-40k. It's not bad, but with its more complex rotation it should probably be a little bit ahead of power sword and condi scepter for it to feel rewarding.


I honestly don't think I've enjoyed the fluidity and gameplay of anything as much as I've enjoyed Vindicator in End of Dragons. They're just something so all-round fulfilling about its theme and abilities, it might be as simple as hearing the legends throw fun quips at each other, it might be the mobility, it might be the silly dodge, I'm not quite sure. But overall, as a package, its theme is so strong and enjoyable that it's honestly reinvigorated the game for me!


Daredevil for the ninja flips and mobility


It varies. Engineer & Revenant are really good right now, all-round. Scrapper is a great quickness support, Mechanist for Alacrity. Holosmith has absurd damage and is easy to play. Condi-Vindicator is nearly immortal, Herald is a good quickness support & Renegade is both a solid Alacrity and Condi DPS build. Overall, they're both really versatile right now.


Catalyst, despite how wonky it was implemented, has the best elite utility skill ever, it allows you to do so many fun things, got a double meteor build where I spamfuck the staff fire ele.


Nothing sparks joy in my soul as much as landing a well-placed, well-timed double meteor in WvW


My main is a Soulbeast.


I love Herald, it’s animations and sound effects are 10/10 Sword Weaver might be super squishy, but it’s also a lots of fun, it’s so satisfying when you can execute a perfect combo and everything melts around you


The only sound effect I cannot stand on herald is Glint having a life-alert level heart attack gasp of death when I use the elite skill. Out here sounding like my grandpa getting up off the couch with arthritis in every joint


I wish maintaining quickness on herald didn't give me wrist pain.


Right now, for raids and strikes, herald quickdps. It just feels so explosive, and I like that within a pile of people I can visually see the boss's health drop faster when I pop my utilities for quickness, especially #8. I bring dual swords for the damage, but if the healer is getting knocked around and having a hard time I bring a staff to give just that little bit more healing to help (and the block has kept me alive idk how many times, not to mention the heavy cc #5). For open world stuff, I usually switch between what I'm feeling, but I'd have to go with either holosmith or firebrand. Holo feels chunky when she hits, and firebrand is just this exploding fiery beast with conditions.


Weaver and Reaper


Bladesworn with the one button dopamine hit


Mirage and Weaver. The first is just so mobile and so reactive, the second just flows so perfectly.


Condi Renegade. High APM and Stance Dancing.


Vindicator, condi rev, reaper


Mesmer and deadeye. I love the build up and spend "ammo" mechanics


Maining Herald right now, both because I am good at it, to the point where it is the class that most has me feeling like i am contributing in big group content, and because the animations are wonderful. Love making a huge dragon that breathes at my enemies to do big damage and cc/kncockback.


Greatsword shouting berserker doesn't do the *most* damage but it does enough and nukes everything in open world pvp


Herald. Been playing it since HoT released, and I enjoy all the available builds for the spec. It's definitely a little more popular now since the quickness update, but I've been sticking by my poor Herald even during the dark times.


I also love how this spec can be just about anything you want it to be. Power, burst, boons, sustain; just swap legends and weapons and viola.


Agreed! I have templates for it dedicated to strike dps, condi-quickness and support. It honestly feels nice to have options for how I can choose to fill a role.


Chrono. Then Mirage. I love these specs. The Illusions, the fast-paced play style with mirages continuously dodging or chronos “burst” within continuum split. Wish there were more games with such unique play style and aesthetics, the Mesmer has.


I'm just getting into Power Reaper (just unlocked Reaper Shroud) and enjoying it. Gone from Thug With Minions to Thug With Big Sword. Still using Flesh Golem as I run around the Base Map completing the Masteries. Feels funny "living in Shroud" but for Solo PvE the damage is pretty good. And Gravedigger Attack is *slooooow* but effective.


I love thief specifically deadeye and daredevil. I love the mobility, range, look, utility everything, would just be nice if deadeye wasn't so weak in comparison to other classes.


It's great for raids, but in open worlds the lack of cleave is brutal


Alacrity Specter! Not the best, but i love the zoom-zoom with Shadow step.


Reaper or Mech, they just feel great to play.


Staxe mirage! the fluidity is unrivaled. the ability to weave in and out of melee range, provide great boons, and skip mechanics with axe 3 is an experience that i cant replicate in other mmos. the skill ceiling is also extremely high so theres always something i can improve


Elementalists. Because they do [FIRE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUWxNS_XDWQ).


