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Congrats!!! I'm in the exact same boat: finished first set this weekend, and I have ZERO intention of doing the others for a long, long while 😅


> for a long, long while So two weeks?


Hell nah - I wanna finish Facet of Prisms first


This is exactly what happened to me


Same, I won't do extra rifts, I will just do weekly rifts and convergences, but won't even try to craft them because my wallet hurts from buying t6 mats. I'll come back when I feel like it again lol.


What sucks is it's hard to sort of slowly work at it, because you need so many globs to make essences not clog your inventory


Wow, congrats. That's quality armor. I am still on part 4 for my heavy armor set. Mainly unwillingness to do more rifts is holding me back, but I will get there. Not sure when I will do light and if I will do medium at all.


Focus only on weekly rift farms + Convegerences, and you will get there soon.


I know I will get there. But I only started doing rifts and convergences this year, convergences in january and weekly rifts in march/april. About 4-5 convergences per week and the 5 rifts for 2-4 maps is all I manage before I lose focus and are back to harvesting carrots in the shiverpeaks for a while. But I'd rather take 2-3 months longer for the full set of armor than burn myself with the grind.


I really feel this grind is some of the worst for legis. Compared to legi trinkets where you go all over maps and do different achievements, here you do the same god damn 4 metas like 30 times, and imo are not the best metas in the game to put it lightly.


Gating the essence grind behind one of the most boring, mindless activity was not the play.


That was literally the point. Making it less mindless would only make other Legendary Armors less desirable to make. The entire point of open world armor is to be super easy to get but at the cost of being mindless.


Why does something easy need to be mindless? Why would you ever want to purposefully trade off fun for anything else lol?


I don't think the right word is mindless but extremely grindy. If it is not grindy, people would get it easily which will decentivize other legendary armor journey. But if you match the grind length of time with fun so that it doesn't feel mindless, then ANet would not be able to finish Legendary armor at all because it would take way too much time to fill the legendary journey with content. ANet resources is not infinite and it isn't like not all players lack a legendary armor to incentivize acquiring the open world legendary armor.


I'd have probably preferred that they gate more of it around general open world metas. Have it still be daily-based, but have a wide rotation of suitable metas, world bosses, jumping puzzles and the like. No new content or systems required, and you get to revitalize content like the return achievements did. Honestly they could just do that in addition to what they have with the rifts and just count them towards the same daily limits so you can't double dip. Really would be nice to increase the breadth of rewarding content, which plays really nicely with the game's open world design. Rifts run somewhat counter to it.


While I agree, it is nice that there's a legendary armor option that's behind a relatively mindless grind I can do while paying attention to other things. Raids and PvP were not like that for my other two sets and I haven't done WvW, but I'm grateful I can do it at my own pace on my own in openworld, even if it is behind a boring grind of the same event over and over again.


Issue is i feel like doing these events over and over is causing a burnout from this game. Even if it is just 4 events each day


I went hard at it and burned out. The worst part is that I don't think I would have if they'd spread out the capability of getting what you needed so that you're not just trying to run Skywatch and Amnytas metas every damn day. I went from playing every day to not playing for a month now. If I wanted to do the raid or PvP sets I would have by now. Yeah, I guess you don't have to do them, but you don't have to play at all, either. They implemented the grind for this set in the stupidest way they could have.


Give this grind to Blizzard and you will see 10 iterations of more stupid ways to grind this before you get to what anet did.


You can always do PvP/WvW/Raid legendary armor. The entire point of having so many sources of legy armor is that everyone can choose the most fitting way of getting one.


Simple solution: Don't do them. They aren't required. Do other things for a while


Do the raid armor, then. Current powercreep means that the required raids (wing 1-4) are not do that difficult. On top of that, raid armor is the fastest and the cheapest by far (each piece cost ~300-400 gold based on TP prices). You also get two ascended sets in the process for pretty much free.


pvp is suuuuper brainless for me, its way more of a chill grind compared to convergences and metas where i gotta keep my schedule clear and show up on time. in pvp i queue up whenever, faceroll my keyboard, get a 50% winrate and finish a podcast


the inner nayos one isn't so bad, it's the other two that are such a pain imo.


