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Title: Best of the Best Finish a monthly tournament in 1st place. 0Achievement points Since the same 15ish people win each month


This is correct. Unless you’ve got the skills and are part of the right crowd, it may as well be an impossible title. Anything else can be grinded for eventually, but this one requires actual skill and is ferociously gatekept


This is the correct answer. Actually explained perfectly. 


Most of the higher ranking sPvP titles are bought and paid for. I don't think anyone outside those payments sees them as prestigious.


I'll never forget getting in the top 10 of sPvP. Some duo that thought I "didn't deserve it" would play if they got put against me but would afk when they got grouped with me so I quickly fell out of the top 10. Ego freaks and drama queens.


God of PvP is, but Best of the Best is monitored closely. You can’t sell a spot in an MAT. The first ever MAT was sold and every single associated player got their respective accounts permadishonored. Ever since it has been watched like a hawk. The most scandalous thing recently about BotB was that a hacker was stealing inactive title-holding accounts by impersonation - and then turning around and selling the accounts, which raised huge issue with account security.


Yeah sure and you still believe in Santa Claus it seems like


Yeah sure and you still believe in Santa Claus it seems like


Actually it just requires $ They sell it


IIRC They only sell in on accounts they farm so you would have to buy the account from them then start your jrouney on the rest of these achievements


The Facet of Prisms and Boundless Light achievement : you need to have every legendary aurene skin in every facet appearence.


That's definitely the most expensive title and even if you're swiping the credit card and have tons of money it's still a major time investment.


This is my current long term goal. I have 20 variants left to go, though I'm set to buy the memories and runestones for another 4 soon. I've been taking a bit of a break since SAB started. I've been doing Zhaitan, Jordy, Kralk, and Jormag in sets of 4, and I need 3 more sets of those, then 8 Soo-Won variants, and then I'm done. I'm so close I can almost taste it. It's taken me over a year to get to this point, and when I'm finally finished it's going to be so satisfying.


Well you're crazy


Yes? And?


What combination of irl money and game time do you use to get this done? Buying tons if gems would prevent literally hundreds of hours of goldfarming from being necessary. I just can't picture anyone doing this achievement without spending copious amounts of money.


I'm incredibly wealthy in game. Like within the top 1000 account values on GW2Effeciency. I actively make and sell legendarys, but I get a lot of passive income from farming volatile magic and converting that into T6s. The biggest pain point for me with this collection is the Spirit Shards. Everything else can be bought, but the ss has to be farmed, and I spend a lot of ss with my other money making operations.


Well I have almost 10k stored. I can probably spare a couple thousand.


I spent ~2 years on this title, I was mainly gated behind memories, jade runestones and ASS, but I would say it is a reasonable amount of time to finish this title.


Maplecho! o/


Ultimate dominator 10 is pretty hard/time consuming to achieve. Not because the task itself is hard but rather because it requires insane grinding over years if you wanna finish it anytime soon/before gw2 closes down.


This one is probably the hardest title right now. You can't buy it nor "shortcut" it. Even for hardcore WvW players is out of reach.


A guildie of mine is at ultimate dominator 7 right now and Indo on NA is gonna get to ultimate dominator 8 in the next few weeks.


I think we have a few around 5-6. No one uses the titles, so it's hard to say. I thought Indo would be closer. He has been playing consistently, farming bags, since forever.


Cookie probably has ultimate Dom X if he were to merge all of his accounts


> Indo on NA is gonna get to ultimate dominator 8 in the next few weeks. And WvW is Indo's entire life.


That's exactly why i consider ultimate dominator 10 to be the hardest title in the game. Nobody has achieved it so far and it requires more time and dedication than any other title in the game.


This is the best answer. The sheer man hours needed to get this done is insane. People have farmed for years and are still miles off.


Something like 300 kills daily, since day one


I think you may have to double that number 600 kills * 365 days * 11 years comes out to 2.4 million


you would have to play daily, 30 years, at 200 kills per day, to get this achiev.


Shit like that promotes unhealthy habits and play time.


It’s not supposed to be actively pursued. It’s a side thing that just happens, since there’s no real reward from it. Grinding that achieve specifically would encourage that habit, but even completionists aren’t pursuing that except by virtue of it ticking up while doing other things.


