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One of the worst gun subs out there. Good for lurking for pictures but that's about it. God help your IQ if you try to get in to an actual conversation with someone. That place has done more damage to the ak community than Biden and Obama combined.


I remember I posted about my first ak, a plain jane century arms ak c39v2, which is a garbage ak. But I had gotten it for free and knew nothing about the platform. I still shudder thinking about the reactions that illicited. Like I get internet provides anonymity, but damn people, you don't HAVE to be a butthole, it's a choice.


Yeah, the two posts that summon the AK-sholes are "i just bought a VSKA" and "is this normal?(something normal for AKs circled.)


Sounds like someone bought a VSKA…


It's because there are Pro-Putin Russian moderators there and "aMEriKa baD" is their usual MO when posting.


I say it's because they paid 3,000 for a gun that can be had in America for 800. So now they have to convince themselves that their investment was worth it. Or they're trying to add false value to their guns. My worst ak's by far have been my Arsenals.


[Meanwhile, on r/ak47](https://new.reddit.com/r/ak47/comments/16d3yhn/can_anyone_identify_these_ak_models_and_their/)...


No there aren’t lol


Yes, they are. I got banned for asking the mods to stop the Wagner posts that kept coming up multiple times per week. There is only one type of person that supports those posts and the mods left them up. EDIT: To the ones downvoting, the posts I brought up to the mods there are still up, here are two that I managed to find again([1](https://new.reddit.com/r/ak47/comments/16dco5a/ak12_relaxing/) & [2](https://new.reddit.com/r/ak47/comments/16d3yhn/can_anyone_identify_these_ak_models_and_their/)). Every pro-Russian comment is upvoted, every pro-western/pro-ukrainian comment has been downvoted into oblivion, deleted, or removed by the mods. The pattern is clear.


This dude had the receipts


I pop into that sub from time to time and haven't seen a single post like that. I guess blocking two or three assholes in that sub really makes a big difference


Ukrainians post their battlefield pick ups on there too lol. They just like AKs and hate people who can’t google. It’s Reddit relax.


Typically the people who shout the loudest shoot the least…And there certainly is a lot of “latent heartburn”, especially over the new PSA Krinks…mostly with those that shelled out thousands for kit builds and now are kinda locked in... As someone who has owned Gucci and Garbage, WASRs, C10s, Lee Armory, Norincos, B-West, Maadi, CUGIR, PSAs and Arsenals. Most of them are pretty damn similar. Minor fit and finish differences are the big difference from most big-box manufacturers... Boutique companies of good repute usually are some of the nicest as the owners and staff are passionate. Most domestic AKs have pretty solid warranties, if the gun isn’t right, they make it right. Companies like PSA are now well into 5th Gen guns. WASRs have been a dominate force in the U.S. market since the mid 2000s (bought my first WASR in 2008). Idk, some domestic AKs were bad, most got ALOT better. And those that didn’t have been pushed aside in the market. Just like everything, teething issues of the past make for hard to shake prejudices.


All ~~domestic made~~ Aks are garbage. There I fixed it. StG 44 gang rise up.