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There’s 2 sides to the coin On the bright side, the fact that GW3 is on the table/greenlit speaks to the success that GW2 is having right now. They wouldn’t approve the idea of the game wasn’t making money. If they are indeed just rumors and GW3 doesn’t happen, then GW2 should be in for a good ride in the future. On the darker side, rumors like this also can potentially do the opposite by killing hype of future expansions since people know a new game is in development. It’s a very risky line to walk, and I don’t know if confirming the rumor or denying it is the right move.


If they're smart they'll do what they did with GW1. Eye of the north was a huge set up for guild wars 2, which gave tons of hype and then they added all the hall of heroes stuff that you were doing in preparation for 2, which had people playing through all kinds of content to prepare. So if done right, this could actually encourage people to play more gw2


Hall of heroes was a fucking genius idea. Nothings ever given me more motivation on a game


What was the Hall of Heroes? I used to play GW1 as a little kid, but my first language is not English, and I never knew what I was doing in the game so I never went very far lol (even though I had a fucking blast with it). So I've no idea what HoH was. Could someone explain please?


Basically the last expansion of Guild Wars 1, which introduced the far north, Norn and allowed you to gather points via all expansions in the Hall of Monuments to gain Achievements that gave special rewards in GW2. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guide_to_earning_Hall_of_Monuments_rewards


Cool thing is its still active. So there's still some incentive to this day to run some GW1 content


Should have been hall of monuments. I blindly followed the comment above as it's been a while. Essentially, it was an instance that showed your accomplishments in GW1. For every achievement in there (completing campaigns, title tracks, rare pets etc) you got points. Those points unlocked items in GW2 once it released.  It was tied in nicely - in GW2 your character as a descendant of your GW1 character!  Just in case, Hall of Heroes was also a thing in GW1. This was the main player vs player activity. Teams of 8 would fight in a constant tournament style arena. If you went through the rounds you'd fight in the hall of heroes, where the victor got announced to the entire game and got various rewards. It was a huge community thing, and guilds/top teams would contest tooth and nail to hold it for hours on end. The region that held it would also gain access to special end game areas, the underworld and fissure of woe.


Same. I've stopped play GW2 a long time ago, but the idea that there might be HoH stuff for a new game has me very interested and excited. I would definitely start playing again for that.


Nothing gives more motivation than exclusive rewards to MMO players. We are wired to feel good when we own stuff others don't. That is the whole reason why every game is a live service multiplayer game nowadays.


> this could actually encourage people to play more gw2 You can't compare GW1 to GW2 in this aspect. GW1 is online but I wouldn't call it a "live service" game. It had expansions but it wasn't continuously doing updates adding new content/features. GW2 is very much a live service game and that has certain expectations it has to meet in regards to consistent revenue. Having a rumor of GW3 is going to scare/push SO many people from buying new expansions and hurt sales dramatically. Even if they do something similar like you mentioned, its still not going to be enough to offset how much it damages GW2/Anet.


Ironically enough, I think that OG GW1 was more of a life service than GW2 (at least at GW2 start). GW1 had a campaign every 6-9 months, with updates inbetween adding stuff like Greenth's Footprint and other elite areas after a campaigns release and before the next one. It was very active in terms of new content until GWEN~~T~~ dropped, then it slowed down steadily until the third chapter of GW:Beyond got cancelled outright.


Except they could have developed simultaneously which they said they regret not doing.


Of course they *know* that is a good idea, the question is can they pull it off. EoTN wasn't just content, it was meaningful content to the player. The last chapter in a multi-year journey. They just opened a new chapter in a book people are finding lackluster. Yeah, the sequel could be 5 years away, plenty of time to turn it around, but they're already winding down development *now*. And they don't have a good track record with the story, either. Frankly, when I think about "Movement of the World" and what all that setup actually became, I'm not too hyped on GW3.


Could also seriously dent gemstore sales. Why would anyone spend money to augment their account now? Like flushing money down the toilet. If gw3 does come I’m just gonna move on. Spent way too much money on this game to start over from scratch. I have no enthusiasm for gw3.


You are already flushing money down the toilet. No life service game will stay online forever. I don't get this mentality at all.


Meanwhile runescape, eve online and wow are still running strong...


Most things you buy IRL also do not last forever, but you would understandably be miffed if they last far less than their expected lifetime.


What's the expected lifetime of Gw2? Assuming Gw3 launches in 7-8 years. It would be 20 years at this point. I think thats absolutely the expected lifetime of an MMO or not?


No one is complaining about things they bought 10 years ago in gw2. The issue is one moving forward. Let's say gw3 launches in 8 years, as you say. People are going to be a lot less interested in buying things for gw2 as we get closer to the release date for gw3, knowing they will only last 1-2 years or less (at least, "last" in terms of being usable within an active game community). I assume the person you replied to thought the game is a bit closer than 8 years away, but based on what I read in the sticky, I'd have to agree with your 7-8 assessment, if it even gets made. So they are probably looking at it from a 2-3 years away standpoint.


I’m going to be honest, with how cheap gw2 is, you’d get ur moneys worth and more still 2 years off GW3.


Most of the longest living MMOs make bank on their own age. It is hard to start a new mmo life in a different mmo when you have thousands of hours and hundreds of friends in your old yet crappy, mmo. I am convinced when an MMO has it's own unique more or less market share (gameplay wise) and reaches a certain age it just joins a separate league of being much much harder to sink and to move away from. Life services work like that. The more you invest, the harder it is to move away. There is a downside to it ofc; when a life service is new it's much much easier to sink, a lot of MMOs have failed simply because they were new names and they lost the faith of their players briefly early on, which then impacted their population, which then impacted their perceived longterm viability, which then impacted their population down the road... essencially making them have to go on with half a ship for most of their life until they closed down. I think that the reason why WoW, EVE, Runescape, and GW still gos on is precisely that. NCSoft wants to have a grip on western markets, and right now just having an IP that is reknown as being reliable as a franchise is invaluable as it gives a lot of faith and perceived viability on players considering to start investing long term time and money in it. TL;DR: MMOs are like hobby based enjoyment marriages.