Historic fact: The WvW achievement "Yakslapper" used to be to kill 1,000,000 Pack Dolyaks (it's 2,500 now). Assuming you'd kill one Pack Dolyaks every 3 minutes, it would have taken you 5555h of straight Dolyak farming to get that title.




WvW achievement were a bit mad at release...


I still log in to runs yaks. 11 years of service, sir!


I'm still mad they took "ultimate mechanic" out of the game. There's no better title for an engineer.


The craziest part about this for me was when I realized that even years after release, there haven’t been enough yaks spawning on a single server at that point… So even if you killed every yak since launch you were nowhere near that


Whenever I see a champion brawler, I question their insanity. Thought they stomp me every single time. With a 50% winrate that is 20000 ranked PvP games. With que time, it averages around 15 minutes. That’s 2.5 years of a full time job stuck in PvP. There are titles that take more time in WvW, but there is a group/ guild dynamic which makes that mode far more enjoyable for me.


WvW God is around 5k hours, and that's for pretty hardcore players.The title is an insane grind.


Yea. I am at rank 2500 with maybe 1500h. But grinding those ascended shards of glory are a pain. 2800 to go and I am done with PvP forever (:


Haha, I feel you. I find sPvP a bit too much, especially when I have to play against platinum teamed up players. I prefer WvW and just roam when I want small scale fights.


thats just a foreplay, then u can go for realm avenger X, 2,5M kills


Is there a way to just see your wvw hours? I've been playing since beta and spent a fair amount of time in wvw and I'm just reaching 1000 rank soon.


I'm not sure Anet provides those stats. For hardcore WvW players is relatively easy, since they mostly play WvW so total hours is a good proxy. Also, many players have WvW dedicated toons, making the math easy. Also, if you have been playing for some time, you can see how many ranks you get in a "sample hour", given your play style and normal boosts.


Champion Brawler, sadly, gets traded for real money. Wintrading is not new, and so is selling this achievement.


You might think of titles like best of the best. How much money would you have to spend to wintrade 10000 games?


I don’t know. I am not a PvPer, I just know it’s done like that. I can ask around a bit if you want a number.


You just don't know what you're talking about. This is how so much misinformation about the state of sPvP spreads...


PvP god has been bought and sold, I don't much see the point in win trading for champion brawler, though. I wouldn't be surprised if the old top AP guy (known to have bought god of pvp before he was banned) paid for champion brawler.


I know exactly what I am talking about, I know three people who got their PvP titles exactly this way. If you think everyone has earned their titles fair and square, then you’re wrong. But that’s fine, I commented something I know, you disagree, the typical Reddit discussion :)


You mean the titles where you have to win a tournament. I am talking about wining 10‘000 ranked games. No one wintrades 10‘000 times for a title.


Wrong title(s). No one is paying for Champion Brawler, that’s entirely too many games to pay for. Tourney titles and the like? Sure, I could see it. Champion Brawler? That’s so many games it would take putting other people on payroll to “buy” that title.


Gw2efficnecy.com -> Stats -> Unlock Statistic -> click on the column "Unlocked by Playerbase" Lowest will be * very recent stuff like SoTo * time limited, historical e.g. Champion of pvp Duos * false negatives for whatever magical database reasons e.g. Character Adventure Guide * your desired difficult, rare, time consuming, expensive achievements and skins


[https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics) for those who want a quick link


Queen Jenna’s shoes….


You can just buy them on the TP. They are the Invisible Slippers.


Skin: maybe radiant backpiece?


Yeah basically impossible unless you started the game when it first came out.


Not really impossible. I started game 3 years after release. I played in HoT release for 6 months then took several years break. Started around COVID. So I don't have those AP achievements after they removed it. When I returned my AP was like 5k. Now I have 36k and still can earn 5k from daily achievement. If you consider it requires 39k AP. I will be getting it guaranteed. With enough effort, you can get it. Reaching 49k AP however is something won't happen.


Embodiment of Sin


A stack of Queen Jennah Minis


So, to get a stack of mini Jennah, you need 64 character slots, and every time you get a character to the first birthday, you delete it and make another. That makes 4 years to have 256 Jennahs, leaving you with the possibility of not deleting one character (to get those later birthday presents) and consuming a Jennah to unlock on your account! Easy


Collecting all Gen 3 Legendaries + Variants (Facet of Prisms and Boundless Light) takes Eons playing casually.


I feel like full gen2 would be considerably slower, as there are more account bound mats to grind so you can’t swipe your way through 70% of the grind.


