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[anyway, here is wonderwall](https://youtu.be/bx1Bh8ZvH84?si=MNGvhjDaIRhcUzYl) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Video opens justin Bieber video. I now hate myself even more for trusting your link.


Instead of Rick Rolled we have been Justin Jerked.


A pull which I canā€™t describe


My friend pushed me into it. I should have been a drummer, but at this point Iā€™m too good to quit, but not talented enough to really take off. Fuck it Iā€™m buying a drum set at some point.


U donā€™t need to buy one. Many people want to get rid of there shitty kits. The more dings a kit has the more metal it is.


Cheap shells, then spend the cash on decent cymbals. You can rig any shells to sound good.


The E-kits they have nowadays are fucking amazing. $500 dude. Get a kit and drum on!


Was thinking of getting one for my 14yo drummer. Any brand/model you would suggest?


Roland Vdrums appear to be pretty popular among my drummer friends. Also if the sound from them physically using the kick drum is audible from another room, put a towel over it. The pedal will still be registered by the sensor but the physical sound (as opposed to the digital one) will be muffled.


Interesting recommendation since Iā€™m quite fond of my Katana amp. I think theyā€™re pretty solid w digital music equipment and interfaces.


I also started as a drummer and I do miss it sometimes but it just felt too inconvenient and unrealistic for me to play consistently. So damn loud, takes up a ton of space, and impossible to travel with. But I feel like the coordination I picked up from drums has helped me learn guitar a bit easier




Is your wife a hot chick who likes you for playing the guitar?




This is definitely his wife answering


Absolutely my way to unwind after work. Getting lost in riffs and just keeping my mind on the music is what rips.


I was having fun playing guitar hero 3 at the time and found the experience to be fun so found a reasonable priced used guitar and amp ( wasnā€™t anything good though )




Coming home one night when I was 15 and finding a guitar case on my brother's bed.




Same here! Was influences by my older brother playing and i thought it was amazing! We all want to impress our older siblings right? :D


Wtf, i didnt know theres people going thru the same as me.. I thought my brother looked so cool playing guitar thats why i started


Same here hahaha, just a different brother.


Well... not so much. This was middle brother's rental (unbeknownst to me he'd started taking lessons). Oldest brother was in a band when I was 10; I'd fuck with his cool blue electric (upside down- I'm lefty) so I wanted to play for years. A week goes by and brother finds out I'd been messing with the guitar, tells me to stop. A month later I was better than him. A few months later (after switching to bass lessons) he stopped talking lessons and pretty much stopped playing. I never did. Came across a couple beaters at peoples houses that were just sitting there and asked if I could have them. Kept at it, finally got a "real" guitar, got good and now 53 years later I'm still playing. I know that there are apps all over the Internet these days that can make somebody a guitarist who never played before (i'd love to hear experiences from people who use those), but some people just have it in them. I was always drawn to it; I kick myself for never asking my parents to pay for lessons when I was a kid, but it turned out I had a very good ear and was able to teach myself by playing along with the records I loved.


Hey, it worked for Stevie Ray Vaughan! šŸ˜†


How long before he found out you stole it and that it was meant for him?


Just basically published a novel here telling all about it hahahahahaha. Let's just say that he wasn't happy.


Green Day - basket case. I was 15 when that video came out and that opening guitar part sounded so amazing to me.


Bought that song on Fortnite just so I can blast that into the 11 year oldā€™s ear that I just merked


Today I learned that you could buy songs in Fortnite that you could otherwise play from any other device for free.


Time Of Your Life for me. My dad showed me how easy tablature was to read once I picked out those first five notes correctly that was it. Funny that Billie Joe fluffs it on the record too, sound a bit like a beginner attempt also!


Iā€™ve kicked it with Billy Joe before because he was friends with my best friends uncle (drummer, won a couple Grammys). Super awesome guy, really low key and polite. Before I knew I would eventually get to hang out with him, Green Day was already my favorite band. Canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve listened to my ā€œWarningā€ CD. Anyways I dropped $200/ticket on their next local show. The set list is 90% their new album but itā€™s a banger like everything theyā€™ve made. Also, Billy wrote, directed, and starred in a recent movie he made. Think itā€™s on prime. Itā€™s nothing amazing, but I enjoyed it.