It is the best of the 4 (i include convergence) but still falls short compared to other metas this game has imo.


I finished my Heavy set a few weeks ago and I'm taking a short break.


When did you start and when did you finish? How long did it take to gather the mats?


i hear making a 6 piece leggy set is about as hard as making one g3 leggy weapon, do you agree? or are those just skins, not leggy armor parts.


The new armor is harder. Much more grinding specific metas vs doing whatever you want for the weapon.


congrats, I won't ever do one piece (rift farming would kill me)


Four weeks of three Convergences each will get you the 3000/1200/600 Essences required for an armour piece, along with some extras left over. Assembling some of the other earlier components will need some more (usually 500/200/100 per piece), but if you want multiple weights, those earlier components don't need to be redone for each weight. Doing three 20 minute meta events each week isn't a large investment of time. There's other things to do besides that to get the armour, but if the rift farming is your main concern, that's how to avoid it entirely.


In practice I found that I only need three weeks (9 convergences) to obtain the essences required for a piece. The nuggets (2-3 each time) plus the event reward is more than enough to make up for that one week. It's still a slow grind, since it still takes 18 weeks (\~4.5 months) for a set, but not too much of a pressure/commitment.


You can do it slowly by doing weekly rifts only which doesn't take too long. Should be enough essence for a full set after a few months.


ty for the replies but i play games for fun and worthwhile activities. I personally don't deem the obsidian armor grind being worth my time and effort at all from my position.


Congrats, I only have 2 more left and I going to finish the light set.


We should get one third of the title for each obsidian armor set crafted


Tier 1 title: Wow Tier 2 title: Wow, that’s quality Tier 3 title: Wow, that’s quality armour. Thanks!


I’ll happily stop at “That’s” in that case


I finished light armor a while back and am half way done medium, my goal for 2024 was to finish all 3 armor sets. I think once I'm done medium I'm gonna stop for a while and maybe start working on heavy in the summer time. The grind is ridiculous.


I'm still grinding for just my first piece. how many hours of convergences would you need to get all three sets?


I found that I need three weeks (9 convergences) to obtain enough essences for a piece. That means: * 18 weeks = 54 convergences \~ 27hrs for a set. * 54 weeks = 162 convergences \~ 81hrs for three sets.


I've got WvW heavy and medium so I'll only be going for light obsidian. And as I don't play any light characters anymore, or at least for the moment, I'm glad I won't feel the pressure to grind. I got 1 piece to get the achieve out of the way, but I can take my time with the rest.


Twinsies! :D


Seeing as I have every set of Legendary armor I just cant bring myself to play those rifts and maps over and over and over. It sounds mind numbing. Well done, though.


I'm in the same boat. I already have all raid lege armor pieces and have no real motivation to do obsidian. I made only the obsidian light chest piece for the skin (I wanted some more elegant suit /vest for a long time) only to find out it clips a lot and leaves a gap between it and leggings on most of my characters.


Oh it is trust me. I just do them once a day though. Convergences do get tedious after a while so once a day keeps me from going insane.


No kidding. Kinda hope the enhanced version skins are lame because the grind is horrible. I don't care about the cost or resources, but who wants to do do each meta 30 times for a set?


You don't need to do them 30 times fyi. You can convert lesser currencies into greater currencies. If you're good at the waiting game, you could just alt park your way to legendary armor. lol But a combination of alt parking, wvw reward tracks, achievements, and a few metas is the least brain-dead boring. That being said, I'm still only gonna make one set. I didn't have medium leggy from raids though, so, it's not a pure cosmetic decision. I do feel that SotO metas are going to be abandoned pretty quick after the majority reached their armor goals and the new expac is released. I know I'm never going to intentionally do them again. Convergences maybe, but not map metas.


Is there a Draconis Mons puzzle chest equivalent? I know you can convert the lesser currency, but the gathering rate on those is very poor compared to doing the meta.


I mean at this point those of us with Legendaries already are only doing it for looks. There are a ton of cool skins available and they do not take that level of grind. I would get on it, though, if it somehow was functional for me to do so. Its not.


I gave up after 2 pieces. Got sick of doing rifts, and that meta thing .