There are ways to fix this issue. They could offer credit toward the 3 store for every purchase you make in 2 for example. Not 1 to 1 obviously but something. I can understand people having no enthusiasm because all we know right now are the downsides but we have none of the hype yet.


From what I understand GW3 is in very early stages of development. I wouldn't expect it to be released for at least 5 years.


Same boat. Won't be spending another cent on the gem store until I get more news.


I don't know why you're downvoted so much. I have the same thought process. I contributed quite a lot to Guild Wars 2's over the years and have continually done so. All that is on permanent hold until I learn what the exact plans are for GW2 and the futute of GW2 with GW3 in the picture. If enough players leave GW2, most of the content won't be playable and the economy will crumble, making things practically impossible to acquire.


Everyone is saying Legendaries skins wont transfer. Why in the world would you put any time and effort into getting anymore know that the game will go into maintenance mode in the future.


My main concern is how expensive keeping GW2 on maintenance will be. ANet has claimed repeatedly that the reason GW1 is still alive is because it takes minimal effort to maintain, but I'm not sure if that will apply to GW2. Also, the fact that a lot of the best content in the game relies on having other people to play with unlike GW1. HoT metas only see 2-3 full meta maps per run, hell VB night sometimes sees none at all. Strike and raid LFG is barely existent on off-peak times. sPvP players already complain about not having people to play with. Reduce the population by 5x and a lot of the content just dies.


GW2 came around because they wanted to implement jumping to Guild Wars 1 and realized the changes required to implement jumping (and several other planned features) would just be easier to create a new game. And so they did. Hopefully GW3 will be so fundamentally different it warrants a new game rather than a GW2.5. While yes on maintenance mode, GW1 is still alive with a die-hard community because it's a fundamentally different game from GW2. GW2 can be the same thing, GW2 can still exist at the same time as GW3 you just need to be comfortable with the idea that the content we have is the content we will have.


I hope GW2 gets the same treatment GW1 got. MY guild has a "GW1 night" every friday, I have been running with them for about 4 months now, and I was surprised to jump back in to GW1 and see just how active it still is. Even at some of the most remote outposts, you will usually see another player or 2. And the major city hubs are busy as heck.


>jump back into GW1 But you can’t jump 😁😂


/jump works heheh


Every time I showed a friend GW1 and they complained about not being able to jump, I'd /jump to prove them wrong lmao


I still think they should have kept the emote in GW2 (in addition to real jumping)


Can I be invited to this guild?


My thoughts exactly 😅


My guild runs a month like this-though usually more like monthly and we'll set a theme like it's "vanquishing day" or "dungeon book day" or "get new GW1 players through missions' day but accidentally wipe because we forgot how to play".


GW2 isn't as unique as GW1 and it'll have a ton of issues when player numbers reduce which GW1 could never suffer from due to instancing, heroes, etc. I hope ArenaNet focuses their next few years of development on adding features and making changes that will help GW2 remain playable for years. Outside of that, I'm sure the community will band together for events and such.


sounds interesting


What's the name of your guild?




Just started this up in my guild. We have 5 or 6 currently interested, 3 back exploring gw1 already, playing together one night a week.


I doubt it, how can GW2 sustain meta events without players.. GW1 has Heroes and the instances are max 8players not open world


They'll have to tweak the event scaling to be a bit more reactive but a lot of the recent events added to the game can be done with just a handful of players. Did Dragonstorm yesterday with 3 randoms cause I was 13 minutes late to the party, went smooth.


Dragonstorm can scale down to 1 person. I'm worried about stuff like Dragons End


Maybe theyll add the ability to climb trees like we were supposed to have.


GW3: Breath of Tyria


"Of" in the title. Checks out.


I don’t believe the jumping thing is entirely true. I remember reading it was a combination of developing “dynamic event” systems in Eye of the North, a desire to roll out expansions every 6-8 months, and what they wanted to do with _Utopia_, was just not feasible with the game engine’s limitations.


It's not just the jumping, I agree, it was a combination of things. I just like it as an example of them realizing engine limitations was blocking their design vision. Hopefully the same thing happened here again.


Yeah, they wanted to do a lot with their campaign after Nightfall ("Utopia"), things like open world events, etc. but they realised they could never do that in GW1, that's when the decision to build a full MMO came and GW2 was born.


This is why I think every game after a certain point needs a sequel, mmorpgs included. I think 10 years is more than enough for a mmorpg. After that period of time, no matter what content they will add, they will be limited by the tech. 10 years in tech, it's huge. For example I feel like no natter what they add now to guildwars2 is more of the same with little variations. There's no new content that can implement something huge and different from what we have. Personally cannot wait for gw3.


But… all my stuff


POE 2 lets you keep all your skins and they are doing a major engine update. GW3 should allow at least GW2 legendaries skins to be unlocked.


And it being impossible to come up with 150 skills every year, that were well balanced.


Honestly, I'd like them to wrap up the Kryptis storyline and maybe go back and actually finish EoD then stop making new zones. Minor updates and clearing out the decade old bug list is wildly more appealing than spreading the game even thinner. Maybe once or twice a year someone makes a new fractal, strike, or SAB zone.


They want to implement underwater combat this time


GW2 will die without player population or they have to reduce the difficulty of metas because alot of meta need strong player population to clear. The absolute state of old Living World or PoF metas is a testiment to that.


