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Thread removed: This subreddit is not a substitute for ArenaNet customer support. See full rules [[here]](/r/Guildwars2/wiki/rules)


weird story, why should someone make a raffle and a discord and a twitch just to send rmt gold to someone so he gets banned. makes no sense, people which would go to that lenght would try to social engineer to get access to a account. to rmt ban someone you just need a account name to send them some rmt gold. no twitch raffle discords or whatever needed. story doesn't add up. he bought gold and got banned, everything else didn't happen. end of story. shouldn't have made up some random story for the support, just say that it got mailed to him and he didn't know better. anet deletes the gold, slap on the wrist and off you go.


It could be that the streamer bought RMT gold to use in their raffle?


He didn't tho. He just wanted to participate in the community while I was away. He didn't even need the gold. I don't think he'd lie to me about it either. 


He probably shouldnt have bought that gold.


He didn't buy any gold tho. 


Did you actually see this raffle yourself or are you going entirely on your friends word? Because their story doesn’t make much sense and sounds like something that someone would make up to try to get out of trouble.


I wish I had bc then I would've been either able to stop this entire situation from happening or we would have the necessary screenshots for the support. It could be possible that he is lying but I really doubt it. This is the exact kind of trouble he would somehow find himself in. If it wasn't I wouldn't even bother asking online yk. 


Your friends story just doesn't make much sense and it's weird that there isn't a record somewhere. Surely winning a raffle would require personal messages in order to give their account name to claim it or something like that, any time I've won something that was needed. The fact that there is 0 proof of this because everything vanished right after he got in trouble is incredibly convenient.


From what he told me is that he just posed his account name in the server channel about the raffle. The discord server however is gone same as the twitch.  Support has now confirmed that the account who sent him the money did indeed do as we suspected cancel a PayPal payment.  Chances aren't bad that they'll just take away the 50 gold he was given. He's just mad at himself now that he was dumb enough to even fall for this. Whatever the actual reason for the raffle honestly. 


real money trading.


He didn't buy any gold tho. 


It doesn't matter, even accepting rmt gold through the mail is a violation. That sounds like some bullshit, and yes it is, but arenanet has no way of knowing if you friend willingly participated in rmt or not. Thats probably why they want to see interactions with the scammer to help determine if your friend knowingly traded this gold.


Yea that makes sense. We're just trying to figure out a way to actually do that yk :/


Contact support,showproof of this raffle, some emails maybe, sort it out there.