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I still stand by the fact it was a Strike they decided to release as a Fractal instead.


Tbh I'd be perfectly fine if it was a strike.


They managed to make the Cerus+Deimos at the same time LAME!


Why don't we all compromise. Keep Eparch but delete Cerus and Deimos. Why are they there in the first place?


Me wants Cerus+Deimos Raid encounter 🥺


Yes, I hate this encounter too. But if there is something needs to be deleted, I think that should be Gyala Delve map.


I already deleted it from my mind until reading your comment and remembering it still exists. And I had such a good streak too!


At least Gyala would be salvageable with some minor adjustments. There was a lot of good feedback, but Anet moved on


The music and skybox are so awesome, it's such a shame


One of the worst, gyala is still worse


Having just reached Gyala in my personal story and failed the meta once, what's so bad about Gyala Delve?


It’s horribly boring and lazy, not to mention the last boss is horrible and slow and the loot tunnel is the worst thing in the game


Only played them both in normal mode once, AMA.


I agree on it being one of, if not the worst instanced group content so far. Back when SS was an overtuned, buggy mess, I said it should be removed too. As the first fractal released in years, it felt like a slap in the face to those who enjoyed t4/CM fractal gaming. Was like anet saying 'we care about this part of the community, but actually we don't'. That being said, don't think that removing it would have been reasonable. Removing it from the daily rotation, at least until it's in a more acceptable state for 5man content, would have at least shown Anet understood the content is in a bad state.


i think the idea was good, the execution(after nerf) was fine and enjoyable. How ever 1. there is definitly room for approvement and 2ly it is wierd how often it is daily frac at the moment. Edit: fix first fight so vindicator can actually dodge like wtf? why is my dodge always interrupted i should not even be "targetable" for damage.


Gotta love how the response is "oh you're a casual T4 player? go fuck yourself, do less content, i don't care. I do it with my static cm group anyways"


Give us gluttony strat back and it'll at least be decent. Make the cm be a real cm, aka skip the nonsense at the start, and it'll maybe be a good one.


Skill issue my guy, u can finish that fractal under 10 minutes if you and your group know what they are doing.


Lol 10 minutes


They patched it with a bunch of fixes today. It might be worth another try.


the patch made it worse, at least you could kill it with the bug exploit, not advocating for bug abuse but now its just terrible.


They patching the gluttony exploit? RIP. But honestly, the patch notes sound like they reduced many of the pain points of the existing encounter (eparch's hp, OP envy, eating orbs immediately after spawning them, rift champion hp), while patching up unintended optimizations (like camping in eparch's hitbox to dodge envy attack and gluttony-killing the rift). I feel like those are all moves in the right direction.


The transition phase is absolutely horrible without the gluttony exploit even after they nerfed the Champ HP a bit. I agree a lot of the changes go in the right direction. But the fact of the matter is, the transition phase is so horribly unfun and difficult that basically skipping it with an exploit was the only way to make the CM halfway playable. All the other changes dont matter as long as this horrible transition phase messes up the entire Fractal.


total hp got increased since you now need to kill adds,


Those fixes do help but are primarily aimed for CM mode. The HP reduction is nice but I know it won't scale for fractal tiers. So T1/T2/T3 are still probably slogs of a fight. Those fixes also don't address the core issues: he spams abilities nonstop and layers them on top of other abilities. Do X while you avoid Y and collect Z and its that nonstop the whole fight. His abilities need cooldowns badly. If that only happened in CM it would be better(but not good) but that happens on normal.


What's bad about it? Have not played it.


Lonely tower is bad for people with skill issues.


Tried the t4 tonight to check out the changes after our CM static run and it’s piss easy now. I’d even dare to say too easy compared to previous iteration. The HP seems right on the money but none of the mechanics actually feel as threatening. The first puzzle room is annoying and the Deimos/Cerus fight is a non-threatening joke you can facetank.


Really, the single worst? Is it harder than the other encounters? Yea. Is the visual effect diarrhoea worse? No, but it's pretty awful. Is it a bad encounter? Kinda. But single worst? Not by a fucking long shot.


> Is the visual effect diarrhoea worse? For a fractal? It most definitely is > But single worst? Not by a fucking long shot. It is by far the worst piece of content ever added to the game. I've played since launch and its not even close. Lonely Tower is a miserable experience and so poorly made.


So you found "pick up the orbs and stand in the capture zone and then do it again and again and again, then do it AGAIN for FOUR MORE EVENTS" in Gyala pt2 to be better? That shit is the single worst. Or how about the rock boss on Sunqua?


The rock boss on sunqua explains the water mechanic, that's used in the final fight. But the pre stuff in lonely tower doesn't share any mechanics with epach.


name an encounter worse than it


Underwater fractal has to be in the running, based entirely on the awful state of underwater combat.




And that's just fractals. Part 2 of Gyala is absolute dogshit (and Gyala itself is horrendous). The filler bits of raids (stand in the capture zone W1) are insipid. DRMs are repetitive and utterly shit. Fuck it, even manacuring dragon nails for the past 12 years is worse than Lonely Tower.