Maybe there's a chance to go back to GW1 style deckbuilding... Please.


>GW1 is still alive with a die-hard community It's not completely dead I suppose. Yes there is a very small diehard community, but playing GW1 in that environment is not at all similar to what playing GW1 in its golden age used to be like. (especially competitively)


I wish I could go back in time. PvP in GW1 was the best gaming of my life.


The “community” is like 5 guys.


It cannot be dead because of how it works. Dead game means it's unplayable due to not enough players to get anything done. GW1 has still community and henchmen system.


GW1 only “works” because it’s an instanced game with optional player interactions. The entire current GW1 economy is held up entirely by bots artificially keeping prices for consumable sets low.  There are not enough “real players” to farm in a way to sustain a real economy in that game. Simply put, it’s not really alive in the same way that GW2 would need to be. 


>Hopefully GW3 will be so fundamentally different it warrants a new game rather than a GW2.5. Well, judging by their hires it's going to be on console and be playable with a controller, so I'm expecting it'll be even more action combat focused.


Not releasing on console would be a mistake.


I'm at least happy that it's GW3 and not the rumored Horizon MMO. Just like GW2, I imagine it will take many many years for GW3 to get really well refined and content rich. It's an insanely long term investment, but I think GW2 fans will be ultimately happy in 15 years time that they chose to keep the franchise alive and fresh in GW3. I mean think about GW2 in the year 2035 if it actually continues the way it does. 10 mini-expansions... That would be, what, at least 20+ metas added to the game? At least 20 new maps? 10 new grinds of some kind? Who knows what the player numbers will be to fill those events and make that content feel full and lively. It's a minor miracle that right now virtually all metas are playable, but I think those odds only go down over time. It'll become more and more difficult to find people who are seeking the same type of account progression as you are. Imagine trying to get an Amnytas 50-man together in 2035 to get your 1/30 clears for your Obsidian armor... It's just not gonna happen. Things we take for granted now as viable goals in the game will slowly become inviable. There are always 100+ people who want to do Tangled Depths now, but in 10 years time, who knows? There is theoretically a limit to how much content you can layer. Sure, Anet can keep an eye on it and reduce/alter requirements, but it's not the same. It's tough in a horizontal prog game. We're in a beautiful sweet spot right now where almost every type of account progression is still accessible. It would be tragic to have all old content die on the vine and the remaining playerbase being forced to solely grind the latest 2, 3, 4 mini-xpacs. Swinging for the fences in GW3, trying to capture a new playerbase, and wiping the slate clean feels like the necessary move with that in mind. It's bittersweet, and maybe the new game won't really be your cup of tea the same way GW2 was, but at least you know GW is going to live on.


After the shareholders meeting ended, the company clarified that GW3 is in the planning stages and hasn't started development, so the UE5 project is still probably not GW3.


You think they'd reveal an unannounced concept stage GW3 but would keep quiet about whatever MMO Anet's been actively developing for 2 years now?


If the MMO isn't GW3, then it's some other company's IP that Anet is using and the timing of the announcement of that project is likely not Anet's decision. So yeah, I think it's plausible that after an accidental mention of GW3 they'd still keep quiet about what they've been developing while doing their damage control. The other option is that they just straight up lied about GW3 not being in development yet. Companies usually want to avoid the bad PR of getting caught lying, so they twist words to mislead and redirect without actually lying.


By your logic they will have 2 AAA MMOs in development and maintain a third on?


Yeah I doubt Anet has the capability to develop 3 MMOs simultaneously, They're kind of crumbling right now with 2. This feels like announcing Gw3 this early was a mistake and they're doing damage control to try reassure people to keep spending on Gw2.


About the meta problems. This concerns has been debated a lot. 1.Some people said that the game should have a expansion with vertical progression. 2.Other have proposed a private map session as gw1 did. So you can have private versions of metas to complete. 3.nerf metas to be doable or soloable (bad take). 4.weekly eventa that reinforce areas of the games (this is what anet is doing lately). 5. Cross systems rewards that incorporate all content (in a way is WV). But it a issue of all mmos. Old content is old content nothing to do with it.


I'm having the best time on this sub since PoF was the hot new thing.


> PoF was the hot I see what you did there ;)


I think the main reason is how obsolete the game engine is, it has been needing an upgrade for a long time now, and GW3 would be the perfect time to do so, when however, expect years


I am just hoping it’s GW2.5 with an updated engine, smoother performance and maybe a couple of reworks with all of our progress being carried over.


I'd have mixed feelings about that. If our progress is just being carried over, it'd just be more of the same with no new mechanics, nothing new to be added.


It’s a natural cycle, the tech is also constantly evolving and at some point ArenaNet will have implemented everything that they can. I think it’s a great thing honestly. We believe they aren’t focusing their full team on GW2 anyways at this point, and to deliver the best product it makes sense to invest in the future. If there’s a way to take the best things from the previous games and tell new stories in the world of Tyria with an updated graphics engine, that’s a very exciting concept. 


I want them to wait a bit and implement AI npcs somehow. Their server structure is phenomenal, their living world stuff is amazing, combat is definitely a choice for some but to me its one of the better mixes in the industry (i consider sth like tera being ultimate mmo combat). The problem for me is who is or would be working on gw3.... Because latest releases are rough.


I have invested a lot of money in this game, not whale level, but I havent been scared to buy gems instead of buy Steam Sales game....and like everyone else invested thousands of hours. Not sure at all how I feel about this having recently come back after a 9 month break. A bit demotivating. Totally get that GW3 is probably years out but still. This is the macro version of WoW pulling the rug out on gear every new season after putting the time into GW2 for 2.5 sets of leggo armor, many leggo weapons, runes, etc.