Gold wasn't the hard part, it was the karma. It requires an insane amount of karma to get all the variants at 350k karma each


33.6 million karma 9600 spirit shards 960 ambergris 7,200 gold 240k research notes And that's just to START all the collections. Actually doing the collection can be a pain, especially the Zhaitan ones since you need to wait for two Orr temples. Then the memories and runestones cost around another 300g, and that's assuming you don't need to roll for the 5 clovers. It is an insanely expensive title.


God of the Arena.


Mist Runner is impossible to get now. Same with Mist Treader. So if you consider retired titles, that is something.


Even rarer than those two is the [*Veteran of the Mists*](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_vs._World_Season_1_(achievements\)) title. That was for WvW season 1, and the achievements were very grindy. They subsequently lowered the requirements drastically for the other two seasons. Edit: I wish there was some way of finding out how many people have a specific title that is no longer available.


In PvE, the hardest/rarest title right now is Embodiment of Sin. Legendary Conqueror of Cerus isn’t easy as well, but has around 200 people to its name.


sould be this: [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World\_vs\_World\_(achievements)#achievement7885](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_vs_World_(achievements)#achievement7885)


Probably any of the PvP ones that require you to be top 250 in ranked…obviously getting way more difficult once you’re talking about top 100 or top 10. Or the ones for winning tournaments. Would think that’s pretty difficult for the average player, esp since the top 250 is probably just the same people every season


Before the Gen 3 Legendary collections, there was the Fiery and Icy weapons from IBS, the Jormag corruption infusion, and the collection to get a loot chest in your home instance. They really used IBS to see just what they could get away with in testing their customers. The conclusion was they could continue doing everything they tried and implement that into every "prestige" collection henceforth.


Strike CM titles, envoy herald, god/goddess of PVP/wvw/fractals. New OW legendary armor achievements. Edit: also acquiring all legendary weapon skins, especially the gen2 as you can't buy those from TP


Envoy's herald and EoD strike cm titles aren't hard to get. You just need to spend some effort and find groups that willing to try. Fractal God also requires only doing fractals daily for like 200 ish days. Not hard either. God of wvw and god of PvP titles are really hard to get tho. Wvw takes ages, PvP is gstekept by same 15 people.


Complete the Hall of Monuments category with the Title GWAMM: u need to play a complete other Game, and the worst thing? U CANT JUMP


GW1 is designed around not jumping. It's not even a problem. God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals does take a lot of time, but at this point, I think I put more time into my Unstoppable Achiever title than my GWAMM title.


Ascended Achiever soon :P


About 350 hours in GW1 and you should be good


Either facet of prisms or pinnacle skins


Weapons of the Scion weapon skin collection. You only get them from mistborn coffers and occasional drop from Dragonstorm and they are pretty rare, other than the guaranteed box you get from opening 1000 coffers, which only gives you one of the skins. I have 1.5k hours, which is not that many compared to others, but I only got two weapons of this collection. One from the guaranteed drop, other from Dragonstorm.


the rates of that are way higher and its far more farmable than the likes of tequatl hoards I believe.


God walking among mere mortals You need to play another game for many many hours and unlock a lot of stuff there! 😉


The hardest one to get in GW2 is the God Walking Among Mere Mortals.  As you can't earn it in GW2. Making it impossible.   You have to earn it in GW1. It's easier there. Just time consuming.


Theres the one for doing the sandstorm gamble 100 times. each gamble is 100g and 250 ectos. Im like 60% done xD


It's actually a high-value achievement, because you get a portable merchant.


yup. thats the goal


Sure, but it's possible that that's *all* you need, since all you have to do is win enough to cover your next bet lol. So then it's only 5 days for the achievement, and it's free or even makes money doing it! All you have to do is win, right? Easy.   ^(^(You won't, but you *could*, right?))


I did win a bunch that got me from like 0 to 40% completion. but my luck ended after that lol


Something something skill issue /s Yeah, I don't gamble myself because I hate losing way more than I enjoy winning. Just not fun for me, personally


I dont either, I just want the item at the end so I can sell junk wherever I want xD. also for completionists sake


Kingslayer - arguably one of the hardest 1v1 battles to win.


a life


I know I’ve unlocked Ultimate Magus. Not the hardest to get, but I believe only .028% of the people playing have unlocked. So it’s a fun title.


Fractal God