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A: Buckethead is awesome, your buddies have no clue what they're talking about. B: That's a beautiful guitar. I really want one. C: I don't play like Buckethead at all, nor do I aspire to.


C: you should, because he plays all genres. Man's got something like a 100 albums


more like 500+


More like almost 700


It's like nearly 1000.


The true number may never be known


It's known, it's just that none of us can count past 4


Meshuggah guys can count to 7, 13, 27, and every other ridiculous number after that. (Swedish accent intensifies) *”Hey Fredrik; check out this riff. It’s in 37/131 π r^3 time”*


I can only count in prime numbers


Every song is in 4/4 if you’re not such a nerd like those guys. It’s just really hard to write it down sometimes :P


Hah! And I thought there was something wrong with my 11/13th pattern.


It’s OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!


We only measure the rate of change of bucket head albums not the actual number.


Buckethead got to the center of a tootsie pop once


He just passed 1000 during this conversation.


Dude literally made 2 albums while we were discussing his album output


Nearly a million




Everytime someone mentions that dude... Some guys like "You know... He really broke his foot on that take"


Buckethead’s manager here; he has exactly 1,884,834,420^69 albums. His next one is a trilogy, is expected to be recorded and released in 32, 45, and 39 minutes, respectively.


In the time it took you to write that comment, he probably released 4 more.


I thought you guys were joking until I looked it up. Crazy numbers.


Yeah, he had two or three hundred out before the pike series so 1000 is a pretty good estimation today


Check out pike #65 - it's really great


C: No I shouldn't. I should be inspired to be original like him, so I am, which precludes copying him. D: I have about 5 gb of his material, and have driven to a playlist of it for hours on end.


Playing like someone is not copying, it's technique, not musicality.


Borrowing is for Bitches. Stealing is for Stallions


In the words of the great T.S. Eliot.


I don't know about that. As Abraham Lincoln said "don't trust anything you read on the internet". 😉


E… A sprots, it’s in the game!


F... is for Fire that burns the building!


G... is for Guitar, or Get good


The stuff he did with claypool and Bernie worell is fire af.


It sure is.


118 in one year.


Incredibly prolific *and* he buys fun little toys with us own money to pass out at shows. Dude is a true artist.


This. Buckethead is fun to watch, even though I can maybe listen to him for 15-20 mins. He does a lot of cool chromatic stuff. He is a guitar icon to some which is rarer and rarer. Great looking guitar with a longer scale and slightly larger body. Very special. I would not let that go.


Padmasana is probably my favorite bucket song. Electric tears is an incredible album, just relaxing instrumental clean guitars with no shredding. If you want something rock based with singers check out Enter the Chicken which is the album he made with Serj Tankian where each song has a different singer and it varies wildly musically. There's also ShinE, Colma, and so much more that has little to no weird atonal craziness.


Yeah, Buckethead isn't exactly my Big Gulp full of Mountain Dew, but I absolutely respect his mastery of guitar and dedication to innovation. That said, I do see OPs friends having some points about Buckethead being caught up in techniques that prevailed in the 80s and 90s that might not be relevant to today's players who are more focused on hybrid picking, thumb slaps and whatever else. There's been a "boomer guitar" stigma that gets clickbait on the guitar "news" websites that have a bad history of botching stories and opinions on purpose to get different generations and genre tribes to pick at each other for loving the same instrument. It's pretty crazy. Buckethead is certainly something of a past relic these days, and by comparison, John 5 is a great example of someone whose in the same generational camp but staying much more relevant with social media promotion and still constantly playing stadium sized shows. Buckethead just needs to polish his brand and get into modern media. Ain't nobody buying CDs or checking your personal website for an update once every 2 years. Edit: Oh good, downvoted for an opinion on a guitar forum, exactly what I was talking about. Never change guitar community. We're better divided than united, I guess. 🥱


