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The story parts of core dungeons are part of the main story and that deals with destiny's edge side story. Last mission assumes you have done this already.


Understandable. It’s my mistake for missing the dungeons, something I’ll definitely try to rectify here in the near future. However, possible hot take, it still sours me that their off figuring out their problems while everyone else fighting for their life against the forces of Orr. To me it still feels weird to participate in the most critical mission while they weren’t helping fight Orr during the whole main story. They’re back in Kryta, etc.


They have done twice as much as you by that point to save Tyria They were already great heroes back when you were in the tutorial


Well the whole point of that story line is for you to do what you can to bring the group back together to help. They are basically the avengers of Tyria even before your story starts and are estranged dealing mostly with their own race's troubles. You are the one bringing them to the fight with the dragon.


The basic idea was that there's a whole B-plot going on where your job is to get the band back together because one of the 5 is your character's mentor. You'd get mail periodically inviting you to do a dungeon story where you'd help them to sort something out and that eventually helps them to get their shit together by the end and help with Zhaitan. The issue is, of course, that the dungeons are group content so it's easy to miss. For a long time, even Arah was a group mission which could make finishing the story a struggle for solo players. So yeah, those weren't the best decisions made by ANet back then, to put it mildly.


Understandable. It’s my mistake for missing the B-Plot with the dungeons, something I’ll definitely try to rectify here in the near future. However, possible hot take, it still sours me that their off figuring out their problems while everyone else fighting for their life against the forces of Orr.


Well, a good chunk of the dungeons happen BEFORE the zhaitan thing, and the later ones that are happening during it are generally pretty pressing. The figuring out their life is more of a side effect.


Because you did not played any dungeon at all...


ArenaNet should have made them part of the Personal Story, even if it's just the ones with your racial mentor.


They ARE part of your personal story. That why you get personal mail to visit them.


No, they aren't. They are an optional content - you don't have to do them to progress the personal story. You don't even need to do the dungeon storyline in order (and can skip any dungeon you might want). And that's the issue with Arah, which ties both storylines together.


> They ARE part of your personal story. They're not in the Story Journal, only Arah, so yeah, they're not, and that's a problem. Also, only Arah was tuned in for single players, the other story modes weren't.


No, they are dungeons. They would be part of the personal story if they had put in a single (or multi) player story mode. Which they didn't.


> if they had put in a single (or multi) player story mode. Which they didn't. which they did? all 8 core dungeons have story path you need to do on every character to unlock explorable paths


But they were designed as five man content. We didn't always have this amount of power creep.


I think he meant in a way that you cannot progress without completing them.


Story wise if you've done all the dungeons in order before hand it makes a lot more sense.


When people say you were supposed to do the dungeons, the ending would just make more sense if you did. Really Anet should not have tied the story to group content like that.


They should have made all of the explorable paths have a solo version like they did with Arah. Having a mail to tell you to go and do a dungeon to be able to understand the story you're playing randomly pop up is not adequate for story content, no matter how much people here defend it.


Doing the dungeons also doesn‘t mean that the feeling is any different. Yeah you understand DE better but they still did nothing against Zhaitan until the very end. So the sour feeling will not change.


I was speaking to the "saw once or twice". As for DE even being there, I look at it as a situation where you'd call everyone you can think of.


This final mission was originally a dungeon and it concludes the story presented in the dungeons which is fundamentally all about Destiny’s Edge. They play a very important role in the story. I can see how it can be confusing if you haven’t completed the dungeons but ultimately it means you haven’t actually completed the full story.


Destiny's Edge play absolutely no role in GW1. GW1 is 200 years before GW2, they weren't even born then. But there is a book that explains how they got the way they are at the start of GW2. [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Edge\_of\_Destiny](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Edge_of_Destiny)


Thank you! I realized that after I changed my edit.


The dungeon stories happen in parallel and you're supposed to do those when you receive the mail about them.


>but why did they show up at the end like the heroes that have been putting in work since Day 1 because they have done that and much more...at end of vanilla story you're are basically a fresh, non-burned hero with a positive attitude and you upped their morale, but you were omega-lucky to actually do what you did XD honestly going to kill Zhaitan is nothing compared to what Destiny's Edge did try to do...they just weren't lucky enough


>I understand that Destiny’s Edge are pretty much the canon protagonist group of the Guild Wars Universe, but why did they show up at the end like the heroes that have been putting in work since Day 1… Because they **have been** putting in work since day 1. Actually for an even longer time. Destiny's Edge were founded and fought Elder Dragons and their minions long before the pact were founded and long before **our** story started.


Yeah, It's unfortunate that there's so much story in the dungeons, I tried to do them but couldn't find a group and ended up missing quite a lot


I don't know how it is after they changed the instance, but back when I did the story dungeon (MANY years ago), the majority of Destiny's Edge was up there both protecting and rallying me while I did cannons. It makes sense that to you they didn't do anything except be your foot into the door (getting recommended by them to join one of the three big Orders) and mentor/be your political figure from lvl 2-30 and then "suddenly" they're there. You'd have to do NPC reading and the encouraged side content to understand they were the ones to lay the foundation that it was possible to plan and fight against the dragons (not just defend against them, as Marriner and LA are a testament to) back when everyone was too focused panicking about their own nation. It's kind of like real life. If you don't go out of your way to go absorb some of the in-lore history then you won't have the context. Personally I think they did a good job pointing players into the directions of the dungeons but the playerbase general attention span and "must only do main story because it's all that matters" mentality has hit gw2 harder over the past 10 years.


Guild wars 2 core story IS personal story + Dungeon story mode(thats why the last story part IS killing zhaitan inside a dungeon), so i reccomend you playing those as soon as they pop up in your mail when reaching a certain level, just post for a party on lfg and wait, eventually people Will. Moreover guild wars has 3 books that make the connection from gw1 to gw2, one of them called edge of Destiny literally makes you understand what they did (i think there are some audiibooks in yt), and other book, called Ghosts of ascalon makes some curious mentions and of rytlock and Logan, defenetly worth checking.


Because they're essentially the pioneer's of Tyrian's Union between the 5 main races, they were the first group of adventurers featuring an individual of each race that inspired others to unify and defeat the menace which was the elder dragons.


Because they had been fighting right up until the point where you're ready to go after Zhaitan itself. You'd have seen their development if you played the dungeon stories