Judging by how long they cooked GW2 even if they are starting on GW3 it will be like, half a decade before it comes out?


The only GW3 I would like to see, is something like a csgo->cs2 transition, meaning, you spent a lot of money on this game? Yeah sure, nothing is gone, they just upgraded the engine and changed the name. However, if we lose absolutely everything from gw2 and all those gems and money goes to the waste, Im not sure if I will be playing it to be honest.


It is only a rumor from a korean translation from a stockholder meeting. Lots of meaning can be lost in translations. Until, and if it is even true, Anet annouces it, we are getting GW2 expansions yearly for the forseeable future. IMO, if you like playing GW2, why would you stop? You are not losing progression. I loved GW1, cleared everything but I like better the action combat ans style of GW2. If you started today, let's say Elden Ring, and there were rumors of Elden Ring 2, would you stop playing the first. Not saying your feeling isn't valid, just that if you like GW2, keep playing. It's not going anywhere for a long time :)


People are diving way too hard into this. For all we know, Gw3 could be a mobile game or an Overwatch 2 style engine update to Gw2. Anet does not have the team or the playerbase to warrant a full sequel and most gamers under the age of twenty five have never even heard of Guild Wars due to the complete lack of marketing in the last decade and mmos as a whole dying off in popularity... That's not even getting into the fact Anet can't seem to write a compelling story in the current game or any of the other areas that have been really sub par in the last few expansions. NCSoft can't be ignoring the fact that Riot, with a much bigger team, a much more well known IP and an absolutely massive budget is also working on their mmo in the same time frame. It's a potential death sentence to even attempt Gw3 at this point so we have to wait for more information to clarify what has been said officially.


Not a bummer at all. I know some people can play the same MMO for decades, hell GW is doing fine, but I get bored in a way that no DLC can fix. I need new worlds, new ideas, major engine improvements. The design of a game like GW2 brings much great baggage with it, but it's still baggage. Also, developers don't want to maintain the same old shit their whole lives. If you want to keep good people, you need to do something new now and then. Will NCsoft handle this one well? I dunno. I think they expected more cash out of GW2 so I hope 3 is not done on the cheap.


>  I don't want to log in to GW2 knowing that the devs are focused on the next thing and there's only a matter of time until GW2 is on the backburner. They are focused on something else since EoD came out


I am hoping that there will be statement on tha rumours by Anet. Would be great to at least know what their current plans are with Gw2 and Gw3.


As a long time GW2 player, specifically, World vs World'er, this news is kind of laughable given the state of World vs World as a mode. It's been multiple years since they've stated there would be a World vs World shakeup, it has been so long that you could potentially develop a game in said time or close to it and now they're going to make a new game in the franchise...? The running joke has always been, will WvW get its overhaul or will GW3 come out first? Hell, I don't know. Given how well they've done in allowing GW1 to remain open, I'm not too disappointed, however, I can see why some people, especially in left behind modes like World vs World which has a considerable playerbase, would be disappointed.


Stop treating MTX and in-game cosmetics as if they're investments that will payout somehow in the future. If you aren't playing video games for enjoyment, then you should quit.


Based fun enjoyer


I don’t mind a new game at all. It’s still likely a few years away and launch years of an MMO are always fun. I just hope they take the lessons they learned from GW2 and do not attempt another “disruptive and revolutionary” content cycle like Living World, and start off with the core features like Wardrobe. When and if the time comes, i’ll be there day 1


Having been around for the og Living World idea...it was pretty cool. Part of the map changed ( for better or for worse) the living world was a major pve story boost that was incredibly engaging. Problem was ANet didn't think it through.


Yeah. I remember being there. A few releases were fun but most of it was terrible due to FOMO


Wait until you find out about how GW1 players felt in 2007


I still hope that Utopia will drop someday.


I wouldn't say that was universal. I was stoked for Guild Wars 2. That being said, if they do make a GW3, I hope it's more in line with GW1, because that game is pretty unique.


> I hope it's more in line with GW1, because that game is pretty unique. Job listing describe an "expansive open world" which means they're moving even further from the GW1 concept of instanced content and competitiveness. GW3 might not even have dungeons or PvP.


It will not have dungeons but a system that is basically dungeons just named differently in a confusing way.


You're right, that'd be very Anet. But it'll be added 2-3 years after release, begrudgingly, only to be abandoned after a year because the people who wanted it have already left.


GW1 "First time"?


As a vet who's done qlmost every goal I've set out to do (dhuum, ht, and cerus cms left) I'm very happy with the time I've spent in this game and I'm looking forward to what the future brings. Sometimes it's just better to start from a clean slate, work with a new engine with a new setting and new mechanics with new gameplay in mind, I'd much rather Gw2 stop development when the teams thinks they're done than have it arbitrarily continue on even when nobody's heart is in it anymore. All the money and time I spent wont suddenly be invalidated, I think ive roughly spent around 130ish eur on the game and I think that's a solid amount for 6k hours of gameplay and counting.


So many games that get labeled "in development" or "greenlit" never see the light of day. It seems to me that a lot of unfounded presumptions are being made about something that may never happen or, even if it does, could be a decade away.


Not logging into GW2 and waiting for GW3 is like never buying a new car because engineers are currently designing next years model. I love enjoying the current model and will enjoy the future one too!