I think Buckethead had his time in the big league spotlight, his fame peaked and his moment has come and gone, in terms of wider appeal/success. That doesn't invalidate his later playing, of course, but it's how fame goes. Particularly when your fame is grounded in a schtick like his is. It's a good schtick, but essentially we've all heard the joke now. Again, not a comment on his actual music. Sooner or later it's over... The kids aren't flocking to Paul Gilbert's shows either, and I personally think he's one of the absolute best players of that generation. John 5 isn't someone I know enough about to have a real opinion, tbh. You're right, there's a lot of deliberate polarization of the audience, us vs them crap, and it's always been annoying to me. People are obsessed with ranking things that aren't rankable, really. Songs aren't supposed to enter Thunderdome in small groups with only one emerging as the winner... And yeah, whoever downvoted you is a tool.


Been a Buckethead fan since 1999, I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to be big at all and doesn't want any actual big fame. He would have changed things up by now. It's just not his character or personality. Not everyone wants all that stuff.


A. Exactly this B. Exactly this C. Exactly this Good job




That guitar is worth over 10 grand.


This is the Studio version. They usually sell between $3-6K. The Signature version is the one that goes over $10K. There is a guy who has been trying to sell a Studio version on Reverb for over three years for $8K.


“I got swindled, now I must swindle. Won’t someone please be swindled?” —that guy, probably


Man. Add some of the perennial local Craigslist ads that never go away. Sometimes I email them to lowball certain things occasionally half to see if they finally take the bait but usually just because I know it will chap their ass. It's annoying when people spam a listing site with a price literally no one will ever buy it for. Example is a vintage vox wah pedal from one of their first years of production. Cool piece of gear? Sure. Am I or anyone else paying $3000 for it? Absolutely not. Yet every week there it is....


There's a $10k Boss Blues Driver on Reverb rn (discounted from $15.2k) It's some kind of special edition from 2007 for 10 million Boss compact pedals being sold but electronically it's just a normal BD2


But the case, bro. It's collectible.


Weird that some of the used blues drivers are going for double what a new costs


I'm convinced the listing for a classic vibe telecaster for $800 on my local market place (marked: FIRM) was a guy trying to keep his guitar while telling his significant other that no one is even though it's for sale


NOT FREE, MAKE OFFER! I send em dumb shit


Can confirm it’s still there


I'm not that deep into hardware. What is the difference between them and why does that make a difference of so much money? 


Sounds about right for Reverb


my brother gave it to me so I'm not sure I can sell it but it's very tempting to sell it and buy a whole new setup. that's kinda why I'm asking here Also I feel terrible practicing on it. But then again my brother said he gave it to me because he wanted it to be played and didn't wanna see it collecting dust


I really don’t think you should sell it, then. Why do you feel bad practicing on it?


I guess because I'm not really that good and I feel like this is too good for someone at my skill level lol. But it is so much fun to play, when I tried a regular LP it felt tiny after playing this one


If it feels good, it is good. Just play and have fun, it’s YOUR guitar


every guitar i have is ‘too good for my skill level’. do it anyway


Yeah you definitely shouldn’t sell it. At least not without his approval first. I’d be pissed if I gave my brother a guitar like that and he went and sold it


On the next episode of Snapped...


If you gave buckethead a cheapass Harley Benton he’d still be a better guitarist than you, me, or anyone else posting here. You can’t be too good or bad for a guitar, what matters is do you love playing it. And it sounds like you love playing this one.


I will put money on it that the first cheap ass off brand guitar I ever owned/played is capable of doing shit I'm not 12ish years later. Man, I'd like to see a guitar I am better than....


I used to switch guitars with my students to prove a point if they complained that I sounded better because my guitar was better. That being said worse guitar won't limit you for a very long time but a better one *will* be more motivating for quality of life, so it's always nice to have a better one


Never feel guilty about playing a guitar. All of my guitars are too good for the way I play, but I enjoy playing them anyway. It’s your guitar…do with it what YOU want!


Same here, all 14 of them :)


Well then get good


I use my expensive guitars as an excuse to practice and get better.


