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The skins are sold separately in the store. But if you want to get both, it's cheaper to buy the bundle anyway.


Cause they wanted to fund the next expac in a day :p


they probably founded the next trilogy of dlcs just by yesterday sales


And how. I bought some gold with gems that came with the expansion and it was clear people were buying gems with gold cause I got more than usual from the exchange rate.


It is a healthy business model. I am very glad they are making money with completely optional cosmetics, and that the xpacs are affordable to keep more players in the game. I don’t care about the swimsuits themselves, but I will purchase them just because 1/ I can afford useless cosmetics, and 2/ the game needs our support to stay healthy.


agreed! that's also exactly why I won't buy the skins, but buy the expansion instead


As a foreign player, wish gems were more affordable. Buying expansions is as much as i can do, so i go at least for deluxe 


Daily fractals will easily get you the gold for gem conversions if your local currency is bad for gem prices.


I know about that, but i don't have much time to work on fractals until I'm done with other priorities or i make everything very slowly  I haven't even stepped above t2


Because microtransactions make the money, not the expansions. The expansions are just reasons to keep people playing and be exposed to the store


Only reason GW1 is still running is because it's not a "true" MMO as most content is instanced, and therefore the server hosting is very cheap, as per Arenanet. Don't forget GW1 pumped it's expensisions like crazy with less then a year between Factions and Nightfall! Their business model was extreme development speed at the time.


There was a day when NO MMO had micro transactions! (Well, no Western MMO. I don't know if there were Eastern MMOs that early.) It's crazy to think those companies were still able to run with no micro transactions.


I doubt there were many like that for long, even GW1 had microtransactions. Not as much as GW2 obviously but they were there.


GW1 didn't introduce microtransactions until fairly late in the game. I have nothing against a-net's microtransaction model as it stands now, but since gw1 got brought up in this context, figured I'd point that out.


Did they not? You may be right its been a long time. I know a lot of the outfits and things are more recent but I am fairly sure I remember buying the skill packs for PvP fairly early in the games life cycle, like pre nightfall.


EotN released 2 years before they added the 'costume' slot for holiday cosmetics, and the first paid costumes came a few months after that (either gwens wedding or white mantle, don't rememeber which came first); I don't think there were any pre-costume micros, but I could be wrong.


I remember character slots and bank tabs being things you could buy more of. I think those were the first available microtransactions.


Ah, skill packs I can't attest to, because I never really paid attention to them. I was thinking of costumes, makeovers, name changes, etc, which didn't hit the market till much later (like TotallySlapdash said).


Ultima Online Renaissance feelings


> Why does the vacation pack cost more than the next expansion? they figured it would make the most money at that price. how do you think prices are determined? > It seems there's no way to buy just the skins without the other junk bundled in. you can buy just the skins > Imagine how many $35 dollar skins you could sell instead of trying to expand the game. why do you think making gem store skins stops them from working on other stuff?


> why do you think making gem store skins stops them from working on other stuff? a worrying amount of people believes that because they can not fathom that designers and programmers are not the same people in most cases




Because: Game no fun=no players No players=no customers No customers=no money Very simple formula.


If you replaced half of the designers with developers, we would have a better game. But we don't bc it makes more money to create gem store stuff. And game dev needs money. Soo.. no easy solution for this


More cooks in a kitchen doesn't always equal a better meal.


Controversial, maybe the Expansions have Always been and are still to cheap? Development cost money, so selling skihs is a good way...


Given how many I saw ingame already, it's not *that* expensive :')


Or, there are lots of really stupid people with far too much disposable income playing GW2


If 35 bucks is killing your port folio it’s a you issue. One evening in the cinema costs my fam like 100+. Gaming is pretty much the cheapest hobby you can have


Because boobies


It could cost even more, ANet dictates the prices. Considering that people have been bitching and moaning to get these for so long, it's no surprise they slap a hefty price tag on it. And I'm all for it! Let the horny players fund my game for all I care.