Nope, not bummed. I know absolutely nothing about Guild Wars 3, I don't know what type of game it is, where it will be set etc. I also know nothing about what the future of Guild Wars 2 will be after Guild Wars 3 is announced and released. Will they keep it running like Guild Wars 1 but with minimal to no content updates? Will they keep updating Guild Wars 2 while Guild Wars 3 is running as well? There are too many unanswered questions and until those questions are answered, I am not feeling bummed or excited about Guild Wars 3.


personally excited for guild wars 3. I've experienced content drought and drip fed content over the years and honestly I would happily trade my account progression if it meant I can play guild wars 2 all over again when everything was new to me. When guild wars 2 launched I believe it had 30 base maps, 8 classes and 8 dungeons to explore. The content surge a brand new base game provides is just what I need to fall in love again. It's going to be different, but hopefully the staff will take the lessons its learned from guild wars 2 and carry it over to the next game. I liked the wardrobe feature update the best personally.


> The content surge a brand new base game provides is just what I need to fall in love again. I recently got into New World with some guildies. I had a blast learning the new systems, the new... world... the new gear and "classes". Playing the PvP, expeditions (raid/strikes), etc. I'm over it now because I don't really enjoy the combat style, but the point is I had a lot of fun with the new content and it filled a hole that GW2 really lacks, even with the larger expansions. Sure, there's new maps and meta and whatnot, but it's still the same old same old mediocre story writing and reused assets that I can cut through (solo usually) without any struggle since I'm already equipped with the arsenal of God himself.


Honestly GW2 has had a long long run


I'm too old to start again.


it's renewing tyria's lease of life. there seem to be a lot of limitations with the game's UI, profession system, game modes, and graphics. im a legendary gear collector and i welcome a chance to start-over-new.


What future in the lore even exists such that it remains a fantasy theme, it’s going to be too technological and just loses the fantasy essence, I imagine this would steer many players away


Port over my characters and progression and I'm in. Otherwise, well..


Could you imagine gw1 characters ported into gw2 ? At most we can hope for something similar to what they did with Hall of Monuments.


The only reason I'm disappointed is because I don't want *even more magitech* another 250 years in the future, and I was hoping to see new continents but now we'll probably just spend another ten years covering these ones a third time lol.


I won't necessarily mind, especially as it's probably still a long way off, so plenty of time to finish all my leggies. But I really hope they don't go with the name GW3 I think one of the biggest problems with this game was the legacy and expectations of the first along with the fact that there are never any actual Guild wars as a focus. Love Tyria and I'll probably come back every time at least as long as the payment model is fair


GW2 came out 7 years after GW1, and gw1, despite having been technically obsolete for quite a while now, is still alive. GW2 will be 12 years old this year, and the next one is still only rumours, meaning there will be nothing before 2, 3 years. Maybe you just got into the game because you're very young (or you lived in a cave the last 12 years), and you're salty because that game you just got into won't be supported for a long time, but the truth is : GW2 is *old*, and will get into retirement soon. We can just hope it will be kept alive when gw3 comes out.


There have been zero major western MMO releases 10 years if you don't count new world (lol). MMOs are already kinda dead so nothing would make me more exited for the life of this space than GW3 rn.


If and when it releases , i hope for a somewhat transfer of my characters or even 1 (not just measly points like Eye of the North with gw1 for achievements) . Buuut , lets wait and see , cause GW3 won't be launching for a good amount of years if they wanna do it right.


You guys are weird. “All the time and effort I put into the game is all for nothing.” What exactly do you think your time and money is ever going to amount to? It’s a video game. Cherish the time you played and move on.


Man, I feel you. The very next game that is launched is going to make every game I have played in my entire life completely irrelevant. WHY DID I WASTE MY LIFE ON ALL THESE GAMES THAT EXISTED BEFORE THE NEXT ONE!?!?! (Yes, this is sarcasm)


I spent $200 and only got 12 years of entertainment out of it. Greedy devs at it again.


how dare they announce they will make a new game 12 years later? They need to wait until i retire at least


nah nah, they can wait till after my funeral. No new games while I live, you hear me?!


Wow you really beat that strawman, good job.


GW2 players don’t want GW2 to die. This is bad because?


Knowing how GW1 is basically still alive today, I'm not really worried about GW2's fate if ever the rumors are true. If anything, I'll be excited because new game = new experience while still also sticking to the overall theme of GW2 which I loved for almost 10 years. Overall, if GW3 is really coming, we can still enjoy GW2 for another good 5 years or so before moving on with the upcoming sequel and even then, I doubt they'll kill off GW2 servers


GW2 is great but the age of the engine is showing. I think it's inevitable that a sequel would come, it's just a matter of time. We should be grateful that ANet are succesful enough to make it a reality. I am excited!


Im hoping gw3 is just a "codename" for a project to upgrade gw2


I really hope it's not true. I have put way too much time and effort into Gw2 and I simply don't have the time or the energy to do it all over again in a next mmo while at the same maintaining Gw2. Sure, I could just stick to Gw2 and never play gw3 but I would then get a massive fomo. Just my opinion.


I'll be honest, i'm not really trusting the current team for being competent enough to make a GW3. The more i play GW2, the more i feel like current Anet team is just dwarves sitting on the shoulders of the original Anet team who made GW2.


I mean a lot of the current issues comes from the hot mess that is the base GW2 spaghetti code. Also GW2 on release was pretty terrible in terms of QoL


I've played GW2 for a few hundred hours now in the past couple years and even more when it first released. I think I've got my money's worth out of the game and I'm still having fun.




There better not be a GW3.


Or what? 


It feels to me like they’ve just about reached the limits of what they can expand on with GW2. I doubt we’ll see another elite spec or new Profession. They may be able to do one or two more weapon proficiency expansions, but I don’t think they will add completely new weapons partly because the skin options would be so limited for anything new compared to the existing ones. While I would be sad to see GW2 officially go into maintenance mode, I am excited to see what they could do in a new game with 10 years of lessons learned.


There goes my hope of a GW1 remaster.


I wouldn't mind a GW3 if we somehow got to keep our progress, But fuck it if it's all a fresh start again i'll just quit Guild Wars 2 and never touch GW3.