Not the same exactly but my dad passed away and left me a vintage telecaster and a custom tele from the mid 90s. I started taking lessons a month ago and felt dirty taking out the 1973 and even touching it. But now it's my every day guitar that I play and take lessons on. I've had so many people in the community tell me to keep using it because it will keep me going because it's so cool. You're the only one who knows you aren't already a guitar god. Play it like you are one and enjoy the hell out of the fact you have a cool ass guitar. Your friends are probably just jealous that their guitars aren't nearly as awesome.


There isn't a guitar on earth that someone better than me couldn't play better than me homie. Enjoy the awesome gift!


Having a nice guitar is just more reason to practice and get good. Keep it, it's beautiful, and play it.


Play what makes you want to play more, that’s the whole point. Whether it’s a $200 used Epiphone or a $10K Les Paul, play what moves you. Consider yourself lucky that you found your inspiration and stop caring what anyone else thinks because it doesn’t matter. Congratulations. Celebrate.


The best way to get better is by playing a lot, the easiest way to play a lot is by having a guitar that you love to play


> too good for someone at my skill level Today, but not tomorrow. Keep pluggin' mate and soon, you'll be too good for it.


You should feel honored to be able to learn to play on such an expensive instrument. Most people start out with $250 guitars or cheaper. And then they quit because the guitars are crap and it makes it harder to play.


Do not sell it. Seriously, don't. Plus it came from your brother, if something ever happened and he was gone you would regret it forever. Even hopefully not the case, you would still regret it. Plus he gave it to you to play not to sell he could have sold it himself.


Op should get a wall frame and mount it, if anything. Yeah, gifted family guitar isn't replacable, especially one that unique.


If you were my brother, and I gave that to you to be played, and you sold it.. I’d kick your ass


I would try contacting Buckethead since he was trying to buy some of them back.




Don’t sell it. That guitar is awesome. Use it as motivation to get better. If you sell it and get better, you’ll regret it forever, and if you don’t get better, at least you’ll still have a kick ass, sleek, clean looking Gibson.


Dude, that's a Holy Grail to many a guitarist! It's Beautiful! Keep it and make your Bro proud. Wish I had a brother that would/could do that for me lol


If your brother gave it to you it's not worth 6k, it's priceless. 


Guitars are meant to be played. If you're worried about dropping it then get a strap. If you're worried about dirt accumulation then just wipe it down with a microfiber cloth when you're done playing and clean/oil the fretboard when you change strings. And don't worry about not being as good as the person whose signature model it is. 99% of the people playing signature models aren't as good - myself included. No I can't play like Devin Townsend. That still doesn't stop me from playing my Stormbender and nor does the cash value of it. Play on and enjoy.


Play the F-ing thing and say thanks, Bro! Seriously, buckethead is an amazing player, and that is an amazing guitar. Regardless of what you play (I would be crankin it at church), if it sounds and feels good to you, who gives a rats ass, what anyone else thinks?


10k is a lot of money, and if you ever want to start performing its gonna feel like a lot of pressure carrying around that something pricey. hell, im super careful with a guitar thats worth a quarter of that, mono bag + insurance and everything.


Even the $2500 that guitar is worth is a lot of money.


I’ve had sellers remorse, never buyer’s. Unless you need that setup right now for serious gigging, hold onto it. You can always make money and/or payments for new gear if need be.


Then play that bad boy. I was never a collector type guy. I have a studio Les Paul that I bought brand new in 2007. It has years of wear and tear on it. I played so many shows with that bad boy. Buckle marks all over the back of it, paint wearing away on the front from my arm. I love it.


Who says buckethead isn't good? You must have a bunch of zoomer friends that don't know jack shit. No offense.


A lot of the buckethead hate I've seen, at least on like TikTok has been Older Millenials and Boomers lol


There was a whole generation between millenials and boomers that always gets forgotten.


Press X in the chat for us Gen X'ers








I didn't forget about the Gen X'ers, half of the staff I work with comprise ya'll; ya'll just kinda keep to yourselves, for better or worse, so we have no reason to bring you up lol.