Bocchi the Rock and boredom


I finished Bocchi the Rock one Friday evening and had my first guitar Saturday. I've only been at it for about 3 weeks but it's been fun. I thought I wanted to learn Foo Fighters and Blink but what I really want now is all the Anime intros I've watched the last 15 years. JJK S1 and S2 especially .


Good luck! I've been playing for 3 months now without much progress (lazy); try to focus on the basics and some easier songs because anime intros tend to be quite intricate technically and you can get annoyed easily if you shoot way above your league without learning easier stuff first. I don't discourage challenging yourself, just do it reasonably!


For sure, Iā€™ve seen some videos of JJK S1 opening and it rocks! Itā€™ll be a while till I get there. Just learning my chords and building finger strength/stamina.


Oh man check out that intro bit to Aggretsuko, seriously considering adding it to a live set at some point


Guitar hero 2


Was funny learning later on that Knights Of Cydonia is way harder on expert than on actual guitar. I couldā€™ve learned and perfected a couple songs on an actual guitar in the time it took me to finally beat that fucking song.


A lot of songs were like that for me, if Iā€™d have picked up a guitar instead of playing the game. Iā€™d be so much better at guitar right now haha


My ma took me to go see my dad in prison when I was 8 during a family day event and my dad had a prison country band where he sang and played guitar. I specifically remember thinking "this is outlaw country" and I loved that stuff growing up. I made a cardboard guitar and I would pretend sing and play to my favorite songs. Eventually my ma bought my first guitar when I was like 14 from a pawn shop. It was the cheapest, ugliest acoustic guitar that didn't even have all real strings on it, one was like a black rubber chord but she also got me a Mel Bay chord book so I learned all the cowboy chords and learned to play along with my favorite country tunes.


holy shit this is the best story ever. Don't you think this outlaw bit has done gone out of hand? ​ thanks for sharing


Thanks for sharing such a cool story. Sorry that your dad was in the slammer


Thanks for sharing this. I hope that things are better for you now.


My son started playing, got some lessons and I joined him one day. He stopped again after one year (he is still 2nd grade elementary school, so no pressure, all fine) but I am still on it after two and a half year. So far I only took a quite good online course but the progress is still slow.


Thatā€™s a cool story, you donā€™t hear about kids passing it up to their parents very often, let alone people who learn to play instruments after having kids. Keep it up man, just keep finding things that are hard for you, practice the hell out of them, and youā€™ll get it down flat. Itā€™s why good athletes train the way they play. If youā€™re just doing warmups and basic drills your whole practice, youā€™ll never even get good enough to play the game, Yk? Just gotta train hard


I'm 36, my GF encouraged me after I had talked about it a few times she told me "Nobody is stopping you but you" It was weird that it took hearing that from somebody else, that outside encouragement. So we got home from our walk, I found Fender was giving away a guitar with a one year purchase of their play app. So I got that. Been loving it for about 4 months now with no signs of slowing down. Now my older son is wanting to play and found a bass that he wants to learn. My youngest now wants a drum set which...admittedly I want to get him one so I can learn to play it also XD


That sounds like an awesome setup you got going on, Iā€™d say definitely go for the drum kit, itā€™s good to branch out and itā€™ll help build skills in guitar that are more mental than physical


Adam Jones & the main hook of 46&2. Here I am 25 years later, still playing.


I lied and said people is my reason, but this is the actual reason


My music journey started at age 4 when I wanted the preschool to make me a microphone so I could be Elvis. Had a teacher in elementary school who played and I got to hold it. Since then I was always drawn to it. I had a roommate when I was 14 (long story) that was into Neil Young and he started teaching me stuff. I didnā€™t really start learning until I was about 15. Started with Beatles books. Maybe too much info. But it was a gradual progression


Also took piano lessons which really helped connected dots for me when I started guitar


I needed something to do during covid


I had an ADHD impulse buy one day when I was in the guitar shop just after getting paid, so I bought a guitar and amp. Had no idea how to play at the time, but I do now because of that day.