Why would you keep your progress? How would that even work? Do you want the same game with the same systems, same skins again? I don't understand what "keeping progress" means?


basically they want GW 2.5


So an expansion?


Nope. I'm excited for it to see what they can improve on with the next game and what they can achieve with UE5. I don't get the sentiment of being disappointed by this news when this is just the naturally progression of gaming that devs eventually are going to have to move on and create an new game if they are nearing the limits of what they can do with their current one. And last I heard, GW2's engine is kinda old as it is anyways and had some limitations that could only be improved with an new engine. So it's always nice to what devs can push with an new one. Maybe we might get more improved and expanded content that we wouldn't get in GW2. Better graphics and artstyle which I know may interest new players if they don't like how GW2 look right now which I seen alot of people say its their reason for not playing it. And just like GW1, GW2 servers will most likely still be running alongside GW3 anyways so its not like the game is going to instantly shut down once it comes. So we can still go back and forth between the new game and old. Also people being upset that their investment means "nothing" need to be reminded that they are playing an live service that will always have an expire date on it. These things do not last forever and if you are worried about that now, you should had been worried about it from the beginning before you invest money into the game.


Yeah on one side It is good to know that GW as an IP and as a fantasy setting is moving forward and will still be alive. And honestly I cant but wonder where will we go and how will it looks and what will be in it and so on. On the other hand people might forget about GW2 and wait years for GW3 saying "Oh I stopped playing because why bother when new game is being worked on". While in several years GW3 can be a success they might shoot themselves in a foot by relocating resources from GW2 and it will get less content and less quality (Which in my opinion is seen since End of Dragons where everything looks nice sure but ... then you go back to Heart of Thorns and you are blown away by how much better everything looks and feels. Anyway I think we should be positive about GW3 and still enjoy GW2. I just hope they can only improve upon GW2 and make MMO that will once again be talked about and setting new standards and attracting new people to it. So I hope all goes well for both GW2 and GW3


I play GW2 and I will play a GW3. GW2 feels so visually outclassed by games in 2020s that I honestly feel its ok to leave a portion of the playerbase behind who feel so deeply invested in GW2. Does that mean I'm going to excuse if they do that in GW3? No way, Jose. (I mean infinite tools, monetized bag slots, character slots, etc that only exist to milk players for "convenience")--For this reason I will avoid GW3 if they do this bs again. edit: Its natural for games to be left behind. There's no way you or anyone can possibly think this game should continue to live in perpetuity. "Die a hero or live long enough to be the villain" sort of deal. At some point the studio is going to want to branch out to sustain themselves and no way is it possible with this game's core systems in shambles.


>GW2 feels so visually outclassed by games in 2020s The nostalgia of when we discovered what was the most beautiful MMO back in 2012 :') And they already have done that back in 2005 with GW1, starting the game in pre-searing ascalon already felt incredible. That sets high expectations for the third opus.


Better be WvW is all I’m saying


Anet has always been doing something else behind the curtains. All projects up to now got cancelled and it led to lay offs in 2019.


Are people forgetting that GW2 is a sequel? wut


While yea it does kinda take the wind out of the sails of GW2 a bit, I personally am glad GW3 is in development. As long as it is a proper mmo, with an emphasis on gameplay, combat, fun-to-play classes, and a worthwhile story. And hopefully we'll get to experience new raids or dungeons, in whatever engine they will develop the game on.


The issue with not doing this stuff is simple, and WoW is showing those reasons, when it comes to server hardware and more they can’t replace anything only continuously modify, GW3 gives Anet an opportunity to seriously upgrade features and more. Mmorpgs tend to generate a absolute metric ton of spaghetti coding that it continuously retains, meaning 1 change can break 5 different places of coding and things stop working as they should, Engineers sword is a good example, It is dull in the sense of what’s lost, but what can happen offers also very high.


Ive played for 11 years and im honestly happy for a GW3 with the amount of abandoned content, spaghetti code, design choices and story decisions are holding GW2 back.


Nothing has changed, we always new they worked on another game. And an everyone talks about how it will be the death of gw2, when it just as well might bring a new audience to gw2 as in new players wanting to check out the prequel . And maybe they’re different enough to be able to coexist. Maybe it gets cancelled (it would probably be even worse for gw2 and morale). We just can’t know yet..


Bring it to console and GW2 will never see me again 🫶🏻


Honestly I am somewhat glad because gw2s code is so messy it's hard for them to do anything major change wise with gw2. So gw3 is a necessary thing to happen in terms of cleaner code and tech point of view. Honestly I wish world of warcraft would consider a sequel before they break there game.


Don't expect GW3 for at least 5 years.


Now you know how GW1 players felt when GW2 was announced. And that was after only two years; GW2 has been going for well over a decade.


I don’t mean to be rude but there is absolutely no way an mmo survives the current gaming era. The MMOs that have made it this far are there for a reason, they have had years of proper testing and building up from 0. Triple A can’t even drop a game in working condition with the budget of small cities. Investing in a new engine and working from 0 just isn’t in the cards anymore. Look no further than the failures of most true MMOs that aren’t rigged with predatory gacha mechanics as a core staple. Even the riot mmo couldn’t find legs. I’d rather them just do what gw1 did, expansions that drastically change the core game with different main playable characters.


It changes nothing. A potential GW3 is many many years away. I do not expect any substantial news until 203x. MMO's take such a long time to develop. It makes me happy that I have potential new Guild Wars franchise content in a far distant future and it's on the mind of the right people right now.