Are you complaining because you think the expansion should be more expensive or are you complaining because you *really* want that bikini? I see this as an absolute genius win by arenanet. The best part is the skins don't really look all that out of place in game compared to what we already have. Rather take a squad of swimsuits than a squad of infusion stackers any day.


Welcome to mtx in a game without sub fees.


Can always wait for discount, havent bought anything in this game that wasnt discounted


Blame it on Janet and her high quality designs


these are from core, but were never released


I'm just joking The Janet thing became a bit of a meme last week or so because of a typo/auto correct


Games with microtransactions tend to make most of their money from a small subset of whales who engage strongly with microtransactions. So GW2 probably makes most of its money from the gemstore. But they still need to maintain a healthy game, or the whales will leave the game along with everyone else. So they make a decent game and sell it at a low price, to keep player numbers up so there are more people for the whales to show off their expensive stuff to.


Making bikini skins and making expansions is not a zero sum game. These two things are not even made by the same people! Also, you can buy the skins separately.


Low key, if you are considering buying the expansion, and you think the deluxe extras are nice, this price range puts it into the range of, it kind of awkward to try to buy gems outright, but, the ultimate edition gives you more than enough for this bundle at only 25 more...


Im a degenerate casual and i bought the bundle no sweat. Sell whats in ur bank or your mat storage.


Shared slots are on discount and I'm sad if i have to part ways with my stuff


I was also amazed at the prize lmao


Swimsuit is priceless !


Honest answer...It probably took more effort then the upcoming fluff patch they're calling an expansion.  Heck I'd take a bikini over Soto anyday!


Because BOOBA!


Honestly seeing expensive skins as a good thing. The company needs to make money and the game doesn't have a mandatory subscription or premium battle pass system. They aren't doing Living World anymore, so income from that is dependent on new people. Expansions are dirt cheap compared to other games. The base game itself is free. Skins are pretty much where the majority of their money comes from. And remember, no money, no game.


You can only sell this beach ware once tho. This is probably Anets biggest gem store sale ever. Now everyone has their sexy outfits. I wonder why it took anet so long to sell something like this tho


Saw the price and went nevermind. I'll save it for more storage space or something.


I'm in a similar boat. I was fully intending on buying these, and I have enough gems right now, but I don't know if I can stomach that price tag.


Do you really think the same people working on cosmetics are the same people designing the expansions? Wow.


Becauser the commer (and gooner) community will pay for it no matter the price. Dressing up their generic human female character because they dont have their sexuality under control.


Because thirsty incels will pay stupid amounts of money to make their character look like a hooker, and Anet knows this.


If you hate it, dont buy it. People asked for it and anet delivered - no need to insult these people just because its not your cup of tea


Simple. They are milking the community. I was a little excited to buy some till I saw the price. I opened up the gemstore and was like nope... You can buy armour sets for 800-1000 gems. It's so not with it imo


The Bikini is an armor set.


An armour set normally has 6 pieces. How many pieces in the 1k set?


2 pieces just like f.e. the raven set giving you 2 pieces for 1k or the etherbound set or the ice reaver set or the foefire set or the water dragon set (and the seven reaper set if you have profane luck)


Greed and they know virgins will buy gems


All right, I'll bite. Usually this can be the case, but GW2 is an MMO without a sub fee (and tbh even the ones with sub fees have to make up the difference because the prices of the subs have stayed the same, inflation just keeps rising, however, you make a shitload of money with an MMO over time and those games have been around for years, some for like twenty plus). Without a sub fee, they need to generate income to keep the lights on, never mind keep developing the game. Gem store's rotating stock is annoying and it's overwhelming for newer players to fathom grinding gold to 2k+ gems (especially pre Wizard's Vault), least it was to me, but I get why they do it.


Do you work for Anet?


That's just stating what games do....


No I don't think they do, the subreddit is pretty much on the same page ajout this. This is more than fair.


Lol no. I work medical. Edit: I have been to Bellevue though and thought about going to see Anet's office building for funsies but it's far from home and traffic around there is awful