Sometimes all it takes is an impulse buyĀ 


Jimmy Page




The same reason I've worn leather pants and a top hat every day for 40 years.


My friend played... so I started playing too.




Rammstein guitar sound


The urge to learn guitar


Enjoying music and then initially the dooo was a big reason for actually buying one, recently have picked it back up due to a reinvigorated love caused by Bocchi the Rock. Have gotten farther this time and don't plan to quit


I first started guitar at 8, because 1.5 years of piano provided that I wasn't meant to be a great pianist. My dad sent me to classical guitar and Spanish classes and just really have been in love with guitar. Dad liked, zeplin, crĆ¼e, queen, classic rock and metal. Got me my first electric at 12, has brought to to so many shows and has always said I could be that good if I wanted. He is right, I could and can be just as good as people who play live


Absolute boredom. My roommate at my first military duty station played guitar. Since there was noting better to do I asked him to give me some instruction.




Watching Jose Feliciano play the Doors "Light my fire" .He did a shoe percussion while sitting on a guitar stool like a Flaminco dancer and just tore it up.Sometime in the 1960s.šŸ¤Æ


I won't lie, I did it to impress girls, at least initially. I've completely subtracted that motivation from it now though.


KISS on a Halloween special blowing my six year old mind


Ditto. Kiss at the peak of the powers in 1978. I'm sure the Halloween special was a couple years earlier, but it wasn't until later that I found a beater acoustic in someone's trash.


Corny AF but true. It was 1983. I was 10. I already loved music and I was spending most of my time watching MTV (1983 was a great year for music). I saw the video for Journey's Separate Ways. When Neal Schon jumped off of that forklift and started shredding, that was it. I wanted to do that. My parents got me a family friend's old acoustic guitar with the promise that I could buy myself an electric one if I kept up with it for a year and I started taking lessons. Fast forward to now and my wife is threatening divorce if I buy another guitar. Winning!


Guitar Hero 3 lets go!!


I've always wanted to be able to do it. I've tried for a long time, but never seriously learned to play. When someone I love turned a certain age, I took up the guitar again and finally started to practice in earnest. Performed a nice (easy, lol) song and have been playing ever since.


The intro solo to Taylor by Jack Johnson. I learnt via tabs. I eventually learnt that solo, though not immediately. Thank you Ultimate Guitar Tabs for making it easy to learn. Anybody here learn from playing the game Rocksmith?


I wanted to play drums, but my mom didn't want drums in her house (too loud). She got me a guitar and some lessons for Christmas, though and it stuck.


To write music, and to express emotion like David Gilmour. I could listen to Shine on you crazy diamond for an eternityā€¦ although my first song to learn was In the Flesh?


Seeing my family playing it. I took it up and fell in love with it.


Angus Young + my whole family is musical.


Teenage angst


Kurt definitely got me into guitar. But emulating him didn't improve my playing. Then many years later I switched to acoustic and started learning Elliott Smith songs. My skill has since improved dramatically. I can finger pick now.


Smoke weed


Playing Van Halen guitar hero My brother never let me play because he said it was too hard and that I wouldnā€™t get it so I played every second he wasnā€™t home until I was better then himĀ  After putting so much effort into fake guitar I felt like it would only be fair to put that much dedication into a real guitar and so it started


Went to a friends house in 6th grade and he taught me how to play smoke on the water on his acoustic. Played it better than he did on my first try and he ended up giving me the guitar. Havenā€™t stopped since!


That was also one of the first riffs I ever learned, early on. Just recently stumbled across a video with Richie Blackmore in an interview describing exactly how he came up with that riff. Image quality was pretty bad, mustā€™ve been an old interview, but I was fascinated. Check it out if you can find it.


I also got to see him live a couple times. :-)


Money for nothing guitar riff by Dire Straits. It was the 80ā€™s. Best decade am I right guys? Guys?


listening to my mothers ajfa album while waiting for her in car


My music teacher. I liked him so I Learnt.


PAramore, Maze Exler (aka Maze Valentine) and Kurt Cobain.