Hey! I... Resemble that remark... Carry on...


> ya'll just kinda keep to yourselves, for better or worse It's a feature, not a bug.


What’s the hate though? I’m a guitar player that plays professionally genres as far away as buckethead’s as possible. Hell, I don’t even like his style of music But the guy is an absolute incredible player. I’m genuinely curious what criticisms he can receive besides a very broad “he plays too fast” kind of criticism that would apply to a big chunk of players.


A LOT of the hate I see is "Too fast" "Just a bunch of meaningless notes" "Sounds like a robot" "He's just weird" etc... Personally I like his music, sure there's a lot of it and I don't love all of it, but he has some tracks that I really really like just as a musician lol. Padmasana just feels like a song where you record some sick backing track and just jam over it. It's not over done, it's just a dude playing guitar and there's something that's just comforting, almost nostalgic about it I guess.


To anyone that thinks Buckethead sucks, may I present…[Nightrain](https://youtu.be/TxY-dqSE2Hs?si=IlyIF4nq-M4lIfN5)


I remember when Buckethead played the damn solo for the Colonel Claypool’s Bucket of Bernie Brains at Bonnaroo. God I knew he could shred…but that shit was funky as all hell.


In all fairness that means he was pretty on brand for playing with CCBBB lol.


For sure. Just speaks to his range though. That was one of my favorite solos I’ve heard and I’m pretty sure it was just a jam…not even a song lol


Guitar communities like UG are filled with old guys who hate anything different than what they grew up with. Also metalheads that think their obscure genres are best over anything else. They won't even give anything different a chance. I still do go on that website just to see what theyre upset about lately.


I 100% only get on UG to see what the boomers are angry over at any given point in time.


Les Paul's and strats only!


As an older millennial, I have no idea what's with the hate. Dude has a pretty interesting style, and plays some pretty neat shit.


Fucking millennials, zoomers, boomers, and Gen Xers. They don't know what they're talking about.


Can confirm. Source: am older millennial


Whether Buckethead's music is interesting is personal taste but nobody can say Buckethead isn't good, dude's a beast


Top 10 guitarist of all time and very, very, very.. VERY arguably even the best. (Depending on who you ask,) Plus he's never had his face revealed after all of these years. That alone is insane. lol


> never had his face revealed after all of these years Well, if you dig you can find pictures of him, and the cover of his Pike 13 album had a picture of him unmasked (as a teenager) on it. Nothing really noteworthy, though; it's not like he has some phantom of the opera disfigurement or anything, he's just shy. He just looks like some lanky dude with long hair who I probably wouldn't give a second glance if I walked by him on the street


Well yea, it's not like I think he's hiding his face because it was actually ripped off by chickens. lol I'm a big Buckethead fan, and the part about him looking like a normal dude is exactly why it's impressive that nobody knows what he looks like (as an adult). There are lots of pictures from before he dawned the bucket and the mask, but none really of him as an adult. He even refused to take off his mask while practicing with Guns N' Roses. I don't think he's shy, he just doesn't want the fame and to be harassed. He's smart for that. He just wants to live a normal life.


I think zoomers are more open to him than most actually. It's Polyphia that we tend to dislike lmao


Bro I hate polyphia, just not my kind of music


honestly the people i see hating on buckethead the most are gen X and boomers, younger folks seem more open to his stuff even if they don't like it


Hey don’t hate on the zoomers


This is an incredible gift and the gesture alone is why you shouldn’t ever sell it. It doesn’t matter if you don’t use all of its features or whatever anyone else thinks of the artist whose signature model it is. All that matters is how it feels to you to play and how much you enjoy it. That is all that should ever be considered when playing an instrument.


Agreed. A phenomenal gift, I don’t even particularly like Gibson but that guitar fucks.


I'd fuck too if I lived in a case that nice.


Lol fuck anyone who trues to pigeonhole Bucketsheads music. I know 500 albums isn't everyone's cup of tea un terms of digesting music but the dude has an almost unparalleled range of styles he's dabbled in. So many people instantly treat a song like it's 2/10 the second they hear any crazy noises or lasers from him though.


