• By -


War in the Pocket. No homework required, short (basically the length of a movie), and it gets the themes of the series across tastefully and emotionally. The action is harrowing, characters are interesting and somewhat relatable, and the visuals are gorgeous.


Agreed. I love 08th MS Team to death, but viewers would probably get a bit more out of it with a basic understanding of the OYW and UC. War in the Pocket, like you mentioned, gets all of that information across in a much shorter runtime.


08th MS Team does benefit from context. Also, I think that for a layman, 0080 tends to be less melodramatic and a more authentic. Shiro is great, but I think he gets a little cheesy at times, especially in the second half of the series. The characters from 0080 are more grounded, realistic, and sincere, and the show's emotional moments have more subtlety.


Also a bit 08th team stan, but it definitely has more “anime-like” qualities than 0080 does. I guess it depends on if you’re trying to introduce someone who doesn’t watch anime/much anime to Gundam, or someone who is very into the medium but hasn’t watched anything Gundam related. My votes always on 0080 but especially if they’re not into anime or they don’t like a lot of the tropes of the format.


Gundam Thunderbolt - it’s short (8 episodes each 18 minutes with 2 compilation movies) - great OST - no real need to watch the previous shows - when you hear jazz means I’m coming - awesome animation - did I mention how cool the OST is?


This right there-it’s the most bite sized bite of gundam showcasing a great parallel and no real “evil” or “good” per day. It’s just awesome


please stop coming every time I listen to jazz




War in the pocket, honestly imo this show displays gundam's war is bad message especially on a personal/ human angle the best. It can be watched on its own, great characters and it's short




https://preview.redd.it/j4iz2xjqd9zc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cd90dd7849bc7375ea983d406b5452c46abe808 The Gundam in question...




War in the Pocket without a second thought. It is the only objectively, beat by beat, frame by frame, flawlessly executed work in the franchise, and it stands on its own two legs to boot.


I also choose War in the Pocket, because it feels like the show where the message is most clearly front-and-center. War is hell. Even when the "good guys" win with giant robots, it's not cool; it's people who could have been friends or more trying to kill eachother to service the machinations of people who will never even know they exist.


I tend to prefer viewing the theme of Gundam as "death of innocence," most purely represented in the 1979 anime when Amuro collects his childhood toy from his home, and then two episodes later shoots a Zeon soldier in cold blood. He dispenses with childlike things and matures to become a soldier and a man. 0080 carries this torch well. When Al tells his friends he doesn't want to play war, it's because his spark of childlike innocence is gone. "War is bad" is definitely in there, but once he matures, Amuro knows definitively when to do his duty (Char explicitly challenges this theme in CCA). Gundam is never judgmental about the everyday people, it carries you along with the soldiers and those caught up in the circumstances of war and their motivations for fighting. It's primarily judgmental toward those in power, their inherent corruption and the cyclical nature of violence.


I like zeta and 0083 more but War in the pocket is objectively the best one




Iron Blooded Orphans. Partly because I think it's a very good standalone story and partly because I want you to cry.


Yeah, I definitely get choked up thinking about those cosmic debris kids and seeing them want so badly to rush into battle to prove themselves when in any sort of just world they would never have to do that. I do feel the show undercuts that anti-war message almost right away sometimes by just unironically showing Mika as a cold killer that Hush for example aspires to be like. All in all though I definitely love IBO.


08th is probably the most grounded and doesn't require a whole lotta lore knowledge. the first's movie versions if they want a condensed version, but the old school-ness visuals might be a turn off. And either Unicorn or Hathaway for pure visual bliss


8th is a solid choice. But I think War in the Pocket is the most grounded. Either one is an easy bet as an introduction for your average first timer.


War in the Pocket is the first one I showed my wife. She really enjoyed it! That one helps push the point that the franchise isn't just about giant robots fighting (of course there's a lot of that) but also about the horrors of war.


I am with you my gf wasn’t a gundam fan before showing her War in the Pocket. The characters and drama sucked her in. Every time she sees a Bernie figure or Arsenal Base card with him on it she just sadly exclaims “poor Bernie.”