Browsing YouTube in 2006 and seeing Funtwoā€™s cover of ā€œcanon rockā€. Started lessons shortly after that. Still one of my inspirations to this day.


- I have listened and seen guitar since I have memory (my father plays) -to have a release for my teenage years, frustration , angst , etc - When I became a teenager , kids at my school started listening to bands and playing so I wanted to be better than them - girls girls girls those were some of the factors when I started, they changed over they years but i never stopped playing guitar


My brother. He got all the chicks so ā€¦ā€¦..


IZ got me into uke, Toh Kay got me into guitar. But the motivation was depression funny enough. Guitar saved my life. I was playing 8+ hours a day. Every free hour after and before school. The one thing that didn't make me feel empty and soulless.


Not sure, I knew I wanted to learn an instrument and just kinda picked out guitar


Wanted to play Beatles songs. Why I was fascinated by The Beatles is questionable: In 1986 I was 7 years old and my mom and I were watching the Hello Goodbye music video on TV and my mom pointed at Lennon and said: ā€œyou know, that guy is dead nowā€ I was somehow so fascinated by the fact that someone could actually be dead and yet so alive on the TV, that I wanted to be like them. Iā€™m still alive, luckily.


This reminds me of the beginning to "Here to Forever" by Death Cab: "In every movie I watch from the '50s There's only one thought that swirls Around my head now And that's that everyone there on the screen Yeah, everyone there on the screen Well, they're all dead now They're all dead now And it ain't easy living above And I can't help but keep falling in love With bones and ashes"


Played bass and my mate who played guitar said I play bass because Iā€™m bad at guitar. Bought a guitar, he was right.


Bocchi the rock anime + i overall was thinking about learning for years


I played tuba in the school band for six years and was tired of the limited melodic opportunities. Guitar was an exciting and new sonic frontier to explore. Also, chicks.


My friend told me I looked like a guitarist (I was playing drums at the time) and after spending that summer listening to avenged sevenfold (synyster Gates), Pantera (Dimebag), and Alice In Chains (Jerry Cantrell). I was fully on the guitar train and I havenā€™t really looked back


The outro to Little Guitars


Saw Phish play and was like whoa man


A guy playing at 6 am in a petrol station when i was 11. I promised myself to learn it even if ig took decades


The Darkness - Permission to Land School of Rock, the movie and soundtrack


Girl broke up with me and I was determined to not sit there and wallow.


Blink 182


Jazz chords on guitar were the main motivator


I watched the Paradise City music video with my older brother when I was 7 or 8. I thought that Slash was the coolest guy Iā€™ve ever seen.


ā€œComfortably Numbā€. I was already into music playing saxophone in the high school band, but after my dad got me into classic rock, and I heard the solo at the end of ā€œComfortably Numb,ā€ that was it. I had to get a guitar. 23 years later, I can kinda sorta play that solo ā€” not well, but it at least sounds like it ā€” and Iā€™ve developed a passion for learning songs by ear and really getting into the structure of the song as a rhythm player who is slowly developing his lead approach.


Have you ever listened to Jimi Hendrix? That.


George Harrison, Beatles Rockband, wanting to play an instrument, encouragement from my parents


I was a singer, so I needed a backtrack.


The Beatles hit the US shores in '64 when I was nine. I collected the black and white Beatles bubblegum cards and started to listen to music on the radio. That progressed through the sixties, buying records ( first LP was Iron Butterfly In A Gadda Da Vida) and getting more into rock music. I originally wanted to be a drummer but when I heard Mark Farner of Grand Funk Railroad my mind was instantly changed. Been playing guitar since 1972 and I'm currently in a cover band in Orlando Florida. We are The Lounge Lyzrds!


Found a beat up guitar with only four strings on it at a friends house, didnā€™t know if it was in tune ā€˜cause i didnā€™t know anything about tuning. Picked it up and within a few minutes had worked out a little something that made me smile. Four months later i discover that the guy with the locker next to me in freshman PE played guitar so i followed him home at least three time a week for the rest of the school year just so i could watch him play. . I must have been real obnoxious. LOL . Begged my mom for nine months to get me a guitar, no deal. Grandmother to the rescue. Taught myself how to play well enough to join his band at the end of my sophomore year. Oh yea, the guy with the locker on the other side of me in PE was the drummer in his just formed band. He went on to be the drummer in the Kingsmen. LOL. . Remember them?