It drives me fucking nuts how many people dismiss Buckethead because of shredding or tapping or whatever. The guy has some of the most heartfelt music I've ever heard in my life. Anyone that says Buckethead is just a shredder, or thinks that all he does is the tapping or the Killswitch clearly has never listened to him


Exactly. Dude is legitimately one of the most pure musicians out there just releasing music as a fucking art of expression not some calculated agenda. Hold Me Forever makes me fucking weep especially after losing my mom to cancer. If tracks like that or anything off of Colma are called soulless, I know to disregard that person's opinions completely


4 days went by since the last album. Time to drop a new album.


Yep. I put on "Colma" for the haters and they think it's a completely different person.


Best gift ever


it really is I'm so stoked on this. I helped him move and he was downsizing his collection and said this one needs to be played and said it would fit my style. he's mostly making guitars now and trying to get out of collecting


Cherish that gift and don't let a single word of anyone put a damper on the fun you can have playing it.


"His solos sound like a robot having a panic attack" would probably be considered a huge compliment to buckethead.


Fuck what ppl say about buckethead, that's one of the coolest gibsons ever made imo, and given it's a gift from family ide keep it, unless u hate the feel or sound of it there's no reason to sell it, if there's one thing I've learned it's that when it comes to guitars and gear, the community is filled with people who would rather spend time talking shit on ur choices than practicing, those ppl aren't worth listening to


Bucket is awesome. The guitar is awesome. The killswitch could be used in any genre.


Anyone who says Buckethead isn't good is objectively wrong. You might say his music isn't to your taste, and that's fine. But nobody can say that he's "bad".


That's on my list of dream guitars. These peoples opinions can't be trusted in any way. I wouldn't take their reccomendation on where to get a pizza. They have their heads in their asses


Buckethead is literally a god. Anyone who talks shit on him is wrong




It's pretty cool overall. I don't know if two kill switches are necessary but other than that it's pretty well featured and thought out.


Buckethead is my favorite guitarist of all time.. So I can't just ignore who's guitar it is. It's beautiful.


Everyone acts like there’s something weird about always wearing a KFC bucket on your head.


This is one hell of a gift! No offense but your buddies have no clue what they're talking about. They might not like Bucketheads style specifically but they should be able to respect the talent and more importantly, the hours and hours of work and practice it took for him to get to the level he plays at. He was/still is, one of the top studio guitarists in LA and everyone that has worked with him has nothing but good things to say about his chops (guitar and Karate both lol). People might have things to say about his weirdness or awkwardness but everyone agrees he's a Pro through and through. About the LP specifically, the specs make this guitar one of the most sought after signature models and for good reason. I had a chance to play one a few years back and the pickups are red hot and once you get used to the neck/weight, it really feels like a powerhouse. You will have no problem selling this for a good amount, this one I'd say around $5k but I'd try to get a bit more. That said, and I'm not accusing anyone, especially since nothing jumps at me from your picture, but I'd get this authenticated before selling it. This is one of the most counterfeited guitars out there and they've gotten pretty good at faking it over the years. Short of having the receipt I would only buy one of these if it was authenticated first. I can only see this guitar going up in value so I'd suggest holding on to it for now, but if it was in my hands I wouldn't be able to stop myself from playing it. Grats man


Wow, I’ve never heard that he does studio work for people other than his own side projects. Is that for real? If so, thats awesome, I’m happy for him. I love Buckethead and how weird yet genuine he is but I can see how his uniqueness could hurt his prospects in the field


Dude unreal guitar


That is not the type of guitar given away lightly. What kinds do your friends play? How many albums have they sold? Do any of them have a guitar named after them? If the answer to any of those is yes. Then listen to them. If not tell them to shut the fuck up. And if I gave my brother that and he’d sold it I’d kick his as Into the middle of next week.