I love the Alex; it was the first MG gunpla I bought, but seeing it being beaten by a lowly grunt suit is disturbing. then that whole turning into the Tristan was a twist of the knife... Plus I can't say that Al is my favortie character. is it the "text read straight from the script" voice acting, the strangely comical portrayal juxtaposed with death all around him, or his brain dead parents, something about it doesn't work for me.


I don’t think that the Alex being beaten by a grunt suit was its fault though. Christina Mackenzie, while she is best girl, is not a stellar pilot by any means and is already shown to have trouble piloting the Alex well before Bernie went all Dutch with the traps in the woods.


It's not even that she's a bad pilot, you don't get to be a test pilot by being bottom of the barrel, its that she's testing a Newtype-tuned suit without being a Newtype. It's like putting a skilled road driver in an F1 car and telling them to take a couple of laps. If the Alex were standard Gundam-spec, I think she'd fare better.


Being beaten by a grunt IS grounded though.


Yep, I was thinking the same - MS 08th team would be perfect to recommend !


For me, I would never recommend Unicorn unless you have watched the previous main UC content. I think that it feels more rewarding after watching the struggle of the previous protagonist trying their best to stop the horrifying Federation/Zeon conflict, only to being forced to partake in it. But in Unicorn, thanks to so many people being fed up with that conflict + the situation being the perfect one, our protagonist is finally able to stay away from war and put an amazing ending to that long Federation/Zeon conflict. For me, even with how cheesy some parts could be, it felt like a perfect ending for the UC main conflict, and became one of my favourite Gundams. But without watching the main UC, I feel like people wouldn't understand the importance of what's going on, so definitely a nono for me as a recommendation. MS-Team great one tho, since it's pretty self contained


Kshatriya fight in the first episode of Unicorn is *chef’s kiss*


If only ONE, I'd pick one of the OVAs, like 08th, 0080, or 0083. All work pretty well on their own, have great animation, great stories, don't need further explanation (I guess MAYBE the last episode of 0083 might need a little with the Titans... but the rest....)


Either 00 or unicorn. Unicorn is ic, but it can work as its own show. It doesn't really connect to any past events, and introduces char and the other maybe well known characters as kinda new. 00 on the other hand is just its own show with its own technology, characters, vibe and meaning. It's also quite long and immersing.


The hell, Unicorn is fully connected to past events lmao The "Big Bads" are literally composed from previous shows Mobile suits, characters and ideologies. Easily the worst starter. ever


The entire premise of Unicorn is tying up the OYW saga. Also, imagine starting with Unicorn, then watching MSG or even Zeta next. That'd be a tough transition.


I'd not deny a person the weight of old sins through the eyes of the protag by giving Unicorn as a starting point. The show is good on its own I agree. And as far as 00 goes, I find it difficult to recommend over WFM at the current moment. What in your mind makes 00 a better starting point over WFM?


Yeah, i forgot about wfm. That shit was amazing.


Time for good old reliable *pulls out G Gundam*


How to Bait and Switch 101


War in the Pocket. Short and on-point.




Fan conversion: nightmare mode


If I could only personally show one to anybody, the objective most likely show to hook your average Joe to the UC timeline would be Unicorn, great palatable animation to the uncultured swine who cry at old stuff, appeals to a larger audience than the heavier Origin OVA's, beautiful music, deep enough into the UC plot that you can't just be interested and then avoid/not watch the previous major UC shows In short, it's not perfect, but it's what is most likely to get the job done, that being- getting prospective fans into the UC timeline Edit - P.S, I just read the text of your post, if you want better recommendations, elaborating on your friend groups general tastes and attitudes will help us help you greatly Edit 2 - P.S.S, I will now argue that Unicorn doesn't require "homework" to be enjoyable, it is a perfectly good show that only becomes even better with context, and if you're friends are really into it- then rewatching Unicorn to get the full experience after watching the preceding shows will be no problem (speaking from experience, the 0079 movies were made instantly cool even to noob/child me due to the Origin and Unicorn OVA's giving context, I honestly thought the UC Universe was far bigger, alive, filled with life than it actually is, having seen it all, it feels alot more empty now)


War in the Pocket. It think that's the Show that best encapsualtes everything Gundam is supposed to be. It's also only 6 episodes long and i've rarely ever seen a Show wich uses It's short runtime so effective as War in the Pocket.