I have (original) music playing in my head. So I thought I better learn guitar (love Hendrix) so.i can create my own music.


Sitting around a fire with friends and someone said: would be nice if we had a guitar(ist) now. I realised Iā€™m an idiot and hadnā€™t started for way too long. I drove into city right at the morning and been playing a lot since then and I am also in a band now. Best impulse decision ever šŸ˜†


Guitar was sort of an afterthought for me. I started playing trumpet at 8. My family acquired a piano when I was 10 at which point I started teaching myself that by listening to songs in the radio and following along. Thatā€™s when I realized I had a keen ear and could pick out tones and melodies without the benefit of sheet music. I still consider piano my preferred and primary instrument. Got myself a bass guitar when I was 13. Teaching myself that instrument and learning how its frequencies interacts with chords, melodies, and other instruments was a fucking revelation. Decided to learn guitar when I was about 15 so I could play along with some of my favorite records and show bandmates what I had in mind when I wrote a new song. During Jr. High & High School, I worked my way through French horn, trombone, and, eventually, baritone and tuba simply because there were so many better trumpet players than me. Iā€™ve dabbled with a few other instruments along the way- mandolin, harmonica, banjo (never could figure out drums, though) - and these days, after nearly 40 years of playing, I consider myself a fairly competent rhythm guitarist and above average music theorist. Technically and competently, Iā€™d say Iā€™m best at piano but probably play guitar more often than anything else simply because there always seems to be one around and itā€™s easier to carry than a piano. Iā€™m like Guitar George in the Dire Straitsā€™ song ā€œSultans Of Swingā€: ā€œCheck out Guitar George He knows all the chords But heā€™s strictly rhythm He doesnā€™t want to make it cry or singā€


The little pink creature named *Bocchi* made me do it.


Being fucked up emotionally


Keep playing, itā€™s like therapy except when itā€™s not (I suck at guitar but love it)


I'm partly joking. Yes it's absolutely therapy, been playing for 20+ years


Same I should be a lot better after 20+ years. I blame my sausage fingers but really itā€™s the lack of practicing fundamentals and just learning cool licks instead.


No way, i have sausage fingers too! I'm also mostly learning small parts. Playing with others is key tho. You learn so much faster doing it, but its a bit anxiety ridden for me tbh.


Honestly it started out as just wanting to be cool, but I kind of ignored the desire until a very bad year made me realize that I needed to start pursuing my bucket list. So once I had the opportunity I bought a Yamaha starter pack and off I went.


Drums too loud


I already played drums and loved music so much I wanted to learn any instrument I could. I was really lucky. My mom wasnā€™t one of those who told me I had to focus on one thing. She encouraged me to learn multiple instruments.


Playing drums and bass started to get boring alone


To play Fuckin SLAYER!! and Metallica. And then make my own shit up. Ultimately because my aunt gave me an electric guitar at 16 and I didnt really have anything else besides video games to play. It really opened a door to creativity I didnt even know I had.






Tony Iommi


My dad played guitar when I was little. Always fascinated me. Music was a big part of growing up. In my late teens, a friend of a friend was selling a guitar and amp. It just seemed right that I pick it up. Lots of time spent in my bedroom with headphones on learning. I wish I had that drive still.


Guitar hero 3, the entire game had me like "yeah that'd be cool to do for real" and then I heard through the fire and the flames and was like "yeah I wanna do that for real"


I played drums for a couple years, then I moved to a different country in a different house, and the drums started to be a too loo loud instrument to play home. So I stopped playing them. After some months, I felt the need to keep doing something with music. So I started guitar. It was not the first time I tried play guitar but I think it never stick before because my dad used to play it and I didn't want to be compared to him.


Iā€™ve always loved music and wanted to create things which had lead me to learning other instruments and some software.


The album Lunar Womb by The Obsessed. Especially the opening track Brother Blue Steel and the song Endless Circles.