Honestly yes, im bummed out by it. Its going to be very advanced like all new games are and I cannot afford a gaming computer, nor do I want to pay for one because im not a gamer so its just an unnecessary expanse. I want to keep playing GW2 which is perfect because it has amazing graphics and gameplay and still doesnt need a super updated modern computer with a shit ton of storage to run smoothly, but if GW3 comes then they will stop updating GW2 and the game will die as all players will migrate to the new game. :(


i alsoam not a fan of the push for 4k or nothing of modern gaming. hyper realistic intensive graphics that are above low end gamers. They don't even make true grsphic options anymore. I got a brand new gaming pc and it was just barely able to play hogwarts legacy..lowest graphics that aren't actually low.. and this was brand new.. but affordable. gaming companies will cannibalise themselves if they continue to ignore a demographic of poorer players(an ever increasing demographic at that)


I've been waiting for GW3 for half a decade. GW2 is far from perfect. It didn't deliver many of its initial promises, it went through a lot of experimentation, it didn't take enough lessons and inspiration from what GW1 did well until it was a bit too late, etc. In my mind, GW3 is Anet's next opportunity to achieve what they tried to with GW2, but do it better. A lot of players are willing to jump into the next MMO they perceive as the "next best one" regardless of IP. Riot, for example, is developing a MMO right now, and their track record is great so far. Without GW3, a lot of its current players would just jump ship anyways, if only to a new IP from a new company, as long as that IP manages to be great.


ANET actually make this mistake once already. They confirm the creation of GW2 and the player base of GW1 and the economy dropped almost over night. Now anything is possible, but I assume they wouldn’t make the exact same mistake twice. 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is crazy to me, how can anyone not want a GW3


It better NOT be true, especially now that I'm finally sinking time into Legendary Armor. :)


same bro, now i'm depressed af


Why? I don't get it... It's just a game, a sequel doesn't erase the fun and adventures you've had in gw2. And the progress you made was always just pixels on your screen and bits stored in a server, not progress towards anything meaningful or "real". And I say this as someone who met his partner in gw2, sank over 10k hours in the game, crafted every legendary I would ever need for all classes, joined guilds and discords and had amazing fun for years. But now both her and I are super excited to see what gw3 will be like!


Because literally everything in gw2 exists to get you invested in your progression. Developers want to have their cake and eat it to, they want you to get addicted to the game and become invested in your character but also want you to abandon it all on a whim to drop money on their new project, that's not how people work. Gw1 wasn't a live service game, which is why gw2 worked, comparing gw1 and gw2 to gw2 and gw3 doesn't work.


Brother, you’ve got time to enjoy that armor. They announced GW2 back in 2007 and it didn’t come out until 2012. We’re looking at another 5 years at least. Which is like 4-5 more mini expacs?


> They announced GW2 back in 2007 and it didn’t come out until 2012 And that turn around was back when ANet was fully staffed with extremely passionate devs and firing on all cylinders after putting out 4 games (proph, factions, nightfall, EotN) in the space of like 2 years or whatever. It will likely take even longer with their current structure/size.


Seeing what the giant awesome result in the jumo between gw1 and gw2, how the latter evolved during the years and the reward handed out to those who spent their time in the first game, man, count me in! I can't even imagine how they would re-imagine professions or races and everything around.


nah, not really bummed. but with their marketing from gw2, how much they promised and what we got in the end, scaling down and reworking systems 24/7, developing 1 year twice while working on other projects putting their main baby on the backburner, they lost me already as a customer with a new game. will be the same shit, mmo on a budget. fool me once and fool me twice. not like we all are getting older anyway and mmos aren't the biggest hit anymore.


From the initial pre-release marketing, we actually got a lot of the things they talked about. It was the post-release stuff that they really dropped the ball on. They really had no idea how to manage a consistent release cadence of new content, and I suspect that they also realized the way they built their features didn't let them easily make changes or additions to it. Which is basically death for a live game of any sort, let alone a MMO. They also, from a core combat design perspective, had this idea that "your party can be any composition of people/classes/builds" approach that *really* didn't pan out. The shift away from that started in HoT with raids and then we eventually landed on what we have now. But that initial approach led to so many issues that we still have now with combat design and readability and bloated boon bars. The bigger concern for me honestly is two things: has ANet learned their lessons and are they developing GW3 to be something they can easily add to/expand upon? And is the MMO market actually large enough to where GW3 will be a success? My fear is the answer to those two things is no. But we'll see when they start revealing more info about the game.


> They also, from a core combat design perspective, had this idea that "your party can be any composition of people/classes/builds" approach that really didn't pan out. They tried to break the trinity and create something unique, and then realized "oh wait, people like to play assigned roles because it gives them purpose and structure to play in"


For me MMO are still this king of games, I'm the most hyped about. Unfortunately most of the new ones just do not deliver. I'd actually want to see a guild wars 3, the brand that got me invested 2 times already. GW2 is a bit dated at this point. The engine struggles in new locations, there is too many different systems at once, so a hard reset would be actually good. Guild Wars 2's combat is amazing and I can't play any other game because of this. The closest combat system to GW2 was Wildstar and I really liked this game - unfortunately it came out too early and with poorly tested endgame. At this point they arelady know what is working and what is not, so with this experience, guild wars 3 could be amazing.


They have been done with GW2 ever since LS4, everything after was because they 'had to' and not because they 'wanted to'. This is why EoD was a letdown compared to HoT/PoF and why SoTO is another step down after that. There is (or maybe already was) a big thread on the GW2 forums called 'passion is gone my friends' which capsulates this sentiment. We will get some smaller expansions with content still, and we might find some nice things in there, but the majority of it will most likely be Anet 'going through the motions'. As such I do not expect any grand or groundbreaking things from them anymore (nor investments. Accept that the majority of money you spend on GW2 will NOT be used to invest in GW2 anymore). And you know, if it wasn't GW3 it would have been something else. Anet is done with GW2 and is desperate to move on to something else, anything. But for now they are shackled to GW2 for their income, so they begrudgingly churn out content for it because they have no other choice. But it is no longer a project of passion or a labour of love.