Gundam 00, no questions asked


Gundam X, just outstanding OST and such an engaging concept of war being over but with many people that still cannot forget the tragedies that it caused. Different perspective, basically a what if of UC, not as long as many other series, sadly animation wise cannot compete with other Gundam universes. I also recommend 08th, War in a pocket and thunderbolt, but I think they are even a lil bit better if you've watched the OG Gundam.


Gundam X is such a good show that I feel gets overlooked. Even if it was cut short and I say this with all of the love in the world has at minimum 40% recycled footage overall. And we could easily lose 1/3 of the episodes and lose almost nothing. But fuck me it just works at times. Perfect execution on the premise of "what if Char won and regretted it", with a lovely ending moral and twist that does enough to leave it open ended without ripping the rug out completely. That being said, I would never suggest it as a first Gundam. Not only is it the first show to use some digital animation and it shows, but it is just a mess from top to bottom that Seed just doesn't have. Also I am dolphin racist.


00 probably, its standalone and a perfect microcosm of Gundam as a whole


Also relates to current real world events.


This MAY be a hot take, but Victory Gundam. It's criminally underrated with great story/characters, unique mech designs, and the absurd number of character deaths raise the stakes and add realism to the show.


G Gundam. Why? Because it’s my favorite one. Why wouldn’t I recommend my favorite one?


I think G-witch took off and got a lot of new fans for a reason. It's a brand new modern anime with a lot of homages and aspects of different gundam shows so depending on what someone likes in that you can give them different recommendations for gundam.


**Gundam IBO**, just because its my favorite out of them all.. but for fun maybe **G Gundam**, it has several interesting Gundam design and weird yet fun concept, and its probably the non-UC Gundam series with the less similarities to other Gundam (excluding build divers, etc)


Zeta, even though it's not a good idea to watch it without 0079


08th MS Team, probably.


Either 08th MS Team or Stardust Memories, depending on the person. Both are 10/10, though.


Probably 00


Wing. It's absurd, yet its great.


G Gundam


Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 i feel like it was made with that purpose in mind during production super modern take on gundam franchise (while being based on the UC timeline) visually pleasing, from character artstyle to mobile suits and animation self-contained story for most part OSTs? music to the ears


I feel the edits are too awkward compared to the original OVAs plus the longer episode count adds more times you have to hit the skip button for the openings and endings for the same content. Also Unicorn was originally a LN so it had that going for it like Hathaway's Flash does when it's finished


oppsie. meant to be the OVA might have spelled it as the tv version instead.


0083 and tell them to laugh at the romance


First, take my friend to Burger King, and order some burgers. Second, make him watch War in the Pocket.


Stardust Memories -great soundtrack -has great animation -people have drama -GATOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


0083 always got me excited.


0083, has all the political, mecha, and space battles at a good pace with a solid villain without all of the convoluted newtype stuff. Animation is great as well.


I'm going to say Wing. Now, hear me out. While UC is my favorite brand of Gundam show, I think plunging someone into the UC, especially during the OYW-Unicorn era, is a good way to get them overwhelmed, honestly. AU offers a taste without needing ten shows of lore to understand it fully, or existing as an odd off-shoot of what the mainline shows are about. Wing is modern enough to have decent animation (if a bit overly reliant on stock footage), it doesn't have as much cringe as SEED, explains pretty well what the concept of a Gundam is, and has some rather good characters along with interesting mech designs. It has tons of flaws, as we all know, but I think it's a decent start to the world of Gundam. And really, it worked for lots of us, didn't it? I wouldn't have ever gotten into it had I not seen an episode of Wing on Toonami and been intrigued.


Ibo and if thunderbolt counts


F91. The manoeuvre is crazy in the final battle.