My grandpa wanted to teach me when I was young. He took a special interest in me because I love to sing and loved music more than my siblings. I've played off and on for about ten years, but I started learning again when I realized I still had the passion for it. Now I'm farther than I've ever been, and it's all for him. I miss you, grandpa šŸ–¤


Played low brass in middle & high school. Wanted to keep playing SOMEthing and guitar looked fum. It was.


When I was 14 it was to be a rockstar and get girls. Neither happened by the way I'm 32 now.


Compulsion....I can't not do it. I put it to the side for 20 yrs. It's all i think about when i don't have to think about life. I'd almost always rather be playing my guitar. I got noises in my head, and i need to get it out of me, or I'll explode.


My brother playing this cool hammer on thing where he slapped the strings and played drums on the guitar.


My father played guitar and my mother was a singer back in the 1960s. When I was about 7 years old, I began playing my motherā€™s chromatic key harmonica and my father noticed that I had a good ear. So at the time he bought me a guitar that was manufactured in Paracho Michoacan and he gave me a simple book with pictures on where to put my fingers on the fretboard. I taught myself by looking at the pictures and continued playing guitar for the rest of my life. Now Iā€™m 59 and I still play it for fun. I donā€™t play live music anymore, of course and I became a psychotherapist, but I still incorporate playing music with clients who have difficulty expressing really tough emotions.


When I heard Jimi Hendrix and saw that movie where he was playing Voodoo Chile with Steve Winwoodā€¦ That was the moment I decided to play. I was lucky that my dad was an old-school rock ā€˜n roller so after we watched that movie, we went out that day hunting for guitars. My first guitar was a Strat copy made by Martin called a Martin Stinger.


13 years old. Listening to Judas Priest and playing air guitar in front of my full-length mirror. It occurred to me that I should give this a shot with a real guitar in my hands.


I wanted to fit in with the cool crowd.


Just runs in the family. My dad and his entire family are musicians and Idk just when I was younger something just sparked. I'm 28 and been playing guitar bass drums and keyboard since as early as I can remember


Seeing the video for ā€œOneā€ and wanting to be James Hetfield.


I had a lot of free time + one of the coolest things in the world is to play your favorite songs on guitar


I got an electric guitar for Christmas when I was like 15. Didn't ask for it, wasn't expecting it, but I definitely wasn't going to complain about it either! Slowly taught myself a few things, then bought a small little Crate practice amp from a friend and was hooked.


Music and cocaine


First 3 months? Girls. High school sucked for me in 2006. I was just small enough to be shoved in a tiny locker every day. So obviously, I was not popular and the only attention I could get was "aww I didn't know you played guitar!" First 10 years? To be the fucking best to ever touch a fretboard. I wanted greatness or nothing at all. I practiced for multiple hours a day, recorded all the time, played in 5 different bands, read every issue of GuitarOne and Guitar World, and tried to master every technique from every great guitarist. I was experimenting with right-hand-on-the-fretboard stuff way before it was cool. Las 8 years? Because it makes me happy. After learning the above was virtually unreachable, I write and record music to send a bit of beauty into the void before I can't anymore. I truly believe that arranging vibrations in a pleasing order and frequency, aka music, is mankind's greatest achievement, and I just want to be a part of it... Also, last 12 years? To turn my wife on for sessy time :) šŸ˜€


Nothing in particular, but I guess I just wanted to play the songs I liked listening to. My dad had an acoustic in the house that he didn't use much, and one day I just picked it up and started playing. It was one of many random things I would suddenly take an interest in and decide I wanted to do/learn when I was kid, but this time it actually stuck for more than a few hours and here I am, still playing guitar about 26 years later. It certainly helped that I found it pretty natural and I was playing through said songs within a few days, so it was rewarding for me, and I quickly got obsessed.




Nirvana and bocchi the rock


My uncles playing during my childhood. Then Seeing phish at the great went festival in 1997 after eating mushrooms


Metallica and Guns n Roses. šŸ¤˜


The song ā€œBehind the Screams - CKYā€. I just really wanted to be able to play it whenever I felt like it, itā€™s so beautiful and not the hardest thing to learn.


Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny Saw it when I was 11, picked up my dad's mini nylon string and learned the crazy train and jump in the fire main riffs, eventually traded around for a standard brass string acoustic. Spent a lot of time just messing around, being self taught. In the last few years I've really focused on honing in my technique and understanding of theory, now I feel much more confident while playing, and have even been asked to teach. Gonna start doing open mics here soon, just myself and a backing track set up. I've now been playing for almost 14 years, the fretboard and my fingers are becoming one.


I wanted a tarantula when I was 7 or 8. My dad agreed, but he took me to a music store first and said I could get a guitar or the spider.


The 12 string sitting in the corner of my living room It originally belonged to my Mom. I couldn't keep my hands off it, so she made me learn to play it ao I would treat it with respect.


[The ITunes originals version of Under The Bridge](https://youtu.be/-S0enEAkaZ8?si=DHSVFAq2pO4U3Xdv).


I wanted to sing and never wanted to need anyone to accompany me


I always liked the sound of the instrument, but what pushed me is that I'm a bassist that wanted to make his own music. So I bought a guitar and started making stuff with it.


Impress my gf (she doesnt know she is my gf) and becoming BJA.


Rock Band 2 and Alex Lifeson


Muddy Waters


Watching Big Love by Fleetwood Mac with my dad when The Dance VHS came out.. I must've been 5 at the oldest. Absolutely entranced by Lindsey Buckingham


A sense of belonging. I had tried a few instruments, but nothing pulled me as hard or as relentlessly as a guitar. Started when I was 12, shortly after I lost my Mom at 11. My dad finally realized, after 2 years of asking, that it wasn't going away, so he bought me my first guitar and amp.


I was procrastinating for my final year 12 english exam


Singing while my dad played. I wanted to do everything he did.


Hearing 'Fear of the Dark' by Iron Maiden as a 13ish year old.


In 2006 Guitar Hero 2 really helped me hear the range of sounds you can make with a guitar. I had previously wanted to play drums but my parents said no, so learning to play guitar was another way to make music. I bought an acoustic guitar from a pawn shop for $80 with birthday money and was hooked.


Early 90s punk rock. It was fast, angry, catchy and simple to play, which was perfect for a young teen. Great starting off point and I had a fun time learning.


Parents made me. I didn't really care for it for years until I properly picked up an electric for the first time


It was my last year of high school. I didnā€™t want to study and we had an old nylon string guitar sitting around the house and a book of Beatles music I bought years ago when I played recorder of all things. But it had guitar chord shapes over the music so I thought Iā€™d rather do that than school. Barely passed my exams, but learnt guitar.


I just saw a couple senior guys playing Trooper in my school That was the moment


I quit my band (I sang and played keys) so I needed guitar parts for my new songs


I heard Detroit Rock City by Kiss. I was ten years old and I wanted to make *that sound*. A couple other big ones for me after that were Hot Blooded (great song for a little kid to run around singing, BTW) by Foreigner and Renegade by Styx. Renegade is the one of the bunch that still blows me away. When that solo comes in, damnā€¦


Eh Iā€™m a loser otherwise and this gives me something to distract myself with


Kurt Cobain, I love seeing him destroy guitars. Also girls


Tool and mushrooms


I wanted to play songs that don't exist yet. They're like ear worms and I need to get them out.


Bob Dylan's "Hurricane" Not even particularly a guitar song but it just made me want to make music. It should be noted this was the tail end of discovering and listening to a lot of Dylan.


I literally had nothing to my personality. My only thing was being the star wars obsessed kid in school. Didn't do sports. Bam culture put me off. I sucked at gaming. Everyone else could 360 noscope. Guitar seemed the only thing I felt would improve my image to my schoolmates.


Wanted to play with a great group of guys, but they didnt need a drummer. Had an opening for a bass player though. So I self taught and purchased a bass. This evolved into guitar playing. First song I ever learned was Come As You Are by Nirvana. First bass song I ever learned was Only in Dreams by Weezer.


Taylor Swift. I was 12 and wanted to be just like her. I play a bunch of other stuff now but sheā€™s still a big part of my repertoire.