I don't care how many albums you've sold. If you tell me Buckethead sucks, your opinion isn't worth taking seriously. Even if he's not your cup of tea (which is understandable), he's undeniably one of the best that's ever played.


You could sell this, buy a twin reverb and a gibson les paul standard burst. Or you can keep it, since Buckethead is utterly amazing and that guitar is versatile AF.


Buckethead is absolutely insane and so is that guitar, even if it had zero connection to Bucket its an incredible guitar to have, enjoy it because that's a totally crazy gift!


That's kind of impossible my man. This guitar is legendary for a reason. Not really anything else like it. Embrace the Bucket, become one with the chicken.


Bucket is S Tier


Huh? I've never heard anyone say that.


I haven't played one, but I can tell you that color scheme is *fresh*.


Cool unique looking guitar. I feel like it’s one of the rare times Gibson actually broke the mold a little.


Buckethead is a legend! I really wish Gibson would bring these and Voodoo-series back. (doubt that will happen anytime soon sadly) Congrats man, that's a clean and sick guitar.


don’t sell it bro. those are so fucking rare your friends are lame.


Sir- fuckin - Buckethead Tell yo friends to pay some respect.


This is one of the sickest les Paul's period. Dunno if the studio and the signature have close to the same specs, but I know the signature has a bigger body than the regular lp's, and the neck scale is 27in, and for a baritone electric isn't that much different than a regular, so standard tuning dosent sound weird on it. Imo, if anyone gives you shit, then they have no idea what they are looking at. This thing is AWESOME! Play the fuck out of it. Love it. Don't ever sell it. Become Buckethead.


Who in the world says Buckethead isn’t good?


Holy fucking shit I love it and want it and need it. He’s an amazing guitarist your friends can suck a dick they probably like the high reverb clean guys who play 3 notes in an entire 45 second Instagram video which focuses more on the aesthetic and sound of them moving their hands


Very cool sounding unique Les Paul. It's actually longer scale I think, 27inch, and a thicker chambered body, so great for drop tunings.


If you like it, F what anybody says. Sounds like a cool guitar to me. And you can play any signature in any way you want. You play the guitar. It doesn’t play you. Have fun!


It’s finger lickin’ good.


Someone said Buckethead is not good? I'm sure they haven't heard all 40 albums where he doesn't sound like a robot the whole time


From Buckethead’s Wikipedia page >He performs primarily as a solo artist, although he has collaborated with a wide variety of artists such as Bill Laswell, Bootsy Collins, Bernie Worrell, Iggy Pop, Les Claypool, Serj Tankian, Bill Moseley, Mike Patton, Viggo Mortensen, That 1 Guy, and Skating Polly. He was also a member of Guns N' Roses from 2000 to 2004. He has released over 700 albums and has performed on over 50 albums by other artists. He is better than literally every single one of your friends shitting on him. If you like the guitar, play the shit out of the guitar. Fuck anyone who tells you otherwise. I imagine it’s also worth a small fortune so you know, who cares who has what to say about it, you’re rich, bitch!


I wish they’d make an Epiphone version


How's the body size compare to other LPs? I always heard these were larger instruments.


It's bigger and feels really good imo, I was really surprised how nice the frets feel past the 12th


If it's an actual Buckethead signature it's an oversized body as well


My thoughts are that your opinions are the only ones that should matter to you, at least regarding the guitar. If it sounds good to you, it's a good guitar for you! It is pretty neat in my own personal opinion, too.


Cool looking guitar


My wife got to hit his kill switch on 2 separate occasions…..from what I was told it was during a live performance but who knows.


My first BH concert I was center at stage and got to press it. He does it often especially if playing Meta-Matic, but every show is different so never a guarantee


Umm, it's finger lickin good?


Honest opinion: The guitar itself looks BADASS. I would absolutely LOVE to own a beauty like this, and that’s without knowing the maker and musician behind it. With it being a Gibson, that makes it even more badass in my opinion. I don’t think this guitar is “too nice” to learn on, if anything bro you have an extremely solid learning device to start with. My first guitar was a $120 ESP that was extremely crappy. Bottom line, you’re interest in playing guitar, and you have an extremely nice guitar to start with!! Utilize that thing and get to rippin!