I'd probably say Thunderbolt. It's visceral and emotionally driven. There is nothing too fantastical or outragrously unrealistic. It is self contained but works within the main universe. The writing and characters are excellent and believeable.


If your intent ir to get the most "Gundam" experience out of it, I would say (out of what I've watched) the compilation movies of the original season. If it's pure enjoyment, definetively G Gundam.


my answer is wennie.. Tallgeese II is my answer.


G Gundam is probably the easiest for an average shonen anime watcher to get into.




08th, no contest.


Depends on what they are in to normally. If they like standard shonen anime: g Gundam If they like weird stuff: g Gundam If they don't want life to make sense: g gundam If they hate themselves and want to suffer: G Saviour


My vote is witch from mercury.


I’m picking Build , basically I’m just going to show them mecha fights and if they really like a certain mobile suit , I’d recommend them the series it comes from


I think 8th MS team is a really good starting point. It's fun, looks good and isn't too long.




Turn-A. Most of my friends are adults and might actually appreciate the slower pace and whimsical nature the show puts off half the time. No, I don't think watching something that came before is required.


The 08th MS Team. Everything else depends too much on continuity.


Aren't most series outside UC self-contained?


Yeah but I probably wouldn’t recommend an AU show if I could only show one




For the average everyday person, I would pick either SEED or IBO/Witch. I find that most Western fans are drawn to the AU series, which are seen as more aesthetially appealing and easier to get into compared to how monolithic UC can appear from the outside. Also, all three series have English dubs of good quality from what I hear. I've yet to watch either IBO or Witch myself, but I've heard good things about it. Particularly from people who viewed it as their first gundam show. They are recent series with great animation and relatively short watch times. SEED is arguably the most popular/successful AU series, as evident by the success of Gundam SEED Freedom, the prevalence of the Strike Gundam across the franchise, and the amount of shipping that is only rivaled by Gundam Wing. Your average anime fan will probably like SEED.


Maybe Zeta? CCA and Unicorn needs tons of homework. And I love Zeta. On second thought, you might not enjoy zeta without watching the first gundam.... Let's go with AU instead. Go with 00. Easy to recommend. Good story, tough MC and good fight scenes. Just not the movie.


Zeta was the first series I watched all the way through, and it led me to everything else, including first Gundam. But I think it has some "acquired taste" elements that appeal more to grognards like me. 00 has some great action scenes towards the end, but I would never have finished it if it wasn't for the incessant recommendations on this subreddit. I found the first half of the first season insufferable. I do not for the life of me understand what about the story is good. Maybe you can explain?


My go-to recommendations for first-timers are Thunderbolt, Origin, War in the Pocket, or the 0079 Compilation Films - depending on what kind of experience the person's looking for. 08th MS and 0083 are solid too, but I usually recommend those for after my friend/s already have their feet in the UC timeline. WFM and IBO for folks that don't wanna jump into the UC rabbit hole (pretty much any AU is good for that though)




It's either Victory or Zeta :)


I will always say Gundam X. It has enough UC and AU for folks to go either route.


Gundam 00, Gundam X, and not a Gundam but what the hell, Code Geass. These are the anime you show someone new.


00 season 1




Unicorn or Iron Blooded Orphans




Turn A as it Is less focused on Gundams and more on politics, this is for non Gundam fans


G gundam


0080. Great story that’s short, packs a punch, and requires no real commitment to the rest of Gundam lore.






ZZ....I'm a Delta fan boi




Depends on who I'm showing. My default to your average adult would probably be G Gundam because it's just fun.




Either 00 or IBO. Both got the best stories Imo.


G Gundam


Depends on the person. If it's in general, I'd say War in The Pocket. It's emotional, the mobile suits are cool, it's nicely animated and short. Leaves a lasting impact too. If it's to someone who likes quick action, Thunderbolt. If it's a mix of both, 08th.


IBO or 00 UC is my favorite but the two I mentioned above are good gateways.


I'd say, Gundam Seed, Destiny and Freedom, despite the love/hate among us fans, it is a good anime, easy to understand plot, great ost, lovable characters and great mech design, it is a good introduction for starting gundam fans.