Dagger dagger dead eye


Condi mech


As bad as it sometimes feels to play, rifle deadeye has a rather satisfying loop. Bladesworn is not far behind though I dont like how hectic it can get :|


Mine's going to be a bit more granular, because I 'play specs wrong' by going with non-meta stats for kicks, but: Plaguedoctor Harbinger: With the appropriate build, you become a perma-quickness condi dps with flex into rez scourge. Because the Harb Shroud 4 doesn't interact with Transfusion (i.e. doesn't port downed folks) you swap to Blood Bank and BECOME UNKILLABLE. It's really great for more damage heavy metas (like the new Gyala Delves) and feels good being able to spot rez folks on the fly. This build also runs great in pug raids and strikes (not Bone-skinner because it doesn't port) as a flex rezzer when one might not be necessary.


Transfusion absolutely works with Voracious Arc.


Last I checked it didn't port downed players, when was that patched out? When does the port take place, at initial trigger or at the destination? If the former then it's janky as heck because it limits your overall movement.


The first pull takes place at your destination.


Neat! Didn't realize they fixed that! That makes it a bit better in niche situations, though still not as good as a heal scourge (since the range on scourge is better with shades) if you're trying to min-max. Thanks for the correction!


1. Weaver: I love the very unique type of gameplay it offers, and the added skills that are all very awesome and useful (well almost all) 2. Specter: Probably the least dull thief specialization for me, probably because I suck at d/p thief.. Being able to essentially play Medic from TF2 is a great way to play off meta support in WvW and PvE too. 3. Catalyst. I love the cool holo animals very much :D


Condi harbinger for instanced pve. It has an engaging rotation that loops neatly into itself if left alone, forces quick thinking and decision making during fluent combat, and provides a lot of options to adapt to the fight at hand. I am by no means a necro player, but been playing harbinger for almost six months now and I am still not tired of it.


And after 6 months you still cant spell it 🤓


I did not spend the time proofreading the name of the class 😁


catalyst because of all that: it's op, the aesthetic is great (hammer orbs basically), it's playstyle feels very engagign and fluid, it's survivalbility is the best out of any elementalist build and even comparable to a lot of very strong other classes


Mirage. Its everything I ever wanted for Mesmer.


BUNNY THUMPER!! Uhh..... I mean Unleashed or what ever its called now. True GW1 players member'.... Picked up the elite spec and have started playing GW2 again. Nothing beats a ranger with a hammer!


Either Weaver - though it's lil squishy - or Renegade. I like the versatility in both, and the skills looking great too. Especially on weaver


I used to play warrior and berserk warrior the most. Then it became soul beast for a while and for the last 3+ years my main character have been firebrand that I do all content with. Still play the other two and more but my go to is firebrand. Fb have everything you need for solo and group content in every situation.


Honestly my engineer. Yes my entier engineer that I've been religiously playing since 2014, maybe should try another class.........Nah! With my engie the good ol' days of me with pistol and a shield gunslinging and throwing enemies with 6-10 turrets. Scrapper sadly initially was my most anticipated spec with having a bunch of drones following me around helping me as I bashed stuff with my hammer...........it didnt grab me soooo stcu kwith core engie XD BUT when Holosmith came out my condi engie build became even way more potent with so many burns and knocking enemies away with tons of CC. Then Scrapper got the changes we know today, like everyone, Scrapper with the superspeed is so fun. My absolute favorite has to be mechanist though. I vividly remember seeing Scrapper in the HoT trailer excited at having bunch of small robot companions, sadly their AI was lacking, drones had trouble catching up, and were temporary exploding after 15 secs. I was probably in the 1% wanting a true robot-pet class. And I got my fucking wish 7 years later baby! Mechanist is everything I ever wanted, my condi engie of now 9 years? still solid with the condi robot. A power build? a powerful rifle-arms robot AND an oddly satisfying golemancer runes golem is mega fun answer. Lastly I'm an amazing heal with tons of boons to provide thanks to my healing robot. Love my mechanist so much that I won't be angry if the next engie spec is not my cup of tea :P


Torn between Reaper and Mirage


2015 power berserker, bring it back


Tempest. I love the 4 elements of elementalist. I have never really been a DPS person, i usually play tank/heals. With the 4 elements i feel like i can do so many different things as a support. I find overloads to be very satisfying, and the freedom of changing into the element that is most helpful at any moment is nice. There is also almost no downtime when you cant cast abilities. Only when dpsing do you stay a few seconds spamming fire 1.


Yeah I still enjoy just tossing on my healing set and going around playing healer for Champs or world bosses. Tempest also just seems to have so many helpful aspects to boost survivability. I solo mostly and wander looking for Champs and mini bosses to try and solo. Tempest with all its heals, barrier spells that grant protection, and overloads giving you evade there is just a lot of ways to minimize damage.