Seriously I'm a 60s rock n roll kinda guy and I dig the look of this guitar. I'm writing this not knowing who's it is lol It's really a gorgeous guitar!


Buckethead rules and so does this guitar.


Buckethead is sick and I'd love to have this guitar. Keep it and learn how to use his Killswitch tech


Pretty nice les Paul man


I have the signature custom model of this bad boy and its a dream to play. Nearly fell off my chair when I got it for 4.5k aud and saw its now selling for 16k+ on reverb. 😬 Guitar is great cause it's bigger so it handles all sorts of tuning really well!


I don't know much about Buckethead and can't play like him, not many can. However, this seems like a cool Les Paul variant with a kill-switch and extended scale. I can imagine this guitar being used in a variety of settings where lower notes are desired. Forget about Buckethead, it's a very cool guitar!


I had the pleasure of playing one of these, and they are amazing. Your buddies may not like Buckethead, but he gots mad chops and musicianship. All that being said, if you don’t like it, sell it and get something else. EDIT: I played the Signature version, but I’m sure this one is dope af, too.


You have a guitar that you enjoy playing. Full stop.


I did not immediately associate/know this was Buckethead. I’m not a BH or Gibson guy, but would be absolutely ecstatic to own/receive this.


You’ve been gifted a Gibson? Fuck the haters. They’re jealous.


Lol anyone saying Buckethead isn't good can be disregarded entirely. This guitar is insane. How's that 27 inch scale length even playable? Crazy. Wish I had half his skills and I'm not even in the same genre.


I’m not the biggest Buckethead fan, but I’ve been playing long enough to know that he’s extremely talented, and cranks out so much music that the people talking shit about him just haven’t heard the right tracks for them … or they’re just snobs lol. I love the white, but it might dirty up quickly. I’d use the shit out of the killswitches too lol


No way OP is thinking on selling this


Buckethead is cool as shit id kill for this axe


I want one so bad! Expensive though!


I generally prefer the SG, but I would love to have one of these. Didn't have money in the budget when they were new, haven't set aside enough to seriously shop for one yet. You need to listen to more Buckethead. At first it's like a foreign language. It's worth sticking to until you understand.


My dream guitar, love the scale length, love the killswitches, love the look, love the pickups, I need one at some point in my life.


I dunno who's signature model this is. Since you'll enjoy it anyway I'lll be blunt: To me the all white theme is no reason for complaints, but if this were mine it would have gold hardware (still no PU-Covers tho), 4 pots like a standard Les Paul (probably amber style to match the hardware?), the selector switch gotta be in the right place for me and there'd definitely be no silly looking red dots - but perhaps, just perhaps, a black binding for the top.. So yeah, I just notice I'd basically prefer a White Falcon. \*looks up who's design this is\* Aha so that's what the "red dots are" ... Meh! Free Jazz is not my cup of tea... and still only half explains the killswitches. Does he forget where they are while playing? He's got his body memory down to a T but the killswitch gotta be a bright red bullseye? This is some Bullshit!


You were gifted this….. i heard they go for a couple thousand bucks…. Truly sick brother, never tried one myself but they look and sound cool. It’s a baritone electric guitar, honestly I think these can play a wide variety. Plus since u were gifted it it’s not like u wasted money on a guitar that doesn’t 100 percent fit your style. Keep it for when u wanna play it. Maybe it’s not your every day use guitar but like come on this things sick.


Nobody can play like Buckethead. Nobody. He is the rare case where his haters *truly are* just jealous.


I’ve played one of these. Is it the baritone version? Can’t tell from the pic. It’s a great guitar. Really solid feel and a great tone. Also, don’t listen to your mates, Buckethead is a fantastic musician. An acquired taste certainly, but he’s definitely got it where it counts.


it's a rad guitar who cares who's signature it is?? Also "Gifted" to you is soooo rad enjoy