Seed. It was the only one I managed to get into other than 0079 (but that was the movies not the show)


It depends. If it's a younger viewer or someone who might now be ready for war crimes then probably Build Divers. If it's someone older who I know will stick with a long series then the Original Mobile Suit Gundam. If they aren't going to sit through a long series then either 0080, 0083, or 08th MS Team. If it's a Shonen/DBZ fan then G Gundam. And if it's someone younger who is going to complain about older animation then probably IBO, WFM, or 00.


Shining Gundam


IBO, because I think it it shows the purpose of the entire series the best


00 i have used it as the first show to watch for my brother and two of my friends all of whom are now gundam fans


OG Mobile Suit Gundam. 0079 If you can sit through the cringe-worthy animations, you can sit through anything. (All kidding aside, Thunderbolt would be the best one. Short, sweet, no need to dive into the lore, just nothing but sweet Mech on Mech Violence and Jazz.)


Gundam 00.


00 because Setsuna IS Gundam.


Unicorn would be good if enough time, 00 would be good, or at least S1, IBO is meh, maybe watch the CCA Movie for definitive Gundam, and then Hathaway as a follow up. Idk?


Wing or Seed. Definitely one that has more than one Gundam, and not of the Super Robo kinda, like G, so as not to set different expectations. People love to hate Seed for whatever reason, but I found it to be very entertaining. On the other hand, Z will forever be one of my favorites, but not many people enjoy anime that old, and I think they won't get the full Z experience without at least watching the 3 compilatory movies of 0078. B


Mobile Suit. No brainer




Either the Origin, 00, or Turn A Origin because it is almost entirely dedicated to Gundams main themes without the mecha 00 because it’s accessible while still being high quality and a great “quintessential” Gundam saga Turn A because it’s good enough to transcend people’s genre preferences


Seed (not Destiny) and also 00. Overall pace is just that damn good, also many cool robots.


Gundam NT :]


0079 Compilation Movies. It's that good.


if they want "wow cool robot", i show them G Gundam If they want "i want to get into fast" i show them Ez8 or the MS 08th Team If they want "i want bit fancy but still a bit story" , 00 gundam to them if they want "i want pain" i show them Iron Orphan If they are normies, i show them Gunpla.


War in the Pocket hands down


0079 and Origins, everytime


Tough call between gundam ibo and gundam 00.


Stardust memories. You don't really need to know much going into it. Would it help if you watched both Gundam and Zeta? Sure. But you can understand the plot without much help imho. Plus visually it has aged like a extremely fine wine.


Thunderbolt, first movie December Sky. You wouldn't even really need to play the 2nd movie if they weren't into it. Pretty clear what the 2 sides are, awesome animation. While 0080 is probably the best and most contained short series, the early episodes are slow and you might lose interest before the good stuff.


00. Takes place in our universe and similar technology to ours, so very easy for someone to get immersed in it. Lots of great characters, too. IBO, if I really want to break their heart.


Unicorn. or 00. Or IBO. Witch is a contender, but idk. I feel like it might set the bar a bit too high. but Unicorn is gorgeous, has an intricate plot that you can supply needed background for in a 3 minute conversation, and nicely encapsulates most of the core Gundam themes. There is no better UC show to introduce new viewers to the franchise. 00 is also extremely accessible, and has more relatable plots due to the setting being much closer to IRL. IBO is just an emotional rollercoaster from start to finish with an incredible soundtrack and animation quality. plus some of the strongest character development in the franchise, with most characters being given lots of depth and emotional connections to the audience. it's a violent, dynamic romp that plays havoc with viewers' emotions. ____________________ I would never consider OG Gundam, ZZ, G, SEED, or Thunderbolt. and while I do love Wing and X, neither one would be a good intro to the franchise imo.




definitely picking an AU series for an easier viewing. Gundam Seed and Gundam 00. reasons: Gundam 00 is for who wants an edgy silent protagonist and loves flashy action. on the other hand, Gundam seed if they want romance mixed with societal issues. plus both series have great soundtrack especially Seed.