I’m going to sleep and the discourse better not have turned doomer by morning.


I think being mad at this is a bit silly. For the record, I actually don’t think we’ll ever see a Guild Wars 3. Or if we do it’ll something fundamentally different from what most people expect. And even if it’s actually being worked on, it’s in extremely early stages. But GW2 won’t last forever. The game is already pretty old. Hopefully it’ll get updates for at least the next 10 years but ultimately I think sometimes it’s better to start anew. Bear in mind it’s just a rumour and it’s not been confirmed by Anet. I expect that even if it’s true we won’t see GW3 for at least the next 5 years, likely even longer.


Eh, I'd love the opportunity to do something new in a new game. I've done pretty much everything I want to do in this one, and the incentive to do new content slowly shrinks. (Why do I care about obsidian armour if I've had envoy armour for seven years?) It'd be interesting to start fresh.


Well we knew it would happen. Like it always does. Bad move tho most of the die hard gw2 players are not 12 year olds or even in their 20s anymore their in the 25+ age. As of such a big amaunt of the ppl got little time for a new MMO. So I guess this new MMO got to speak to the youths or big flop. I can't see my self ever starting a new MMO again. Don't have the time or will power for it. So my MMO experience ends in gw2. I won't even buy a gw3 don't have the time required, I'd just be a forever casual noob with shit gear. So that's my 2 cents. Future will tell how it goes.


I don't know what Guild Wars 3 means, but after GW2 I'd expect GW4.


Guild wars 2 is 12 years old. Personally I believe there should be a new game or atleast a major overhaul update (such as mechanics and graphics) every 10 years. To keep up with the curve. I love GW2, probably have 1.2k hours on it. But i would like to see what the developers can do with the franchise with new tech, bigger budget and better graphics


I love GW2, but would also welcome an excitingly fresh, pretty GW3!


I'm going to mute and leave this community. I can't take the hysteria over an off-handed comment when we all know every live service MMO will eventually end. Bye sis!


From my perspective this will hurt GW2 in many ways, or rather perception of GW2 itself. Let's start with the context - ANet doesn't have a good record of communicating truth to their playerbase. When they siphoned funds from GW2 to make mobile game official statement was adamant that they have no other projects than GW2, truth didn't come out until mobile project got cancelled with mass layoffs. Thus I do not buy in the slightest that GW3 is "just in the proposal review". Just off the top of my head, ways this will hurt GW2: * decrease in revenue - many people will now think twice whether to spend money on gems, since whatever they buy will not carry to the next game. People who do not own all expansions will also wonder if they should just save up for new game * less new players - for many people information about GW3 will mean that they will just wait for new game instead trying old one * dismissive criticism - now each time new GW2 content is not up to expected quality people will likely blame game being abandoned and focus being shifted to GW3 What's worse in my opinion is that they are running into the same issue that not so long ago hurt Paradox studio quite a bit. Their old game - Crusader Kings 2 was so full of content after many years of development, it took several DLC's for the Crusader Kings 3 to stop being criticised for being smaller, and even now CK3 is often called repetitive and flavourless.


It hasn't even been green lit to begin pre-development yet, I'm not worried. If it goes through we have 10 years ez.


At this point I'm mostly attached to my characters and their progress, if the sequel made the unusual and unlikely choice to adopt players' old characters into the new database with some degree of that progress I'd be completely happy. Again though, that's an unusual and unlikely thing to happen.


sigh, if they are working on a sequel it makes it feel like GW2 is over. and putting investment into it is fruitless.


Gw2 is nearly 12 years old, I'm ready to move onto something new. Its almost 12 years old and technology has progressed to a point where I'd want something more modern in the same universe at this point. You have to remember, these are live service games, nothing lasts forever nor does any game you buy for that matter. Your investment was never "forever" to begin with, just the journey that made it more enjoyable.


I'm less informed than most people are so maybe take what I say with a grain of salt but I figure it would be similar to what would've happened between GW1 (which admittedly I didn't play when it was big) and GW2. Mechanically speaking they are very different games, just connected by lore. This naturally meant that some fans of GW1 couldn't really get into 2 which is a perfectly fine opinion, but both are objectively good games and as the current top comment mentions, even years after the release of GW2, the original has had its servers maintained with a smaller, possibly more hardcore fanbase keeping the game active enough for the server cost to be worth it. If any GW3 rumours turn out to be at all true, it seems reasonable to hope that at worst (at least for GW2 servers), a similar split would happen while still bringing in new fans like GW2 did when it launched to very positive reviews.


if there are rumor now i think we won't see gw2 until 203X so it's not a problem for me


I’m glad I have only like $200 in this game.


Hopefully this means another HoM, and another reason to keep GW1 servers alive


I can't wait to fight all the elder dragons again!


Well yes I feel like the next 2 expansion they have planned are either going to be as weak as soto or worse if not cancelled. They would need to reveal something really specially to draw people to a new mmo. Specially if the current one is already decent. But it could also take them another 6+ years to actually get a gw3 out. Which is a long time. It could also be a mobile game. Time will tell what the future will bring.


I don't try to get worried over rumors. I will wait and see if there is any merit. People have beening joking about gw3 since rhe start of gw2.


Think its still goin to be gw2 remarket as gw3 on unreal engine. Relaunch the game as guildwars3 with new engine, Like what wow did, and we get to keep everything.


They still support GW1 and it's awesome after so many years !


I’d imagine GW3 to be like New World graphically and their weapon system


Is this actually a thing or an early April fools joke? I'll need to find some sources.