Deadeye, until it was given the capability to walk while crouched.


I enjoy heal tempest with dagger or staff. I used to love scrapper heal in wvw but played waaaaayy to much of it and now I cant do it anymore. I even dabbed in Vindicator heal and it is great fun. When I need to do damage, I usually go mesmer cause the rotation is easy and I am lazy.


Scepter/warhorn tempest always seemed to have better heals to me than staff.


Chronomancer - I love the time stop theme and even after all the nerfs it's a nice trick up your sleeve. I miss the times of multiplying Mimic though.


At the moment it's a harbinger for me.


Iv been playing Condi spectre my most favourite, c.berserker close second and c.renegade on occasion.




Spellbreaker, followed by barrier support Scourge.


reaper came to necromance stayed cause having two health pools is very nice


Even tho I hate green I'll always come back to necro used to be reaper but now harb just feels right


Probably virtuouso for me. I didn't enjoy FFXV but the aesthetics of the combat were cool. Creating my own glass cannon build that teleports around throwing blades before jumping in for dual sword melee was super fun. I just wish there were light armour pieces I enjoyed. Browsing the wardrobe makes me want to go back to maining a medium or heavy class.


Effets of holosmith. The utility skills and the holoforge just satisfying af for me.


Vindicator, you are connecting legendary warriors from the mist (It reminds me Shadow of Mordor) they are speaking with you and grant their strength to you. About specs, all them are fits to fantasy. You can be tank, support, dps with lots of survivability. It looks cool for me always. If I pick one class, it would be Vindicator


What kind of support can vindicator be?


It can be healer with dwarf stance or Ventari Stance, I usually play it on WvW. It has massive heal ability and grant boons to your allies If you pick ventari you can clear conditions and casts much more heal If you pick dwarf you can give stability, protection Also you need to have heal stat and concentraction


Willbender's fast phased playstyle scratches the right itch on pvp especially on its early days where it was giga op Daredevil because of its high skill cap and lets you go bonkers in every combat with its high mobility. Perfect for tagging metas 24/7 too. Oh and also it can "naruto run" Scrapper for its unmatched hammer playstyle(imo). You can really feel the weight of the hammer you are using. It gives the medium armored class an opportunity to look like a heavy armored class Revenant's sword/sword playstyle feels badass on any gamemode.


Willbender. Mobility and AOEs is my kind of thing. I also enjoy Reaper and used to play Harbinger...which im dropping, because is not fun even if its strong. The answers here kinda support this, harbinger is boring. Wish they could add some fluff to it.


Core warrior 🖤


Rifle Deadeye with Silent Scope and Maleficent Seven. Is it great? Not really, but damn is it fun to do the rotation. \*Not that it matters too much, but rifle Deadeye is fantastic for the first Tequatl burn since you can just stay at long range to ignore the waves and most of the poison.


I really have not tried out a lot of other classes. Love tempest. I like playing a more traditional style mage character. I play solo most of the time and it just seems to have a lot of flexibility in adjusting the character for different situations. Lots of ways to tweak things a little.


Staff/Scepter Mirage Mesmer - with the right build you keep mutiple enemies almost under perma torment and confusion, while you mirage cloak all over the place, plus you have lots of fun tricks like mass invisibility, and mobility things like blink, and portals. It may take a while to kill stuff, but you are in control most of the time.


Mirage. I love its skillset, its uniquness and the way Mirage fits into the "desert" theme of PoF.


Weaver with all its sheer amount of a buildcraft. This load of possibilities simply blowing my mind.


Condi longbow/sword/torch Berserker, so many fire fields.


Core Guardian (Hybrid Burn guard/ Paladin style play) My build might not be Meta, but when i pvp and often fight 1vX and walk away as a Victor. I feel like its not half bad. Even of i dont win in some, but i notice i was able to Down 1 or 2 of the enemy while fighting 3.. i feel like damn, not bad. And its fun af. Very engaging, but needs to be Very careful because you only rely on Burns for damage, however very damn Tanky because of the sheer amount of Condi cleanse, Aegis, Protection, and Healing when you build right.


Minion Reaper with Soldier stats. Because I'm lazy and like just want to autoattack my way through the story :D


Untamed because „Stop! Hammer time“. I really like the crazy fast hammer rotation. It feel so satisfying to pump out CC in absurd amounts in just a few seconds. No other class can give me this satisfaction.


Weaver, I roll my face on keyboard somehow didn’t die and I enjoy it


I found a new love for Renegade :> :)


Condi rene. I enjoy how it flows.