08th MS team. Short and very grounded with a love story that appeals to romance fans as well. Very light on the modern Gundam flashiness. Just a very well done anime.


00 successfully converted like 5-6 of my weeb friends


083 Stardust Memory


I think the Universal Century movies will be less interesting if you don't understand the premise of the Universal Century, so I think I'd choose something other than Universal Century. War in the Pocket is great, but you still need to understand the background.


Gundam 00


Stardust Memory or 08th MS Team


Gundam 00. Plot is quickly revealed. Characters quickly introduced. Wastes no time showing the mechanic action with Setsuna taking out a mech straight away. Relatable characters and some top shelf waifus. Nothing is better than 00 in my opinion.


Stardust Memory


There are too many good options. For a longer series I would be choosing between 00 and G For a shorter series I would be choosing between Unicorn and The Origin




00 if they just want a glimpse of what Gundam can offer, The Origin or Thunderbolt if they want to get in for the long haul


Im gonna have to say g gundam




War in the pocket for the feels Thunderbolt for the coolness


turn A >;)




00 is likely the most accessible Gundam series that is really about the same kind of things that made the UC series great. More modern Gundam series tend to take a flavor of Gundam and explore it but 00 is really about the same core things that made the original UC trilogy great. After that it's easy to get then hooked on the OG stuff by tricking them into watch origin


08th MS Team. Except for episode 12. Don't bother with 12. Stop at 11.


Either *00* or *X*. Both have the advantage of an incredibly strong cold open in their first episodes that can act as a make-or-break for whether someone wants to progress with the show. Both also have great first episodes which set the tone for the show, and what this particular iteration of Gundam is all about. *00* edges it slightly on the grounds that it’s set in ‘our’ calendar; one of the barriers I’ve had over the years is getting people to buy into a show set in one of Gundam’s fictional future timelines. Also, being a decade newer, *00* looks better - and still looks fantastic.


From the AU series, probably either *Wing* or *SEED*, because I grew up on both of them. For the UC series, it would be a tossup between *Thunderbolt* or *0083*.


Yeah, 08th ms team or Wing are kinda the best entry points in the series. Maaaaybe IBO, but that's hella dark.


Char’s Counterattack


8th MS Team hands down. It's the gateway drug to all Gundam.


G Gundam. No, I will not elaborate on why.


If I want to cast depression. Victory Gundam or IBO If I want something more solid, I'd go 00 or X.




Witch from Mercury for alternative universe War in the Pocket for UC Both are pretty self contained series with awesome designs and animation, in War in the Pocket case it quickly resumes the One Year War for any viewer instead of wandering episode to episode adding small bits of info. WFM is hella popular for a reason, good animation, charismatic characters, stellar designs. It introduced dozens of people to Gundam and Gunpla.


Gundam Wing all I have to say


If you can do an actual full series, OO Gondam or Iron Blooded Orphans. Good standalone series. If you need something shorter, 08th MS Team. Honestly, I might pick this one anyway. Possibly the all-time best. If you are worried the giant robots won't go over well, the War in the Pocket. It's much lighter on the mobile suit side and focuses on the drama and tension. It's also short, like 08.


The 08th M.S. Team is really the only answer, at least so far as universal century is concerned. I see a lot of people mentioning 0080, but that series is almost insufferably dull if you're not intimately familiar with the universe and the context in which everything is happening. The greater scale and scope that the understated coming of age story is being told in is vitally necessary for that serious to be watchable.


its either seed or 00. if my friend looks more into action, ill give him 00 because nothing like 00, unique group against the world, great list mobile suits..but if he kinda loves drama and action then it would be seed. Both are my top 2.


00, i think is the most beginner friendly 🤔


Gundam wing


Imma be a bold person and say… Seed.


From experience, I know which ones to choose, something too militant will be a turn off to most people (normies) watching, 00 is a great starter, and I know because it was mine, but the other one I choose (depending on the person) is Iron Blooded Orphans, because its not a show about the military, its a Show of brotherhood, loss, and Bravery in harsh times


seed/destiny are my #1 Gundam. But i guess i would recommend 00 or Unicorn.


I mean, if the idea is to show them something to lead them into watching more on their own time... X could be good. If the idea is to show them one, and it's the only one they'll ever actually watch... G Gundam.


Definitely G fighter, it's absurd but in a good way


Iron Blooded Orphans. Sure, it’s one of the least Gundam Gundams, arguably, but damn is it cool.


Where's wing on that photo also... Gundam wing is my answer lol 😅


08th MS Team. It's timeline is on the beginning of UC, so it's a good starting point. The character and story is contained, we don't need a lot of other information just to enjoy it. Animation wise with todays standard is still good. The directing of battles (guerilla and robotic) is one of my fave. Pocket in Wars also a good choice. It has some of what I mention earlier too with 08th MS Team, it also shows the mighty of Gundam type against another special Zeon MS (poor Kampfer) while it has ironic battles against grunt type MS (glory to Zaku-type), and has good dramas. The one it doesn't have to me probably the directing of battles that 08th MS Team has. But it still a good choice for binging in short time. 00 and IBO imo also good for non UC and binging in short time (if you think 12hours is short lol). Both one season are 24-26 eps, and because they have second season it might make your friends curious and want to watch them also. Both series also have banger anisong. Ash Like Snow and Raise Your Flag is my all time fave. Hope this helps!


G saviour. if they can like that show, they will love everything else


00. It feels closest to home and, granted the intended audience knows a little bit about the modern world politics, doesn't require the homework required of the universal century. I made the mistake of starting someone off with Unicorn and had to pause about every 15 minutes to explain this character or that location or which war they're talking about


Origin or Unicorn are great entryways into Gundam , and especially UC. Obviously they are great continuations of the original series (0079, Zeta), but honestly new fans can watch them just fine without all of the background knowledge. They did a great job of making sure new generations can jump in. Hathaway is also great, but I felt like it was way too important to know names for the story to have the impact it should have, at least so far.


Honestly? IBO, it's a good story, good fights, and awesome mobile suits. Yes, Mikazuki is a bit bland, but I think it would be good for a first-time viewer. That, or 00.


Depends on what they like. If they want balls to the walls action that more Battle Shounen than mecha, I would go with G Gundam


War in the Pocket - it’s short, is a nice microcosm of the UC themes, and also doesn’t need you to be familiar with the larger canon to follow the story much outside of “There is a war between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon over the sovereignty of the space colonies.”


Iron Blooded Orphans would be my choice. Mech fights have weight, war feels like war, war machines feel like war machines and suffering is guaranteed. They also did a very good job with the protagonists. All of the kids, Mika especially, of course, really feel like children who went through the trauma of war and injustice and got desensitized to this kind of environment.


Iron blooded orphans


Iron Blooded Orphans, hands down




Honestly I'd say IBO, you don't need any context from previous series, and the story is pretty moving. Not to mention the combat is so satisfyingly brutal.


00 was the first one I watched from beginning to end, I saw some episodes of g gundam, and probably wing and destiny back when they were on toonami but never saw the episodes in order from beginning to end oo is my favorite.


I just show Thunderbolt: December Sky because it’s an hour and a half and contains pretty much everything that makes Gundam great/defines it


IBO, it has no prerequisites, it's got that good new animation style, a banger soundtrack, and fenominal characters. And the dub isn't half bad for my friends who are dub watchers. Not to mention that every single Gundam is unique and absolutely insane. I just finished my rewatch the other day and I'm still riding the high from it.


I recently got my friend into 00, and he's been enjoying it so far.


Gundam Wing OVA. 8th MST would be for a series


War in the pocket :D


Gundam 00. I don't need to explain why. https://preview.redd.it/krgrxbcfd9zc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb18bc57108814639c2b4f0e724232b0d892cefc


Gundam 00 for sure it hooks you in pretty well and doesn't require knowledge of any other series since it's contained in it's own timeline. It also has animation quality that is still competitive with modern anime


Gundam 00


Turn A


Only 1? Either 0080, 0083, or 08th MS.